Mississippi man beaten after he's warned restaurant wasn't safe for whites

This story sounds more like bullshit by the day.

Police reports said they were dispatched to a disturbance at Waffle House, and a restaurant employee told them that a man was creating a disturbance and upsetting the other patrons. Store employees requested that the man and other patrons leave as well. It is unclear from police statements if that man was Weems or someone else.​

One arrest in possibly racial West Point beating others expected

I sincerely hope you or your mother/daughter/sister/father....get a chance to experience some "diversity" and "multiculturalism" up close and personal, too.
What are you trying to say? Don't be a coward, spit it out.


It's cowardice to try to make excuses for negro crime and disparage the victims of it.

I'm saying plainly that I hope you get to enjoy the company of a group of black people outside of the controlled conditions you're accustomed to. In their natural state, so to speak.

What is the black/white demographic where you live?
I knew you'd be too much of a coward to answer.
This story sounds more like bullshit by the day.

Police reports said they were dispatched to a disturbance at Waffle House, and a restaurant employee told them that a man was creating a disturbance and upsetting the other patrons. Store employees requested that the man and other patrons leave as well. It is unclear from police statements if that man was Weems or someone else.​

One arrest in possibly racial West Point beating others expected

I sincerely hope you or your mother/daughter/sister/father....get a chance to experience some "diversity" and "multiculturalism" up close and personal, too.
What are you trying to say? Don't be a coward, spit it out.


It's cowardice to try to make excuses for negro crime and disparage the victims of it.

I'm saying plainly that I hope you get to enjoy the company of a group of black people outside of the controlled conditions you're accustomed to. In their natural state, so to speak.

What is the black/white demographic where you live?
I knew you'd be too much of a coward to answer.

I think you are inventing reasons so you can call people names.
If those men had been your father and grandfather would you be talking silly hypotheticals?

Would you challenge their accounts of the events?
Would you still think it was ok for them to get attacked and beaten unconscious?

Let's stop trying to make this about me, ok?

EDIT: Oh yeah..and what did you say the black/white demographic was where you live?
It's always very revealing when people dodge that question.
This story sounds more like bullshit by the day.

Police reports said they were dispatched to a disturbance at Waffle House, and a restaurant employee told them that a man was creating a disturbance and upsetting the other patrons. Store employees requested that the man and other patrons leave as well. It is unclear from police statements if that man was Weems or someone else.​

One arrest in possibly racial West Point beating others expected

I sincerely hope you or your mother/daughter/sister/father....get a chance to experience some "diversity" and "multiculturalism" up close and personal, too.
What are you trying to say? Don't be a coward, spit it out.

He is saying that most liberals have little experience living in a diverse ethnic neighborhood and several studies have shown that the more contact whites have with minorities the less likely they are to be so 'multicultural'.

I have long noted, however, that sexual perverts are a notable exception. White lesbians and gays are more likely to be fanatically pro-minority and anti-white if they live in mixed neighborhoods.

Myself, I simply distinguish between criminals of any race and law abiding citizens of any race. That has helped me in my life far more than lining up along racial lines, but the current system is forcing me to think more of myself as a white person than simply a law abiding person.

Either whites start to play the Identity politics game or we will keep getting screwed.
This story sounds more like bullshit by the day.

Police reports said they were dispatched to a disturbance at Waffle House, and a restaurant employee told them that a man was creating a disturbance and upsetting the other patrons. Store employees requested that the man and other patrons leave as well. It is unclear from police statements if that man was Weems or someone else.​

One arrest in possibly racial West Point beating others expected

I sincerely hope you or your mother/daughter/sister/father....get a chance to experience some "diversity" and "multiculturalism" up close and personal, too.
What are you trying to say? Don't be a coward, spit it out.


It's cowardice to try to make excuses for negro crime and disparage the victims of it.

I'm saying plainly that I hope you get to enjoy the company of a group of black people outside of the controlled conditions you're accustomed to. In their natural state, so to speak.

What is the black/white demographic where you live?
I knew you'd be too much of a coward to answer.

He did answer,
"I'm saying plainly that I hope you get to enjoy the company of a group of black people outside of the controlled conditions you're accustomed to. In their natural state,"

Sounds like he just didn't give the answer you think you should have given, so I ask you, what would that answer be?
no offense to these poor white students, but what would have compelled them to go into a resturant surrounded by angry black horde of stupid ignorant *******? Sorry, but this word seems appropriate to describe these "people". Sue me or beat me to death by your mobs, but this angers me and the truth needs to be told. What these black people are doing is gonna make their miserable lives and our's too much worse.. Don't tell me the white kids had a right to use the bathroom, or whatever. it was plain stupid to go into a hornets nest. Unless you are armed and wanna start killing some of them. This is the intelligence of college kids today?

Years and years of indoctrination that negroes are all just like the huxtables or fresh prince or some bullshit...They didn't have any real life experience and believed the "We are all the same" BS they've been taught.

Well I have lived in a mixed neighborhood in several locations in Gaithersburg MD and Germantown MD.

I can state that there are many blacks like the Huxtables. There are many who are not, and statisticly more are not than are, but then I think that is true about all races these days.
I just saw a picture of the police chief. Now I know why they aren't going to consider it a "hate crime".

.Anyone want to take a guess?
Damn, who opened the flood gates at Stormfront?
If there appears to be an unusual amount of anti-Black racism being expressed here (and elsewhere) it is the result of the recent Ferguson publicity. More specifically, an ordinary thug like Michael Brown is revered and eulogized more than any recently decorated war hero.
Damn, who opened the flood gates at Stormfront?
If there appears to be an unusual amount of anti-Black racism being expressed here (and elsewhere) it is the result of the recent Ferguson publicity. More specifically, an ordinary thug like Michael Brown is revered and eulogized more than any recently decorated war hero.

ravi is irrelevant..everything is "theory" and hypotheticals to her.

Back to the topic..
Have you seen a picture of the police chief in West Point?

THAT is PRECISELY why there will be NO hate crime charges in THIS case.
Rotagilla said:
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

LoneLaugher said:
You ain't gonna do shit.

Rotagilla said:
I have taken the appropriate measures to insure that I won't be a victim.

No opinion on negroes attacking white people? You need to make it about me. I understand.

Let's have lunch sometime. Let me know.

LoneLaugher said:
Where you at? I'll meet you at your place.

Rotagilla said:
Right.Like I'd put my home address on the internet..but any time you're going to be in N.O. let me know. We'll have lunch.

LoneLaugher said:
You afraid of someone here? That's funny. You sounded like the kind of tough guy who ain't afraid a nobody.

Trust me.....when I go to N.O., it ain't to meet up with white supremacist pansies.

How about with bosses of Sicilian crime families in New Orleans, smart guy? :badgrin:

He's a clown..I'm sure he'd put his real address on the internet. Not.

He makes up wild fantasies in his own mind and then accuses others of the things he imagined.

I used to think he was just being an agitator because he can never post more than one liners, slogans and his old standby..insults and name calling. Look at just his posts here in this thread;
all insults and snark. ALL insults..not once does he even attempt to act like an adult.

After several exchanges it became clear that he's either "mentally challenged" and thus there is no point trying to have a mature discussion with someone that severely retarded....or he is the age that he acts like in here..and I won't try to have a discussion with an adolescent.
Same difference.

You know what.......I think you may have a valid point. I am guilty of not giving you the benefit of the doubt. You are here to have serious, thoughtful discussions with people. You aren't here to disparage anyone or have insult fights.

Take this thread, for example. You offered some very nice and decent comments about New Orleans and how it is a great tourist destination.......and I jumped on you with an insult for no reason. That was uncalled for and you didn't deserve it.

I am ashamed of myself. My deepest apologies.
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

Now this really ticks me off. This man done more in Iraq than Obama will do in a lifetime! He done his time so to speak so Obumya could go to his golf game. I think Obumya should visit this man himself and wish him a speedy recovery...if hes able to recover.
I would LOVE to see STL media talk about this on their evening news!
:fu: THUGS!
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

Now this really ticks me off. This man done more in Iraq than Obama will do in a lifetime! He done his time so to speak so Obumya could go to his golf game. I think Obumya should visit this man himself and wish him a speedy recovery...if hes able to recover.
I would LOVE to see STL media talk about this on their evening news!
:fu: THUGS!

Mstng..did you see they do NOT intend to pursue hate crime charges?

Want to know why?

I have a picture of the police chief in that town.
Care to make a guess about his race?
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

Now this really ticks me off. This man done more in Iraq than Obama will do in a lifetime! He done his time so to speak so Obumya could go to his golf game. I think Obumya should visit this man himself and wish him a speedy recovery...if hes able to recover.
I would LOVE to see STL media talk about this on their evening news!
:fu: THUGS!

Mstng..did you see they do NOT intend to pursue hate crime charges?

Want to know why?

I have a picture of the police chief in that town.
Care to make a guess about his race?

No need.....I laughed as I read your statement. Beats crying.....sigh
fuckit...white people who haven't already should arm yourselves. No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.

Mississippi man beaten after he s warned restaurant wasn t safe for whites witness says NOLA.com

No more incidents like this should be allowed to happen.
Beaten to Death at McDonald 8217 s FrontPage Magazine

Enough is enough.

Now this really ticks me off. This man done more in Iraq than Obama will do in a lifetime! He done his time so to speak so Obumya could go to his golf game. I think Obumya should visit this man himself and wish him a speedy recovery...if hes able to recover.
I would LOVE to see STL media talk about this on their evening news!
:fu: THUGS!

Mstng..did you see they do NOT intend to pursue hate crime charges?

Want to know why?

I have a picture of the police chief in that town.
Care to make a guess about his race?

No need.....I laughed as I read your statement. Beats crying.....sigh
All I can say is watch yourself out there. You are nothing more than a target to them. They'll slit your throat and watch you bleed out as they go through your purse.

See the thread "The Plague of Black on White Crime" in the "Race" forum for more horrific examples of the "benefits of diversity and multiculturalism"

Clearly they were disadvantaged youths who can do nothing but beat up/rob/rape/murder old/young/white people because of slavery and racism.

They should be treated leniently and given exclusive government benefits because that's worked so well for the last 50 years.
Black is beautiful....as long as its a horse!:happy-1:

I b listening to scanner tonight...for sure ;)

So far tonight its been robbery, shots fired, carjacking....typical night in da hood.
There's already a low end race war in this country. Blacks are doing most of the killing!

Whites better wake the fuck up!

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