Missouri Speaker of the House (R) caught in sex scandal with an intern

Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.
After Clinton and Obama, you have no credibility. I think he should resign, but who are you to criticize? You have no morals or your party.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.
After Clinton and Obama, you have no credibility. I think he should resign, but who are you to criticize? You have no morals or your party.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Truth hurts? If he was a democrat, i'm sure you would bend over for him. The way you have been grabbing your ankles for Obama.
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.

I'm not defending him. I'm attacking the idea that you have any standing to discuss the issue, Bill-lover.
And that's where your argument falls all to pieces. I argue ideas and observe behavior. You attack people, ergo, debate with you is impossible. Have a super day.

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You "Ideas"? LOL!!

WHat's your idea here?

The since the members of the Party of Family Values are not all perfect, that values do not matter?
Should this Republican studmuffin resign

WHY ? according to you liberfucks and Bubba's code, fucking around with interns is perfectly an OK thing, did he use any cigars, or stain a blue dress ? if not had better get with the program.
:up: ... :lmao:

one more thing :fu: ...... :asshole: ................ :up_yours:
Should this Republican studmuffin resign

WHY ? according to you liberfucks and Bubba's code, fucking around with interns is perfectly an OK thing, did he use any cigars, or stain a blue dress ? if not had better get with the program.
:up: ... :lmao:

one more thing :fu: ...... :asshole: ................ :up_yours:
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.
After Clinton and Obama, you have no credibility. I think he should resign, but who are you to criticize? You have no morals or your party.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Truth hurts? If he was a democrat, i'm sure you would bend over for him. The way you have been grabbing your ankles for Obama.
Righties and their very weird, very gay sexual fantasies.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.

I'm not defending him. I'm attacking the idea that you have any standing to discuss the issue, Bill-lover.
And that's where your argument falls all to pieces. I argue ideas and observe behavior. You attack people, ergo, debate with you is impossible. Have a super day.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk


You "Ideas"? LOL!!

WHat's your idea here?

The since the members of the Party of Family Values are not all perfect, that values do not matter?
Nope. You missed the point. But I expected that you would. So, no surprise there....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Should this Republican studmuffin resign

WHY ? according to you liberfucks and Bubba's code, fucking around with interns is perfectly an OK thing, did he use any cigars, or stain a blue dress ? if not had better get with the program.
:up: ... :lmao:

one more thing :fu: ...... :asshole: ................ :up_yours:
You seem angry. Blood pressure meds, perhaps?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
My first question when these things come to light is always, "Well, did he have permission from the spouse to see other people?" Not like unheard of afterall. Spice up longterm relationships, people open up their relationships to others.

If not, he's in a bit of trouble, but isn't like the worst thing in the world until people make it one.
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.

I'm not defending him. I'm attacking the idea that you have any standing to discuss the issue, Bill-lover.
And that's where your argument falls all to pieces. I argue ideas and observe behavior. You attack people, ergo, debate with you is impossible. Have a super day.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk


You "Ideas"? LOL!!

WHat's your idea here?

The since the members of the Party of Family Values are not all perfect, that values do not matter?
Nope. You missed the point. But I expected that you would. So, no surprise there....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

NOpe. This is just a gotcha moment for you.

YOu take an opportunity to smear you enemies, but you don't want be clear about the point you are trying to make, because then you might be called on to defend it.

Smear and run.

Bumper sticker level of debating.

Any report that this guy was a serial sexual harasser like Clinton?
Yepp, this thread is progressing pretty much as I expected it would.

Conservatives completely lack the ability to criticize one of their own.

All they have are tu quoque fallacies, that's it.

Poor, poor, poor Conservatives.
After Clinton and Obama, you have no credibility. I think he should resign, but who are you to criticize? You have no morals or your party.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Truth hurts? If he was a democrat, i'm sure you would bend over for him. The way you have been grabbing your ankles for Obama.
Righties and their very weird, very gay sexual fantasies.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Says the guy that caters to all of the queers demands.
one can stand for something and still fall short...

if you didn't want clinton to resign, why should this guy?
I think the point is republicans are expected to be better than Democrats. But with democrats it's expected for them to be vile despicable people. It sort of goes with the whole redistributing people income theme. It takes a special kind of person to rob Peter to pay Paul.

its a question of what position you respect more, Having standards and having people sometimes fail to live up to them, or having no standards or lesser standards and not caring about meeting anything (unless your opponent fails at theirs, then GOTCHA!!!).
It's really funny as hell how the hyper partisans on both sides go trolling the web in search of scandals involving those from the other side as if their side is pure as the driven snow.
Oh for God's sake, those who cheat on their spouses are scum regardless of which side of the political aisle they fall on.

But when one side points their finger at the other side and fails to acknowledge that their side is just as shitty ... yeah, what kind of response do you expect?

I've blasted Rs for this behavior and have loudly said boot them.

This thread is lame.

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