Mississippi Governor Declares April as Confederate Heritage Month

“Who runs big cities in the U.S.?”

What an idiotic question to ask in a thread about a Mississippi Governor declaring a ”Confederate Heritage Month”!

Especially when the article cited itself points out:

“The ... governor is following the practice of several of his Democratic and Republican predecessors, and his action is drawing criticism from the state’s only African American congressman.... Mississippi is the last state with a flag that prominently features the Confederate battle emblem.”

But Jitss617 is unable to learn or think historically, and he doesn’t even want to read or respond seriously to the “Heritage” issues raised in the OP. He just wants another chance to promote partisan divisions, insult African-Americans and Democrats, and act as a “Troll for Trump.”
Last edited:
Every big city is not run by a democrat and cities are dependent upon federal and state policies. The failures of republicans at the national level is just not what these guys want to admit. I live in a state that was ruined by a republican governor and legislature so who runs the cities is a weak diversion these guys always use when they are losing the argument.
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history. So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

You should celebrate the slave markets, without which the vast majority of negroes would never have made it to the New World.


Looks like we got us a new racist troll

Said the man that can't tell the truth about the word "not".

Give an example or STFU

Make me, cuck.


Make me, you cuck liar.

Love how Correll goes all potty mouth when he is getting mopped up in a thread

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history.

Was it? Most whites were not of the Plantation Class. Most of the people fighting were not fighting FOR slavery, but because of other reasons, such as nationalism, or that a fucking ARMY was rolling into their country.

Rolling into their country, this was the United States of America Jack.

You ever live in the South?

Born and raised, how about you?

So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

Whatever parts they want.

So you don't have a damn clue.

I've heard blacks talk fondly of the South, in a number of ways from the cuisine to the strong family structure, to the beauty of the land to the music to the ole time religion.

Of course you have, hell we grew up in the South and had to make some joy out of it. Have you ever lived where you couldn't go into a bathroom, couldn't go into certain stores or restaurants, couldn't go down town and sit on a park bench. Tell me have you ever lived in segregation.

When I visited the Birthplace of Robert E. Lee, they have local black actors and actresses telling tales of surviving slavery. A subject that they managed to avoid be boring on, very impressive.

So that just made your day, they were telling the sick story of slavery not celebrating it. Smfh.

1. A distinction I am sure was great comfort for the people's who's families where in the path of that Army. NOT. My point stands. They were not fighting FOR slavery.

Why did Lincoln send the US Army South?

Lincoln's reason(s) for fighting, do not define the reasons for fighting of the confederate's soldiers.

My point stands. They were not fighting FOR slavery. So, honoring their service is not honoring slavery. And it takes a dick to claim it is.

What were they fighting for exactly? Please break it down for us. They were traitors, plain and simple.

2. Yes. The whites there were very nice and have a distinct culture, that they were rightfully proud of and I never heard any of them citing past oppression of blacks as the reason.

My time in the south. THe whites there are nice people, even though you want to pretend they are monsters.

You are white of course they were nice to you. Duh. You are talking to a man who was born and raised in the South and I am not saying that all whites in the South are evil, but I have had my share of racism as has most black folks. So you trying to water it down talking about they were nice to you, whoop dee fuckin do.

3. THe bit where you say I don't have a clue, right before the long list I gave? That was stupid and dishonest of you.
You have been stupid and dishonest about the South since you started running that DS.

You are the moron, you are running your mouth and you don't have a clue.

4. They are rightfully proud of their heritage and culture. Your hate is blinding you.

Why would black folks be proud of the past of the South.

That is the way people are.

Most black folks from the South damn sure aren't celebrating slavery and Jim Crow segregation. Smfh.

5. Segregation was a long time ago. That fight was won a long time ago. The nation and the people have changed. YOu are living in the past.

WTF is the topic of this thread.

Not segregation.

Segregation is a large part of Southern History.

6. They were celebrating their people's history. Your denial of that is not good.

Why in the fuck would they be celebrating slavery, that is like saying Jewish folks celebrate the Holocaust. Smfh.

Your hate is blinding you.

You ignorance of the South has blinded you, just be man enough to admit when you don't know what you are talking about.
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history. So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

You should celebrate the slave markets, without which the vast majority of negroes would never have made it to the New World.


Looks like we got us a new racist troll

Said the man that can't tell the truth about the word "not".

Give an example or STFU

Make me, cuck.


Make me, you cuck liar.

Love how Correll goes all potty mouth when he is getting mopped up in a thread

That's because he doesn't know WTF he is talking about.
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history. So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

You should celebrate the slave markets, without which the vast majority of negroes would never have made it to the New World.


Looks like we got us a new racist troll

Said the man that can't tell the truth about the word "not".

Give an example or STFU

Make me, cuck.


Make me, you cuck liar.

Love how Correll goes all potty mouth when he is getting mopped up in a thread

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.

Still got the butt hurt going strong
No they were traitors fighting against Americans.

Not only traitors, but incredibly stupid as to risk life and limb so their betters didn’t have to pay the help.
Every other nation managed to move on from slavery without massive bloodshed.

Our Confederacy led us into a war that resulted in 600,000 deaths just so they could keep free labor.

Not a value worth celebrating
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history. So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

You should celebrate the slave markets, without which the vast majority of negroes would never have made it to the New World.


Looks like we got us a new racist troll

Said the man that can't tell the truth about the word "not".

Give an example or STFU

Make me, cuck.


Make me, you cuck liar.

Love how Correll goes all potty mouth when he is getting mopped up in a thread

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.

Still got the butt hurt going strong

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history. So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

You should celebrate the slave markets, without which the vast majority of negroes would never have made it to the New World.


Looks like we got us a new racist troll

Said the man that can't tell the truth about the word "not".

Give an example or STFU

Make me, cuck.


Make me, you cuck liar.

Love how Correll goes all potty mouth when he is getting mopped up in a thread

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.

Still got the butt hurt going strong

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.

Your talking loud, but you ain't saying shit.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Speaking of picking and choosing, all those things are a LARGE part of their history. So what part of Southern history should black folks celebrate since we were a huge part of that history.

You should celebrate the slave markets, without which the vast majority of negroes would never have made it to the New World.


Looks like we got us a new racist troll

Said the man that can't tell the truth about the word "not".

Give an example or STFU

Make me, cuck.


Make me, you cuck liar.

Love how Correll goes all potty mouth when he is getting mopped up in a thread

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.

Still got the butt hurt going strong

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.

Your talking loud, but you ain't saying shit.

My point about RW's behavior is clear and valid. YOu replied, but were unable to challenge it.

It thus stands.

Standard lib tactic number 3. Act like an asshole, and when the con responds appropriately pretend that they are the bad guy.

Effective, but have you ever considered what is says about you as a person?

1. It can only work, if people are so used to seeing you be an asshole, that they stop noticing it. ie you are an asshole.

2. That is the type of tactic you use, when on some level, you know you have lost the argument, and have to distract from that fact.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.
He is the democrat that oversaw urban slave plantations, and the destruction of black lives the daily murders and slaughter of blacks, the destruction of the black family, and education... stop blaming southerns fighting for independence for all your failures..coward .. stand up for your self.
Last edited:
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.
Awww tell us your sad story lol hahahha what did a white man say to you! Lol hahahahaha
“Who runs big cities in the U.S.?”

What an idiotic question to ask in a thread about a Mississippi Governor declaring a ”Confederate Heritage Month”!

Especially when the article cited itself points out:

“The ... governor is following the practice of several of his Democratic and Republican predecessors, and his action is drawing criticism from the state’s only African American congressman.... Mississippi is the last state with a flag that prominently features the Confederate battle emblem.”

But Jitss617 is unable to learn or think historically, and he doesn’t even want to read or respond seriously to the “Heritage” issues raised in the OP. He just wants another chance to promote partisan divisions, insult African-Americans and Democrats, and act as a “Troll for Trump.”

Just a prime example of when you have nothing, you try to change the narrative and make it about something else.

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