Miracles are proof of SOMETHING!

Sweet! I’m not going to hell!
It seems that atheists are more concerned with hell then they are about living a good life.

I never worried about the destination because I am focused on the journey. I figure the destination will take care of itself if I take care of the journey.
Funny god decided to reveal himself 2000 years ago in a completely unverifiable way and remote part of the world but won’t come and reveal himself now.
You want him to reveal himself over today's media so you can yell, "Photoshop"? :)

Still, he does reveal himself. Seek and you shall find. Throughout the Bible we hear God is in our midst. As I have said before, Whoever it was that discovered water, it wasn't a fish. Perhaps there is the same problem with God being in our midst?
You want him to reveal himself over today's media so you can yell, "Photoshop"? :)

Still, he does reveal himself. Seek and you shall find. Throughout the Bible we hear God is in our midst. As I have said before, Whoever it was that discovered water, it wasn't a fish. Perhaps there is the same problem with God being in our midst?
Sounds good but unconvincing to the unconvinced. But easy to accept if you want to believe. So it’s in your head. I can’t believe. It’s like ghosts or mediums.
Sounds good but unconvincing to the unconvinced. But easy to accept if you want to believe. So it’s in your head. I can’t believe. It’s like ghosts or mediums.
Some people choose to have no God consciousness. Given the choice to seek God or perceive God, they will choose themselves over God. This will be true in all cases until they fail themselves.
Some people choose to have no God consciousness. Given the choice to seek God or perceive God, they will choose themselves over God. This will be true in all cases until they fail themselves.
Well I promised myself if I’m ever in the ocean surrounded by sharks I would not ask god for help.

But I might. What else do I have to reach for?
You see what you want to see instead of what the authors were intending to convey.
I actually do see what the authors were intending to convey. What I think you are missing is how they came to write what they did. I may be that there was an overarching plan to the Gospels, with each writer taking a part of the story in coordination with the other writers. Maybe but I don't think it is likely. I believe different traditions of who Jesus was developed and spread, each influencing the Gospel writers. Christianity was evolving rapidly in its early years, you can see it in the Gospels. The rough spots were smoothed over but some contradictions remained.
Sounds good but unconvincing to the unconvinced. But easy to accept if you want to believe. So it’s in your head. I can’t believe. It’s like ghosts or mediums.
No, it is not in one's head, as much as it is in one's life. We may not be able to force ourselves to believe, but we can decide whether we seek.
I actually do see what the authors were intending to convey. What I think you are missing is how they came to write what they did. I may be that there was an overarching plan to the Gospels, with each writer taking a part of the story in coordination with the other writers. Maybe but I don't think it is likely. I believe different traditions of who Jesus was developed and spread, each influencing the Gospel writers. Christianity was evolving rapidly in its early years, you can see it in the Gospels. The rough spots were smoothed over but some contradictions remained.
It's because they were not coordinated that you see apparent rough spots. Whereas I see an incredible love story between God and man. One that has transformed my life and led me to a better place. And until you test it for yourself you will never know the truth.
No, it is not in one's head, as much as it is in one's life. We may not be able to force ourselves to believe, but we can decide whether we seek.
I seek I just don’t find. I’m listening to a black minister right now. On the bottom left of screen is a number and cashapp where to give $
It's because they were not coordinated that you see apparent rough spots. Whereas I see an incredible love story between God and man. One that has transformed my life and led me to a better place. And until you test it for yourself you will never know the truth.
I tested. But I’m not as smart as you and I failed.
It also leads to death unless you believe you’ll turn into a god for eternity after you die. I don’t believe that. Don’t need to.
Every living thing was born to die. So the question of life and death is a little deeper than that.

What makes you so certain that the material world is all there is?
Every living thing was born to die. So the question of life and death is a little deeper than that.

What makes you so certain that the material world is all there is?
Your story doesn’t make sense.

Im an agnostic atheist. There could be an afterlife. Just sounds like magical wishful thinking to me.
Your story doesn’t make sense.

Im an agnostic atheist. There could be an afterlife. Just sounds like magical wishful thinking to me.
That didn't answer my question.

What makes you so certain that the material world is all there is?
How did you test it?
I looked into it and failed. You tested it and passed. Did I take the test wrong? I did it wrong? Didnt look in the right places?

Some people listened to Jim jones or Charles Manson and they passed the test. I would not pass their tests either.
I looked into it and failed. You tested it and passed. Did I take the test wrong? I did it wrong? Didnt look in the right places?

Some people listened to Jim jones or Charles Manson and they passed the test. I would not pass their tests either.
What did you do to test it?

How did you test it?
That didn't answer my question.

What makes you so certain that the material world is all there is?
I always say it must have been fun talking about this before Moses claimed to have met god. Before that I would have been skeptical. Would have sounded like wishful thinking. That is before Moses came down with definitive proof. Or the 11 deciles took proof with them around the world as they spread his word.

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