Missouri Senator Hawley to introduce measure to dismiss Pelosi's slapdash impeachment on Monday


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
And why not? Right wingers senselessly voted dozens of times to kill healthcare. It was nothing more than an effort to keep the right wing crazies interested in supporting them. A silly vote to dismiss the impeachment, which will probably go no further than his announcement, is just another stunt like all those others.
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.
BREAKING -- Missouri Senator Hawley to Introduce MEASURE TO DISMISS Pelosi's Slapdash Impeachment on Monday
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced today if Democrats DO NOT deliver their articles of impeachment to the US Senate as is required he will introduce a measure on Monday to dismiss Pelosi’s slapdash articles of impeachment on Monday January 6th.

Oh you don't say now what.........its to distract or is to to...............
AS required? Where is the time frame written?
Again, for all you idiot Trump supporters who are believing the bullshit that Trump isn't impeached. Sorry, but Trump HAS been impeached, and it is the House that does the impeachment. After the impeachment, a trial is held in the Senate to determine if the president should remain in office or not.

The House does the impeaching. The Senate holds a trial to see if removal is warranted. The House can only do the impeachment, not removal, and the Senate can only vote to remove or not, but they cannot do anything concerning impeachment.

This senator is trying to do something that he's not authorized to do. The Senate has zero bearing on whether or not a president is impeached. If you doubt that, look at what happened to Clinton.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

Impeachment in the United States is the process by which a legislature (usually in the form of the lower house) brings charges against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed, analogous to the bringing of an indictment by a grand jury. Impeachment may occur at the federal level or the state level. The federal House of Representatives can impeach federal officials, including the president, and each state's legislature can impeach state officials, including the governor, in accordance with their respective federal or state constitution.

Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which officials have been impeached and subsequently convicted for crimes committed prior to taking office.[1] The impeached official remains in office until a trial is held. That trial, and removal from office if convicted, is separate from the act of impeachment itself.

In impeachment proceedings, the defendant does not risk forfeiture of life, liberty, or property. According to the Constitution, the only penalties allowed to be imposed by the Senate are removal from office and disqualification from holding any federal office in the future.
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge

Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

Doesn't change the fact that it is an OPINION piece, show us where the Constitution states that.
So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

Doesn't change the fact that it is an OPINION piece, show us where the Constitution states that.
Is not a lot of law and opinion piece? Who really cares? Impeached or not he is running in 2020 and the Democrats have yet to put up a worthy challenger.
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

It's Feldman's opinion, and lawyers are pretty good at cherry picking things to make them sound real. The actual Constitution says that the House does the impeachment, and after the impeachment, the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not.

Remember.......................Clinton was impeached, but the Senate decided to let him stay. At best, that is where Trump will end up.
So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

Doesn't change the fact that it is an OPINION piece, show us where the Constitution states that.
An opinion from a Democrat’s witness? Weren’t all the witnesses in this case giving opinions? Intent is impossible to prove so the impeachment was 100% based on opinion. And was 100% partisan.
So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

It's Feldman's opinion, and lawyers are pretty good at cherry picking things to make them sound real. The actual Constitution says that the House does the impeachment, and after the impeachment, the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not.

Remember.......................Clinton was impeached, but the Senate decided to let him stay. At best, that is where Trump will end up.
Trump was impeached on an opinion.
BREAKING -- Missouri Senator Hawley to Introduce MEASURE TO DISMISS Pelosi's Slapdash Impeachment on Monday
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced today if Democrats DO NOT deliver their articles of impeachment to the US Senate as is required he will introduce a measure on Monday to dismiss Pelosi’s slapdash articles of impeachment on Monday January 6th.

Oh you don't say now what.........its to distract or is to to...............
AS required? Where is the time frame written?

if he did it twenty years ago doesn't change the fact the act was done.

Just like when someone kills someone 40 yrs ago they still get charged ding dong.
So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

Doesn't change the fact that it is an OPINION piece, show us where the Constitution states that.
It's actually an opinion from a LAWYER...

So would YOU care to give us YOUR legal qualifications???

Or are we supposed to take legal opinions from a couple of nitwits on a message board???
You know their is nothing in the constitution that says he can’t do this. I think Harley is a former state ag so he is not some fly by night. And he is not up for re-election.
Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Your link is to an opinion piece. Sorry, but not hard fact.
Actually, it's an opinion by a lawyer that testified for the Democrats during the impeachment hearings...

Trump is not actually impeached yet, lawyer who testified for Democrats says

Would you care to give us a little background on YOUR legal expertise???

Or are you talking out your ass again???

Doesn't change the fact that it is an OPINION piece, show us where the Constitution states that.
It's actually an opinion from a LAWYER...

So would YOU care to give us YOUR legal qualifications???

Or are we supposed to take legal opinions from a couple of nitwits on a message board???
View attachment 297935

Can you show us where it states that in the Constitution since that is instruction manual the country is run by.
Only problem is, the Senate cannot do that. The House does the impeachment, and the Senate decides if the president should remain in office or not. Says so in the Constitution.

So -

In layman's terms The House is the prosecutor
The Senate is the jury
John Roberts would serve as the judge


New Yorkers Don't Think Trump is President

Actually, impeachments can't really be explained in simple criminal law terms, as it isn't done that way.

The House hears about possible charges. They run an investigation and gather information. If the information says that impeachment is warranted, they vote to impeach. If the vote fails, the impeachment process is over and there is no impeachment. If the vote passes, the president is impeached.

Once impeached, it is then sent to the Senate to determine if the president can stay in office or not. The Senate has no say as to whether or not the president is impeached, they simply decide if he can stay or not.

Sorry, but what the senator wants to do (vote to void the impeachment) would only be symbolic at best, but would have zero impact on the impeachment. Sorry, but no matter how much you guys wish to believe that Trump hasn't been impeached yet, he has. And, there is nothing the Senate can do to void it as that falls solely under the House authority.
Actually, impeachment is a process...

The House has to send the impeachment to the SENATE (which they have so far failed to do)...

So, technically, Trump hasn't been impeached yet!!!
Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

They really haven't a clue.

New Yorkers Don't Think Trump is President

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