Mississippi man beaten after he's warned restaurant wasn't safe for whites

I suppose it's a waste of time to discuss legal issues on this forum, everything has to be political, particularly when a crime has been committed.

Most of us are not lawyers, I am sure, but I would appreciate any factoids you think relevant.

Such discussion is how we learn and grow, incorporating the facts and perspectives of all those involved or who have thoughts and facts to contribute.

Sorry, that is me being a limpwristic nerd.

I'd just like to know who at the Justice Dept. signed the memo saying we don't accuse black folks of hate crimes. The number of black folks prosecuted for hate crimes in this country can be counted on one hand.

Eric Holder Black Panther case focus demeans my people - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American.
Holder's frustration over the criticism became evident during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing as Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) accused the Justice Department of failing to cooperate with a Civil Rights Commission investigation into the handling of the 2008 incident in which Black Panthers in intimidating outfits and wielding a club stood outside a polling place in Philadelphia.
The Attorney General seemed to take personal offense at a comment Culberson read in which former Democratic activist Bartle Bull called the incident the most serious act of voter intimidation he had witnessed in his career.
"Think about that," Holder said. "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly that…to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people," said Holder, who is black.

Ex ndash DoJ lawyer Holder won 8217 t prosecute blacks
A leading Department of Justice attorney who quit his job after over the Obama administration’s refusal to prosecute Black Panthers who intimidated voters outside polls during the 2008 election claims the administration has ordered the DOJ not to pursue voting-rights cases against black people.
In an interview today, J. Christian Adams, former DOJ attorney and now a contributor at Pajamas Media, told Fox News, “There is a pervasive hostility within the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department toward these sorts of cases.”
Asked whether there is a specific Justice Department policy against pursuing cases where the defendant is black and the victim is white, Adams replied, “Particularly in voting, that will be the case for the next few years. No doubt about it. If you had all the attorneys who worked on this case here, I am quite sure that they would say the exact same thing.”
When Fox News asked Adams who has issued that mandate, he said, “There are some things I’m not going to reveal. They know who they are. They said if somebody wants to review these kinds of cases, it’s not going to be done out of the Civil Rights Division. If the U.S. attorney wants to do it, that’s up to them, but it’s not going to happen in the Civil Rights Division. … It’s a political appointee.”
He added, “This is one of the examples of Congress not being told the truth and the American people not being told the truth about this case. It’s one of other examples in this case where the truth simply is becoming another victim in the process.”

Eric Holder Hate Crimes and Double Standards FrontPage Magazine

Attorney General Holder seems determined to prove his chief critic, J. Christian Adams, right.
Adams is the former Justice Department lawyer who told Congress that the Attorney General treated cases of racial bias against white people with “open contempt.”
Most famously, Adams noted the case of electoral intimidation against two members of the New Black Panther Party who brandished weapons and issued threats at a Philadelphia polling booth the day Barack Obama was elected president.
This is the same New Black Panther Party that issued a $10,000 reward for the capture of George Zimmerman, dead or alive, for murder of Trayvon Martin. The same party leaders who said they wanted to mobilize 10,000 black men to bring Zimmerman to justice.
One of the 10,000 men, apparently, is Holder. Holder recently told several national news outlets he was still trying to figure out how to indict Zimmerman for hate crimes
Even though local, state and federal official have been trying to do just that for more than two years – before and after Zimmeman’s acquittal.
Adams documented the racial bias at the Department of Justice with his best selling book, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.

Articles Eric Holder Hate Crimes and His People
The fact is that, generally, racial mob violence is not charged as a hate crime. I've catalogued and written about these acts of racial mob violence, which I define as unprovoked beatings committed by a group of four or more "youths" against a defenseless, innocent victim. There have been at least 50 such incidents since 2009, occurring in cities around the country, in every region. With few exceptions, the attackers are black and the victims are non-black. Consider the following examples:
  • A young white lady named Shaina Perry was brutally beaten by a black mob in Milwaukee. After beating her, the group taunted and laughed at her, and one of the attackers remarked, "Oh, white girl bleeds a lot."
  • At the Wisconsin State fair, groups of black teens numbering anywhere from 25 to 100 "were targeting anyone who was white or appeared to look white" and beating them, according to the local police chief. At least 18 people were injured, and 30 of the attackers have been arrested.
  • In Denver, couples leaving restaurants were being attacked by a group of black men with baseball bats.
  • A young white man named Carter Strange had his skull fractured by a mob in South Carolina. He was attacked while jogging.
  • A young white man named Dawid Strucinski was beaten into a coma, for no reason, by a mob in Bayonne, NJ.
  • Anna Taylor and Thomas Fitzgerald were beaten to the ground and stomped in separate Philadelphia flash mobs, each completely unprovoked.
  • "Every weekend in July" of 2011, according to local news, "police have battled large, flash-mob beatings and vandalism" in Greensboro, NC.
  • A white female liberal writer for The Onion named Emily Guendelsberger was attacked by a mob of black teens who broke her leg and beat her. She took to the internet to insist that the attack had nothing to do with race because her boyfriend is "brown" (he is Indian) and he was beaten up as well. The inference here is that a black mob isn't racist if they attack an Indian along with white people.
Because there is supposedly no proof that the attacks are racially motivated, officials almost always label the attacks "random." There is nothing random about a consistent pattern of group violence by blacks against non-blacks. If the attacks were random, then the victims would be randomly distributed, and there would be numerous black victims of flash mobs. These "flash mobs" represent a social problem, the victims are not chosen randomly, and if whites were committing similar attacks against non-whites, we would be in an officially declared racial crisis.
You won't hear me deny that there are some very dirty racial politics in this county, from all different perspectives. But I don't think you or any of the other segregationists have any workable solutions for complex problems. And maybe no one does, but that doesn't mean we just say fuck it and give up.

1) I am not a segregationist. I believe that people should have the freedom to segregate if that is their preference, but that it should NOT be compelled by the government, the government should not discriminate, and I would live in a segregated community, except segregated against criminals.

2) The current system is run by rules designed by lawyers who subscribe to Political Identity ideology. Whites need to suit up and play as well. Identity politics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

3) the system got fucked up by ideological shenanigans so it can be corrected by counter-ideological action as well.

How about including a number four) Cooler heads prevail and we work together for common sense solutions. More ideology can only result in more of the same nonsense.

Note my Missing NOT for which I apologize.

I am thinking we need an UNideology, but how to do that without it being an ideology in and of itself?
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

You ain't gonna do shit.
I have taken the appropriate measures to insure that I won't be a victim.

No opinion on negroes attacking white people? You need to make it about me. I understand.

Let's have lunch sometime. Let me know.
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

You ain't gonna do shit.
I have taken the appropriate measures to insure that I won't be a victim.

No opinion on negroes attacking white people? You need to make it about me. I understand.

Let's have lunch sometime. Let me know.

Where you at? I'll meet you at your place.
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

You ain't gonna do shit.
I have taken the appropriate measures to insure that I won't be a victim.

No opinion on negroes attacking white people? You need to make it about me. I understand.

Let's have lunch sometime. Let me know.

Where you at? I'll meet you at your place.

Right.Like I'd put my home address on the internet..but any time you're going to be in N.O. let me know. We'll have lunch.
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

You ain't gonna do shit.
I have taken the appropriate measures to insure that I won't be a victim.

No opinion on negroes attacking white people? You need to make it about me. I understand.

Let's have lunch sometime. Let me know.

Where you at? I'll meet you at your place.

Right.Like I'd put my home address on the internet..but any time you're going to be in N.O. let me know. We'll have lunch.

You afraid of someone here? That's funny. You sounded like the kind of tough guy who ain't afraid a nobody.

Trust me.....when I go to N.O., it ain't to meet up with white supremacist pansies.
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

Guy you're writing was in fac armed with a .45. Should read your own articles.

"Police Chief Tim Brinkley did not immediately return a call Sunday from The AP.

"This does not appear to be a hate crime," he said in the press release. "We are investigating this as an aggravated assault. It's very early in this investigation but thus far the evidence and statements suggest that a verbal altercation turned physical and somebody got hurt.""

?he had a 45 but he was mentally disarmed since he didn't use it.

I would have been shooting and reloading after the first god damned punch.

In the linked article is stated, "However, he said, they apparently had been followed by more than 20 people".

If you are in a crowd of 20 people who are pissed at you, pulling a gun would have been suicidal.

If you are talking about shooting after the first punch, you are talking about trying to draw, point and fire a pistol when your attacker is within 3 feet of you. If it is one on one, you MIGHT be able to back up enough to get the space necessary to pull it off. In the middle of a crowd, there is no way you could do it.

No, dude, there are tactics for shooting within a crowd. Not going to essplain it here, PM me if you want to know.

I know there are tactics for shooting in a crowd. But I doubt very seriously they would work when the crowd is actively attacking you. There would have been 4 or 5 people within arms reach of you. Even of you shot one of them, the others would nail you before you fired again. Or, even worse, you would have been shot with your own gun.

If you know the tactics then you would know why they work.

When the crowd began the attack, most likely only the few nearest the two victims were swinging or trying to grapple them. Most likely they were just swinging and kicking. That gives plenty of opportunity to shoot.

If you can get the gun clear of the holster and bring it up. If they run or freeze, you are fine. But if they swing before you get your gun clear, you aren't hitting anything.

Do you train to make hip shots? You can learn to aim with the orientation of your body and shoot with your gun protected at the hip, and using your opposite free hand to block and protect the gun.

It is done all the time.

Sure it is. But when you are surrounded by people looking to beat you, when you reach for the gun someone is going to grab that arm. You are also completely unguarded for a punch in the head. That is going to screw you up unless the crowd is full of weakling morons.

And most people who carry a .45 do so without a round in the chamber. I carry with one in the chamber and the gun cocked, with the safety on. But since the guy had just shown his gun to the cops at the previous stop, I am betting he wasn't "locked & loaded".

Also, the man with the .45 was blocked from leaving the restaurant with his buddy. By the time the armed man was outside, the first man was already on the ground being kicked. If he pulled it as he left, he MIGHT have a chance.

But the biggest fuck-up of those two white guys was not that he was slow to pull his gun. If he had had that sort of training, he would have been taught Situational Awareness, and would probably had the good sense not to stop at the Huddle House, since he was being followed by 20+ people.

There is no doubt that this was a hate crime. But the smart thing to do would have been not to stop at the second restaurant.

I agree with just about everything you have said here, but about the bolded part, if you have let yourself get surrounded then you just fucked yourself.

Seeing his friend getting beaten up by a crowd is a lethal situation and justifies him pulling his gun to defend the life if his friend, so he should have had his gun out already before exiting the second restaurant. If he felt he could manage the situation without the gun (god complex?) he should have cleared the gun as soon as people started coming at him, and he should have warned them he was armed and would shoot, but I think muzzle flash constitutes adequate warning, myself.

I don't know about "god complexes"..He just didn't realize the danger of black crime, maybe.
Whites have been taught (indoctrinated) that they are just like us and to be suspicious of blacks is "racist" and "profiling" and "bigoted" and "xenophobic"..etc...and not many people really want to shoot first/ask questions later..he tried to be reasonable and handle it like they were normal humans...and he was wrong.sadly.

The point isn't any of that, though..the point is that whites are targets and should conduct themselves accordingly. We can't even go to restaurants without having to look over our shoulder.
People are waking up, though.

He got followed by 20 angry black guys from a pervious restaurant.

I would have had my gun exposed with my hand on the grip as I exited the second restaurant at a minimum.

To not feel I had to, I would have had to be feeling something kinda god like.

If you were smart, and saw that you were being followed, you wouldn't have stopped at the Huddle House.

The man has only himself to blame for being unprepared/ unable to stand his ground.

And thus the weak are culled.
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

You ain't gonna do shit.
I have taken the appropriate measures to insure that I won't be a victim.

No opinion on negroes attacking white people? You need to make it about me. I understand.

Let's have lunch sometime. Let me know.

The guy likes that whites are being killed and beaten. Makes him feel better as he is gulited through and through.

He will soon whine about white privilege!
But N.O. is a helluva place to have lunch!!
Food, we do well.
Entertainment, we do well.

I used to go to Nawlins for the drunken debauchery. Now I go for the music and the food. (and to photgraph the architecture)

Yeah...about that drunken debauchery thing..That's tourists doing things they would NEVER EVER do at home...It's like children loose in a candy store when they come here.
We don't act that way. You probably already know that from your experience here....but we like tourists.
But N.O. is a helluva place to have lunch!!
Food, we do well.
Entertainment, we do well.

I used to go to Nawlins for the drunken debauchery. Now I go for the music and the food. (and to photgraph the architecture)

Yeah...about that drunken debauchery thing..That's tourists doing things they would NEVER EVER do at home...It's like children loose in a candy store when they come here.
We don't act that way. You probably already know that from your experience here....but we like tourists.

The difference is, you don't get bent out of shape when the cash-cow (tourists) do it. And there are more than a few locals who will join in the debauchery. lol I know a few.
But N.O. is a helluva place to have lunch!!
Food, we do well.
Entertainment, we do well.

I used to go to Nawlins for the drunken debauchery. Now I go for the music and the food. (and to photgraph the architecture)

Yeah...about that drunken debauchery thing..That's tourists doing things they would NEVER EVER do at home...It's like children loose in a candy store when they come here.
We don't act that way. You probably already know that from your experience here....but we like tourists.

You mean like when big mouthed chicken shits use words on an internet message board that they would NEVER EVER use in real life?

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