Miracles are proof of SOMETHING!

Just give me a heads-up if the voices start telling you of the imminent Endtimes and those you need to punish on behalf of the gods.
Jeez, you didn't learn anything from me in S&T. Only God the Father knows when the end will start. No one else will. We'll all be surprised, but one group happy and the other I guess in panic.
When someone warns you something bad may happen if you jump off a bridge or a rooftop, is it a threat or a heads up that the consequences may not be to your liking?

If you have in mind that, "they have already condemned themselves" is is nothing more than someone refusing to wear a coat in cold weather. S/he is condemning herself to being cold.

I agree that something bad can happen if you jump off a bridge or a rooftop. We know the effects of gravity and how that acceleration toward the ground will negatively affect your body upon the sudden deceleration.

Can you show us the dangers that will result from a religious person warning us about eternal consequences - those warnings which we choose to reject?

Different religious people have different gods who may inflict different consequences. Will a plethora of gods take turns hammering away at those who reject one or more threats by one or more gods?
Jeez, you didn't learn anything from me in S&T. Only God the Father knows when the end will start. No one else will. We'll all be surprised, but one group happy and the other I guess in panic.

Not true. Your gods are near the back of a very long line gods Your gods are late the party, Bunky.
Can you show us the dangers that will result from a religious person warning us about eternal consequences - those warnings which we choose to reject?
By 'eternal' are you speaking of life after death? Because when I speak of eternal (which means no beginning/no end) I am speaking about the present eternal, what we are doing and what we are living in the here and now. For example, think of a sin that is now part of your life. How will it affect your life in the next five to ten years. Now picture yourself giving up that sin (repentance) and replacing it with a more loving action. How might that affect your life in the next five to ten years?

I don't know about everyone else, but I feel it is this life where Biblical wisdom is my guide here. I do not think its wisdom is meant to be pushed aside and not acted upon until after my death.
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Different religious people have different gods who may inflict different consequences. Will a plethora of gods take turns hammering away at those who reject one or more threats by one or more gods?
Don't know and really don't care. I'll face that when the time comes. What I do believe in is the way of eternal life. The Way works in this life; it has worked in the lives of people who lived before I was born. I trust it will continue to work beyond death.

Your fears of beings hammering away at after your death are groundless--in my opinion. You are not missing something in the afterlife as much as you are missing something here in this life.
Don't know and really don't care. I'll face that when the time comes. What I do believe in is the way of eternal life. The Way works in this life; it has worked in the lives of people who lived before I was born. I trust it will continue to work beyond death.

Your fears of beings hammering away at after your death are groundless--in my opinion. You are not missing something in the afterlife as much as you are missing something here in this life.
I have no fear of any punishments by one or more gods in this corporeal life. I am, however, curious about what you may feel you are missing in this life. So much of humanity has lived and died without your gods being in “existence” for them. Are you suggesting that so much of humanity has been cheated by missing some element of their lives not supported by your gods?

As far as some claimed afterlife you mention, what can you tell us about this place?
I am, however, curious about what you may feel you are missing in this life.
I don't feel I am missing anything. I am curious as to why you think I feel I am. My point is that we have guidance every step of the way in this life. No Holy Book here on this planet is meant to be pocketed to bring out after our death. It is a guide to living this life.
Are you suggesting that so much of humanity has been cheated by missing some element of their lives not supported by your gods?
No, I am not. In fact, I haven't a clue as to what you are saying or asking. No one is being cheated. What are you picturing of God not supporting?
As far as some claimed afterlife you mention, what can you tell us about this place?
Best analogy I have is this life is the shade; the next life is sunlight. This life is in black and white, the next life is in living color. (Comparatively speaking)
Not true. Your gods are near the back of a very long line gods Your gods are late the party, Bunky.
Why don't you mention Jimmy in this forum? Does he play music on his shows? My church has a folk mass or music mass format. I don't think he's missed anything nor I unless it was during my rebellious teen or troubled years.

Why do you say the Christian God is "near the back of a very long line gods Your gods are late the party, Bunky?" What is your god?
Best analogy I have is this life is the shade; the next life is sunlight. This life is in black and white, the next life is in living color. (Comparatively speaking)
What is your day like in the living color of the next life?
Exactly. That's my point. Matter and antimatter are produced in pairs. The miracle is that they weren't.
They were.

Read the article on the differing decay rates of quarks and anti quarks.

It's reasonable to theorize that larger quantum particles have the same matter anti matter asymmetry and physicists are looking for those as we speak
They were.

Read the article on the differing decay rates of quarks and anti quarks.

It's reasonable to theorize that larger quantum particles have the same matter anti matter asymmetry and physicists are looking for those as we speak
The differing decay rates hypothesis has been around for awhile. The mismatch in decay rates is too small to account for the universe’s excess of matter.
The differing decay rates hypothesis has been around for awhile. The mismatch in decay rates is too small to account for the universe’s excess of matter.
Which is why I said it's reasonable to assume that that same asymmetry exists between larger particles. And the search is on for those particles. The Higgs Boson was just a theory too until we actually found it.

There is no divine cause needed
Which is why I said it's reasonable to assume that that same asymmetry exists between larger particles. And the search is on for those particles. The Higgs Boson was just a theory too until we actually found it.

There is no divine cause needed
It's not reasonable to assume that. Sub atomic particles are decidedly less stable than the particles they form. So it is unreasonable to assume that larger - more stable - particles would decay more than the smaller - less stable - particles that the larger particles are comprised of.
"...Our universe is made of four kinds of so-called elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. (I disregard neutrinos, since they do not interact with other matter; also the host of other particles that appear transiently in the course of high‑energy nuclear interactions.) The only important qualification one need make to such a simple statement is that the first three particles exist also as antiparticles, the particles constituting matter, the anti-particles anti-matter. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. So the most reasonable expectation is that exactly equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles entered the Big Bang, the cosmic explosion in which our universe is thought to have begun. In that case, however, in the enormous compression of material at the Big Bang, there must have occurred a tremendous storm of mutual annihilation, ending with the conversion of all the particles and anti-particles into radiation. We should have come out of the Big Bang with a universe containing only radiation..." George Wald

It's not reasonable to assume that. Sub atomic particles are decidedly less stable than the particles they form. So it is unreasonable to assume that larger - more stable - particles would decay more than the smaller - less stable - particles that the larger particles are comprised of.
Of course it is just like it was reasonable to assume that because galaxies are moving apart that they once were closer together

You are once again assuming facts not in evidence and attributing those facts to some divine cause.
Of course it is just like it was reasonable to assume that because galaxies are moving apart that they once were closer together
The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. So the most reasonable expectation is that exactly equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles entered the Big Bang

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