Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets.

This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
It's what they want to do.
What difference does it make to you?
I don't understand why pagans go to a bar, drink themselves into a stupor, only to wake up the next morning remembering nothing.

But I don't stop them from doing it. Leave people alone. If they want to go sit in the church parking lot, let them. What business is that of anyone elses?
This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
It's what they want to do.
What difference does it make to you?
I don't understand why pagans go to a bar, drink themselves into a stupor, only to wake up the next morning remembering nothing.

But I don't stop them from doing it. Leave people alone. If they want to go sit in the church parking lot, let them. What business is that of anyone elses?

I don't care if they do it. I don't even care if they gather indoors together. It's just bizarre.
Not right. Not constitutional.

Who invented Covid-19 panic?
DEMONrats & Chinese commies.
Both are servants of Satan.
Do you believe Satan loves when folks go in churches?
Psychopathic lefts and MS presstitutes want:

1. Destroy western industry completely
2. Annihilate Christianity
3. Through coming Corona 'vaccination' kill 90% of humanity
Wow, you're truly insane. Personally, I would like to annihilate Christianity, but I'm definitely not in favor of the other two. But just for fun, why would anyone want to destroy western industry AND kill 90% of humanity? Just curious.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

It is probably closed circuit radio sermon that doesn’t extend more than a mile from the church. I have no issue with them doing that. Windows rolled up, they are practicing social distance. It is one nut trying to show their power. It should be thrown out.
Not right. Not constitutional.
If not fake news, then it’s FUNNY news.
Why unconstitutional if in time of virus “war” a law was passed to protect civilians?
No matter how stupid they are.

They were not breaking any laws, they were in their own cars and practicing social distancing. You can go to a restaurant order food and eat in your car in the parking lot of the restaurant but you can’t practice your religion by following the same laws given to restaurants.

I don’t see how this is not safe. Tell me how this is not practicing social distancing and is a health risk.
A mayor in Kentucky tried to stop drive in services and a judge slapped him down.

These fines will go nowhere except to stoke the fires.

Less people on the road to ticket. Revenue by fines for this is ridiculous.
Not right. Not constitutional.
The endemic corruption of Democrat run helllholes is the reason for this. Democrat police departments are notoriously dependent of shaking down poor folks in minority neighborhoods to fund themselves.

Now with less niggas out on the street to oppress with massive fines for petty ordinance violations such as tinted windows, playing music, failure to appear for BS warrants etc. etc. the police are getting desperate.

If there's one thing that Democrats do consistently, it's keep poor blacks poor.
Talk about f'n BS out f your mouth. Give it a rest.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?
Quite possibly, Yes.
Real Estate agents use this type of radio transmitters:

This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.
This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.
And who the fuck is "we?" Exactly what I said. You, or as "we" think you are so f'n righteous. So full of shit, and yourself.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

I'm having a hard time translating your retard speak, so please bear with me as I ask a fair question. Do their radios at home not work?
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.
This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.
And who the fuck is "we?" Exactly what I said. You, or as "we" think you are so f'n righteous. So full of shit, and yourself.

Why do you care anyway? Obviously you are not religious, so what difference does it make to you? I confused what you are getting your panties all bunched up about.

Most Democrats today are proudly non-religious. So why are you acting like I stole your sucker, and now you are having a temper tantrum?
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

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