Mississippi Governor Declares April as Confederate Heritage Month

This post was about what the STATE of MISSISSIPPI is doing. In my own State of Florida, our Democratic & Republican governors & mayors and city councils have voted to remove almost all the old statues and flags of the Confederacy. They no longer dominate public plazas and court buildings, intimidating African Americans and many others. Hell, even Jefferson Davis told southerners to leave those damn flags in the attic.

Today Florida has many African-American and Cuban politicians, judges and police officers, and so many retirees moved down here from up north (and even Canada) that this place has become ... rather civilized!

Of course we also have Donald Trump and all his crony billionaire friends! :(

No thanks to The Donald, our Republican officials changed (a little) for the better over time. Who knows, maybe one day (post-Trump) Republicans actually will recruit black voters again ...
Lol trump got more of the African American vote then mitt Romney .. and polls show he will get 40% this year.. that’s incredible because blacks only vote for welfare,, now they vote for independence.. awesome

And again blacks, Asians Latinos all fought for the south it wasn’t about slavery, get a education
Jitss617 does indeed argue like an obnoxious, not very bright 12 year old -- but he's much worse than that. He's a troll trying to stir up racism and angry responses. Jitss617 loves to accuse everyone he doesn't like of being "a Democrat" --as if that or just voting for Obama was something to be ashamed of!

"Republican!" "Democrat!" "Independent!" -- Who gives a shit?

The profiteers of the system, the Wall Street crony capitalists, the military industrial warmongers -- very few of THEM truly care how we vote. So long as the big boys stay in control, the voters could vote for a Talk Show Host and they would still be happy.

I read here that Jitss617 used to be active on the fascistic "Stormfront" site. Maybe I'm mistaken about that. Maybe it was somebody else. Anyone know more?

This is rightwinger, right after your post.

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people"

To me, he is just a troll trying to stir up racism and angry responses.

I would love to have you help me call him out on his terrible behavior.
View attachment 322714

Every one of them heroic Lincoln Republicans who supported the Union in CRUSHING the Confederate Rebellion! Brave fighters for a democratic Reconstruction of racist America! Organizers and leaders of African-American freedmen and soldiers against the KuKluxKlan! Pioneers in bringing public schools to the South (for poor whites too)!

These were pioneers for racial equality who would have been proud to know their great great grandchildren might live to see a man like Obama elected President, who would despise the backward Mississippi politicians who today still celebrate a "Confederate Heritage Month" and even fly a Confederate-style flag over the goddamned Mississippi Statehouse. These men would spit at an ignorant racist pipsqueak like Jitts617!

Most, but not necessarily all, would today be active Democrats.

DO you really think they would be that concerned about some residual symbology and a meaningless "heritage month"?

Or would they look at the successful achievement of legal and political equality and consider the battle won?
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks

You said it. But you are known liar.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Yes because democrats promise of welfare, free housing, near the Great Depression, took them from the Republican Party and it’s been down hill Since, you know this you just troll lol

We see polls seeing trump getting 40% of the vote in 2020, blacks are fighting for independence again! Thank god for Candace Owens, and other mainstream blacks who are very popular on Facebook! Amazing times!
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks

You said it. But you are known liar.

Well it shouldn't be hard to show how he is lying.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Yes because democrats promise of welfare, free housing, near the Great Depression, took them from the Republican Party and it’s been down hill Since, you know this you just troll lol .

How many white folks rec'd all those free handouts?

We see polls seeing trump getting 40% of the vote in 2020, blacks are fighting for independence again! Thank god for Candace Owens, and other mainstream blacks who are very popular on Facebook! Amazing times!

Now that's some funny shit, he will be lucky to get 10% of the black vote.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Yes because democrats promise of welfare, free housing, near the Great Depression, took them from the Republican Party and it’s been down hill Since, you know this you just troll lol .

How many white folks rec'd all those free handouts?

We see polls seeing trump getting 40% of the vote in 2020, blacks are fighting for independence again! Thank god for Candace Owens, and other mainstream blacks who are very popular on Facebook! Amazing times!

Now that's some funny shit, he will be lucky to get 10% of the black vote.
How whites? Idk does that change what is said? Lol and if he gets 10% he takes 50 states
Remember when even northern Yankee bikers would display confederate flags, decals, symbols, patches, etc.? Now fewer do. Causes their bikes to get pissed on or otherwise fucked with. Bikers ain't what they used to be, however.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Yes because democrats promise of welfare, free housing, near the Great Depression, took them from the Republican Party and it’s been down hill Since, you know this you just troll lol .

How many white folks rec'd all those free handouts?

We see polls seeing trump getting 40% of the vote in 2020, blacks are fighting for independence again! Thank god for Candace Owens, and other mainstream blacks who are very popular on Facebook! Amazing times!

Now that's some funny shit, he will be lucky to get 10% of the black vote.
Just about all the single mom white girls and there are a ton of them.
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Yes because democrats promise of welfare, free housing, near the Great Depression, took them from the Republican Party and it’s been down hill Since, you know this you just troll lol .

How many white folks rec'd all those free handouts?

We see polls seeing trump getting 40% of the vote in 2020, blacks are fighting for independence again! Thank god for Candace Owens, and other mainstream blacks who are very popular on Facebook! Amazing times!

Now that's some funny shit, he will be lucky to get 10% of the black vote.
How whites? Idk does that change what is said? Lol and if he gets 10% he takes 50 states

You claim that Dems were offering all these FREE shit to black folks during the Great Depression which we know is a lie, also 10% is a helluva lot smaller than 40% and 10% is being to generous.
Remember when even northern Yankee bikers would display confederate flags, decals, symbols, patches, etc.? Now fewer do. Causes their bikes to get pissed on or otherwise fucked with. Bikers ain't what they used to be, however.
That just means democrats disinformation and bad education is working for you democrats. Free blacks Latinos, Indians, Asians all fought for the south for independence not slavery
Southerns who fought for independence! You’re great Americans!

No they were traitors fighting against Americans.
Says the guy with a obama aviator lol a black democrat that owned slaves lol

What does Pres. Obama have to do with 'Confederates being traitors, Trump.

You're awful pissed off, over a fight that was over over a century before you were born.

Were you raised to hate, or did you come to this by yourself?

No I was raised DEALING with hate.

You are obviously hating over a battle that was won over a century before you were born.

That is not "dealing with hate", that is you hating.

What? Why would I be hating over it, the Confederacy got their ass handed to them. I had to deal with hate towards black folks growing up in the South.
Awww what hate did you go through you poor thing! Let’s trade stories I went to black schools growing up.. wanna play?

Probably because you were spewing that same racist bullshit you have been spewing on here.
Projecting!? “ I’m black damnit! I want to be equal to everyone!” Lol I deserve it dam it!

In your case, "I'm white and I'm right and superior to everyone who isn't."
I’m white and use logic and history, you use a false narrative to advance. Pathetic

No you use His-Story to peddle your racist bullshit.
What have a said that was wrong? Sit down and listen to your self, you sound ridiculous

What have you said right? You want ridiculous, look in the mirror.
No one can have a serious back and fourth with you if you don’t admit your Alliance to the democrat party.. take responsibility

I don't have an alliance to the Democrat Party, do I vote Democrat more than Republican? Probably so.
View attachment 322644

She is in for a surprise
Republicans don’t vote for black people
View attachment 322714pss

t guess who voted for them lol

Good post

And in the 150 years since those blacks were elected, Republicans have elected just EIGHT blacks to higher office.

Like I said, Republicans don’t vote for blacks
Yes because democrats promise of welfare, free housing, near the Great Depression, took them from the Republican Party and it’s been down hill Since, you know this you just troll lol .

How many white folks rec'd all those free handouts?

We see polls seeing trump getting 40% of the vote in 2020, blacks are fighting for independence again! Thank god for Candace Owens, and other mainstream blacks who are very popular on Facebook! Amazing times!

Now that's some funny shit, he will be lucky to get 10% of the black vote.
How whites? Idk does that change what is said? Lol and if he gets 10% he takes 50 states

You claim that Dems were offering all these FREE shit to black folks during the Great Depression which we know is a lie, also 10% is a helluva lot smaller than 40% and 10% is being to generous.
Yes lbj even said Will get these ******* voting Democrat for hundreds of years.. how do you not know host? It was clear republicans that could vote, votes 77% for republicans, after welfare was introduced it flipped to democrats.. thats history. You can’t change it
Remember when even northern Yankee bikers would display confederate flags, decals, symbols, patches, etc.? Now fewer do. Causes their bikes to get pissed on or otherwise fucked with. Bikers ain't what they used to be, however.
That just means democrats disinformation and bad education is working for you democrats. Free blacks Latinos, Indians, Asians all fought for the south for independence not slavery
Well, their bikes will get pissed on too. Oh, I have never been a Democrat.
Remember when even northern Yankee bikers would display confederate flags, decals, symbols, patches, etc.? Now fewer do. Causes their bikes to get pissed on or otherwise fucked with. Bikers ain't what they used to be, however.
That just means democrats disinformation and bad education is working for you democrats. Free blacks Latinos, Indians, Asians all fought for the south for independence not slavery
Well, their bikes will get pissed on too. Oh, I have never been a Democrat.
What if they shot you? That wouldn’t be fun lol that’s why we have the second amendment.. I’d rethink your hate

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