Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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'When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!
When you are in a run-off election down in Mississippi against a black guy, its best to go full Confederate. Personally, I don't care if a republican candidate wants to wrap herself in the confederate flag and opine about how great the Confederacy was -- I just wish someone would tell them that its the Democrats who are the party of the confederacy, duh!
Yep. The dipshits are positively schizophrenic.


I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


And I like to start topics proving those good old boys were racists and slave owners! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!

So.....where is the photo jumbo?
It's right there in the first link in the OP. Open your eyes.

Does not look like any confederate cap I have ever seen....perhaps it is a union cap?
You should see an eye doctor. Immediately.

Close up photo of a union cap..............see the resemblance....the cap she wore had a star on it...I have never seen a confederate cap with a star on it. Perhaps the cap was just a generic cap that the store owner had made up to sell to tourists?
Gee. She should be drawn and quartered for having pride in her Southern heritage.

Good lord. I see stars and bars on vehicle where I live. No one but a PC idiot gives a shit.
Gee. She should be drawn and quartered for having pride in her Southern heritage.

Good lord. I see stars and bars on vehicle where I live. No one but a PC idiot gives a shit.
The heritage is lynching
That seems a rather silly statement. Caring about race is quite different than antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief of superiority of a race. In fact, caring about race is the first step in solving racial problems.

A party with very few blacks members, electing very few black Politicians to office, is not a sign of racial antagonism, as the fucking lefties are claiming in this thread.
Tell us more
Eight blacks in the last hundred years

Does that mean Republicans could find no qualified blacks and the only ones qualified were white, male Christians?

It means that very few blacks run as republicans.

ONly a real piece of shit, could spend a lifetime race baiting minorities about how evul and racist the GOP is,

and then point to the lack of minorities in the GOP as something the GOP did wrong.

You are a fucking asshole.
The GOP made a conscious decision to break the solid south by appealing to white southern democrats which was not hard. Democratic leadership in the Whitehouse got the civil rights and the voting act passed which would destroy segregation and promised to put blacks in control in many areas. To southern democrats it was the civil war all over again with the North tramping all over states rights and their way life.

Picking up the banner of states rights was easy for the GOP which was becoming increasing conservative. In less than 20 years, the solid blue south had become the solid red south as year by year more democrats deserted the party, first in national elections and then in local elections.

Today the South is red and southern democrats are most black, a far cry from the party of early 20th century.

You imply that the GOP appealed to the White Southern Democrats with racist policies, and became racist as it won the South.

Support that by explaining what racist policies.
I wouldn't put it in those words. Republicans just emphasized their support for States Rights which was the white southern democrats defense against forced integration. They criticized the forced busing, called out black demonstrators as communist agitators, supported the White Citizens Council, and condemned the use of federal troops and marshals to force integration in schools. When federal welfare dollars started pouring into the pockets of blacks in the South, Republicans joined white southern democrats in condemning federal aid programs.

No, the GOP didn't carry burning crosses in streets. They just promoted policies that attracted white southern democrats and repelled southern blacks. Today, the democratic party party in the South is primarily black and the republican party is overwhelmingly white. Of course there's no racism involved.
For generations before and after that, the Confederate Flag was seen as a harmless symbol of regional pride, as demonstrated by the nation wide success of the Confederate Flag "flying" Duke Boys.
The Confederate flag all but disappeared until the battle against school desegregation and civil rights resurrected it. Correll would like to pretend those things never happened in the Cracker South and would like to pretend the flag of the army of Northern Virginia was not used as a rallying symbol for those resisting the 20th century.
Since its founding in the late 1820s, the Democratic Party has defended slavery, started the Civil War, and opposed Reconstruction. The Democratic Party imposed segregation. Its members engaged in the lynchings of blacks and opposed the civil rights acts of the 1950s and ’60s.
I wonder why Republicans protest the removal of Southern Democrat monuments so vigorously.
The GOP supported the bill overwhelmingly even more than the dems did.
Northerners supported the bill. Cracker Southerners opposed it. Much the same as the campaign to repeal Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act. Cracker Southerners campaigned to remove the Section, that they happened to be Republican this time made no difference to their Cracker Southernism whatsoever.
The GOP supported the bill overwhelmingly even more than the dems did.
Northerners supported the bill. Cracker Southerners opposed it. Much the same as the campaign to repeal Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act. Cracker Southerners campaigned to remove the Section, that they happened to be Republican this time made no difference to their Cracker Southernism whatsoever.

And yet, most of our major Military Forts/Installations are named after
Confederate Generals.
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