Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets.

This isn't Nazi Germany and our elected leaders are not fascists. We have a public health emergency here that people are trying their best to cope with. It really weakens your argument when you fling around silly terms like that. Makes you sound like nutcases.
Okay. Give me a better word that describes someone in a position of power who takes power unto himself
in a way that not only abuses the law but ignores it. In fact there is no law at all on which this mayor orders
people in their autos to go home and leave their beloved church.
It's a power grab based on an incompetent understanding of social distancing.
If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
I could understand it too...if they weren't all ensconced in their automobiles at the time.

If these same people were all at home, socially distancing themselves from the rest of the public, just
as everyone has been requested and ordered to do, what then?

Would you have some lard ass deputy come to their homes
and give them $500 fines, like the almighty Sheriff of Nottingham, for violating some policy and recommendation, that doesn't even have the force of a legally passed law behind it?

Because I contend, as a rational human being, that these church people, were following Covid 19 precautions and procedures.

We've fallen down the rabbit hole in this panic this nation is in.

I'm agreeing with you, man. I'm kinda more playing devils advocate here. My first reply to this thread stated I felt this was an overreach and that this will end up in the SCOTUS's lap if it doesn't chill out soon.
Correct. The 1st amendment tells us we have the right to peaceably assemble.
This isn't Nazi Germany and our elected leaders are not fascists. We have a public health emergency here that people are trying their best to cope with. It really weakens your argument when you fling around silly terms like that. Makes you sound like nutcases.
Okay. Give me a better word that describes someone in a position of power who takes power unto himself
in a way that not only abuses the law but ignores it. In fact there is no law at all on which this mayor orders
people in their autos to go home and leave their beloved church.
It's a power grab based on an incompetent understanding of social distancing.
What's even more unfortunate is that these church goers didn't realize that they didn't have to produce IDs and had the right to remain silent. They did not have to sign the tickets, and they did not have to leave. Mississippi is NOT a stop and id state.
I'm agreeing with you, man. I'm kinda more playing devils advocate here. My first reply to this thread stated I felt this was an overreach and that this will end up in the SCOTUS's lap if it doesn't chill out soon.
Well, we are eye to eye here in agreement. I expect these citations to be thrown away by whatever mayor is in charge there and if not I'll be amazed.
My guess is these officers were acting on orders from the mayor.
Yeah, they clearly were.
A judge is going to laugh them out of court.

It is up to the people of that town to lean on the mayor and make him modify it. Educate him or something.
No. Sorry. The people in their autos were not violating social distancing edicts from the president on down.
Maybe their a-hole mayor SAID they were, but he was clearly wrong and maybe trying to drum up some money for his little town. I would love to see a judge rule on the ad hoc edicts of mayor Simmons.

That man has his head up his ass.
Yes, he has his head up his ass, imo. BUT he did issue an Order. I don't know what authority he used for that, but neither do you. Go defend those tickets if you're so sure. I think the Mayor of New York has made some Emergency Orders. The Mayor of Wells, Maine made an Emergency Order that all hotels, motels, etc. in Wells were to close. Why can't the mayor of East Podunk?
It's not that he made an order. He made an order that criminalized people who were scrupulously social distancing themselves already.
Exactly, you would think people would be more understanding but we seem to have people in government where power goes to their midget minds.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

You OBVIOUSLY have never been to a modern drive-in theater. I suggest you educate yourself before running off at the keyboard.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

You have the right to be wrong. That's fine.

If you hadn't been childish and insulting, I would not have responded back in similar fashion. I find it hilarious that all I did was was throw back in your face, the same level of discussion you sent to me.

But somehow I'm triggered for responding to you exactly how you responded to me... but you are not triggered? Have you read your own posts?

Whatever make you feel better about yourself. :)

Nope, not triggered. I find this topic fascinating and hilarious. :auiqs.jpg: All I said was that listening to a radio sermon in a church parking lot is weird. I also said I think it's super shady for cult leaders to bilk their brainwashed flock for money during a pandemic. I wasn't being insulting, unless you consider honesty an insult to your delicate sensibilities. In comparison, your responses seemed quite over the top. I will await your apology.

No, you were entirely insulting, and still are. So, now you are a liar, and a hypocrite.
You are democrat I assume?

Independent, but I'm betting you proudly call yourself a republican, and probably a conservative too. You also seem to have a shocking lack of self awareness. I'm curious, do you think religious folk have some kind of a monopoly on morality and/or fiscal responsibility?

I'm simply an American citizen, taxpayer, property owner and business owner that works hard and doesn't put up with a lot of bullshit from anyone, regardless of political tribe. Do you find that insulting because you think my evaluations are an affront to your delicate sensibilities?

Independent = waiting for DNC talking point email before repeating their diatribe.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

You have the right to be wrong. That's fine.

If you hadn't been childish and insulting, I would not have responded back in similar fashion. I find it hilarious that all I did was was throw back in your face, the same level of discussion you sent to me.

But somehow I'm triggered for responding to you exactly how you responded to me... but you are not triggered? Have you read your own posts?

Whatever make you feel better about yourself. :)

Nope, not triggered. I find this topic fascinating and hilarious. :auiqs.jpg: All I said was that listening to a radio sermon in a church parking lot is weird. I also said I think it's super shady for cult leaders to bilk their brainwashed flock for money during a pandemic. I wasn't being insulting, unless you consider honesty an insult to your delicate sensibilities. In comparison, your responses seemed quite over the top. I will await your apology.

No, you were entirely insulting, and still are. So, now you are a liar, and a hypocrite.
You are democrat I assume?

Independent, but I'm betting you proudly call yourself a republican, and probably a conservative too. You also seem to have a shocking lack of self awareness. I'm curious, do you think religious folk have some kind of a monopoly on morality and/or fiscal responsibility?

I'm simply an American citizen, taxpayer, property owner and business owner that works hard and doesn't put up with a lot of bullshit from anyone, regardless of political tribe. Do you find that insulting because you think my evaluations are an affront to your delicate sensibilities?

Independent = waiting for DNC talking point email before repeating their diatribe.

Republican = criminals currently using treasonous actions to meet their own needs. You think the political nonsense you ingest from your tribe is any better, nitwit? :auiqs.jpg: GTFO.
Yeah, they clearly were.
A judge is going to laugh them out of court.

It is up to the people of that town to lean on the mayor and make him modify it. Educate him or something.
No. Sorry. The people in their autos were not violating social distancing edicts from the president on down.
Maybe their a-hole mayor SAID they were, but he was clearly wrong and maybe trying to drum up some money for his little town. I would love to see a judge rule on the ad hoc edicts of mayor Simmons.

That man has his head up his ass.
Yes, he has his head up his ass, imo. BUT he did issue an Order. I don't know what authority he used for that, but neither do you. Go defend those tickets if you're so sure. I think the Mayor of New York has made some Emergency Orders. The Mayor of Wells, Maine made an Emergency Order that all hotels, motels, etc. in Wells were to close. Why can't the mayor of East Podunk?
It's not that he made an order. He made an order that criminalized people who were scrupulously social distancing themselves already.
Exactly, you would think people would be more understanding but we seem to have people in government where power goes to their midget minds.

I ran into these types in the military far too often.....someone gives one of them a little rank and suddenly they think they are Napoleon
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

You have the right to be wrong. That's fine.

If you hadn't been childish and insulting, I would not have responded back in similar fashion. I find it hilarious that all I did was was throw back in your face, the same level of discussion you sent to me.

But somehow I'm triggered for responding to you exactly how you responded to me... but you are not triggered? Have you read your own posts?

Whatever make you feel better about yourself. :)

Nope, not triggered. I find this topic fascinating and hilarious. :auiqs.jpg: All I said was that listening to a radio sermon in a church parking lot is weird. I also said I think it's super shady for cult leaders to bilk their brainwashed flock for money during a pandemic. I wasn't being insulting, unless you consider honesty an insult to your delicate sensibilities. In comparison, your responses seemed quite over the top. I will await your apology.

No, you were entirely insulting, and still are. So, now you are a liar, and a hypocrite.
You are democrat I assume?

Independent, but I'm betting you proudly call yourself a republican, and probably a conservative too. You also seem to have a shocking lack of self awareness. I'm curious, do you think religious folk have some kind of a monopoly on morality and/or fiscal responsibility?

I'm simply an American citizen, taxpayer, property owner and business owner that works hard and doesn't put up with a lot of bullshit from anyone, regardless of political tribe. Do you find that insulting because you think my evaluations are an affront to your delicate sensibilities?

Independent = waiting for DNC talking point email before repeating their diatribe.

Republican = criminals currently using treasonous actions to meet their own needs. You think the political nonsense you ingest from your tribe is any better, nitwit? :auiqs.jpg: GTFO.

I just want to know how long it takes for those pickets to start hurting your ass before you jump down on the liberal side?
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Why can’t you answer?
The fairly tales that make up the bible.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
Spoken like a true follower of Mao, Stalin and Xi
You fuckers are insane, LOL.
There's so many holes in your comments that it's hard to keep track. I can only assume you've never been a CEO or a business owner.

Many employees have the financial wherewithal to pay for a return flight. Many. The point is, none of them would. Whether they had the money or not, they wouldn't.

You wouldn't buy a round trip ticket to go fix a problem at the company, because... you are just an employee... it's not your company. You don't care.

If said company has a problem that requires an employee to fly somewhere to fix it, then that is the responsibility of the company (it becomes a part of the yearly overhead), not the employee. The employee should pay for a return flight out of their own pocket only if they will be compensated for it later. Caring has absolutely nothing to do with it. Work is a pretty standard concept. You work, you get paid for it. You don't cover the costs of your company's overhead out of a sense of loyalty. That's what a moronic sucker does.

CEOs own responsibility, and that's exactly why they are CEOs. Business owners own the responsibility, and that's exactly why they are business owners.

CEO's are beholden to shareholders and even then many are protected from own any responsibility for their fuck ups. Business owners aren't equal to CEOs of corporations. At all. There's nothing profound in your white noise statement beyond anecdotal, bullshit opinion.

If said company has a problem that requires an employee to fly somewhere to fix it, then that is the responsibility of the company (it becomes a part of the yearly overhead), not the employee. The employee should pay for a return flight out of their own pocket only if they will be compensated for it later. Caring has absolutely nothing to do with it. Work is a pretty standard concept. You work, you get paid for it. You don't cover the costs of your company's overhead out of a sense of loyalty. That's what a moronic sucker does.

And yet the owner of the company pays for both flights, out of his pocket. He's owning responsibility. That's why he's paid tons, and employees are not.

Again, nothing you said, changed my point.

CEO's are beholden to shareholders and even then many are protected from own any responsibility for their fuck ups. Business owners aren't equal to CEOs of corporations. At all. There's nothing profound in your white noise statement beyond anecdotal, bullshit opinion.

Opinion backed by the facts, and the empirical evidence. Again, go read how CEOs or business owners live their lives. They are working non-stop.

Again, nothing you said changed the facts I presented. If you doubt that, go read the daily routines of CEOs. And I find it ridiculous to claim that business owners are comparable to CEOs. You do realize that the vast majority of CEOs were business owners?

Steve Jobs.
Mark Zuckerberg.
Sam Walton.
Henry Ford.
Bill Gates.
Dave Thomas.

Honestly thousands of CEOs, started off as business owners. Really dumb to try and claim they are entirely different.

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