Missouri Speaker of the House (R) caught in sex scandal with an intern


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
More "family values" from the party that always claims to take the moral high-road:


Missouri Speaker of the House of Representatives John Diehl (R)

Text images between Missouri House Speaker John Diehl and intern reveal sexually charged exchanges The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

Text messages obtained by The Star reveal a sexually charged relationship between House Speaker John Diehl and a college freshman in a Missouri Capitol internship program that shut down abruptly last month.

The conversations unveil a flirty rapport and suggest an intimacy between arguably the state’s most influential lawmaker and a young woman taking some pleasure in a secret association.

The texts show occasional efforts by Diehl and the intern to meet in person. They range from mundane chatter, about boring meetings and dreading speeches, to the more sexually suggestive.

Diehl declined to comment. The intern, who has hired an attorney specializing in employment matters, told The Star that the text messages were not real. Meantime, she has told confidants that she had an ongoing relationship with Diehl.

Multiple sources helped The Star confirm that the screenshots of the texts, which show Diehl’s business cellphone number, originated from the intern’s smartphone. The text conversations also included photographs of each of them. And others who know Diehl well said they recognized the language and tone of the conversations from their own text exchanges with him...





More screenshots at the link.

John Diehl has a wife and three children.

In intern was part of a program from Missouri Southern State University, which abruptly cancelled the program last month, without warning. It is more than likely that this scandal was the cause of the cancellation.

When Mr. Diehl resigns, I will make a thread, just as I did when David Vitter (R-Diapers-LA) resigned after fucking a high-class DC madam.

Oh, wait. He didn't.


Yepp, more "family values".

I wonder if Christian bakeries will ever bake anything for him ever again...


Discuss. Should this Republican studmuffin resign, or IOKIYAAR?
So a Republican tries to act "Presidential" in the Clinton Mode and a liberal gets indignant?

Silly bugger.
one can stand for something and still fall short...

if you didn't want clinton to resign, why should this guy?
I think the point is republicans are expected to be better than Democrats. But with democrats it's expected for them to be vile despicable people. It sort of goes with the whole redistributing people income theme. It takes a special kind of person to rob Peter to pay Paul.
More "family values" from the party that always claims to take the moral high-road:


Missouri Speaker of the House of Representatives John Diehl (R)

Text images between Missouri House Speaker John Diehl and intern reveal sexually charged exchanges The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

Text messages obtained by The Star reveal a sexually charged relationship between House Speaker John Diehl and a college freshman in a Missouri Capitol internship program that shut down abruptly last month.

The conversations unveil a flirty rapport and suggest an intimacy between arguably the state’s most influential lawmaker and a young woman taking some pleasure in a secret association.

The texts show occasional efforts by Diehl and the intern to meet in person. They range from mundane chatter, about boring meetings and dreading speeches, to the more sexually suggestive.

Diehl declined to comment. The intern, who has hired an attorney specializing in employment matters, told The Star that the text messages were not real. Meantime, she has told confidants that she had an ongoing relationship with Diehl.

Multiple sources helped The Star confirm that the screenshots of the texts, which show Diehl’s business cellphone number, originated from the intern’s smartphone. The text conversations also included photographs of each of them. And others who know Diehl well said they recognized the language and tone of the conversations from their own text exchanges with him...





More screenshots at the link.

John Diehl has a wife and three children.

In intern was part of a program from Missouri Southern State University, which abruptly cancelled the program last month, without warning. It is more than likely that this scandal was the cause of the cancellation.

When Mr. Diehl resigns, I will make a thread, just as I did when David Vitter (R-Diapers-LA) resigned after fucking a high-class DC madam.

Oh, wait. He didn't.


Yepp, more "family values".

I wonder if Christian bakeries will ever bake anything for him ever again...


Discuss. Should this Republican studmuffin resign, or IOKIYAAR?

Send him packing. No democrat has ever done this right?
Stop whining. President of the United States Bill Clinton's dick started in Monica Lewinsky's mouth and ended on her pretty blue dress. You guys set the bar stop being so surprised when other pols meet it.
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.

I'm not defending him. I'm attacking the idea that you have any standing to discuss the issue, Bill-lover.
More "family values" from the party that always claims to take the moral high-road:


Missouri Speaker of the House of Representatives John Diehl (R)

Text images between Missouri House Speaker John Diehl and intern reveal sexually charged exchanges The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

Text messages obtained by The Star reveal a sexually charged relationship between House Speaker John Diehl and a college freshman in a Missouri Capitol internship program that shut down abruptly last month.

The conversations unveil a flirty rapport and suggest an intimacy between arguably the state’s most influential lawmaker and a young woman taking some pleasure in a secret association.

The texts show occasional efforts by Diehl and the intern to meet in person. They range from mundane chatter, about boring meetings and dreading speeches, to the more sexually suggestive.

Diehl declined to comment. The intern, who has hired an attorney specializing in employment matters, told The Star that the text messages were not real. Meantime, she has told confidants that she had an ongoing relationship with Diehl.

Multiple sources helped The Star confirm that the screenshots of the texts, which show Diehl’s business cellphone number, originated from the intern’s smartphone. The text conversations also included photographs of each of them. And others who know Diehl well said they recognized the language and tone of the conversations from their own text exchanges with him...





More screenshots at the link.

John Diehl has a wife and three children.

In intern was part of a program from Missouri Southern State University, which abruptly cancelled the program last month, without warning. It is more than likely that this scandal was the cause of the cancellation.

When Mr. Diehl resigns, I will make a thread, just as I did when David Vitter (R-Diapers-LA) resigned after fucking a high-class DC madam.

Oh, wait. He didn't.


Yepp, more "family values".

I wonder if Christian bakeries will ever bake anything for him ever again...


Discuss. Should this Republican studmuffin resign, or IOKIYAAR?

His wife should divorce him.
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.

I'm not defending him. I'm attacking the idea that you have any standing to discuss the issue, Bill-lover.
And that's where your argument falls all to pieces. I argue ideas and observe behavior. You attack people, ergo, debate with you is impossible. Have a super day.

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Stop whining. President of the United States Bill Clinton's dick started in Monica Lewinsky's mouth and ended on her pretty blue dress. You guys set the bar stop being so surprised when other pols meet it.
Actually Zoom, sadly, the bar was set with Presidents having affairs LONG LONG LONG before Clinton... and Republican presidents are not exempt from such actions.

The Republicans in Congress SET A NEW BAR to impeach a President for such affairs/lying about such sexual affairs....which is a new bar, for Presidents.
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.
After Clinton and Obama, you have no credibility. I think he should resign, but who are you to criticize? You have no morals or your party.

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