mister TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT... "barack hussein obama"

We have to remember that after the Republicans took over the House in 2010 they raised Hussein's debt limit twice.

Then after the Republicans took over both the House and Senate in 2014 they proposed a budget the other day that not only increased the debt limit again but added $80 billion in increased spending.

The Democrats are the party of big irresponsible government but the cowardly Republicans have aided and abetted the irresponsibility all along.

Piss on both of them.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!

Hell NO !

Ronnie is dead, according to one RW idiot anyway.


you mean he's NOT dead leftard???

About what I expected

Social Security and Medicare are funded by future taxpayers and contributors. Just like it has been for 75 years

a Ponzi scheme?

What Ponzi scheme?

Social Security is fully funded and backed by the US Government. Far from a Ponzi scheme which is designed to defraud. Social Security financing has been working for 75 years

About what I expected

Social Security and Medicare are funded by future taxpayers and contributors. Just like it has been for 75 years

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Key word is fraudulent

There is nothing fraudulent about Social Security
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!
is eXtreme rw logic donchaknow.
obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?

obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?


YOU'RE STILL HERE MENTALLY MASTERBATING; pretending it hasnt been Republicans that held obama's spending in check, even as you cry about "obstruction", and that spending on things obama DID get passed, like Obamacare, will cause spending and deficits to SOAR after obama leaves office.
obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?


Thank the American people for taking away Barry's spending crack pipe in 2010

Remember the "Brutal Sequester"?
and which party is doing a "work around" the sequester caps, by shifting funds to an acct not under sequestration control 57Frank? to reward their defense contractor buddies? :up: Republicorp

Obama vetoes defense bill
Obama argues the bill irresponsibly skirts spending caps adopted in 2011 by putting $38 billion into a war fund not subject to the limits, a move he called a "gimmick." He has called on Congress to increase both defense and nondefense spending.

Republicans :lol:
Last edited:
look at the left-wing crybabies whining and trying to make a case for hypocrisy that isnt there.

go ahead and count Reagan spending; as if it matters 35 years later. Just remember that is spending Democrats voted for, and then count Obama's spending and what it will cost AFTER he leaves office, and remember that is spending Republicans DIDNT vote for

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The ruling class has been taking Americans for a ride for decades now. Other than a complete economic collapse under a mountain of debt, there is little chance this can change when you have a population of largely stupid and ignorant people.
obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?


Thank the American people for taking away Barry's spending crack pipe in 2010

Remember the "Brutal Sequester"?
and which party is doing a "work around" the sequester caps to reward their defense contractor buddies?

idiot; the sequester was never supposed to happen in the first place. i swear libs are uninformed morons.

the idea of the sequester was both sides put up something they DIDNT want to see cut. Republicans in good faith put up MILITARY SPENDING, while Democrats put up UNEMPLOYMENT, which had gone up to TWO PHUKIN YEARS in benefits. The idea was to get both sides to work together so the cuts DIDNT TAKE EFFECT.

obama THREATENED TO VETO attempts to undo the sequester by EITHER PARTY.

About what I expected

Social Security and Medicare are funded by future taxpayers and contributors. Just like it has been for 75 years

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Key word is fraudulent

There is nothing fraudulent about Social Security

you dull and ignorant idiot. is it your left-wing notion that anything legal is also right?? or even legal??

are there not legal forms of thievery some corporations practice?
Social Security is nothing close to what it was meant to be. and not that LESS THAN THREE are paying for what OVER THIRTY WORKERS used to pay for it is even more apparrent it is a LEGAL Ponzi scheme
obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?


Only confused and delusional Libtards would try to take some kind of credit for a bloated spending budget of almost $4 trillion a year by claiming percentage wise it ain't that bad.

That is just like the sorry bastards claiming that a half trillion a year deficit that Obama has now is somehow great because it isn't the trillion a year deficit he had before.

Remember that the big spending really started when that filthy ass 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over. Obama and the Democrat butt pirates passed the two worst Bush deficits. Obama voted for the Bush big deficit budgets as Senator and then added about $9 trillion of his own as President.
YOU'RE STILL HERE MENTALLY MASTERBATING; pretending it hasnt been Republicans that held obama's spending in check, even as you cry about "obstruction", and that spending on things obama DID get passed, like Obamacare, will cause spending and deficits to SOAR after obama leaves office.

Really? Republicans have been holding Obama's spending in check? I must have missed that somewhere along the way.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?


If he's been such a good steward with our nation's spending please explain how it is the national debt is on track to almost double when we leaves office compared to when he took over?
We have to remember that after the Republicans took over the House in 2010 they raised Hussein's debt limit twice.

Then after the Republicans took over both the House and Senate in 2014 they proposed a budget the other day that not only increased the debt limit again but added $80 billion in increased spending.

The Democrats are the party of big irresponsible government but the cowardly Republicans have aided and abetted the irresponsibility all along.

Piss on both of them.

What makes you think the Republicans did it out of cowardess? They love pissing our money away as much as the Democrats. Responsible spending is just an election year slogan they never have any intention of delivering on.

About what I expected

Social Security and Medicare are funded by future taxpayers and contributors. Just like it has been for 75 years

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Key word is fraudulent

There is nothing fraudulent about Social Security

you dull and ignorant idiot. is it your left-wing notion that anything legal is also right?? or even legal??

are there not legal forms of thievery some corporations practice?
Social Security is nothing close to what it was meant to be. and not that LESS THAN THREE are paying for what OVER THIRTY WORKERS used to pay for it is even more apparrent it is a LEGAL Ponzi scheme

Social Security has supported over a hundred million Americans and is one of the greatest social achievements in our history

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