Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

Should Homosexual Sex be Included in 5th Grade Sex Ed?

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so people are supposed to pander to people's biases?

there will always be racists. there will always be homophobes. there will always be anti-semitics.

i'm pretty sure that we shouldn't be allowing schools to formulate policy to feed those hatreds.

we're not supposed to be tolerant of people's hatred.
I wonder if they'd have been allowed to cancel the dance on the basis of a black couple attending?

Again, she wanted to wear a tux....I think that was entirely inappropriate. If they would have banned it anyway, then they are wrong, but if they banned it because they wanted to uphold the dress code, more power to them.

acutally not its not and she would of been denied if she brought her gf to the prom and thrown out. before hte memo came out cause according to her the policy stated that you can only bring the opposite sex. she went to talk to them about it, and they said no

i had some teachers who said they watch the prom said that normal for girls not to were dress. its not a guy... dressing up in a dress is a girl were a tux there nothing wrong with it.
Anguille said:
Againsheila said:
This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. This girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue to make a point. Maybe she's just an attention whore. One of your cousins perhaps?

And people don't always sue to make money. Please do not project.
Yes, a charming reminder that everyone doesn't except deviant homosexual behaviour, nor will they be compelled to tolerate it.

So you think 2 lesbians raising a child are deviants, and that their kids should be punished for it?

Of course, it's a Catholic School, meaning private, so they have that right to reject the children because of the parents sexual orientations. Of course we all know all straight parents never do anything sexually "deviant" right Samson?
2 lesbians raisng a child is akin to child abuse. The child shouldn't be punished for their disgusting lesbian parents engaging in the mental abuse of said child. The parents of said child, the 2 lesbian freaks, are punishing the child enough as it is.

Imagine what it does to a childs psyche to have to introduce their parents as "here's my mommy and mommy"

It's fucking disgusting!
One can only hope the kids don't become as fucked up as you.
Yes, a charming reminder that everyone doesn't except deviant homosexual behaviour, nor will they be compelled to tolerate it.

So you think 2 lesbians raising a child are deviants, and that their kids should be punished for it?

Of course, it's a Catholic School, meaning private, so they have that right to reject the children because of the parents sexual orientations. Of course we all know all straight parents never do anything sexually "deviant" right Samson?
2 lesbians raisng a child is akin to child abuse. The child shouldn't be punished for their disgusting lesbian parents engaging in the mental abuse of said child. The parents of said child, the 2 lesbian freaks, are punishing the child enough as it is.

Imagine what it does to a childs psyche to have to introduce their parents as "here's my mommy and mommy"

It's fucking disgusting!

Allowing Wicked Jester around children is child abuse

Its just fucking disgusting!!
No. us Army is (like many other Americans) afraid the morals of this country keep getting run down till their won't be anything moral in America. Then we'll be back like europe all over again. If we broke away from them over 200 years ago why do we want some here want to follow them so bad.

Morals like: Blacks should know their place...women should know their place...gays should know their place...children should know their place...workers should know their place...hispanics should know their place...non-Christians should know their place....

Those morals.
Oh shut up Butch, and get back in the fucking closet where you belong.

:lol::lol::lol: Sorry...I no longer fear Segregationists like you. You are a dying breed and 20-50 years from now, you will be considered the George Wallaces, the Lester Maddox's, the Bull Conner's of this generation. You will be on the ashheap of history. :lol::lol:
I feel sorry for the conservative people I like on here for having to claim "Wicked Jester" as one of theirs. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.


If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?

No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

We even got a woman's football game lined up and when the school-board found out, they canceled it. I don't know how they found out but the captains of the schools football teams for both TJ and Federal Way went to the school-board and announced that if we girls couldn't have our football game, the guys wouldn't be playing football until we were allowed our game. We not only got our game, we got to play at night, with the lights in memorial field.

We didn't sue the school-board. I wasn't allowed to take shop in junior high and I didn't sue the school. Today's litigious society is criminal, no pun intended. This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."

You're ignorant, full of shit, and a liar. If you would have supported her if she "had just shown up" then you should support her now. If you truly agreed the policy is unethical it wouldn't matter how she protested it. That is what reveals your lying statements. You agree with the policy but since you don't have the guts to admit it you make up this bullshit of "she should have just shown up." Don't keep embarrassing yourself or insulting us.

As for Rosa Parks, she had already been an official member of the NAACP for twelve fucking years before her move to not move to the back of the bus. By your stated standards on this case you should be upset with Rosa for obviously planning the move to get arrested and challenge the law.

So you now have a choice to be honest or keep practicing your hypocrisy and painfully transparent dishonesty.
A quick look at these stats and you know Mississippi should be worrying about important topics and not sexual orientation. Seems they have their values a bit skewed towards backward. Gays have the same right as straights in a sane world.

State Profiles | The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

"There are confessable agonies, sufferings of which one can positively be proud. Of bereavement, of parting, of the sense of sin and the fear of death the poets have eloquently spoken. They command the world's sympathy. But there are also discreditable anguishes, no less excruciating than the others, but of which the sufferer dare not, cannot speak. The anguish of thwarted desire, for example." Aldous Huxley
Yes, a charming reminder that everyone doesn't except deviant homosexual behaviour, nor will they be compelled to tolerate it.

So you think 2 lesbians raising a child are deviants, and that their kids should be punished for it?

Of course, it's a Catholic School, meaning private, so they have that right to reject the children because of the parents sexual orientations. Of course we all know all straight parents never do anything sexually "deviant" right Samson?
2 lesbians raisng a child is akin to child abuse. The child shouldn't be punished for their disgusting lesbian parents engaging in the mental abuse of said child. The parents of said child, the 2 lesbian freaks, are punishing the child enough as it is.

Imagine what it does to a childs psyche to have to introduce their parents as "here's my mommy and mommy"

It's fucking disgusting!

Bigots like you are the only reason children of same sex couples endure abuse. If you really cared about the children you would be fighting to stop the harassment they receive instead of promoting it then scapegoating others to justify your bigotry.
Has anyone else noticed the Birthers are also the ones who are anti-gay? I wonder what the correlation is.....................

If she had just shown up in a tux you'd be saying:

"She did it on purpose to ruin prom for everyone. She knew the school's Policy so she planned on 'sticking' it to them by dressing like that unannounced. She should have approached the school before Prom night to inform them she would not follow the School's Policy because it violated her Constitutional Rights."

How close is that?

No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

We even got a woman's football game lined up and when the school-board found out, they canceled it. I don't know how they found out but the captains of the schools football teams for both TJ and Federal Way went to the school-board and announced that if we girls couldn't have our football game, the guys wouldn't be playing football until we were allowed our game. We not only got our game, we got to play at night, with the lights in memorial field.

We didn't sue the school-board. I wasn't allowed to take shop in junior high and I didn't sue the school. Today's litigious society is criminal, no pun intended. This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. I think this girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

It doesn't matter if she's doing it for money or not. Don't feed into the petty distractions of the homophobes.
Yes, a charming reminder that everyone doesn't except deviant homosexual behaviour, nor will they be compelled to tolerate it.

So you think 2 lesbians raising a child are deviants, and that their kids should be punished for it?

Of course, it's a Catholic School, meaning private, so they have that right to reject the children because of the parents sexual orientations. Of course we all know all straight parents never do anything sexually "deviant" right Samson?
2 lesbians raisng a child is akin to child abuse. The child shouldn't be punished for their disgusting lesbian parents engaging in the mental abuse of said child. The parents of said child, the 2 lesbian freaks, are punishing the child enough as it is.

Imagine what it does to a childs psyche to have to introduce their parents as "here's my mommy and mommy"

It's fucking disgusting!

Okay, again, I've read the reports. Children need two parents. Heterosexual couples would be preferable, one mommy, one daddy, but next is gay parents because two parents are better than one, then comes single parents because one parent is better than none. IMO, that's the order adoption should go in, and it's based on facts and what's best for the child.

It's my guess the child may introduce one as mommy and the other by their name and it doesn't harm their psyche one iota.

I seem to remember introducing my mom to my 2nd grade teacher and I accidentally called my 2nd grade teacher "mom". It was embarrassing, but I survived it.

Besides, just because two people of the same sex are raising a child doesn't necessarily mean they are gay...are you checking into their bedroom to make sure?
No where near....I was in high school once. I know all about doing things without informing the powers that be FIRST. In high school, it was us (the students) against them (the establishment)....we fought them at every turn. This girl started a lawsuit she had every intention of starting from the beginning this is all about money and not about rights at all.

We even got a woman's football game lined up and when the school-board found out, they canceled it. I don't know how they found out but the captains of the schools football teams for both TJ and Federal Way went to the school-board and announced that if we girls couldn't have our football game, the guys wouldn't be playing football until we were allowed our game. We not only got our game, we got to play at night, with the lights in memorial field.

We didn't sue the school-board. I wasn't allowed to take shop in junior high and I didn't sue the school. Today's litigious society is criminal, no pun intended. This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.

Comparing her to Rosa Parks is an insult. Rosa certainly didn't call the newspapers and say "I'm gonna stay seated on the bus today."
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. I think this girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

It doesn't matter if she's doing it for money or not. Don't feed into the petty distractions of the homophobes.

Yes of course, anybody who doesn't agree with this girls actions is afraid of homosexuals.....do I really strike you as a coward?
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. I think this girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

It doesn't matter if she's doing it for money or not. Don't feed into the petty distractions of the homophobes.

Yes of course, anybody who doesn't agree with this girls actions is afraid of homosexuals.....do I really strike you as a coward?

No...not everyone who disagrees with her...but those who call her a "brat" for exercising her rights. Those who encourage the pettiness of a school district afraid of a...gasp...tux. Those...you have to wonder. :eusa_whistle:
It doesn't matter if she's doing it for money or not. Don't feed into the petty distractions of the homophobes.

Yes of course, anybody who doesn't agree with this girls actions is afraid of homosexuals.....do I really strike you as a coward?

No...not everyone who disagrees with her...but those who call her a "brat" for exercising her rights. Those who encourage the pettiness of a school district afraid of a...gasp...tux. Those...you have to wonder. :eusa_whistle:


Elected officials that implement the desires of their constituants are "petty."

18 year old girls who defy school policy are "exercising their rights.":eusa_whistle:

And we wonder why there is no discipline in school.:eek:
I feel sorry for the conservative people I like on here for having to claim "Wicked Jester" as one of theirs. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
You just don't like the fact that I have the guts to state what so many people feel in this country.

All you fucking nimrods and your PC BS is just plain laughable.

And then we have Butch up here constantly bringing up Rosa Parks, and trying to equate people who CHOOSE to be disgusting immoral freaks, with that of a hero like Rosa Parks.

You don't like what I have to say, too fucking bad!...I'm not going away. And my opinions will be duly noted whether you like it or not.

2 lesbians, or 2 faggots raising a child is mental abuse. It's fucking wrong!
Yes of course, anybody who doesn't agree with this girls actions is afraid of homosexuals.....do I really strike you as a coward?

No...not everyone who disagrees with her...but those who call her a "brat" for exercising her rights. Those who encourage the pettiness of a school district afraid of a...gasp...tux. Those...you have to wonder. :eusa_whistle:


Elected officials that implement the desires of their constituants are "petty."

18 year old girls who defy school policy are "exercising their rights.":eusa_whistle:

And we wonder why there is no discipline in school.:eek:

How do you know that they are exercising the "desires" of their constituents? You DO know the law is on her side, right?

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