Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

Should Homosexual Sex be Included in 5th Grade Sex Ed?

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I feel sorry for the conservative people I like on here for having to claim "Wicked Jester" as one of theirs. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
You just don't like the fact that I have the guts to state what so many people feel in this country.

All you fucking nimrods and your PC BS is just plain laughable.

And then we have Butch up here constantly bringing up Rosa Parks, and trying to equate people who CHOOSE to be disgusting immoral freaks, with that of a hero like Rosa Parks.

You don't like what I have to say, too fucking bad!...I'm not going away. And my opinions will be duly noted whether you like it or not.

2 lesbians, or 2 faggots raising a child is mental abuse. It's fucking wrong!

Your grandfather said rosa parks chose to be a disgusting immoral beast by not moving to the back of the bus.

You cry homosexuals should not raise kids but you never provide evidence. (heads up-your whiny bitching is not evidence of anything other than you being a whiny bitch.)

The only thing you have to bitch about is your bitching about gays. It doesn't take guys to say the stoopid shit you do. It takes time and useless energy.
You're right, and since then I changed my mind on the tux. I talked to my son. He said "If I want to wear a dress to the prom, I'm damn well gonna wear a dress to the prom." I said "Are you going to tell the school board first?" he said "Hell, no, I don't want them stopping me."

She announced not only was she going to the prom with another girl, but she was gonna wear a tux. She made it as "in your face" as possible. The only reason I can think of is the lawsuit she's now filed.

I'm not unreasonable, I'm in these debates for the debate. When someone makes a point, I concede that point. I give you the point on the tux, I do not give you the point on her announcing it ahead of time.

I know some guys who have gotten shit for wearing kilts to proms and they look awesome. Would you call them "brats" too?

:lol::lol::lol: Oh we all know who the pussie is around here. You are too much of a coward to step away from what you consider the norm....to be an individual, or even to be proud of your heritage frightens you too much. That's why you hide behind your keyboard.
I know some guys who have gotten shit for wearing kilts to proms and they look awesome. Would you call them "brats" too?

:lol::lol::lol: Oh we all know who the pussie is around here. You are too much of a coward to step away from what you consider the norm....to be an individual, or even to be proud of your heritage frightens you too much. That's why you hide behind your keyboard.

I tried to hide behind my keyboard but it was too entertaining.
It just gives them another thing to bitch about.

I've noticed the more miserable someone is with their life, the more they want to make sure others are too.

That may apply to some but my pet theory is they focus on homosexuality out of a combination of our patriarchal structure and the more pressing need to justify their life styles. Focusing on homosexuality, much like abortion, gives them the illusion of following Jesus without the pesky troubles associated with helping the elderly, poor, and sick. It doesn't matter Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. They only care about maintaining their illusions.

Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.

What does she gain by suing? A little more research on this will show you that publicity is the last thing they wanted. You do not know Mississippi.
Blame the victim is all you are doing.
That may apply to some but my pet theory is they focus on homosexuality out of a combination of our patriarchal structure and the more pressing need to justify their life styles. Focusing on homosexuality, much like abortion, gives them the illusion of following Jesus without the pesky troubles associated with helping the elderly, poor, and sick. It doesn't matter Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. They only care about maintaining their illusions.

Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.

What does she gain by suing? A little more research on this will show you that publicity is the last thing they wanted. You do not know Mississippi.
Blame the victim is all you are doing.

Which is exactly what that cowardly School District wanted...they seem to know their clientele well.
Come off it..this girl is a brat that wanted to make a scene so she'd have something to sue about.....again, had she showed up at the prom in her tux, I doubt anything would have been said, but at that point, if they hadn't let her in, I'd be backing her 100%. She made sure that there was a big deal about this and she got her attention and sadly, she got her lawsuit.

When I was in highschool, we would have solved the problem a different way, she would have showed up with her date and everyone would have said "cool" and that would be that. Unfortunately today there are people that feel they have a right to sue for anything....this girl ruined it for everyone and now she's suing. She's a brat.

Oh and when I said I'd hold my own prom and not invite her, that's not quite the truth. I would have invited her because I've always felt bad not inviting anyone....just she deserved not to be invited, this whole mess is her fault and no one else's.

What does she gain by suing? A little more research on this will show you that publicity is the last thing they wanted. You do not know Mississippi.
Blame the victim is all you are doing.

Which is exactly what that cowardly School District wanted...they seem to know their clientele well.
Seriously, you can't possibly be that fucking stupid.:cuckoo:

Oh, wait a minute, never mind!
I don't understand the assertion that the school acted cowardly.

How else were they supposed to legally express their bigotry?
What does she gain by suing? A little more research on this will show you that publicity is the last thing they wanted. You do not know Mississippi.
Blame the victim is all you are doing.

Which is exactly what that cowardly School District wanted...they seem to know their clientele well.
Seriously, you can't possibly be that fucking stupid.:cuckoo:

Oh, wait a minute, never mind!

The School Board, not the girl, wanted the publicity.
They get elected in Hicksville for doing such things.

Wake up America.
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hey, your posts made it all about the suit, in this case the tux. you wanted her to wear a dress like the other girls.

You're right, and since then I changed my mind on the tux. I talked to my son. He said "If I want to wear a dress to the prom, I'm damn well gonna wear a dress to the prom." I said "Are you going to tell the school board first?" he said "Hell, no, I don't want them stopping me."

She announced not only was she going to the prom with another girl, but she was gonna wear a tux. She made it as "in your face" as possible. The only reason I can think of is the lawsuit she's now filed.

I'm not unreasonable, I'm in these debates for the debate. When someone makes a point, I concede that point. I give you the point on the tux, I do not give you the point on her announcing it ahead of time.

I know some guys who have gotten shit for wearing kilts to proms and they look awesome. Would you call them "brats" too?

only if they told the school ahead of time and then sued........
You're right, and since then I changed my mind on the tux. I talked to my son. He said "If I want to wear a dress to the prom, I'm damn well gonna wear a dress to the prom." I said "Are you going to tell the school board first?" he said "Hell, no, I don't want them stopping me."

She announced not only was she going to the prom with another girl, but she was gonna wear a tux. She made it as "in your face" as possible. The only reason I can think of is the lawsuit she's now filed.

I'm not unreasonable, I'm in these debates for the debate. When someone makes a point, I concede that point. I give you the point on the tux, I do not give you the point on her announcing it ahead of time.

I know some guys who have gotten shit for wearing kilts to proms and they look awesome. Would you call them "brats" too?

only if they told the school ahead of time and then sued........

Do you have high school kids that go to proms?
I am on my third. You HAVE to tell the school if you are going, pay for it ahyead of time and announce WHO you aregoing with.
Let me explain why: Many kids used to change their minds at the last minute and leave the other side out. They were left with no date having spent big $ on preperations.
My oldest was FORCED to take his ex girlfriend his senior year because of this.
You have to tell the school who you are taking.
Anguille said:
Againsheila said:
This girl is a brat that made her stand so she could make money and for no other reason.
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. This girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue to make a point. Maybe she's just an attention whore. One of your cousins perhaps?
No family.
Anguille said:
You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue for financial gain. This girl is trying to make a point and to put an end to discrimination against gays.

You have absolutely no proof of that. Pure supposition on your part. People do not always sue to make a point. Maybe she's just an attention whore. One of your cousins perhaps?
No family.

i see why you have no family...
You're right, and since then I changed my mind on the tux. I talked to my son. He said "If I want to wear a dress to the prom, I'm damn well gonna wear a dress to the prom." I said "Are you going to tell the school board first?" he said "Hell, no, I don't want them stopping me."

She announced not only was she going to the prom with another girl, but she was gonna wear a tux. She made it as "in your face" as possible. The only reason I can think of is the lawsuit she's now filed.

I'm not unreasonable, I'm in these debates for the debate. When someone makes a point, I concede that point. I give you the point on the tux, I do not give you the point on her announcing it ahead of time.

I know some guys who have gotten shit for wearing kilts to proms and they look awesome. Would you call them "brats" too?

only if they told the school ahead of time and then sued........

Why are you still trying to sell this bullshit? Did you ever address the facts about Rosa or is that wrinkle too big for your barbie doll iron of denial to smooth out?

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