Misinformation leads to animosity toward Idaho health care workers

So is it okay for anti-vaxers who don't believe COVID is a problem to verbally and physically abuse docs and nurses?
It's a yes or no question.
No it is not...and it illustrates that it is very hard to save cultists after they've been brainwashed.
It's not a real vaccine. It simply front loads the immune system to fight covid, offering no real protection from infection. It's a short term measure with unknown long term effects. Every single breakthrough case proves this. Real vaccines don't require lifelong boosters.

Lol, smart people get a flu jab every fall. Here are other vaccines that require boosters. Are they not "real vaccines" either? Clearly, you do not know what you are talking about.

Vaccine boosters that children need include:

Vaccine boosters you may need as a teen or adult include:

I've worked with a ton of them and there were two or three who were decent human beings. Remember the old joke about what do you call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? For me, it's 10,000 doctors at the bottom of the ocean.

One of the good ones is a woman who went into epidemiological research, who has remained a good friend over the years and has been a fountain or true and valid information for me about the scamdemic.

Your friend is not a real doctor.
"About 50% of the country is now vaccinated. Is it just me, or does this remind you of a team project where half the team does all the work?" -Jimmy Fallon

So 50% bought into the lies, they were deluded. That does not constitute positive effort. Those who did not get sucked in by the panic stories, can live to do useful work, while the vaxed folks are busy losing their minds or dying off.

Your numbers are off. 70% of the American people have now had at least one shot. The Fallon quote is 4 months old.
There is misinformation and a lot of lying going on in an attempt to keep that great lie going.

Fact checkers have been lying about the massive amount of deaths in Medicare records. This attorney has the whistle blowers and computer snapshots from the Medicare files that whistle blowers got to him. Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower - LifeSite A video here where he is encouraging people to share so everyone knows the truth and it cannot be hidden BOMBSHELL From Attorney Thomas Renz: Nearly 50k Medicare Patients Died Soon After Getting COVID Shot

Really old people died shortly after getting the jab? Wow - something fishy is afoot! :lol:
Your link is six weeks old Gomer. And mandates are working.

88% of nurses and 96% of physicians in the US have already gotten vaccinated or plan to do so, according to surveys by the American Nurses Association and the American Medical Association.

There haven't been that many people vaxxed in six weeks. Plus, you need to read your source where it says "plan to do so". Your own source proves your claim is wrong. Why do you people post so much misinformation?
I don't need or want to know what's in them. I want to prove to the world that you are making statements that you want the world to take as fact, but you don't know what you're talking about.

So I own you and it's time for your big mouth to go back on ignore.

Buh-Bye! :bye1:
No, we simply want the disinformation campaign to stop and for another 15-20% of the country to get vaccinated. All of what we are seeing right now was preventable.
The vaccine is a joke, it doesn't stop you from getting covid, you can spread it just like the unvaccinated. Yet if you become ill in a couple of years, because of the vaccine. You're on your own. You cannot sue the pharmaceutical company. So no thanks, I will remain unvaccinated.
Lol, smart people get a flu jab every fall. Here are other vaccines that require boosters. Are they not "real vaccines" either? Clearly, you do not know what you uniare talking about.

Vaccine boosters that children need include:

Vaccine boosters you may need as a teen or adult include:

The fact you have to take it every single year should tell you something, dumbass.

Small pox is a real vaccine, no boosters necessary. Calling something a vaccine and it actually being one are two different things.
The vaccine is a joke, it doesn't stop you from getting covid, you can spread it just like the unvaccinated. Yet if you become ill in a couple of years, because of the vaccine. You're on your own. You cannot sue the pharmaceutical company. So no thanks, I will remain unvaccinated.

The difference is, we don't die. We can't help those of you who choose to remain stoopid.
So is it okay for anti-vaxers who don't believe COVID is a problem to verbally and physically abuse docs and nurses?
It's a yes or no question.
No, of course its not right - if its true or widespread

This is a lying lib news media story
Remember when people clapped and banged pots and pans in NYC each evening to thank exhausted health care workers on the front lines? The docs and nurses were heroes and we treated them with respect. No mas, and that is really sad.

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A constant barrage of misinformation has Idaho health care workers facing increased animosity from some patients and community members, officials say. It’s gotten so bad in northern Idaho that some Kootenai Health employees are scared to go to the grocery store if they haven’t changed out of their scrubs, said hospital spokeswoman Caiti Bobbitt on Tuesday.​
Some doctors and nurses at the Coeur d’Alene hospital have been accused of killing patients by grieving family members who don’t believe COVID-19 is real, Bobbitt said. Others have been the subject of hurtful rumors spread by people angry about the pandemic.​
“Our health care workers are almost feeling like Vietnam veterans, scared to go into the community after a shift,” Bobbitt said.​
Similar instances are happening across the state, said Brian Whitlock, president of the Idaho Hospital Association.​
“We’ve had reports of physical violence, verbal abuse, demands for alternative treatment that are not acceptable or approved. And those become very difficult conversations to have as the patient continues to decompensate,” Whitlock said. “We’re not frustrated with the misinformed. We’re frustrated with those who propagate the misinformation because it’s costing people their lives.”​
Misinformation remains rampant in Idaho. Some far-right state lawmakers, political organizations and local leaders — including a pathologist who was recently appointed to the public health board for the state’s most populated region — have been dismissive of COVID-19 vaccines, pushed the use of an anti-parasitic drug to treat coronavirus despite potentially harmful side effects and little evidence it helps, and wrongly claimed that coronavirus case numbers are being inflated.​
Meanwhile, the entire state entered “crisis standards of care” earlier this month, authorizing health care rationing for hospitals overwhelmed by a flood of COVID-19 patients. On Sept. 25, the state hit new records with 757 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, including 202 in intensive care unit beds and 131 on ventilators.​

These people have gone beyond defensiveness and into aggression and militancy. Look at the people they follow.
You can still get covid. Fact
You can still spread covid. Fact
You cannot sue the pharmaceutical companies if you have bad effects from it. Fact

Again, we don't die. And we can sue as soon as 2024 rolls around or if there is "willful misconduct". I think I'll make it another two years and 3 months. ;)

However, both experts emphasized that this is not complete immunity. A company can still be sued if there's willful misconduct.'​
"They can't mislead," said Gostin. "Deceive, be fraudulent, or hide information."​
The basis for this partial immunity is a law called the "Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness" Act, referred to as the PREP Act. This law was initially created in 2005 as liability protection for pharmaceutical companies.​
In February, HHS Secretary Alex Azar invoked the PREP Act yet again in an effort to promote the production of the COVID-19 vaccines. The approved vaccines are protected from lawsuits until 2024 under the PREP Act.​


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