Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms

Hard for me to put a lot of stock in this study. The participants were a very select and motivated group.

But one of the bigger problems in trying to study the effects of pot is that you are not often really certain about what is in it. What strains, what properties, and the effects are hard to objectively measure.

Personally, I think if folks feel like it helps them, there's really no good reason to deny it to them unless they have bad reactions. No need to preemptively withhold it. just MHO.
if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....

I do know someone....... ME. I have a minor form of epilepsy as a part of my Sturge-Weber Syndrome. It's well regulated wuth low doses of medication and only minor side effects. I would rather endure the side effects ir the petit mal seizures than take the marijuana. The same opinion my father had when THC therapy was suggested for my father's cancer pain.
if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....

I do know someone....... ME. I have a minor form of epilepsy as a part of my Sturge-Weber Syndrome. It's well regulated wuth low doses of medication and only minor side effects. I would rather endure the side effects ir the petit mal seizures than take the marijuana. The same opinion my father had when THC therapy was suggested for my father's cancer pain.

So are you saying that because YOU don't want it, that NO ONE else should have it either?
So are you saying that because YOU don't want it, that NO ONE else should have it either?

I believe that marijuana, like any other medication that creates a significantly altered state of mind should only be allowed to be used under the direct and immediate supervision of a medical professional. That doesn't mean they give you a prescription; it means that you are under their immediate care (in a hospital or other medical unit). I see no use for ever being in that altered state (high, drunk, etc...) and in fact believe it to be an incredibly dangerous state for unsupervised individuals to be in.
So are you saying that because YOU don't want it, that NO ONE else should have it either?

I believe that marijuana, like any other medication that creates a significantly altered state of mind should only be allowed to be used under the direct and immediate supervision of a medical professional. That doesn't mean they give you a prescription; it means that you are under their immediate care (in a hospital or other medical unit). I see no use for ever being in that altered state (high, drunk, etc...) and in fact believe it to be an incredibly dangerous state for unsupervised individuals to be in.

So you think you should be in the hospital to receive the pain medications that alter moods?
So you think you should be in the hospital to receive the pain medications that alter moods?

Yes. Pretty much anything more than Tylenol/Advil/Aleve level medications.

In 2003 I had 31 teeth extracted between two consecutive Mondays. I missed a grand total of 3 days of work and never filled either of the Vicoden prescriptions I was given. Why wouldn't I take the Vicoden?... you ask. Firstly, it upsets my stomach and secondly because I cannot stand that "high" and "spaced out" feeling that Vicoden gives me.
So you think you should be in the hospital to receive the pain medications that alter moods?

Yes. Pretty much anything more than Tylenol/Advil/Aleve level medications.

In 2003 I had 31 teeth extracted between two consecutive Mondays. I missed a grand total of 3 days of work and never filled either of the Vicoden prescriptions I was given. Why wouldn't I take the Vicoden?... you ask. Firstly, it upsets my stomach and secondly because I cannot stand that "high" and "spaced out" feeling that Vicoden gives me.

You must realize, many on this board exist in a constant state of some sort of drug induced inebriation.
So you think you should be in the hospital to receive the pain medications that alter moods?

Yes. Pretty much anything more than Tylenol/Advil/Aleve level medications.

In 2003 I had 31 teeth extracted between two consecutive Mondays. I missed a grand total of 3 days of work and never filled either of the Vicoden prescriptions I was given. Why wouldn't I take the Vicoden?... you ask. Firstly, it upsets my stomach and secondly because I cannot stand that "high" and "spaced out" feeling that Vicoden gives me.

Are you saying marijuana is mind altering and pain killers/reducers like Tylenol etc. are not?

What's Tylenol Doing to Our Minds?
James Hamblin
Apr 18 2013

The active drug in Tylenol, acetaminophen, is one of the best medications we have for helping people in pain. It's also one of the most commonly overdosed substances in the world, and it puts about 60,000 Americans in the hospital every year. Several hundred people in the U.S. will die in 2013 from liver failure after acetaminophen overdose.

Tylenol isn't addictive like narcotics, and the kids don't take it to get high, which lends it an air of benignity and social acceptance not otherwise afforded to many pain medications. When people overdose on pills like Vicodin or Percocet, though, which contain acetaminophen, it's that component that often does the most damage.

Acetaminophen is also more accepted in that we don't think of Tylenol as a medication that alters a person's mental state. People can take it and still drive a car and go to work and remain fully present beings. But the more it's studied, the more it seems we may be overlooking subtle cognitive effects. In 2009, research showed that acetaminophen seemed to dull the pain of social rejection -- sort of like alcohol or Xanax. The author of that study, Nathan DeWall at the University of Kentucky, said at that time, "Social pain, such as chronic loneliness, damages health as much as smoking and obesity."

New research this week found that Tylenol altered the way subjects passed moral judgments. Psychologists used that as a proxy measure for personal distress, a relationship that has been previously demonstrated.


I don't know how you could have missed it before posting your message, there is an overwhelming amount of information about how pain medications affect the brain, the above c&p is just one.

Or did you just post your biased opinion based on your own fact free feeelings?
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....


You are a fucking idiot. "Not true. It's a myth that marijuana isn't physically addictive" is not a question, it's a statement. And it's a false statement at that. I don't know who is more of an idiot....Billy for saying stupid shit, or you for thinking that stupid shit statements are questions, or that people "believe to be true" a question.
maybe you should stick to swimming....Katz is saying stupid ignorant shit that is not backed up and billy is saying things that many people believe because some institutions have said the same thing....but you have a problem with billy.....no wonder many here consider you a dipshit......here let me give you one of these....

It's not often someone comes along who is less than a mouth breather, but when it happens it's a sight to behold. Just not in a good way. Your infrequent breathing has reduced your intellectual function to the level of a persistent vegetative state.
Billy is saying a bunch of stupid bullshit which is factually untrue. It does not matter how many people believe his questions are somehow true. It is impossible for a question to be true, thus anyone who believes his statements are questions, or that questions have a truth value, is also an idiot.

Furthermore, it does not matter if tipsy is a fucking idiot as well. That does not make Billy any less of an idiot, nor does it make his bullshit magically true.
i put up medical sites backing what i posted up.....i notice you did not put up anything backing you up.....could not find anything?....lets see your links....

I'll see if I can dig up the studies. But here's an FWI, medical "sites" like webMD aren't exactly the most reliable sources for things like this. They're like going to a general practitioner to receive brain surgery. Ultimately, all you are doing by posting webMD is conceding that you don't actually know what you're talking about, and are just guessing and taking someone else's very vague word for it.

Ultimately, all you are doing by posting webMD is conceding that you don't actually know what you're talking about,

and yet you put up nothing but your fucking opinion and im supposed to say...oh ok...
do you want another site?....just let me know ill put up as many as you like....here try this one...a little ways down it says...It’s hard to tackle the physical addiction to nicotine
Why is it so hard to quit

how about this one?..
Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco, which is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Over time, a person becomes physically dependent on and emotionally addicted to nicotine. This physical dependence causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit. The emotional and mental dependence (addiction) make it hard to stay away from nicotine after you quit. Studies have shown that to quit and stay quit, smokers must deal with both the physical and mental dependence.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking American Cancer Society

are these sites good enough for you?....
if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....

I do know someone....... ME. I have a minor form of epilepsy as a part of my Sturge-Weber Syndrome. It's well regulated wuth low doses of medication and only minor side effects. I would rather endure the side effects ir the petit mal seizures than take the marijuana. The same opinion my father had when THC therapy was suggested for my father's cancer pain.
my wife was a major epileptic with gran mal siezures.....they tried every drug out there....they all kept her so sedated she could hardly function.....they were ready to write her off as one of the uncontrolled Epileptics even talking exploratory brain surgery.....her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results as well as other Neurologists at UCI......he said i cant get it for you but its an alternative to consider if i can get it...... pot did more for her than any drug out there.....no more gran mals only Petit mals a few times a month.....and she can function....screw those fucking life sapping drugs.....
if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....

I do know someone....... ME. I have a minor form of epilepsy as a part of my Sturge-Weber Syndrome. It's well regulated wuth low doses of medication and only minor side effects. I would rather endure the side effects ir the petit mal seizures than take the marijuana. The same opinion my father had when THC therapy was suggested for my father's cancer pain.
my wife was a major epileptic with gran mal siezures.....they tried every drug out there....they all kept her so sedated she could hardly function.....they were ready to write her off as one of the uncontrolled Epileptics even talking exploratory brain surgery.....her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results as well as other Neurologists at UCI......he said i cant get it for you but its an alternative to consider if i can get it...... pot did more for her than any drug out there.....no more gran mals only Petit mals a few times a month.....and she can function....screw those fucking life sapping drugs.....
And that is exactly how it should be with one caveat - its about time that you are able to get it anywhere legally. Doctor could do much and suggest you try some basic herbal solution over the counter.
if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....

I do know someone....... ME. I have a minor form of epilepsy as a part of my Sturge-Weber Syndrome. It's well regulated wuth low doses of medication and only minor side effects. I would rather endure the side effects ir the petit mal seizures than take the marijuana. The same opinion my father had when THC therapy was suggested for my father's cancer pain.
my wife was a major epileptic with gran mal siezures.....they tried every drug out there....they all kept her so sedated she could hardly function.....they were ready to write her off as one of the uncontrolled Epileptics even talking exploratory brain surgery.....her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results as well as other Neurologists at UCI......he said i cant get it for you but its an alternative to consider if i can get it...... pot did more for her than any drug out there.....no more gran mals only Petit mals a few times a month.....and she can function....screw those fucking life sapping drugs.....
And that is exactly how it should be with one caveat - its about time that you are able to get it anywhere legally. Doctor could do much and suggest you try some basic herbal solution over the counter.
back then i had to get it the usual way.....not until 94 did that shit end....luckily this State started looking at small amounts of Pot as no big thing in the late 80's....i actually got high back then (early 80's) with a Superior Court Judge and an Attorney at a party at the Attorney's house....
my wife was a major epileptic with gran mal siezures.....they tried every drug out there....they all kept her so sedated she could hardly function.....they were ready to write her off as one of the uncontrolled Epileptics even talking exploratory brain surgery.....her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results as well as other Neurologists at UCI......he said i cant get it for you but its an alternative to consider if i can get it...... pot did more for her than any drug out there.....no more gran mals only Petit mals a few times a month.....and she can function....screw those fucking life sapping drugs.....

Harry, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's condition.

On a personal note, I like to think that in her position I would have made a different choice than the two of you did; but that's a matter of personal choice.
[]Are you saying marijuana is mind altering and pain killers/reducers like Tylenol etc. are not?........

I don't know how you could have missed it before posting your message, there is an overwhelming amount of information about how pain medications affect the brain, the above c&p is just one.

Or did you just post your biased opinion based on your own fact free feeelings?

Harry, obviously those things can be overdosed on as well. However it takes a significant enough dose that it isn't done without intention. Personally I try to make sure I don't take any more of that stuff than absolutely necessary.

My beliefs are based on what I was taught by my family and my personal experiences. Nothing else.
. patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Not an actual reduction, they just stopped caring about it, preferring to look at the pink rainbows and dogs with wings.

There is a 100% perfect cure to halt all PTSD in veterans - Don't start fucking wars.
my wife was a major epileptic with gran mal siezures.....they tried every drug out there....they all kept her so sedated she could hardly function.....they were ready to write her off as one of the uncontrolled Epileptics even talking exploratory brain surgery.....her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results as well as other Neurologists at UCI......he said i cant get it for you but its an alternative to consider if i can get it...... pot did more for her than any drug out there.....no more gran mals only Petit mals a few times a month.....and she can function....screw those fucking life sapping drugs.....

Harry, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's condition.

On a personal note, I like to think that in her position I would have made a different choice than the two of you did; but that's a matter of personal choice.
thank you.......but like what?.....experimental Brain Surgery?....thats pretty scarey.....smoking a joint was much safer and it alleviated her condition pretty quickly....she has a tremor in her right hand....that was gone almost immediately after a few hits...it comes back after the pot wears off but it stays calm for a few days after....NO DRUG did that....and they tried every one of those things on her.....and like i said she felt like she was dead with the drugs....not with pot...also no more Gran Mals....just the Petit....and now they have her with the drug she tolerates the best called Topiramate and she has access to Maxalt for migraines if she needs it....the pot actually helps there too......pot might not help or be for everyone....but it works for her....
.her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results

Many people exclude all possible use of pot, but I disagree.
Whilst I have very strong views on idiots using drugs for "fun", I fully accept there is a legitimate use for grass in some cases.
There have been several studies by non pot head head idiots, strongly suggesting there are clear medical benefits in some cases.
Thus, I would support it being amongst the battery of drugs able to be prescribed by a doctor.
.her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results

Many people exclude all possible use of pot, but I disagree.
Whilst I have very strong views on idiots using drugs for "fun", I fully accept there is a legitimate use for grass in some cases.
There have been several studies by non pot head head idiots, strongly suggesting there are clear medical benefits in some cases.
Thus, I would support it being amongst the battery of drugs able to be prescribed by a doctor.
like her Neurologist said.....if it works better than the usual drugs...who am i to be against it,if you can get it and it works....of course he told us you did not hear this from me.....
thank you.......but like what?....

I'll call it a 230 grain self-administered injection of copper & lead into the brain....

I understand that is not the path everyone would choose. In fact most would not. I just see a different way in the world.

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