Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets.

As pointed out they were following the social distancing rules....it would be interesting to know exactly who was behind that operation.....I suspect the mayor....he is not someone with a lot of intelligence....but one who likely is intoxicated with his self importance and probably some desire to strike out at white folk.
Not sure there is a racial component in this issue. Why bring it up?

Mississippi has a lot of blacks and blacks are disproportionately being killed by this virus. But that begs the question, why?

1. Is it because blacks usually don't have health insurance and so they hesitate to get medical care that they need?
2. Is it because blacks are generally less healthy with more medical problems than whites due to their lifestyles?
3. Is it because blacks bodies, for some medical reason not yet known, are not able to fight off this virus at the same rate as whites?

I'd love to know the answer to that.

That implies that white people are never poor.
Obviously this isn't true.

Further, I know people, including myself, that went to the hospital when they had no insurance. I know many people who do.

I would be more inclined to believe that it is more because they have unhealthy life styles.

If there is a DNA component, I don't know what it would be. However, it is clearly obvious that DNA does have an effect on health. Lower rates of cancer in Japan for example. Another example would be Singapore, which has 4 large ethnic populations, and each have different levels of cancer.

But there is no evidence involving Corona and DNA. That's obvious since it's new, so that would be speculation.

There is likely another reason though. I was in a quick mart, and a black lady was screaming at the cashier because she refused to sell her a pack of cigarettes. The sign said "Must have valid license to buys alcohol or cigarettes". She had an expired license.

But she accused everyone of being racists for refusing to sell to her.

I would suggest that there is a counter cultural aspect. Namely, they simply refuse to follow the rules. It's part of their culture now to question authority, and rebel. They rebel simply because they can, and they do so simply because they want to rebel.

Reminds me of the old 1950s movie, "Hey Johnney, what are you rebelling against?" Johnney responds.... "....what do you got?".

That's the current counter culture in a nut shell. They don't have anything to be upset about, but they are screaming and yelling, and fighting police, and being terrible people, because "...what do you got?".

I wager that these people are simply refusing to follow the rules that will help them. They are still gathering, still hanging out, still doing whatever they want... and are paying the price.

Could I be wrong? Sure. But we just had a bunch of black kids steal a car just two weeks ago, and lead police on a high speed chase. I'm guessing... just a guess... but I don't think they were following social distancing rules either. That's likely how they came up with the idea to steal a car for a joy ride.

I think that's why Corona is killing more blacks than whites.
If the fucking government can fine you from worshiping then the Constitution isn't worth the parchment it is written on.

Just like if the government can ban firearms then the Bill of Rights ain't worth shit.

I would agree. By all means vote out these politicians next election.
I'm agreeing with you, man. I'm kinda more playing devils advocate here. My first reply to this thread stated I felt this was an overreach and that this will end up in the SCOTUS's lap if it doesn't chill out soon.
Well, we are eye to eye here in agreement. I expect these citations to be thrown away by whatever mayor is in charge there and if not I'll be amazed.
My guess is these officers were acting on orders from the mayor.

If that turns out to be the case, that mayor signed his own removal order. That will not fly.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
The fairly tales that make up the bible.
So Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Biden believe in a fairy tale?
My grandfather was a millionaire, back when a million dollars was a lot of money. So what? And if you choose to give your money to a cult, money that YOU EARNED, that's your right. But I'd say that the operative phrase is "you earned," because in my experience the owners do the least work but reap the greatest profit. Maybe it's time for a redistribution of wealth.
Maybe you should move to a country where people decide for others who has "too much" money and not.
The US just had a referendum on socialism with the Bernie Sanders candidacy. Guess what people think of
your redistribution of wealth?

They think it's dangerous idiocy.
Actually, quite a few people voted for Bernie. And in times of crisis, people tend to be open to ideas that they would have rejected before. Maybe we'll have a new Seisachtheia (look it up).
My grandfather was a millionaire, back when a million dollars was a lot of money. So what? And if you choose to give your money to a cult, money that YOU EARNED, that's your right. But I'd say that the operative phrase is "you earned," because in my experience the owners do the least work but reap the greatest profit. Maybe it's time for a redistribution of wealth.
Maybe you should move to a country where people decide for others who has "too much" money and not.
The US just had a referendum on socialism with the Bernie Sanders candidacy. Guess what people think of
your redistribution of wealth?

hehheh Exactly.....I think it is time to crack down on the commies like we did in the fifties.
No, we should crack down on Fascists like we did in the Forties.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
No, assshole, the fairy tales I'm referring to are the stories about some non-existent entity in the clouds that you delusional nitwits get down on your knees and mumble incoherently to. LOL.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Bunny Day, and enjoy the upcoming Santa Claus Day this December 25th.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
No, assshole, the fairy tales I'm referring to are the stories about some non-existent entity in the clouds that you delusional nitwits get down on your knees and mumble incoherently to. LOL.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Bunny Day, and enjoy the upcoming Santa Claus Day this December 25th.
I imagine your house is a blast on Christmas. I think I'll just keep praising God while you praise hillary.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
The fairly tales that make up the bible.
So Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Biden believe in a fairy tale?
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
No, assshole, the fairy tales I'm referring to are the stories about some non-existent entity in the clouds that you delusional nitwits get down on your knees and mumble incoherently to. LOL.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Bunny Day, and enjoy the upcoming Santa Claus Day this December 25th.
I imagine your house is a blast on Christmas. I think I'll just keep praising God while you praise hillary.
Christmas at my house is a blast!

You definitely do have a good imagination, LOL.

Praise Jeebus!!!
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
The fairly tales that make up the bible.
So Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Biden believe in a fairy tale?
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
No, assshole, the fairy tales I'm referring to are the stories about some non-existent entity in the clouds that you delusional nitwits get down on your knees and mumble incoherently to. LOL.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Bunny Day, and enjoy the upcoming Santa Claus Day this December 25th.
I imagine your house is a blast on Christmas. I think I'll just keep praising God while you praise hillary.
Christmas at my house is a blast!

You definitely do have a good imagination, LOL.

Praise Jeebus!!!
No faith no hope no love no accountability equals worthless society sucker. You're welcome.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
The fairly tales that make up the bible.
So Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Biden believe in a fairy tale?
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
No, assshole, the fairy tales I'm referring to are the stories about some non-existent entity in the clouds that you delusional nitwits get down on your knees and mumble incoherently to. LOL.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Bunny Day, and enjoy the upcoming Santa Claus Day this December 25th.
I imagine your house is a blast on Christmas. I think I'll just keep praising God while you praise hillary.
Christmas at my house is a blast!

You definitely do have a good imagination, LOL.

Praise Jeebus!!!
No faith no hope no love no accountability equals worthless society sucker. You're welcome.
Go have yourself a nice big cup of hydroxychloroquine and say a prayer, LOL.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
The fairly tales that make up the bible.
So Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Biden believe in a fairy tale?
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
He thinks FREEDOM is a fairytale in AMERICA
No, assshole, the fairy tales I'm referring to are the stories about some non-existent entity in the clouds that you delusional nitwits get down on your knees and mumble incoherently to. LOL.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Bunny Day, and enjoy the upcoming Santa Claus Day this December 25th.
I imagine your house is a blast on Christmas. I think I'll just keep praising God while you praise hillary.
Christmas at my house is a blast!

You definitely do have a good imagination, LOL.

Praise Jeebus!!!
There are a lot of people in blue areas who are Christians. Progs are really a loose confederation of tit suckers from different groups with many of them diametrically opposed to each other in real terms. If our economy collapsed we would see the truth.


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