Miss USA commits gruesome suicide

Like Rush used to say...room temperature.
That was a cold snowy frozen looking street. She went way below room temperature, pretty quick. Horrifying how much time she had on the way down from the 29th floor, to see what was coming.o_O
It seems a lot of celebrities are mentally ill and depressed.
While many are wishing they lived the high life many of these folks are never happy and are on a constant quest of validation seeking and approval.

Perfectly happy living my average life in anonymity.
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Probably an extreme narcissist; I was reading her interview and it was 'I', 'I', 'I' all the way through. So yes, it was mental illness. She was probably used to being the center of attention in Podunk, then came to the big city and saw she wasn't so special after all and couldn't cope. Probably didn't take her meds as well.
It seems a lot of celebrities are mentally ill and depressed.
While many are wishing they lived the high life many of these folks are never happy and are on a constant quest of validation and approval.

Perfectly happy living my average life in anonymity.

This true and it does make you wonder if it really worth the fame.
Probably an extreme narcissist; I was reading her interview and it was 'I', 'I', 'I' all the way through. So yes, it was mental illness. She was probably used to being the center of attention in Podunk, then came to the big city and saw she wasn't so special after all and couldn't cope. Probably didn't take her meds as well.
How did a self-centered person keep her crown?
How would a non-self centered person win beauty pageants? They wouldn't, and probably wouldn't even enter the preliminary ones needed to get on the circuit.
There is more to this than meets the eye; they go through brutal analysis before they take that stage as it's not for the weak of heart.

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