Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms

Here is info from your so-called study which was nothing more than a few questions asked of those wishing to get weed legally-

According to one of the researchers Dr. George Greer,

Many PTSD patients report symptom reduction with cannabis, and a clinical trial needs to be done to see what proportion and what kind of PTSD patients benefit, with either cannabis or the main active ingredients of cannabis.

Participants were measured using CAPS method. CAPS is an instrument in PTSD research that asks questions about the presence of traumatic experiences and the immediate emotional response to them, then establishes a rating of the frequency and intensity of symptoms on a scale of 0 to 4. Totals were then calculated.

Patients in this sample reported over 75 percent reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using cannabis. Because this was a highly select group of pre-screened patients who had already found that cannabis reduced their PTSD symptoms and who sought entry to the NM Medical Cannabis Program to avoid criminal penalties for cannabis possession, reports of significant symptom reduction could be expected. Some degree of intentional or unintentional exaggeration of symptom differences on the part of the patients is likely, and some unintentional bias on the part of the psychiatrist conducting the evaluations is also possible.

Another factor is that some patients may have reported their non-cannabis PTSD symptoms when they were also experiencing a cannabis-withdrawal syndrome. Nightmares, anger, and insomnia have been reported as common symptoms of cannabis withdrawal. Those three symptoms are among the 17 symptoms of PTSD, and so could have resulted in higher non-cannabis CAPS scores for those symptoms. However, no information was collected on the length of the time periods without cannabis use; therefore, there is no valid way to quantify the degree to which cannabis-withdrawal symptoms may have increased the CAPS scores for those three PTSD symptoms. However, even with the confounding variables, the amount of reported symptom relief is noteworthy.

Read more at Study of Cannabis Effects on PTSD Smoking Marijuana May Reduce Symptoms
back in your time they did not know shit about either one.....we now know they are 2 different things....one is extremely physically addictive...cigarets.....the other,pot can be mentally addictive....

Nicotine is a mental addiction. There are no substantial physical withdrawal symptoms from nicotine deprivation.
its both.....this is from the American Cancer Society...
How powerful is nicotine addiction?

About 70% of smokers say they want to quit and about half try to quit each year, but only 4% to 7% succeed without help. This is because smokers not only become physically dependent on nicotine. There’s also a strong emotional (psychological) dependence; this is what leads to relapse after quitting. The smoker may link smoking with social activities and many other activities, too. Smokers also may use tobacco to help manage unpleasant feelings and emotions, which can become a problem for some smokers when they try to quit. All of these factors make smoking a hard habit to break.

In fact, it may be harder to quit smoking than stop using cocaine or opiates like heroin. Researchers recently reviewed 28 different studies of people who were trying to quit using the substance they were addicted to. They focused on the people in the studies who didn’t get any medicines to help them quit. (Many of these people had other kinds of support for quitting, such as behavioral therapy, so success rates may have been higher than if they’d had no help at all.) About 18% were able to quit drinking, and more than 40% were able to quit opiates or cocaine, but only 8% were able to quit smoking.

Is smoking tobacco really addictive American Cancer Society
here are the withdrawal symptoms.....the bolded are physical....from WebMd....

What Are the Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?
In active tobacco users, a lack of nicotine produces a wide range of withdrawal symptoms, including any or all of the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Falling heart rate and blood pressure
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased hunger and caloric intake
  • Increased desire for the taste of sweets
  • Tobacco cravings
The Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal
so why dont you try discussing this instead of throwing insults around?

Actually, I did try that. In response Billy has been spouting bullshit.

the guy is asking legit questions

No, he is spouting bullshit falsehoods to make excuses for his continued drug abuse. He's trying to pass the blame for his actions by posting complete fabrications.
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


So you don't even care about helping vets with PTSD. You just won't to mask their problem.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


So you don't even care about helping vets with PTSD. You just won't to mask their problem.
if it helps a percentage of them,then its helping.....why be against that?...
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


So you don't even care about helping vets with PTSD. You just won't to mask their problem.

Some people suggest relieving the symptoms of PTSD is the best we'll ever be able to do, others believe there may be an as yet undiscovered cure (Anecdotal evidence says by and large the use of therapeutic cannabis provides a significant improvement in quality of life both for those suffering from this malady and for their family and friends. Whether or not this is taking the fullest advantage possible of the eCB system in the treatment of PTSD is yet to be seen. Mostly the use of cannabis and THC to treat PTSD in humans appears to provide symptomological relief at best. In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with symptomological relief. That's what taking aspirin for a headache, a diuretic for high blood pressure, opiates to control severe pain, or olanzapine for rapid-cycling mania is all about. We do have the potential, however, to do better than just treating symptoms of PTSD via activation of the cannabinoid receptors. With the right combination of extinction/habituation therapy and the judicious administration of a FAAH inhibitor like KDS-4103 we have the potential to actually cure many cases of PTSD. For the time being though, symptomological treatments are all we have for more generalized anxiety and depression disorders.) and others believe that marijuana may be proven to BE the cure they're looking for. Until all the research is complete, what are you suggesting - fuck 'em, let the bastards suffer, after all they volunteered - you're a real piece of work, but thanks-----thanks for exposing your inner asshole.

Why do you hate our wounded veterans?

Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


So you don't even care about helping vets with PTSD. You just won't to mask their problem.
if it helps a percentage of them,then its helping.....why be against that?...

I'm not against pot being illegal but it is a pretty lazy approach to helping someone. Its akin to stuffing perpetual welfare in someones face without offering a solution.
I wish they had treatment for sex addicts. I go to a rehab facility and say I need an evaluation and they say for what? I say, I think I'm a sex addict. They say that's natural and send me on my way. So, I try to go to an AA meeting and they asked me what my drug of choice was and to share my testimony, I said I'm a sex addict, and everybody starts laughing like I'm joking or something? I said, is this what AA is for? There like nope, and I stay anyways, and this woman keeps staring at me. So naturally I stare back and smile like the nice guy I am, and 3 min later we are screwing in the church.

They say I don't have a problem. Then the FDA comes out with Viagra and it's all down hill ever since.
So excellent :D
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


So you don't even care about helping vets with PTSD. You just won't to mask their problem.
if it helps a percentage of them,then its helping.....why be against that?...

I'm not against pot being illegal but it is a pretty lazy approach to helping someone. Its akin to stuffing perpetual welfare in someones face without offering a solution.
pot is a stress buster....if it helps some of those guys get through the day....WHY withhold it from them?....they have been through something not many of us had to go through....if it works for some,then why would anyone care that its pot?....is it any different than taking some fucking pill everyday?....a pill that will probably have some shitty side effects to boot...
Never seen anyone smoke pot that had anywhere NEAR the side effects of some of the happy pills. I have a cousin on those...honestly, I think it might have been kinder to shoot him. Near as I can tell, he has been chemically lobotomized.

If nobody reminded him to eat and drink, I honestly think he might die of dehydration.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


We might tell YOU to do that.
Never seen anyone smoke pot that had anywhere NEAR the side effects of some of the happy pills. I have a cousin on those...honestly, I think it might have been kinder to shoot him. Near as I can tell, he has been chemically lobotomized.

If nobody reminded him to eat and drink, I honestly think he might die of dehydration.
to people like Katz...she would take the pills....its safer.....
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....


You are a fucking idiot. "Not true. It's a myth that marijuana isn't physically addictive" is not a question, it's a statement. And it's a false statement at that. I don't know who is more of an idiot....Billy for saying stupid shit, or you for thinking that stupid shit statements are questions, or that people "believe to be true" a question.
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....


You are a fucking idiot. "Not true. It's a myth that marijuana isn't physically addictive" is not a question, it's a statement. And it's a false statement at that. I don't know who is more of an idiot....Billy for saying stupid shit, or you for thinking that stupid shit statements are questions, or that people "believe to be true" a question.
maybe you should stick to swimming....Katz is saying stupid ignorant shit that is not backed up and billy is saying things that many people believe because some institutions have said the same thing....but you have a problem with billy.....no wonder many here consider you a dipshit......here let me give you one of these....

here are the withdrawal symptoms.....the bolded are physical....from WebMd....

What Are the Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?
In active tobacco users, a lack of nicotine produces a wide range of withdrawal symptoms, including any or all of the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Falling heart rate and blood pressure
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased hunger and caloric intake
  • Increased desire for the taste of sweets
  • Tobacco cravings
The Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal

1 - Headache, fatigue, drowsiness, and nausea have not been shown to be withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. In fact, headaches have been affirmatively ruled out as a symptom of nicotine withdrawal.

2 - Falling hear rate and blood pressure is not a withdrawal symptom. Ingesting nicotine causes these vital signs to elevate. They return to normal approximately 15 minutes after smoking. A return to normal vital signs is not a withdrawal symptom.

3 - As nicotine suppresses appetite cessation results in a resumption of normal appetite. Resumption of normal appetite is not a withdrawal symptom. Increased caloric intake, secondary to a resumption of normal appetite, is not a withdrawal symptom.

4 - Even if any of the above in point 1 could be shown to be withdrawal symptoms, or if the non symptoms were regarded as symptoms, this would not suffice to demonstrate a physical addiction.

A physical addiction is a dependency where the body needs the substance in order to perform normal functions. The simple fact that physical symptoms or sensations are experienced after using a drug, or after ceasing usage does not mean that a physical addiction exists. If it did, then the groggy feeling some people experience when waking up in the morning after taking Benadryl would have to be considered a withdrawal for a physical addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms for physical addictions are things like the seizures, the shakes, delirium, and hallucinations of alcohol withdrawal. Note that some of these are not themselves physical symptoms. But they are caused by the body's development of dependency on alcohol for proper daily functioning.
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....


You are a fucking idiot. "Not true. It's a myth that marijuana isn't physically addictive" is not a question, it's a statement. And it's a false statement at that. I don't know who is more of an idiot....Billy for saying stupid shit, or you for thinking that stupid shit statements are questions, or that people "believe to be true" a question.
maybe you should stick to swimming....Katz is saying stupid ignorant shit that is not backed up and billy is saying things that many people believe because some institutions have said the same thing....but you have a problem with billy.....no wonder many here consider you a dipshit......here let me give you one of these....

It's not often someone comes along who is less than a mouth breather, but when it happens it's a sight to behold. Just not in a good way. Your infrequent breathing has reduced your intellectual function to the level of a persistent vegetative state.
Billy is saying a bunch of stupid bullshit which is factually untrue. It does not matter how many people believe his questions are somehow true. It is impossible for a question to be true, thus anyone who believes his statements are questions, or that questions have a truth value, is also an idiot.

Furthermore, it does not matter if tipsy is a fucking idiot as well. That does not make Billy any less of an idiot, nor does it make his bullshit magically true.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

And, of course for some people, pot causes PTSD-like symptoms. But don't let that stop pot nazis from inflicting that pain into others.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

And, of course for some people, pot causes PTSD-like symptoms. But don't let that stop pot nazis from inflicting that pain into others.

Do you realize how much bigger government has to be to fight your war on drugs?

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