Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets.

I agree - Not fair. Not that I believe Hen Peck's The Blaze, but found same story on a number of legit news sources. Who they should be arresting and fining are these idiot preachers who are opening their doors and endangering their communities today.

  • "God will shield us from all harm and sickness," Reverend Tony Spell, pastor of the evangelical Life Tabernacle Church in Louisiana, told Reuters. "We are not afraid. We are called by God to stand against the Antichrist creeping into America's borders. We will spread the Gospel."

Assclown Lunatic ^ :cuckoo:

If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.
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If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.

I'm agreeing with you, man. I'm kinda more playing devils advocate here. My first reply to this thread stated I felt this was an overreach and that this will end up in the SCOTUS's lap if it doesn't chill out soon.
I'm agreeing with you, man. I'm kinda more playing devils advocate here. My first reply to this thread stated I felt this was an overreach and that this will end up in the SCOTUS's lap if it doesn't chill out soon.
Well, we are eye to eye here in agreement. I expect these citations to be thrown away by whatever mayor is in charge there and if not I'll be amazed.
If the fucking government can fine you from worshiping then the Constitution isn't worth the parchment it is written on.

Just like if the government can ban firearms then the Bill of Rights ain't worth shit.
If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.
I agree the mayor's emergency order banning drive in services was unwarranted and has no basis in reason, but it WAS an order in place and the police were respectful and first just asked them to leave. Those who refused to leave were the ones issued tickets. The cops were just enforcing the order. That's their job. The real bone to pick is with the mayor who had been getting calls from worried family members whose elderly parents were attending these services. Now those worried family members can help their elderly parents cough up $500 each. Maybe these Karens should have left it alone.

In addition to last Friday's shelter-in-place order from Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, Democratic Mayor of Greenville Errick Simmons issued an executive order Tuesday that all church buildings are to be closed for both in-person and drive-in services
Gordon noted to the paper that the police "were respectful and just doing their job. They asked us to leave first, and those who stayed got a ticket."
If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.
I agree the mayor's emergency order banning drive in services was unwarranted and has no basis in reason, but it WAS an order in place and the police were respectful and first just asked them to leave. Those who refused to leave were the ones issued tickets. The cops were just enforcing the order. That's their job. The real bone to pick is with the mayor who had been getting calls from worried family members whose elderly parents were attending these services. Now those worried family members can help their elderly parents cough up $500 each. Maybe these Karens should have left it alone.

In addition to last Friday's shelter-in-place order from Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, Democratic Mayor of Greenville Errick Simmons issued an executive order Tuesday that all church buildings are to be closed for both in-person and drive-in services
Gordon noted to the paper that the police "were respectful and just doing their job. They asked us to leave first, and those who stayed got a ticket."
They were in their cars, in a parking lot, windows rolled up. How are they not social distancing? How are they putting others health at risk? How is this different from going to a drive-in restaurant and then sitting in a parking lot and eating the food their?
Dear Old Lady..."Just doing our job" is a line of rationale that didn't work for the Nazis and Japanese
prison guards and it doesn't work for the police, though they are indeed ordered to evacuate people
who are following Covid 19 social distancing guidelines by always being in their own autos.

Mayor Simmons seems to be the culprit here by issuing orders to "move along" to people seemingly not violating any social distancing directives at all.

Kids worried about their parents, I have one of my own, would be well reminded that when I'm in my car I'm not touching or breathing on anyone. And no one is touching or breathing on me.
Perhaps they didn't know that.

I'm glad that police at first asked people politely to leave the church parking lot before going all "Sheriff of Nottingham" on them, but, once again, people were violating no laws or extralegal orders.
Politely enforcing an unjust and un-Constitutional edict is still doing the wrong thing.

Perhaps the mayor who is playing King John to his Sheriff of Nottingham here will be able to explain his actions in a court of law when we are past this idiocy. Or did he repeal the Magna Carta as well as the US Constitution when he decided to order people around like he was herding sheep?

Were these people not in their own autos I might agree with you but the actions of Mayor Simmons leaves
no room for compromise. Where is the ACLU at times like this?
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If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.
I agree the mayor's emergency order banning drive in services was unwarranted and has no basis in reason, but it WAS an order in place and the police were respectful and first just asked them to leave. Those who refused to leave were the ones issued tickets. The cops were just enforcing the order. That's their job. The real bone to pick is with the mayor who had been getting calls from worried family members whose elderly parents were attending these services. Now those worried family members can help their elderly parents cough up $500 each. Maybe these Karens should have left it alone.

In addition to last Friday's shelter-in-place order from Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, Democratic Mayor of Greenville Errick Simmons issued an executive order Tuesday that all church buildings are to be closed for both in-person and drive-in services
Gordon noted to the paper that the police "were respectful and just doing their job. They asked us to leave first, and those who stayed got a ticket."
They were in their cars, in a parking lot, windows rolled up. How are they not social distancing? How are they putting others health at risk? How is this different from going to a drive-in restaurant and then sitting in a parking lot and eating the food their?
You didn't even read my post, did you? The Order by the Mayor says....no drive in services. I don't agree with it either, as I already said.
You didn't even read my post, did you? The Order by the Mayor says....no drive in services. I don't agree with it either, as I already said.
I did read it but right after saying you didn't agree with Mayor Simmons orders you immediately began to
undercut your own comment by stressing how the police were nice to everyone and they only did what they
were ordered to do, as if the nice Nazis who helped Jews out of the railroad cars and into the showers
made everything better.

Being polite and nice while doing something very wrong doesn't excuse the actions of police.

And then to say the children of seniors who phoned the mayor and asked him to send these mindfully social distancing people in their own cars away from the churches (completely ignoring the good these people were
doing themselves by leaving solitary confinement at home for the safety of their own autos) could help
pay their parent's fines completely ignored the illegality of the fines to begin with.

All in all your post was a very mixed bag on a very clear cut issue.
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people were violating no laws or extralegal orders.
Yeah, they clearly were.
A judge is going to laugh them out of court.

It is up to the people of that town to lean on the mayor and make him modify it. Educate him or something.
You didn't even read my post, did you? The Order by the Mayor says....no drive in services. I don't agree with it either, as I already said.
I did read it but right after saying you didn't agree with Mayor Simmons orders you immediately began to
undercut your own comment by stressing how the police were nice to everyone and they only did what they
were ordered to do.
It's a complicated world.

Many of the posters on this thread were making the cops out to be villains. They weren't being. This is not Nazi Germany. That was my only point.
If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.
I agree the mayor's emergency order banning drive in services was unwarranted and has no basis in reason, but it WAS an order in place and the police were respectful and first just asked them to leave. Those who refused to leave were the ones issued tickets. The cops were just enforcing the order. That's their job. The real bone to pick is with the mayor who had been getting calls from worried family members whose elderly parents were attending these services. Now those worried family members can help their elderly parents cough up $500 each. Maybe these Karens should have left it alone.

In addition to last Friday's shelter-in-place order from Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, Democratic Mayor of Greenville Errick Simmons issued an executive order Tuesday that all church buildings are to be closed for both in-person and drive-in services
Gordon noted to the paper that the police "were respectful and just doing their job. They asked us to leave first, and those who stayed got a ticket."
They were in their cars, in a parking lot, windows rolled up. How are they not social distancing? How are they putting others health at risk? How is this different from going to a drive-in restaurant and then sitting in a parking lot and eating the food their?
You didn't even read my post, did you? The Order by the Mayor says....no drive in services. I don't agree with it either, as I already said.

That is the point. A mayor has no right to interfere, the group was abiding by the rules of no social distancing. This is an overbearing o maybe violating the Constitution’s right to assemble. They need to challenge this. We need to draw lines, because government should never be allowed to make arbitrary laws to prevent the right to assemble.
It's a complicated world.

Many of the posters on this thread were making the cops out to be villains. They weren't being. This is not Nazi Germany. That was my only point.
Okay, valid points. The police were not head busting goons here and they were put in a very bad position by
the incompetent fascistically inclined mayor. That much is clear.
Yeah, they clearly were.
A judge is going to laugh them out of court.

It is up to the people of that town to lean on the mayor and make him modify it. Educate him or something.
No. Sorry. The people in their autos were not violating social distancing edicts from the president on down.
Maybe their a-hole mayor SAID they were, but he was clearly wrong and maybe trying to drum up some money for his little town. I would love to see a judge rule on the ad hoc edicts of mayor Simmons.

That man has his head up his ass.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.
I agree the mayor's emergency order banning drive in services was unwarranted and has no basis in reason, but it WAS an order in place and the police were respectful and first just asked them to leave. Those who refused to leave were the ones issued tickets. The cops were just enforcing the order. That's their job. The real bone to pick is with the mayor who had been getting calls from worried family members whose elderly parents were attending these services. Now those worried family members can help their elderly parents cough up $500 each. Maybe these Karens should have left it alone.

In addition to last Friday's shelter-in-place order from Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, Democratic Mayor of Greenville Errick Simmons issued an executive order Tuesday that all church buildings are to be closed for both in-person and drive-in services
Gordon noted to the paper that the police "were respectful and just doing their job. They asked us to leave first, and those who stayed got a ticket."
They were in their cars, in a parking lot, windows rolled up. How are they not social distancing? How are they putting others health at risk? How is this different from going to a drive-in restaurant and then sitting in a parking lot and eating the food their?
You didn't even read my post, did you? The Order by the Mayor says....no drive in services. I don't agree with it either, as I already said.

That is the point. A mayor has no right to interfere, the group was abiding by the rules of no social distancing. This is an overbearing o maybe violating the Constitution’s right to assemble. They need to challenge this. We need to draw lines, because government should never be allowed to make arbitrary laws to prevent the right to assemble.
You get right on it then.
Yeah, they clearly were.
A judge is going to laugh them out of court.

It is up to the people of that town to lean on the mayor and make him modify it. Educate him or something.
No. Sorry. The people in their autos were not violating social distancing edicts from the president on down.
Maybe their a-hole mayor SAID they were, but he was clearly wrong and maybe trying to drum up some money for his little town. I would love to see a judge rule on the ad hoc edicts of mayor Simmons.

That man has his head up his ass.
Yes, he has his head up his ass, imo. BUT he did issue an Order. I don't know what authority he used for that, but neither do you. Go defend those tickets if you're so sure. I think the Mayor of New York has made some Emergency Orders. The Mayor of Wells, Maine made an Emergency Order that all hotels, motels, etc. in Wells were to close. Why can't the mayor of East Podunk?
This isn't Nazi Germany and our elected leaders are not fascists. We have a public health emergency here that people are trying their best to cope with. It really weakens your argument when you fling around silly terms like that. Makes you sound like nutcases.
Yeah, they clearly were.
A judge is going to laugh them out of court.

It is up to the people of that town to lean on the mayor and make him modify it. Educate him or something.
No. Sorry. The people in their autos were not violating social distancing edicts from the president on down.
Maybe their a-hole mayor SAID they were, but he was clearly wrong and maybe trying to drum up some money for his little town. I would love to see a judge rule on the ad hoc edicts of mayor Simmons.

That man has his head up his ass.
Yes, he has his head up his ass, imo. BUT he did issue an Order. I don't know what authority he used for that, but neither do you. Go defend those tickets if you're so sure. I think the Mayor of New York has made some Emergency Orders. The Mayor of Wells, Maine made an Emergency Order that all hotels, motels, etc. in Wells were to close. Why can't the mayor of East Podunk?
It's not that he made an order. He made an order that criminalized people who were scrupulously social distancing themselves already.

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