Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

Should Homosexual Sex be Included in 5th Grade Sex Ed?

  • 4.) This is too Deep for me, it's Confusing me, & I Need to Call someone a Name over it.

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More than likely her parents put her up to it.

Saw a report yesterday that they are in severe financial trouble.

As far as the school district goes, they were wrong. If the girl wanted to expose herself as being a freak who CHOOSES to live that disgusting lifestyle, so be it!

It's a good thing. As those kids grow to be adults and have children of their own, they'll know who to keep their children away from in the neighborhood. Particularly their lil' girls.

You know, some people just shouldn't have kids.

This was all a set up for a lawsuit. The brat gets her way.

Yeah...she's a brat for not wanting the school to treat her like she's a second class citizen. :doubt: Rosa Parks was a Brat too.

How dare you? Comparing a lady like Rosa Parks to that brat in Mississippi? Rosa Parks took a stand, or rather a sit. She was tired and she refused to stand for the white man. She was right. Because of her, things changed. This girl hasn't taken any stand, she's only advanced a lawsuit. Had she actually taken a stand, I would have supported her. So far the only thing that's changed because of this brat is the school's prom was canceled. I'm sure you'll feel very justified if and when she wins her lawsuit and gets big bucks..her plan from the start.

Oh and BTW, Rosa didn't make a dime from her stand. She didn't sue anyone.
It just gives them another thing to bitch about.

I've noticed the more miserable someone is with their life, the more they want to make sure others are too.

That may apply to some but my pet theory is they focus on homosexuality out of a combination of our patriarchal structure and the more pressing need to justify their life styles. Focusing on homosexuality, much like abortion, gives them the illusion of following Jesus without the pesky troubles associated with helping the elderly, poor, and sick. It doesn't matter Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. They only care about maintaining their illusions.

Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.


If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?
You know, some people just shouldn't have kids.

This was all a set up for a lawsuit. The brat gets her way.

Yeah...she's a brat for not wanting the school to treat her like she's a second class citizen. :doubt: Rosa Parks was a Brat too.

How dare you? Comparing a lady like Rosa Parks to that brat in Mississippi? Rosa Parks took a stand, or rather a sit. She was tired and she refused to stand for the white man. She was right. Because of her, things changed. This girl hasn't taken any stand, she's only advanced a lawsuit. Had she actually taken a stand, I would have supported her. So far the only thing that's changed because of this brat is the school's prom was canceled. I'm sure you'll feel very justified if and when she wins her lawsuit and gets big bucks..her plan from the start.

Oh and BTW, Rosa didn't make a dime from her stand. She didn't sue anyone.

Rosa Parks was a test case for the NCAAP whom she worked for. You did not know that? She was fighting against an unjust law...The girl has the law on her side. It is the school district trying to circumvent her rights and the law. She DID take a stand...and you are condemning her and calling her a "brat" for it. She's very brave and you don't like that one bit.
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You know, some people just shouldn't have kids.

This was all a set up for a lawsuit. The brat gets her way.

Yeah...she's a brat for not wanting the school to treat her like she's a second class citizen. :doubt: Rosa Parks was a Brat too.

How dare you? Comparing a lady like Rosa Parks to that brat in Mississippi? Rosa Parks took a stand, or rather a sit. She was tired and she refused to stand for the white man. She was right. Because of her, things changed. This girl hasn't taken any stand, she's only advanced a lawsuit. Had she actually taken a stand, I would have supported her. So far the only thing that's changed because of this brat is the school's prom was canceled. I'm sure you'll feel very justified if and when she wins her lawsuit and gets big bucks..her plan from the start.

Oh and BTW, Rosa didn't make a dime from her stand. She didn't sue anyone.


If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?
That may apply to some but my pet theory is they focus on homosexuality out of a combination of our patriarchal structure and the more pressing need to justify their life styles. Focusing on homosexuality, much like abortion, gives them the illusion of following Jesus without the pesky troubles associated with helping the elderly, poor, and sick. It doesn't matter Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. They only care about maintaining their illusions.

Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.


If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?

No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

We even got a woman's football game lined up and when the school-board found out, they canceled it. I don't know how they found out but the captains of the schools football teams for both TJ and Federal Way went to the school-board and announced that if we girls couldn't have our football game, the guys wouldn't be playing football until we were allowed our game. We not only got our game, we got to play at night, with the lights in memorial field.

We didn't sue the school-board. I wasn't allowed to take shop in junior high and I didn't sue the school. Today's litigious society is criminal, no pun intended. This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."
Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.


If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?

No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

So...what I get from this is that you condemn this girl for following the rules and asking permission beforehand. Nice.

We even got a woman's football game lined up and when the school-board found out, they canceled it. I don't know how they found out but the captains of the schools football teams for both TJ and Federal Way went to the school-board and announced that if we girls couldn't have our football game, the guys wouldn't be playing football until we were allowed our game. We not only got our game, we got to play at night, with the lights in memorial field.

So you should know what it's like...and yet you selfishly do not.

We didn't sue the school-board.

Cause.....You got your football game. Geesh...everyone can see that.

I wasn't allowed to take shop in junior high and I didn't sue the school.

Guess it didn't mean much to you then...my old school, a family DID have to threaten to sue in order to de-genderfy the Shop/Home Ec classes.

Today's litigious society is criminal, no pun intended.

So, you seem to be of the frame of mind that you will let people roll over you and want others to let people roll over them...anything to avoid a law suit.

This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

No, she is a brave soul and worth 10 of you. I applaud her.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."

And the girl did not call the newspapers and say..."I'm gonna aske the school for permission today" either. You don't seem to know much about the Rosa Parks case do you...the NCAAP was all set for their test case...it was just a matter of the right moment.

I bet you call the Freedom Riders brats too. They had the law on their side and they still got the crap beat out of them. And yes, there were lawsuits over that too.

If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?

No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

So...what I get from this is that you condemn this girl for following the rules and asking permission beforehand. Nice.

So you should know what it's like...and yet you selfishly do not.

Cause.....You got your football game. Geesh...everyone can see that.

Guess it didn't mean much to you then...my old school, a family DID have to threaten to sue in order to de-genderfy the Shop/Home Ec classes.

So, you seem to be of the frame of mind that you will let people roll over you and want others to let people roll over them...anything to avoid a law suit.

This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

No, she is a brave soul and worth 10 of you. I applaud her.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."

And the girl did not call the newspapers and say..."I'm gonna aske the school for permission today" either. You don't seem to know much about the Rosa Parks case do you...the NCAAP was all set for their test case...it was just a matter of the right moment.

I bet you call the Freedom Riders brats too. They had the law on their side and they still got the crap beat out of them. And yes, there were lawsuits over that too.
AgainSheila thinks that kids who refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance and who sit through it the way Rosa Parks sat in her seat on the bus are also brats. I think AgainSheila just thinks any kid who stands up for her rights is a brat.
Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.


If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?

No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

We even got a woman's football game lined up and when the school-board found out, they canceled it. I don't know how they found out but the captains of the schools football teams for both TJ and Federal Way went to the school-board and announced that if we girls couldn't have our football game, the guys wouldn't be playing football until we were allowed our game. We not only got our game, we got to play at night, with the lights in memorial field.

We didn't sue the school-board. I wasn't allowed to take shop in junior high and I didn't sue the school. Today's litigious society is criminal, no pun intended. This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. I think this girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.
US Army Retard is afraid he may "Catch the Gay"

No. us Army is (like many other Americans) afraid the morals of this country keep getting run down till their won't be anything moral in America. Then we'll be back like europe all over again. If we broke away from them over 200 years ago why do we want some here want to follow them so bad.
US Army Retard is afraid he may "Catch the Gay"

No. us Army is (like many other Americans) afraid the morals of this country keep getting run down till their won't be anything moral in America. Then we'll be back like europe all over again. If we broke away from them over 200 years ago why do we want some here want to follow them so bad.

Morals like: Blacks should know their place...women should know their place...gays should know their place...children should know their place...workers should know their place...hispanics should know their place...non-Christians should know their place....

Those morals.
US Army Retard is afraid he may "Catch the Gay"

No. us Army is (like many other Americans) afraid the morals of this country keep getting run down till their won't be anything moral in America. Then we'll be back like europe all over again. If we broke away from them over 200 years ago why do we want some here want to follow them so bad.
My God, you're so scary.
US Army Retard is afraid he may "Catch the Gay"

No. us Army is (like many other Americans) afraid the morals of this country keep getting run down till their won't be anything moral in America. Then we'll be back like europe all over again. If we broke away from them over 200 years ago why do we want some here want to follow them so bad.

Morals like: Blacks should know their place...women should know their place...gays should know their place...children should know their place...workers should know their place...hispanics should know their place...non-Christians should know their place....

Those morals.
Oh shut up Butch, and get back in the fucking closet where you belong.
Isn't it charming what religious organizations do to children these days? Maybe it's all for the best...those children have a lesser chance of being diddled by a Catholic priest.

Yes, a charming reminder that everyone doesn't except deviant homosexual behaviour, nor will they be compelled to tolerate it.

So you think 2 lesbians raising a child are deviants, and that their kids should be punished for it?

Of course, it's a Catholic School, meaning private, so they have that right to reject the children because of the parents sexual orientations. Of course we all know all straight parents never do anything sexually "deviant" right Samson?
2 lesbians raisng a child is akin to child abuse. The child shouldn't be punished for their disgusting lesbian parents engaging in the mental abuse of said child. The parents of said child, the 2 lesbian freaks, are punishing the child enough as it is.

Imagine what it does to a childs psyche to have to introduce their parents as "here's my mommy and mommy"

It's fucking disgusting!
Anguille said:
Againsheila said:
This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. This girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue to make a point. Maybe she's just an attention whore. One of your cousins perhaps?
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Anguille said:
Againsheila said:
This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. This girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue to make a point. Maybe she's just an attention whore. One of your cousins perhaps?

Obviously an ingenius strategy to make money. Set yourself up in front of the whole school as the reason the prom was cancelled. Subject yourself to hate and ridicule.

Why didn't I think of that?
people like you need to go die in a cave. First off she fighting for her rights, second this is agasint the law. never mind the school rules. this is discrimination and against the law. period.

I look forward to her winning her case. there no reason a school needs to cancel a prom cause of her. than tell evryone it was her fault. it was the school board fault. since they don't like her views.

she not forcing her beliefs on you. your forcing your beliefs on her. this is 21 century i can grantee you when you guys all pass away. it be much better more younger people don't care if you gay straight or whatever else you are.

these peopel are sick indeed including topic poster and whoever else agrees with his or her nonsese.

i knew a couple people were gay and well guess what there are not bad people there like us. strangely is that odd?
And as well you should be concerned: That's my point

The same could be said for the Catrholic Church, or Itawamba County: The day they support Queers, is the day they "lose a large chunk of their membership."

Yeah...because there's no safer minority group to bash than gays....everyone hates the gays. :doubt:


Everyone does not Hate gays, bo.

I don't hate gays, but I think a church, and a school district, has rights to exclude individuals whose behavior conflicts with their moral beliefs. I wouldn't know why these individuals would WANT to be included in organizations or events in which their behaviour is so clearly unacceptable.

just like your doing the same thing without exclude them cause you don't like there views but forcing them to do something there uncomfortable with? double standard right there you saying its not for there belifes as long as they follow you its ok.

this is called a hate hypocrite and discrimination this all goes back to slavery.

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