Miracles are proof of SOMETHING!

I've been around a long time and I've never seen a miracle, or anything supernatural happen. The Bible is filled with miraculous events, what changed?
The age of miracles ended when the last living disciple of Christ who had been given the gift of miracles by the Holy Spirit of God........died. Its documented very clearly in the Holy Scriptures.........as to what miracles were, why they existed and why they ended. There are no modern day miracles or apostles of Christ.

An apostle (Apostolos) in the original Greek simply means "...one send forward as a messenger or delegate". However there is a 2nd and official title used in the New Testament as someone who was divinely selected by Jesus Christ to be His ambassador or representative (2 Cor. 5:20). Jesus personally hand picked the original 12 apostles (Matt. 10:1-5, Mark 3:13-19, Luke 6:12-16, 9:1-2).

Of these original 12......one was to betray Jesus just as predicted in the Old Testament (Ps. 41:9, John 13:18-19, 18:1-5). Instead of repenting and asking forgiveness, Judas......committed suicide (Matt. 27:3-5, John 12:17)......therefore the need for a replacement was undertaken and the selection was by divine decree...i.e, under certain conditions and prerequisites.......one condition was someone that had been with Jesus from the beginning from the time of Jesus' baptism forward and had personally witnessed all that Jesus accomplished while alive (Acts 1:16-26).

There was one more appointment as Apostle that Jesus personally selected.......that was Paul, formally known as Saul. Jesus appointed him as one out of season, after Jesus' death on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1) There was none other to be appointed in such a fashion (hand picked by Jesus) as Jesus had appointed him specifically to carry the gospel to the gentile nations (Romans 11:13, 15:16, Gal. 2:8, Eph. 3:8).

The qualifications for an Apostle are pointed out in specificity in the Word of God.......1st was that one had to be a direct witness of Jesus' resurrection (Paul was a witness of Jesus resurrection while on the road to Damascus) -- Acts 1:22, 22:14, 1 Cor. 9:1.

Who today has been witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ? An apostle had to be personally selected by the Lord or Holy Spirit as exampled with the appointment of Matthias (Acts 1:26) where the Holy Spirit guided the appointment.

Next and most importantly.......an Apostle of Christ was given the capacity to perform miracles as a method to confirm the Word of God ........also an Apostle could by the laying on of hands convey certain gifts to other disciples......who could not pass these gives unto others as pointed out in Acts 8:14-24.....where Simon was more or less a practicing male witch.....and he asked to purchase this power to lay on his hands and give the gift of miracles through the Holy Spirit of God unto anyone he wished. He was told, "..........you have neither part nor lot in this matter....."

When the complete revelations from God were complete or made whole for the world to have the chance to find salvation........that which was in part was done away with (1 Cor. 13:8-13)........now abides, faith, hope and charity/love.

The FAITH has been delivered by the Saints of the 1st century........ONCE. (Jude 3) Today we have everything that is required (the knowledge of the truth, who God would have everyone come and find the truth required for salvation, 1 Tim. 2:4)......for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) That knowledge forever rests within the Words of the Holy Scriptures.
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This is based on the present state of our scientific knowledge, knowledge we KNOW is incomplete. Just because we don't know what preceded the Big Bang doesn't mean it was nothing. You are engaging in a 'God of the Gaps' argument.
Don't pretend like you know what it's based upon. It's because you don't understand the data that you dismiss the universe being created from nothing. The only gap is your understanding in understanding why matter and energy must have a beginning.

What preceded the big bang is no thing. God is no thing.
OK, scientifically prove why the universe wasn't created with exactly the same amount of matter and anti-matter?

Then you can prove how exactly the right chains of organic compounds folded themselves in exactly the right sequence to producer life.

Then you can refute the 24,000 written manuscripts chronicled how Jesus did rise from the dead, Patrick.
24,000 people saw it?
Just how do you know that? All our theories break down before the big bang so we certainly don't know what preceded it.
That's not exactly true. The equations yield infinite values. They don't break down. Do you understand what created the cosmic background radiation? Any idea at all?

I know that no thing existed outside of space and time because the presence of matter/energy creates its own space and time.
In other words, you can't reconcile the 24,000 stories into a single, non-contradictory story. As you well know, all of the NT stories contradict each other to one degree or another.
No contradictions at all.

That's not exactly true. The equations yield infinite values. They don't break down. Do you understand what created the cosmic background radiation? Any idea at all?
The Standard Model is inherently an incomplete theory. There are fundamental physical phenomena in nature that the Standard Model does not adequately explain so we can't use it to understand the universe's creation.

I know that no thing existed outside of space and time because the presence of matter/energy creates its own space and time.
Maybe, maybe not. Critics claim that the big bang theory suggests the universe began out of nothing. Proponents of the big bang theory say that such criticism is unwarranted for two reasons. The first is that the big bang doesn't address the creation of the universe, but rather the evolution of it. The other reason is that since the laws of science break down as you approach the creation of the universe, there's no reason to believe the first law of thermodynamics would apply.
24,000 written manuscripts.
The earliest manuscript of a New Testament text is a business-card-sized fragment from the Gospel of John, Rylands Library Papyrus P52, which may be as early as the first half of the 2nd century.

Thats like 250 years after it supposedly happened.
The Standard Model is inherently an incomplete theory. There are fundamental physical phenomena in nature that the Standard Model does not adequately explain so we can't use it to understand the universe's creation.

Maybe, maybe not. Critics claim that the big bang theory suggests the universe began out of nothing. Proponents of the big bang theory say that such criticism is unwarranted for two reasons. The first is that the big bang doesn't address the creation of the universe, but rather the evolution of it. The other reason is that since the laws of science break down as you approach the creation of the universe, there's no reason to believe the first law of thermodynamics would apply.
Again... do you understand the significance of the cosmic background radiation. Because until you understand its significance you will never understand that matter being created from nothing is the only possible explanation for the massive amount of background radiation that we can measure. It confirms the creation of the universe from nothing and allows for us to calculate the amount of matter and anti-matter that was converted into radiation.

You misunderstand the standard model and what the standard model actually does. The model describes the expansion of the universe. When run in reverse it reaches a point (the size of a proton) where the equations yield infinite density. It's a limitation of math. The standard model never attempted to describe the creation of the universe. That requires quantum mechanics; the production of nearly equal amounts of matter and anti-matter from nothing.

The creation of the universe from nothing does not violate the FLoT. I have already explained how. However, a universe cycling between big bangs and big crunches would violate the SLoT and would not explain cosmic background radiation.
What were Jesus' last words?
If you spent half the time trying to understand what you are criticizing rather than looking for criticisms you might actually get something from the time you are wasting on something that doesn't add one ounce of value in your life.

Here's your answer....

Cause I don't care to convince you to not worship created things.
The earliest manuscript of a New Testament text is a business-card-sized fragment from the Gospel of John, Rylands Library Papyrus P52, which may be as early as the first half of the 2nd century.

Thats like 250 years after it supposedly happened.
There are earlier ones. :)

And the numbers, accuracy and timing are unparalleled in antiquity. ;)
There are earlier ones. :)

And the numbers, accuracy and timing are unparalleled in antiquity. ;)
They spread the word.

Only 11 guys had to get their stories straight.

11 guys told those people a story and they wrote it down. Lots of errors and inconsistencies.
They spread the word.

Only 11 guys had to get their stories straight.

11 guys told those people a story and they wrote it down. Lots of errors and inconsistencies.
ummmm.... no. But I get why you need to see it that way.

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