Missionary tactics use to try to Convert jews


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014

Missionaries may attempt to elicit as many "I don't know" responses as possible in order to establish their superiority and credibility. Bear in mind that they are not interested in a genuine exchange of ideas. Missionaries are driven by their agenda of attempting to sway you . Their "questions" are not really questions seeking an answer, but set-ups to their sales pitch. You can simply state that you would prefer to learn about Biblical concepts from someone who doesn't have a hidden agenda.

Missionaries may claim to have traditional Jewish backgrounds with a solid Jewish education. All too often, this is an exaggeration or outright fabrication designed to establish their credibility.

The implied message is that this Jew for Jesus came to accept Christianity after knowing and overcoming all the Jewish objections. Some missionaries may even present traditional Jewish objections to their position and then demonstrate how these objections lack substance.

Salespeople often flatter and charm potential customers to prime their receptivity and clinch the sale. Someone's warmth and friendliness has nothing to do with the validity of their ideas or sales pitch.

Missionaries may focus on issues where there is little resistance and may avoid revealing beliefs that are less palatable. For example, they may stress the idea of Jesus as the Messiah while avoiding the bottom-line Christian doctrine that Jesus was actually god incarnate. Missionaries may also gloss over their conviction that good people who don't accept Jesus will be consigned to eternal damnation in hell.

Some missionaries may inundate you with endless lists of verses from the Bible. Of course, truth is not determined by volume. They may claim that there are over 300 Biblical "proofs" for their position. A careful examination of the passages - in context - will immediately refute their presentation. They may hide behind the numbers and say, "You may be right, but if you look at all the 'proofs' together, they are pretty impressive." It's important to remember that numerous weak pieces of evidence don't become stronger by combining them. 300 x 0 is still 0!

Occasionally, missionaries may try to force you into accepting a proposition with false premises. One popular example is the assertion that "Jesus was either a lunatic, a liar or the Messiah." Missionaries assume that you won't feel comfortable with the first two options, and you'll accept the third. Of course, there are other possible explanations, such as Jesus sincerely believed he was the Messiah, but he turned out to be mistaken. This scenario is consistent with Jesus' dying words related in the Christian scriptures, "My G-d, my G-d, why have You forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46).

We live in a confusing and frustrating world where reality is more often gray than black and white. Sometimes, missionaries may attempt to intensify your anxieties and insecurities by focusing on issues about which you feel powerless, such as terrorism, war, rampant immorality, illness and your own mortality. Or, they may play on the guilt you feel over a personal failure. Then, they offer simplistic answers to these critical problems. The lure and comfort of certainty can sometimes interfere with our normal instinct to verify their claims.

Some missionaries may denigrate your desire to carefully analyze and evaluate their claims by stating, "You rely too much on your head – you have to open your heart!" The Torah never tells us to base our critical decisions upon emotions. Torah always warns us to think and use our minds because our hearts can often lead us astray. Another tactic the missionaries use is to pressure you for a quick commitment, such as, "What is preventing you from accepting Jesus into your heart right now?"

A common technique employed by missionaries is to throw out the challenge, "Why don't you pray to Jesus and ask him to reveal himself to you, or give you a sign?" This is a manipulative tactic to preempt thoughtful consideration and maneuver you to tacitly accept their position. And, of course, missionaries will interpret virtually anything that happens to you as a divine sign, as something "meant to be."

Missionaries may attempt to elicit as many "I don't know" responses as possible in order to establish their superiority and credibility. Bear in mind that they are not interested in a genuine exchange of ideas. Missionaries are driven by their agenda of attempting to sway you . Their "questions" are not really questions seeking an answer, but set-ups to their sales pitch. You can simply state that you would prefer to learn about Biblical concepts from someone who doesn't have a hidden agenda.

Missionaries may claim to have traditional Jewish backgrounds with a solid Jewish education. All too often, this is an exaggeration or outright fabrication designed to establish their credibility.

The implied message is that this Jew for Jesus came to accept Christianity after knowing and overcoming all the Jewish objections. Some missionaries may even present traditional Jewish objections to their position and then demonstrate how these objections lack substance.

Salespeople often flatter and charm potential customers to prime their receptivity and clinch the sale. Someone's warmth and friendliness has nothing to do with the validity of their ideas or sales pitch.

Missionaries may focus on issues where there is little resistance and may avoid revealing beliefs that are less palatable. For example, they may stress the idea of Jesus as the Messiah while avoiding the bottom-line Christian doctrine that Jesus was actually god incarnate. Missionaries may also gloss over their conviction that good people who don't accept Jesus will be consigned to eternal damnation in hell.

Some missionaries may inundate you with endless lists of verses from the Bible. Of course, truth is not determined by volume. They may claim that there are over 300 Biblical "proofs" for their position. A careful examination of the passages - in context - will immediately refute their presentation. They may hide behind the numbers and say, "You may be right, but if you look at all the 'proofs' together, they are pretty impressive." It's important to remember that numerous weak pieces of evidence don't become stronger by combining them. 300 x 0 is still 0!

Occasionally, missionaries may try to force you into accepting a proposition with false premises. One popular example is the assertion that "Jesus was either a lunatic, a liar or the Messiah." Missionaries assume that you won't feel comfortable with the first two options, and you'll accept the third. Of course, there are other possible explanations, such as Jesus sincerely believed he was the Messiah, but he turned out to be mistaken. This scenario is consistent with Jesus' dying words related in the Christian scriptures, "My G-d, my G-d, why have You forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46).

We live in a confusing and frustrating world where reality is more often gray than black and white. Sometimes, missionaries may attempt to intensify your anxieties and insecurities by focusing on issues about which you feel powerless, such as terrorism, war, rampant immorality, illness and your own mortality. Or, they may play on the guilt you feel over a personal failure. Then, they offer simplistic answers to these critical problems. The lure and comfort of certainty can sometimes interfere with our normal instinct to verify their claims.

Some missionaries may denigrate your desire to carefully analyze and evaluate their claims by stating, "You rely too much on your head – you have to open your heart!" The Torah never tells us to base our critical decisions upon emotions. Torah always warns us to think and use our minds because our hearts can often lead us astray. Another tactic the missionaries use is to pressure you for a quick commitment, such as, "What is preventing you from accepting Jesus into your heart right now?"

A common technique employed by missionaries is to throw out the challenge, "Why don't you pray to Jesus and ask him to reveal himself to you, or give you a sign?" This is a manipulative tactic to preempt thoughtful consideration and maneuver you to tacitly accept their position. And, of course, missionaries will interpret virtually anything that happens to you as a divine sign, as something "meant to be."

Christian Missionaries to Jews are an insidious group, preying on the vulnerable. You will find that they are usually funded, by Christian denominations.
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.

God's supreme creation, the human, has the task of emulating God.
A step above this task is occupying oneself with the dictates of the Torah, which requires mastery of God's creation (as in, how DOES one observe Shabbos and how does one design and manufacture an Over or Refrigerator that one can use on Shabbos, or to what lengths must one go to respect the property of another).

Christianity, through Saul's Gospels and Epistles, has developed into a Faith system as opposed to a Task oriented system.

Judaism actively embraces individual and societal responsibility and makes no excuses for abhorrent behavior (or what Jews consider abhorrent behavior) whilst Paul's religion tells you (in the vernacular) to eat shit and take it like a man.
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Christian Missionaries to Jews are an insidious group, preying on the vulnerable. You will find that they are usually funded, by Christian denominations.

wait!.....Christian missionaries are funded by Christian denominations?.....how secretive!.....

by the way, why do you consider Jews to be vulnerable?.....

the bastards!....showing love and compassion for their fellow man!.....they should be stopped!.....

Christians showing love and compassion for their fellow man?

You should learn some Christian history. The "love and compassion for their fellow man", sentiment has not been a sentiment expressed by Christians toward the Jews, ie, "Christ killers".

Christianity has been the most ruthless oppressor of Judaism.

2000 year history of Jewish persecution
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.

The major difference? Jews have to know their religion inside and out and from a critical stand point.

Christians? All they have to do is show up every so often and declare they are Christians.

And then there's the Jesus thing.

Otherwise? Essentially the same books. It's kinda the same thing for Muslims vs. Christians.

the bastards!....showing love and compassion for their fellow man!.....they should be stopped!.....

Christians showing love and compassion for their fellow man?

You should learn some Christian history. The "love and compassion for their fellow man", sentiment has not been a sentiment expressed by Christians toward the Jews, ie, "Christ killers".

Christianity has been the most ruthless oppressor of Judaism.

2000 year history of Jewish persecution

I'm sorry, Hollie....I tired of your demonstrations that you don't know jack shit about anything.....learn a little, then come back and try again....if you show progress I may throw you a bone.....
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.

[MENTION=46804]RandomVariable[/MENTION] jews don't believe the messiah has come.

Christians do.

and jews don't believe in the new testament
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the bastards!....showing love and compassion for their fellow man!.....they should be stopped!.....

Christianity is the religion with the highest body count.


No one does holocaust and crusades betters than Christians.

lol....sorry, but that isn't even historically accurate.....let alone intelligent....

what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

your opinion doesn't count. stick to fact
Guno, I don't know much about religion. In as many words as you are willing to type what is the difference between Jews and Christians, from your point of view, rather than the wiki version.

[MENTION=46804]RandomVariable[/MENTION] jews don't believe the messiah has come.

Christians do.

and jews don't believe in the new testament


I met some Orthodox Jews who believe in messiah but the difference is they don't believe that the Messiah will be God. So they do believe in the Messiah but some of them don't know who he is. They were very nice people and they weren't antagonistic towards Christians.

There are people who know a lot of messianic Jews but I haven't met a lot of them.

the bastards!....showing love and compassion for their fellow man!.....they should be stopped!.....

Christians showing love and compassion for their fellow man?

You should learn some Christian history. The "love and compassion for their fellow man", sentiment has not been a sentiment expressed by Christians toward the Jews, ie, "Christ killers".

Christianity has been the most ruthless oppressor of Judaism.

2000 year history of Jewish persecution

I'm sorry, Hollie....I tired of your demonstrations that you don't know jack shit about anything.....learn a little, then come back and try again....if you show progress I may throw you a bone.....

I never expected that you would address the substantive issue. Your response was typical for the extremist. You hope to ignore the history of your ideology and instead launch into personal attacks as a defensive posture.

Nothing will send an extremist into trembling, OCD reflexive fits of insecurity like being confronted with the damage to humanity that has been inflicted by their religion.
Doctors without Borders, the Red Cross, Compassion International, countless soup kitchens, countless Christian charities feed, clothing, providing shelter and educating children all over the globe.

Evangelical Christians are by far the most charitable people in the world! They go to the hell holes of Africa, war-torn areas of Myammar, the jungles of the Amazon to administer life saving vaccines and medical care to children. They are constantly raising money to feed starving children. They build hospitals and schools all over the globe.

They preach their great religion and seek others to join it. They don't force others to join (like Islam), they don't kill Christians that convert to other religions and they won't deny medical care (like Muslims do) or charity to non-Christians (like Muslims do). As many of you do know I am not a Christian but I have a ton of respect for the religion and thank god I live in a Christian based country.

They are also huge supporters of Israel. Guno is a testament to this, Evangelical Christians support Israel both with money, voting patterns, pilgrimages and their voice more than dare I say MOST Jews!

If there was ever a one world religion, we be lucky if it was Evangelical Christianity!

Evangelical Christians are the most charitable, kind, understand, accepting and moral people on the planet. I get sick of the left's bashing of them, because unlike Muslims they turn the other cheek and kill their detractors with KIND (while Muslims kill their detractors with swords, bullets and bombs)!
Christian Missionaries to Jews are an insidious group, preying on the vulnerable. You will find that they are usually funded, by Christian denominations.

They don't prey on the Jews or the vulnerable. They usually protect the vulnerable. The feed and cloth the needy. They provide medicine to the sick.

In the Jews case, they bravely stand up to the godless left, bigoted far right and the demonic Muslims in supporting and protecting Israel. Go a sermon (which I have done numerous times) and you hear them praise Israel repeatedly.
what religion has killed larger numbers of people?

the god-deniers hold the record.....Stalin alone has killed more Christians than all the Christians have killed in its 2000 year history.....

as for organized religions, the Muslim expansion under the Rashidun Caliphate is a likely contender. The battle of al-Qādisiyyah alone resulted in over 10,000 casualties, which is far more than all who died in the entire Inquisition.....
Christians showing love and compassion for their fellow man?

You should learn some Christian history. The "love and compassion for their fellow man", sentiment has not been a sentiment expressed by Christians toward the Jews, ie, "Christ killers".

Christianity has been the most ruthless oppressor of Judaism.

2000 year history of Jewish persecution

I'm sorry, Hollie....I tired of your demonstrations that you don't know jack shit about anything.....learn a little, then come back and try again....if you show progress I may throw you a bone.....

I never expected that you would address the substantive issue. Your response was typical for the extremist. You hope to ignore the history of your ideology and instead launch into personal attacks as a defensive posture.

Nothing will send an extremist into trembling, OCD reflexive fits of insecurity like being confronted with the damage to humanity that has been inflicted by their religion.
oh I will reply to substantive attacks from people with integrity.....I simply won't reply to you.....you'll just accuse me of believing in a 6000 year old earth and ignore everything I say.....

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