Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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In the last hundred years, republicans have only elected eight blacks to Congress, governors or the White House

Today they have just one
Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
The KKK belongs to the Republican Party
Hillary and Robert Byrd will be surprised to hear it.
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
The KKK belongs to the Republican Party
Hillary and Robert Byrd will be surprised to hear it.
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

Need pics? lol
In the last hundred years, republicans have only elected eight blacks to Congress, governors or the White House

Today they have just one
Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
The KKK belongs to the Republican Party
Hillary and Robert Byrd will be surprised to hear it.
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
The KKK belongs to the Republican Party
Hillary and Robert Byrd will be surprised to hear it.
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

The KKK belongs to the Republican Party
Hillary and Robert Byrd will be surprised to hear it.
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?
Hillary and Robert Byrd will be surprised to hear it.
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?

She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?
Hillary has nothing to do with the KKK
Byrd is long dead

We are talking about TODAYS Republicans
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?

She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?

No idea what you are babbling about
Hillary is Byrd's protege. You ran her for prez last cycle.

She got smoked.

She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?

She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?

No idea what you are babbling about

Then you should post at the kid's table.
She is Bill Clinton’s protege
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?

She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?

No idea what you are babbling about

Then you should post at the kid's table.

Still no idea what you are babbling about
Not according to her. Here she gives Byrd a loving eulogy, pronouncing him her mentor

You can cut to the chase at 0:50.

She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?

She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?

No idea what you are babbling about

Then you should post at the kid's table.

Still no idea what you are babbling about

Hillary said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

If you can't follow, post at the kid's table.
She spoke well of the dead
Good for her

Did she say how she enjoys sitting front row at a lynching?
She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?
No idea what you are babbling about
Then you should post at the kid's table.
Still no idea what you are babbling about
Hillary said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

If you can't follow, post at the kid's table.
I assume you believe there is some relevance there

Damned if I can see it
She said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

Do you think that's why The Don stuck a broom handle up her butt and mopped the floor with her?
No idea what you are babbling about
Then you should post at the kid's table.
Still no idea what you are babbling about
Hillary said the dead Grand Poobah was her mentor.

If you can't follow, post at the kid's table.
I assume you believe there is some relevance there

Damned if I can see it
LOL now that I don't doubt even a little bit.
Since its founding in the late 1820s, the Democratic Party has defended slavery, started the Civil War, and opposed Reconstruction. The Democratic Party imposed segregation. Its members engaged in the lynchings of blacks and opposed the civil rights acts of the 1950s and ’60s.

During Reconstruction, hundreds of black men were elected to Southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the U.S. Congress by 1900.

Eighty percent of Republicans in the House of Representatives supported the bill. Less than 70 percent of Democrats did.

The Democratic Party did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.

I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain
In the last hundred years, republicans have only elected eight blacks to Congress, governors or the White House

Today they have just one
Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
Nice diversion

How dare you notice that we do not elect blacks!
Only racists care about race, punkin.
That seems a rather silly statement. Caring about race is quite different than antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief of superiority of a race. In fact, caring about race is the first step in solving racial problems.
It was more exciting before I learned that the photo was taken at a civil war museum and the person she was with was wearing a union hat. The photo makes more sense than the hysteria.
It was more exciting before I learned that the photo was taken at a civil war museum and the person she was with was wearing a union hat. The photo makes more sense than the hysteria.
What is your view of the front row at a public hanging statement?
Since its founding in the late 1820s, the Democratic Party has defended slavery, started the Civil War, and opposed Reconstruction. The Democratic Party imposed segregation. Its members engaged in the lynchings of blacks and opposed the civil rights acts of the 1950s and ’60s.

During Reconstruction, hundreds of black men were elected to Southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the U.S. Congress by 1900.

Eighty percent of Republicans in the House of Representatives supported the bill. Less than 70 percent of Democrats did.

The Democratic Party did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.

I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain
In the last hundred years, republicans have only elected eight blacks to Congress, governors or the White House

Today they have just one
Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
Nice diversion

How dare you notice that we do not elect blacks!
Only racists care about race, punkin.
That seems a rather silly statement. Caring about race is quite different than antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief of superiority of a race. In fact, caring about race is the first step in solving racial problems.
Lotta words to say race is important to you.
By supporting a civil rights bill by a far larger margin than the dems?

Explain that, very detailed and slowly.

With small words and concise sentences.

wtf is wrong with you?

can't you understand the simplest of terms?

nothing ever goes from A-Z without steps in between.

or in this case (D)s & (R)s being the inclusive vs the exclusive parties. race.... gender equality......gender identity..... religious identity..... or no religious identity................

too many words for you in that last one? too fucking bad.




And the act of supporting the Voting RIghts BIll by a higher per centage than the dems, (although BOTH with strong support), is becoming "exclusive" how?

then vs now..... you seem to keep forgetting that. & that is the point.

which mine still stands.


You are the one linking then to now, and you are not explaining how that vote, where the republicans voted by 82% for the bill, led to your claim of parties supposedly flipping on race.

I'm fine with the example given. It shows the overall national consensus on equality for blacks that I say has existed since that time period.

You are the one that claims it shows the start of the GOP becoming supposedly "racist".

But you are not explaining HOW it does that, nor how that led to the alleged "flip".

If you can't explain the links in your chain of reasoning, consider that that might be because there is a huge fucking hole in it,

ie it is wrong.

nope - there's just a hole in your head, cartoon boy. what happened to the voting rights act 'eh? why was it gutted in 2016? & who gutted it?

' how does espy fit in mississippi? ' hmmmm.............

So, in order to support your claim that the parties started "flipping" on civil rights in 19 freaking 65, you jump to asking a question about something that happened in 2016?

That is enough.

1965, your example. Republicans voted for the bill by a wider margin that the dems.

You claim something about that vote shows the beginning of a "flip". I've asked you to explain how, and you were unable to be clear.

I claim it shows the ending of the dems fighting on civil rights and the beginning of a nation wide consensus.

To support your position tell me the NEXT point in the process of the "flipping".

Something in the late 60s or early 70s. Or admit that you are wrong.

Why are you so wedded to the idea that the US is an evul racist place? Why are you refusing to see that white racism is vastly smaller and weaker than you have been led to believe?

Do you get off on having something to be upset about?
I mean what I said, republicans.
Northerners. Southerners of both parties voted overwhelmingly against it. Southern Pride, don't you know...

THe claim was made that this is when the parties switched. THe voting record does not support that view.

The GOP gave the bill massive support at a higher rate than the dems did.

How many Southern Republicans voted for it?

How many Northern Democrats voted for it?

I think none and many.


The GOP supported the bill overwhelmingly even more than the dems did.

Are you claim that supporting the voting rights bill ATTRACTED racists to the GOP?

WTF are you even trying to say?

String words together without regard to what the fuck they mean, is not a supporting argument.
Since its founding in the late 1820s, the Democratic Party has defended slavery, started the Civil War, and opposed Reconstruction. The Democratic Party imposed segregation. Its members engaged in the lynchings of blacks and opposed the civil rights acts of the 1950s and ’60s.

During Reconstruction, hundreds of black men were elected to Southern state legislatures as Republicans, and 22 black Republicans served in the U.S. Congress by 1900.

Eighty percent of Republicans in the House of Representatives supported the bill. Less than 70 percent of Democrats did.

The Democratic Party did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935.

I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain
In the last hundred years, republicans have only elected eight blacks to Congress, governors or the White House

Today they have just one
Democrats are inbred racists who measure their success based on racial quotas of their preferred race of the day.
Nice diversion

How dare you notice that we do not elect blacks!
Only racists care about race, punkin.
That seems a rather silly statement. Caring about race is quite different than antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief of superiority of a race. In fact, caring about race is the first step in solving racial problems.

A party with very few blacks members, electing very few black Politicians to office, is not a sign of racial antagonism, as the fucking lefties are claiming in this thread.
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