Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets.

This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.

The CDC "social distancing" guidelines that the cops claim these people broke are federal guidelines thus it should be ruled on in federal court.
In their cars with their windows shut...
My grandfather was a millionaire, back when a million dollars was a lot of money. So what? And if you choose to give your money to a cult, money that YOU EARNED, that's your right. But I'd say that the operative phrase is "you earned," because in my experience the owners do the least work but reap the greatest profit. Maybe it's time for a redistribution of wealth.
Maybe you should move to a country where people decide for others who has "too much" money and not.
The US just had a referendum on socialism with the Bernie Sanders candidacy. Guess what people think of
your redistribution of wealth?

They think it's dangerous idiocy.
This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.

The CDC "social distancing" guidelines that the cops claim these people broke are federal guidelines thus it should be ruled on in federal court.

I do not think it will go that far...I expect the mayor to be forced to apologize and tear up those tickets....unless one of the churchgoers wants to legally pursue the case aka...sue the city.
My grandfather was a millionaire, back when a million dollars was a lot of money. So what? And if you choose to give your money to a cult, money that YOU EARNED, that's your right. But I'd say that the operative phrase is "you earned," because in my experience the owners do the least work but reap the greatest profit. Maybe it's time for a redistribution of wealth.
Maybe you should move to a country where people decide for others who has "too much" money and not.
The US just had a referendum on socialism with the Bernie Sanders candidacy. Guess what people think of
your redistribution of wealth?

hehheh Exactly.....I think it is time to crack down on the commies like we did in the fifties.
How can sitting in your own automobile in a church parking lot be a "crime"?
This idiocy has gone way too far.

As pointed out they were following the social distancing rules....it would be interesting to know exactly who was behind that operation.....I suspect the mayor....he is not someone with a lot of intelligence....but one who likely is intoxicated with his self importance and probably some desire to strike out at white folk.
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As pointed out they were following the social distancing rules....it would be interesting to know exactly who was behind that operation.....I suspect the mayor....he is not someone with a lot of intelligence....but one who likely is intoxicated with his self importance and probably some desire to strike out at white folk.
Not sure there is a racial component in this issue. Why bring it up?
As pointed out they were following the social distancing rules....it would be interesting to know exactly who was behind that operation.....I suspect the mayor....he is not someone with a lot of intelligence....but one who likely is intoxicated with his self importance and probably some desire to strike out at white folk.
Not sure there is a racial component in this issue. Why bring it up?

Mississippi has a lot of blacks and blacks are disproportionately being killed by this virus. But that begs the question, why?

1. Is it because blacks usually don't have health insurance and so they hesitate to get medical care that they need?
2. Is it because blacks are generally less healthy with more medical problems than whites due to their lifestyles?
3. Is it because blacks bodies, for some medical reason not yet known, are not able to fight off this virus at the same rate as whites?

I'd love to know the answer to that.
Not right. Not constitutional.
Fucking hilarious. That is what they get for believing in fairy tales, LOL.
What fairy tale is that?
Seriously, are you that stupid?
Not right. Not constitutional.

I wonder how much lip service the cops got lol

I'll see yas in court bitch

This is gettin ridiculous

Not right. Not constitutional.
The endemic corruption of Democrat run helllholes is the reason for this. Democrat police departments are notoriously dependent of shaking down poor folks in minority neighborhoods to fund themselves.

Now with less niggas out on the street to oppress with massive fines for petty ordinance violations such as tinted windows, playing music, failure to appear for BS warrants etc. etc. the police are getting desperate.

If there's one thing that Democrats do consistently, it's keep poor blacks poor.
Don't forget the loss of income for traffic violations since traffic is pretty much non existent. Plus with all the bars closed their are no drunks to shake down with DUI citations. I suppose the lawyers are all doing poorly too so maybe they can make up for some of their loss by going after the city for issuing silly assed frivolous citations like these.
Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets
Not right. Not constitutional
You can't be such a F-ing parishioner in your borough or township or home district obediently pay your church tithes and then complain to us about your church violating the Constitution and religious liberty. Such a worshipful righteous churchgoers can't even bake a cake for a couple of silly bridesmaids without doping the ladies up on heroin and other drugs for the gentlemen's own entertainment.
I just explained it.
You actually didn't explain why people parked in a church parking lot listening to a preacher on their radios
are receiving citations for simply being there.

Blacks being disproportionately effected by the corona virus is a whole other issue.

If you have a bunch of high-risk people gathering in a time of a pandemic that is showing death rates of 70% black then I could understand, maybe, the wanting to break up a black gathering of people even faster than a white because these people are obviously at a higher risk. The stats prove it.
Not right. Not constitutional.
If not fake news, then it’s FUNNY news.
Why unconstitutional if in time of virus “war” a law was passed to protect civilians?
No matter how stupid they are.

They were not breaking any laws, they were in their own cars and practicing social distancing. You can go to a restaurant order food and eat in your car in the parking lot of the restaurant but you can’t practice your religion by following the same laws given to restaurants.

I don’t see how this is not safe. Tell me how this is not practicing social distancing and is a health risk.
I agree with you!
As a Libertarian (ethical kind), i believe people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as others don’t get hurt by their actions.
Social distancing from cars should be safe.
I was commenting on the stupid LOCAL law(s) that try to reflect war-time national edicts.

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