mister TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT... "barack hussein obama"

Social Security has supported over a hundred million Americans and is one of the greatest social achievements in our history

FDR himself warned that Social Security should ONLY be a SHORT-TIME Program because of the potential for corruption, due to the potential for the federal government to eventually use the funds as it's own personal piggy bank. Social Security has become the 'piggy bank' and Ponzi scheme FDR warned us about.
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Obama has added more debt than EVERY US President...COMBINED.
JEBUS you are not the brightest bulb on this kind of stuff are you?

the national debt was 11.9 trillion before Obama's first presidential fiscal year beginning...

The National debt is now 18.0 trillion

IS $6.0 Trillion greater than $11.9 trillion in your head?

Social Security has supported over a hundred million Americans and is one of the greatest social achievements in our history

FDR himself warned that Social Security should ONLY be a SHORT-TIME Program because of the potential for corruption, due to the potential for the federal government to eventually use the funds as it's own personal piggy bank. Social Security has become the 'piggy bank' and Ponzi scheme FDR warned us about.
FDR fully supported a long term program.

What makes you think the Republicans did it out of cowardess? They love pissing our money away as much as the Democrats. Responsible spending is just an election year slogan they never have any intention of delivering on.

Democrats promises bad irresponsible government and delivers bad government.

Republicans promise good fiscal responsible government but at the end of the day delivers the same bad government as the Democrats.

They are both parties of big government, however the Republicans claim to know better so I give them the benefit of the doubt by calling them cowards instead of idiots like the Democrats.

At the end of the day it really doesn't make much difference. If you vote Republican or Democrat you are going to get bigger government, more debt and more government oppression.

The Republicans are 1000 times better than the Democrats but you have to remember that 1000 X 0 = 0.
obama backloaded billions in spending increases for things like obamacare. The concept, the practice isnt rocket science, but it seems to be too much for left-wing nutjogs to grasp.

now isnt it a FACT Democrats accuse Republicans of "obstructing" various obama "jobs bills" and such? and isnt it a fact that despite what democrats say these bills werent paid for???

so then how can left-wing losers give obama all the credit for a slower rate of increase in spending??
IS $6.0 Trillion greater than $11.9 trillion in your head?

Obama added $7 trillion in new debt ALONE in his 1st 4 years, setting 'monthly'. 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records while doing so.
you just make shit like that up don't you >

No, actually that was a fun-down of the debt Obama added in his 1st year in comparison to the debt of $4 trillion credited to Bush over 8 years. (Obama's $7 trillion was in only 4 years and did NOT include 9/11/01 and 2 wars.)
Social Security has supported over a hundred million Americans and is one of the greatest social achievements in our history

FDR himself warned that Social Security should ONLY be a SHORT-TIME Program because of the potential for corruption, due to the potential for the federal government to eventually use the funds as it's own personal piggy bank. Social Security has become the 'piggy bank' and Ponzi scheme FDR warned us about.

You really do just make shit up don't you?
obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?

Yes, the rate of growth in govt spending has been reduced under obama. But deficit and debt are two different things. the debt was 10T when obama took office, it will be 20T when he leaves. Chart that for us, dingleberry.
[QUOTE="Redfish, post: 12713684, member: 42379
going from, 10 to 20 is not doubling? is that the new math?[/QUOTE]

No, 2 x 10 has ALWAYS been 20! (Liberals just don't know it...) :lmao:

About what I expected

Social Security and Medicare are funded by future taxpayers and contributors. Just like it has been for 75 years

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Key word is fraudulent

There is nothing fraudulent about Social Security

not when it was started, but when LBJ merged SS funds with the general fund the fraud began.
The bottom line here is that the country has a serious debt problem. Both parties share in causing it. While it is true that it has doubled under obama, pointing that out does not solve the problem.

There are two hard choices that must be faced to keep the country from bankruptcy
1. drasticallly cut government spending
2. drastically raise everyone's taxes
or 3. do both

It will be painful, everyone will suffer. name calling and blaming will run rampant. But unless we face up to it, it will destroy this country.
Actually, you have to put every single President ever on that list.
Obama has added more debt than EVERY US President...COMBINED.

Have a link for that?

Hard to do when you haven't doubled the debt

going from, 10 to 20 is not doubling? is that the new math?

11 to 18 is not doubling

it was 10.6 when he took office, it will be over 20 when he leaves, its 18.5 today. To not call that doubling is splitting hairs.
Obama has proven he SUCKS at math and budgeting....

"The ACA won't cost a dime, it will pay for itself..."

About what I expected

Social Security and Medicare are funded by future taxpayers and contributors. Just like it has been for 75 years

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Key word is fraudulent

There is nothing fraudulent about Social Security
Except it's not used as intended, it was supposed to be a help in retirement... Not THE form of retirement.

That is why is should be an opt in or opt out...

Get out while the gett'n is good...

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