Mississippi church goers sitting in their cars given 500 dollar tickets.

This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.
And who the fuck is "we?" Exactly what I said. You, or as "we" think you are so f'n righteous. So full of shit, and yourself.

Why do you care anyway? Obviously you are not religious, so what difference does it make to you? I confused what you are getting your panties all bunched up about.

Most Democrats today are proudly non-religious. So why are you acting like I stole your sucker, and now you are having a temper tantrum?
Pointing out you think you have a lock on so much makes you look and sound like a blowhard. Too much for you to comprehend, I suspect.

Truth is truth. I pointed out the truth. You didn't like it. Now you are deflecting. Well.... sucks to be you man. Truth is still truth. What it makes me sound like... I don't care. Did I say that I care what I sound like to you? No? Then you are free to assume I don't care. This might come as a shock, but you really are not that important to me.
I chose my way of life without someone telling how to think, who to worship, and who to (supposedly) believe in. Not a shock at all.

Do tell... when have I ever demanded you think a certain way, or who to worship, or who to believe in?

You do whatever you want, and that's fine with me.

Did I call you names for not believing in G-d or something? No I did not.

Who posted this?

And who the fuck is "we?" Exactly what I said. You, or as "we" think you are so f'n righteous. So full of shit, and yourself.​

That was you of course. You were the one that started freaking out. Not me. You started insulting others, not me. You were the one intolerant of other beliefs, not me.

I didn't make any demands of you, and I don't intend to start. But, if you claim to be tolerant, it would be nice if you started practicing it as much as people seem to preach it. Just a thought.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

You have the right to be wrong. That's fine.

If you hadn't been childish and insulting, I would not have responded back in similar fashion. I find it hilarious that all I did was was throw back in your face, the same level of discussion you sent to me.

But somehow I'm triggered for responding to you exactly how you responded to me... but you are not triggered? Have you read your own posts?

Whatever make you feel better about yourself. :)

Nope, not triggered. I find this topic fascinating and hilarious. :auiqs.jpg: All I said was that listening to a radio sermon in a church parking lot is weird. I also said I think it's super shady for cult leaders to bilk their brainwashed flock for money during a pandemic. I wasn't being insulting, unless you consider honesty an insult to your delicate sensibilities. In comparison, your responses seemed quite over the top. I will await your apology.

No, you were entirely insulting, and still are. So, now you are a liar, and a hypocrite.
You are democrat I assume?
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

You have the right to be wrong. That's fine.

If you hadn't been childish and insulting, I would not have responded back in similar fashion. I find it hilarious that all I did was was throw back in your face, the same level of discussion you sent to me.

But somehow I'm triggered for responding to you exactly how you responded to me... but you are not triggered? Have you read your own posts?

Whatever make you feel better about yourself. :)

Nope, not triggered. I find this topic fascinating and hilarious. :auiqs.jpg: All I said was that listening to a radio sermon in a church parking lot is weird. I also said I think it's super shady for cult leaders to bilk their brainwashed flock for money during a pandemic. I wasn't being insulting, unless you consider honesty an insult to your delicate sensibilities. In comparison, your responses seemed quite over the top. I will await your apology.

No, you were entirely insulting, and still are. So, now you are a liar, and a hypocrite.
You are democrat I assume?

Independent, but I'm betting you proudly call yourself a republican, and probably a conservative too. You also seem to have a shocking lack of self awareness. I'm curious, do you think religious folk have some kind of a monopoly on morality and/or fiscal responsibility?

I'm simply an American citizen, taxpayer, property owner and business owner that works hard and doesn't put up with a lot of bullshit from anyone, regardless of political tribe. Do you find that insulting because you think my evaluations are an affront to your delicate sensibilities?
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not you the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.
A fool and his money soon part ways.

I agree. Let me tell you a bit about myself... I am a life long Christian. I have a funded 401K, and I have a separate IRA. Additionally I keep several thousand in my bank account at all times.

Additionally, I have zero debt. No car loan. No house payment. No credit cards. No student loans. I owe no one anywhere, anything.

And I pay 10% of my take home pay to the church, every single check.
And I give to charities. And when I can I also volunteer at charities.

Give my last years income was a record breaking $30,000... I know people that make double how much money I do, and have a negative net worth.

So if the statement you made is true... clearly I'm not a fool then.

By the way, nearly everything I said is also true of my parents, who are now millionaires.
I guess I don't understand your point. Are you bragging about how much you give to charity?

He said a fool and his money are soon parted, to me. Implying I was a fool. Or implying that Christians are fools.


That's all.
My grandfather was a millionaire, back when a million dollars was a lot of money. So what? And if you choose to give your money to a cult, money that YOU EARNED, that's your right. But I'd say that the operative phrase is "you earned," because in my experience the owners do the least work but reap the greatest profit. Maybe it's time for a redistribution of wealth.

What do you mean by "owners"? First, by every possible measure, business owners and CEOs do by far, more work than employees, and by a very wide margin.

The average business owner, puts in between 50 to 60 hours a week. At my last job, the owner of the company was on vacation when a huge problem hit, and he had to buy a plane ticket back home on Tuesday, work Tuesday night, and all Wednesday, and then flew back to his vacation Thursday night.

You tell me which average employee owns that kind of responsibility, that on their week vacation, they leave their families and fly back 4 states away to take care of business, and thus "earns" the kind of money a CEO and business owner is paid?

And CEOs at large corporations work constantly. Go read the life styles of CEOs. They are replying to emails and pouring over documents by 6 AM, and don't get home until 6 PM, and often are replying to emails late into the night. And many work at the office on Saturdays, as a routine.

All that said... neither me, nor my parents, nor my wealthy grand parents, were business owners, or CEOs.

Like most wealthy people in this country, they earned their wealth as employees.
Oh, gee, the owner had to take a plane back to fix a problem? Wow, that's tough. I was a small business owner and I had the same kind of responsibility, but I never had the kind of compensation that would pay for plane fare like that. What average employee has that kind of financial wherewithal? When I had my own business, I thought about it day and night, but I wasn't making anywhere near that kind of money. Are you really asking me to feel sorry for some CEO who has to cut his Aspen vacation short to deal with some issue? Fuck you.

I'm not saying that owners or CEOs don't work hard, or work long hours, but I AM saying that they are financially compensated at rates that are obscene. And the reckoning is coming, and soon.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not you the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.
A fool and his money soon part ways.

I agree. Let me tell you a bit about myself... I am a life long Christian. I have a funded 401K, and I have a separate IRA. Additionally I keep several thousand in my bank account at all times.

Additionally, I have zero debt. No car loan. No house payment. No credit cards. No student loans. I owe no one anywhere, anything.

And I pay 10% of my take home pay to the church, every single check.
And I give to charities. And when I can I also volunteer at charities.

Give my last years income was a record breaking $30,000... I know people that make double how much money I do, and have a negative net worth.

So if the statement you made is true... clearly I'm not a fool then.

By the way, nearly everything I said is also true of my parents, who are now millionaires.
I guess I don't understand your point. Are you bragging about how much you give to charity?

He said a fool and his money are soon parted, to me. Implying I was a fool. Or implying that Christians are fools.


That's all.
My grandfather was a millionaire, back when a million dollars was a lot of money. So what? And if you choose to give your money to a cult, money that YOU EARNED, that's your right. But I'd say that the operative phrase is "you earned," because in my experience the owners do the least work but reap the greatest profit. Maybe it's time for a redistribution of wealth.

What do you mean by "owners"? First, by every possible measure, business owners and CEOs do by far, more work than employees, and by a very wide margin.

The average business owner, puts in between 50 to 60 hours a week. At my last job, the owner of the company was on vacation when a huge problem hit, and he had to buy a plane ticket back home on Tuesday, work Tuesday night, and all Wednesday, and then flew back to his vacation Thursday night.

You tell me which average employee owns that kind of responsibility, that on their week vacation, they leave their families and fly back 4 states away to take care of business, and thus "earns" the kind of money a CEO and business owner is paid?

And CEOs at large corporations work constantly. Go read the life styles of CEOs. They are replying to emails and pouring over documents by 6 AM, and don't get home until 6 PM, and often are replying to emails late into the night. And many work at the office on Saturdays, as a routine.

All that said... neither me, nor my parents, nor my wealthy grand parents, were business owners, or CEOs.

Like most wealthy people in this country, they earned their wealth as employees.
Oh, gee, the owner had to take a plane back to fix a problem? Wow, that's tough. I was a small business owner and I had the same kind of responsibility, but I never had the kind of compensation that would pay for plane fare like that. What average employee has that kind of financial wherewithal? When I had my own business, I thought about it day and night, but I wasn't making anywhere near that kind of money. Are you really asking me to feel sorry for some CEO who has to cut his Aspen vacation short to deal with some issue? Fuck you.

I'm not saying that owners or CEOs don't work hard, or work long hours, but I AM saying that they are financially compensated at rates that are obscene. And the reckoning is coming, and soon.

Many employees have the financial wherewithal to pay for a return flight. Many. The point is, none of them would. Whether they had the money or not, they wouldn't.

You wouldn't buy a round trip ticket to go fix a problem at the company, because... you are just an employee... it's not your company. You don't care.

That *IS* the reason they make the big bucks.

Are you really asking me to feel sorry for some CEO who has to cut his Aspen vacation short to deal with some issue? Fuck you.

Calm your little panties down.... that wasn't the point. Why would you feel sorry for anyone? Who cares?

The point is, that is the reason they make the big bucks, and you don't. CEOs own responsibility, and that's exactly why they are CEOs. Business owners own the responsibility, and that's exactly why they are business owners.

That was my point. You don't feel sorry for someone who is earning what they have. That CEO, was earning his pay. That was my point.

I'm not saying that owners or CEOs don't work hard, or work long hours, but I AM saying that they are financially compensated at rates that are obscene. And the reckoning is coming, and soon.

No, it's not obscene. When you show the effort and time, and own the responsibility of a multi-billion dollar company.... you will want to be properly compensated for it, and it is no more obscene, then you demanding to be compensated for the far less you do now.

Bad CEOs wipe out thousands, if not millions of jobs, and lose billions of dollars. Enron. WorldCom. Kodak. Bear Stearns. Pan Am. The list goes on of companies that failed to move forward.

Apple Computer. When Steve Jobs was gone, the company almost went bankrupt. Steve Jobs came back, and not only recovered the company, but made it a leader in the industry again.

Paying tons of money to CEOs that make billions of product value, and create jobs, and grow the business.... is worth the money.

Not up to you, a who does not know what work they do... to determine what is or is not obscene. And honestly, if someone came and said how much you made was obscene, you'd be freaking out.

Because right now, in a third world country, there's millions of people who look at your life, and your income, and call you obscene.

So be careful using opinion to make arbitrary judgements on what others should or should not make, because some day someone is going to use their opinion to make an arbitrary judgement about you.

You do know that making $32K a year, places you in the top 1% of the planet, right? That means you are the obscene one, and people are hoping a reckoning is coming for you... you know that right? There's people just like you in other countries, that are hoping you yourself are the one headed for a reckoning. Just FYI.
Not right. Not constitutional.
whether the asshole issuing these orders is a republican or democrat this is stupid and unAmerican

citizens have a right to peacefully assemble
Testing is done with car drive thru. I don't see any problem with parked in individual cars. 10 or less socially spaced indoors seems ok as well.
There's so many holes in your comments that it's hard to keep track. I can only assume you've never been a CEO or a business owner.

Many employees have the financial wherewithal to pay for a return flight. Many. The point is, none of them would. Whether they had the money or not, they wouldn't.

You wouldn't buy a round trip ticket to go fix a problem at the company, because... you are just an employee... it's not your company. You don't care.

If said company has a problem that requires an employee to fly somewhere to fix it, then that is the responsibility of the company (it becomes a part of the yearly overhead), not the employee. The employee should pay for a return flight out of their own pocket only if they will be compensated for it later. Caring has absolutely nothing to do with it. Work is a pretty standard concept. You work, you get paid for it. You don't cover the costs of your company's overhead out of a sense of loyalty. That's what a moronic sucker does.

CEOs own responsibility, and that's exactly why they are CEOs. Business owners own the responsibility, and that's exactly why they are business owners.

CEO's are beholden to shareholders and even then many are protected from own any responsibility for their fuck ups. Business owners aren't equal to CEOs of corporations. At all. There's nothing profound in your white noise statement beyond anecdotal, bullshit opinion.
If cable TV and over the air channels donated at least a few hours and some empty channels perhaps a deal could be made with the Christian Churches. Unfortunately agnostics, satanists and others would protest this and they would back off. We know what the police are. And frankly, what side most will be on when the time comes. It is apparent now. Some Repub counties are just as bad as Prog counties and states with their draconian fascist dictums. Shadow on the Land exists!

There are empty channels making deals with "Christian" churches, and the "pastors" are bringing in MILLIONS of dollars.
My church is in the red, and I'm sure this church in Mississippi isn't rolling in the cash, either.
How can a church be in the red ?
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not you the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.
A fool and his money soon part ways.
I take it you're broke?
If cable TV and over the air channels donated at least a few hours and some empty channels perhaps a deal could be made with the Christian Churches. Unfortunately agnostics, satanists and others would protest this and they would back off. We know what the police are. And frankly, what side most will be on when the time comes. It is apparent now. Some Repub counties are just as bad as Prog counties and states with their draconian fascist dictums. Shadow on the Land exists!

There are empty channels making deals with "Christian" churches, and the "pastors" are bringing in MILLIONS of dollars.
My church is in the red, and I'm sure this church in Mississippi isn't rolling in the cash, either.
How can a church be in the red ?
Churches can owe money

if donations are less than the monthly bill for mortgage, utilities, ect they are in the red
Not right. Not constitutional.
whether the asshole issuing these orders is a republican or democrat this is stupid and unAmerican

citizens have a right to peacefully assemble

Not in a time of National Emergency if the authorities in your location decide otherwise.

The constitution is subservient to National Security....this has been demonstrated many times and by several Presidents.

Church services have been banned in several states as a temporary measure.....the bans will be lifted if the dangers of the chinese virus recede.

Maintenance of National Security and the First Amendment
Preservation of the security of the Nation from its enemies, foreign and domestic, is the obligation of government and one of the foremost reasons for government to exist. Pursuit of this goal may lead government officials at times to trespass in areas protected by the guarantees of speech and press and may require the balancing away of rights that might be preserved inviolate at other times. The drawing of the line is committed, not exclusively but finally, to the Supreme Court. In this section, we consider a number of areas in which the necessity to draw lines has arisen.

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Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not those like you, the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.

I'm simply commenting on the topic, trigger, relax. Meeting in a church parking lot to listen to a radio sermon in your car is fucking weird. Like, total wackadoo, lack of common sense weird. Someone suggested they are actually there to tithe to the church, which makes some sense. Still, I think that's super shady, especially during a pandemic. I get that you don't like my criticisms, but that too shall pass.

It is called social distancing...do you live in a cave?
This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?

You live in a cave boyo.....there is now a thing called social distancing due to the chinese virus...read up on dat and git back here wid us.

Their radio only works in the parking lot?

Now I perceive you might be a jester hehheh

Anyhow if you are not just being a clown.....they are assembling together for a church service but doing it in a social distancing manner.....which still allows them to see and wave at each other etc. and also allows the church to pass the donations plate around.

So, it's just about shaking down the parishioners for money? Hmm. Seems pretty shady.

Kind of a strange way to look at it, given the fact they are going there voluntarily to begin with.

Cults are pretty strange. It's definitely not cool that the cult leaders take advantage of their mentally challenged followers by shaking them down for money. What would a god need with money?

Yeah, and what is that to you? What difference does this make to you?

If I choose to give my money, that I earned, with my own labor, to a cult... who are you to judge me as mentally challenged?

Are not you the ones claiming to be tolerant, and non-judgemental? Who are you to say what G-d does, or does not want or need? Do you know G-d? No? Then who are you to judging what G-d does or does not need?

It's amazing how many people proclaim all these virtues non-stop, and then trip over them every chance they get.

Mind your own business. Not your business man. Keep your nose out of other people's butts.
A fool and his money soon part ways.
I take it you're broke?
Thats your buddy broke loser.
This was not the first instance of a church having a gathering like this. A local church to my home did the same thing:

It was perfectly legal here in LA. So why not right across the border?

States rights.

Careful. There is a separation of church and state.

Which is why we need federal oversight of this. This is ridiculous. This does not violate the CDC's guidelines. No state has a right to ban a congregation that DOES comply with the laws. Sorry, this will wind up in a much higher court if they don't immediately drop all charges.

I would argue this should fought in state court.

The Federal government has no business interfering in state law at all, period.
Why would you drive to a church parking lot to listen to a pastor on the radio?
Democrats don't understand church, God, Easter, worship, and faith. It is also beyond the scope of this thread for me to explain it.
Republicans, I suppose, have a lock on religion, guns, rights, etc. etc. etc.
Stop the ridiculous nonsense.

Depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean ridiculous nonsense, then yes, we don't have a lock on that. Scientology is a great "religion" for Democrats who believe in myths already, like successful socialism.

In the past, I would agree with you. Today, not so much.

At this point, you can't be both a Christian and a Democrat.

If you want to be a Democrat, then you are not a Christian. It's that simple.

The CDC "social distancing" guidelines that the cops claim these people broke are federal guidelines thus it should be ruled on in federal court.

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