Mississippi Governor Declares April as Confederate Heritage Month

What’s there to celebrate?

That they started a war to prove they were better than the slaves and lost?

Seems like something they might want to be ashamed of rather than proud of.
I have not heard anyone refer to this with the word "celebrate", except you. It looks to me more like a SOLEMN type thing, just honoring soldiers and civilians, who fought and died in defense of their towns, homes, and lives. - and are now being disrespected by today's not well enlightened do-gooders.
BTW, many of these Confederate soldiers were blacks.

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I have not heard anyone refer to this with the word "celebrate", except you. It looks to me more like a SOLEMN type thing, just honoring soldiers who fought and died in defense of their towns, homes, and lives. - and are now being disrespected by today's not well enlightened do-gooders.

No, they fought and died so rich people didn’t have to pay the help.
After 10 years, that will be more months than the CSA lasted :icon_rolleyes:
So you comply with Marxism Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future.
You’re OK with censorship and book-burning.
I’ve known and worked with lots of African-Americans, with all kinds of views about politics & religion. Once I met a young African-American woman who lived and worked in Mississippi (I think) before she moved to FL. She actually bragged she was once a substitute (?) school teacher there, but in fact when I knew her she was an hourly off-the-books aide to old people in FL. She was very ignorant and thought the Confederate flag was a symbol of Southern pride. A year later she had switched views entirely. Still ignorant and childish, though. Other than her, I never met an African American in Florida, New York or Ohio who didn’t know full well what that flag meant.
After 10 years, that will be more months than the CSA lasted :icon_rolleyes:
So you comply with Marxism Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future.
You’re OK with censorship and book-burning.

You sound triggered. It's okay. The south had a lot of other things going on before that. Some great whisky, to be certain.
No, they fought and died so rich people didn’t have to pay the help.
You are clueless. Most of what was fought in the Civil War has absolutely nothing to do with race. Many southerners in southern mountain states (VA, NC, SC, TN, GA, AL, AK), many miles from slave-worked plantations, had no TV, radio, computers or much of any communication, and may have not even known that black people existed, let alone about slavery. You're not well informed.
I’ve known and worked with lots of African-Americans, with all kinds of views about politics & religion. Once I met a young African-American woman who lived and worked in Mississippi (I think) before she moved to FL. She actually bragged she was once a substitute (?) school teacher there, but in fact when I knew her she was an hourly off-the-books aide to old people in FL. She was very ignorant and thought the Confederate flag was a symbol of Southern pride. A year later she had switched views entirely. Still ignorant and childish, though. Other than her, I never met an African American in Florida, New York or Ohio who didn’t know full well what that flag meant.
How about the black guys in the photographs in Post # 521. You think they knew what it meant ?

BTW, your use of the term "African-American" to describe black people, is incorrect. The correct word is >> BLACK.

And yes, today the Confederate flag IS a symbol of Southern pride, and reverence for hundreds of thousands of southerners, military and civilian, who fought not for slavery (many didn't even know it existed), but just to defend themselves and their towns & homes from being shot at. YOU are the ignorant one.

See also Post # 527.
I’ve known and worked with lots of African-Americans, with all kinds of views about politics & religion. Once I met a young African-American woman who lived and worked in Mississippi (I think) before she moved to FL. She actually bragged she was once a substitute (?) school teacher there, but in fact when I knew her she was an hourly off-the-books aide to old people in FL. She was very ignorant and thought the Confederate flag was a symbol of Southern pride. A year later she had switched views entirely. Still ignorant and childish, though. Other than her, I never met an African American in Florida, New York or Ohio who didn’t know full well what that flag meant.
So she went to college for one year, eh?
After 10 years, that will be more months than the CSA lasted :icon_rolleyes:
So you comply with Marxism Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future.
You’re OK with censorship and book-burning.

You sound triggered. It's okay. The south had a lot of other things going on before that. Some great whisky, to be certain.
Calling out people who censor American history for the purpose of employing Marxism is warranted, not a triggering.
Too bad Mississippi politicians, after finally agreeing to get rid of its official state flag with the Confederate emblem, feels it must backtrack in this way. It was the last state in the union to still fly that symbol over courthouses and government buildings. Of course this step is just a Republican political move to mollify its base, and perhaps also to stay on friendly terms with the President, given his recent pronouncements.

The state is today 38% African American. Most Mississippi businessmen and realist politicians are apparently convinced that that old symbol of the slave-owners rebellion, Jim Crow apartheid and white supremacy is a dead albatross around their neck holding their state back. Better to relegate it to a “Confederate Heritage Month” symbol, than to fly it all year...

Marginalizing the culture and heritage of the 58% to pander to liberals, is not the way to go forward bravely into the future.

It is a way to divide and tear down a society, not build it up.
The state of Mississippi just got blasted recently by a cat 5 tornado. Now they have a massive homeless problem to go with an airborne virus that is highly contagious and kills people. No coincidence this happens shortly after they declare confederate history month.

I've been waiting for one of the tele-evangelist types to say that Covid19 is God's punishment for not tossing Trump out of office. I mean look what has happened to the country since that vote went the wrong way. The virus, tornados, floods, murder hornets, and racial unrest.

The Robertsons, Franklins, and other political preachers are always saying that bad things happening are a result of abortion or gay rights. They are strangely silent on all of the shit that's happening because of Trump's incompetence, although they've stopped all of that dumb "Chosen One" horseshit.

Only retard with no life outside TV and the internet even knows what they say. And only a moron falls for it. They have to say shit like that to get people tuned in to what ever religious TV network it's put out on. They are as bad as the race pimps and just as corrupt.

I think they’re worst. Playing on people’s heartfelt beliefs. When I was a young bank clerk we used to see the checks coming out of old people’s accounts for these crooks. PTL Club was a big favourite of the donors.

I saw Jim & Tammy Baker tell viewers about a woman who sent them her last $10. Milk money for her children, and the Lord blessed her with thousands. The money was spent on an air conditioned dog house and other luxuries for the Bakers.
The state of Mississippi just got blasted recently by a cat 5 tornado. Now they have a massive homeless problem to go with an airborne virus that is highly contagious and kills people. No coincidence this happens shortly after they declare confederate history month.

I've been waiting for one of the tele-evangelist types to say that Covid19 is God's punishment for not tossing Trump out of office. I mean look what has happened to the country since that vote went the wrong way. The virus, tornados, floods, murder hornets, and racial unrest.

The Robertsons, Franklins, and other political preachers are always saying that bad things happening are a result of abortion or gay rights. They are strangely silent on all of the shit that's happening because of Trump's incompetence, although they've stopped all of that dumb "Chosen One" horseshit.

It would be more likely some left leaning religious type to say something like that. Hell, I could see this pope doing it.

And what do you imagine that would prove?

That they're not hypocrites? I realize that even if they thought it, they wouldn't say it out loud because there is no way the Democrats are going to pander to their nonsense the way Republicans do. Republicans put up with them because they NEED the religious right - desperately. They can't afford to lose a single voter in their base.

Not only are the racial demographics a losing proposition for Republicans but the urban/rural divide thing isn't working for them any longer. As the population of the nation grows, rural areas are increasing in population, but those increases are coming to the cities and towns in the mid-West. This growth of urban areas in Red States is turning these states purple, and after this election, is likely to see them become permanently Blue.

The desperation of the white supremacists, and others to slow the march to a kindler, gentler, inclusive nation is a fool's errand, but when it comes to fools, there's no fool like a Republican fool.

1. You don't seem to have any understanding or sympathy for how evangelicals see the world, with your desire to see them talk about it, that way you want.

2. The dems pander to their religious base far more than the republicans do. There is nothing about conservatism that is intrinsically hostile to religion, like we see with so many liberals. THe religious right is welcome because we have many areas of common goals and common respect. That you cannot understand this a reflection of a lack inside of you, not us.

3. The demographic issues are valid. It is interesting that it is ok for liberals to celebrate this trend, but it is wrong for conservatives to oppose it. So much for not being hypocritical.

4. WS are an irrelevant fringe. For you to mention them in a discussion about the GOP, or Trump, is you being dishonest.

5. People are literally dying in the streets and you talk about evolving into a kinder and gentler and more inclusive nation. You are the fool. We are devolving into a racial strife filled Third World shithole. Good job.
The confederacy was not the United States so it did not have US political parties. And so we now have a republican deciding to honor racism with racist history month.
I am sorry IM 2. Thereare other versions of the War between the States.
No there isn't. And it's time whites like yourself stopped lying about it. So enjoy celebrating racism history month.

Sure, while every day is racism day for you.
BTW, many of these Confederate soldiers were blacks.

The “1st Louisiana Native Guard” militiamen pictured here included French-speaking, Creole and African-American freemen who briefly made up a uniquely New Orleans “home guard.” They never fought Union forces, were never allowed even to guard captured Union prisoners. They were ordered to disband immediately after the Louisiana legislature insisted in January 1862 that the militia should consist only of white men, and were abandoned to their fate when the Union army sailed into New Orleans and Confederate forces fled.

These men were self armed, numbering as many as 1500 at one point. As the Union ships arrived in port in April 1862 they were ordered to hide their weapons and return to their homes by the head of the Confederate Louisiana militia. Instead their leaders met Union General Benjamin Butler, and many were soon reorganized into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Native Guards Union regiments. Their leaders became the first Black officers in the history of the United States Army.

For more information: 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) - Wikipedia
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BTW, many of these Confederate soldiers were blacks.

View attachment 360761
The “1st Louisiana Native Guard” militiamen pictured here included French-speaking, Creole and African-American freemen who briefly made up a uniquely New Orleans “home guard.” They never fought Union forces, were never allowed even to guard captured Union prisoners. They were ordered to disband immediately after the Louisiana legislature insisted in January 1962 that the militia should consist only of white men, and were abandoned to their fate when the Union army sailed into New Orleans and Confederate forces fled.

These men were self armed, numbering as many as 1500 men at one point. As the Union ships arrived in port in April 1962 they were ordered to hide their weapons and return to their homes by the head of the Confederate Louisiana militia. Instead their leaders met Union General Benjamin Butler, and many were soon reorganized into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Native Guards Union regiments. Their leaders became the first Black officers in the history of the United States Army.

1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) - Wikipedia
And they lived happily ever after in segregated northern slums.
BTW, many of these Confederate soldiers were blacks.

View attachment 360761
The “1st Louisiana Native Guard” militiamen pictured here included French-speaking, Creole and African-American freemen who briefly made up a uniquely New Orleans “home guard.” They never fought Union forces, were never allowed even to guard captured Union prisoners. They were ordered to disband immediately after the Louisiana legislature insisted in January 1962 that the militia should consist only of white men, and were abandoned to their fate when the Union army sailed into New Orleans and Confederate forces fled.

These men were self armed, numbering as many as 1500 men at one point. As the Union ships arrived in port in April 1962 they were ordered to hide their weapons and return to their homes by the head of the Confederate Louisiana militia. Instead their leaders met Union General Benjamin Butler, and many were soon reorganized into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Native Guards Union regiments. Their leaders became the first Black officers in the history of the United States Army.

1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) - Wikipedia
And they lived happily ever after in segregated northern slums.
Actually, many served bravely throughout the war, and afterwards undoubtedly worked in the Reconstruction government or the local militia under ex-Confederate General Longstreet. Longstreet himself was shot and many black militiamen were killed in the subsequent highly organized white racist riots, massacres and insurrections in 1873 and 1874 that ended integrated Reconstruction rule in New Orleans and throughout the state.

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BTW, many of these Confederate soldiers were blacks.

View attachment 360761
The “1st Louisiana Native Guard” militiamen pictured here included French-speaking, Creole and African-American freemen who briefly made up a uniquely New Orleans “home guard.” They never fought Union forces, were never allowed even to guard captured Union prisoners. They were ordered to disband immediately after the Louisiana legislature insisted in January 1962 that the militia should consist only of white men, and were abandoned to their fate when the Union army sailed into New Orleans and Confederate forces fled.

These men were self armed, numbering as many as 1500 men at one point. As the Union ships arrived in port in April 1962 they were ordered to hide their weapons and return to their homes by the head of the Confederate Louisiana militia. Instead their leaders met Union General Benjamin Butler, and many were soon reorganized into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Native Guards Union regiments. Their leaders became the first Black officers in the history of the United States Army.

1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) - Wikipedia
And they lived happily ever after in segregated northern slums.
Actually, many served bravely throughout the war, and afterwards undoubtedly worked in the Reconstruction government or the local militia under ex-Confederate General Longstreet. Longstreet himself was shot and many black militiamen were killed in the subsequent highly organized white racist riots, massacres and insurrections in 1873 and 1874 that ended integrated Reconstruction rule in New Orleans and throughout the state.

So, RoshawnMarkwees , what do you think now of your “Black Confederate” soldiers in New Orleans?

An example worthy of study for “Confederate History Month”?
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