MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

At the VERY least it's nice to know that Denialists can identify ONE actual climate scientist, maybe TWO with Judith Curry.

That's great because that's about the limit of the "names" who are against the scientific consensus. The numbers are so small but they are there.

The funny thing is, the Denialists on here trot these folks out ALL THE TIME because that's all they got! LOL.
But those two don't do any actual research or perform any science. Lindzen does nothing but embarrass himself, and Curry lets the global scientific community do all the work and comes in after the fact with biased meta analysis, most of which is hot garbage.
You need to watch something other than Fox or Blaze TV once in a while.

Your technical understanding of any topic so far seems pretty weak.

Says the jackass who claims to be a geologist but doesn't know squat.
LOL. That is not even remotely possible. Your computer ALONE (or whatever electronic device you typed this on) had SIGNIFICANT (if not total) construction in China. And when you dispose of it, it will go to China to be picked apart and reclaimed


That's rich.

Ah ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Wrong. It was built by Solectron here in the USA. It is old enough that all the chips were made here as well.

Wrong. It was built by Solectron here in the USA. It is old enough that all the chips were made here as well.


Wow. Solectron was bought out by a Singaporean-domiciled company 15 years ago. Whaddaya wanna bet they use Chinese labor for some of their electronics? (They now have a Chinese subsidiary called Solectron Technology Co.)

Is your computer LITERALLY 15 years old? LOL.

And that's the ONLY electronic thing you own? Interesting. Don't have a phone? Don't have a watch or anything? Don't drive a car?

You live like a 19th century monk in a cave my friend.


And do you never throw away any old electronics? You still have every electronic thing you ever bought your entire life? Because China is usually where recycled electronics wind up.

You'll forgive me if I still don't believe you.
Wow. Solectron was bought out by a Singaporean-domiciled company 15 years ago. Whaddaya wanna bet they use Chinese labor for some of their electronics? (They now have a Chinese subsidiary called Solectron Technology Co.)

Is your computer LITERALLY 15 years old? LOL.

And that's the ONLY electronic thing you own? Interesting. Don't have a phone? Don't have a watch or anything? Don't drive a car?

You live like a 19th century monk in a cave my friend.


And do you never throw away any old electronics? You still have every electronic thing you ever bought your entire life? Because China is usually where recycled electronics wind up.

You'll forgive me if I still don't believe you.

Whataya wanna bet my friend was a VP and sourced all the best for me. He is now rebuilding the cell phone systems in the Caribbean.

Guess what, I KNOW you are a liar, so your opinion means nothing.
Forgive us if we simply don't believe you.

That's apparently the best approach.

Earlier he tried to make it sound like he knew something about geology. Dug up a formation name and then just kept repeating it. Couldn't say a single technical thing about it. Not one. It was hilarious.
I clearly know more geology than you do. You dug up one fm name and think you're some kinda Hutton.


I've proven my bona fides. You never proved you were anything but a troll.

No you don't. You couldn't answer simple first year geology questions.

You are a fraud.
No you don't. You couldn't answer simple first year geology questions.

You are a fraud.

I answered all your geology questions.

Don't lie.

I know you can't do anything WITHOUT lying but do try. Everyone could see my geology posts.

No one saw anything from YOU though. You knew one fm name. Bravo.

Only a MORON would think that all geologists know all fm names.

I answered all your geology questions.

Don't lie.

I know you can't do anything WITHOUT lying but do try. Everyone could see my geology posts.

No one saw anything from YOU though. You knew one fm name. Bravo.

Only a MORON would think that all geologists know all fm names.


No, you didn't. You didn't answer a single one accurately. I asked basic questions, not about that formation which you couldn't even figure out was a formation even though I used the standard geological terminology for it.

You're an idiot.
Go talk to yourself. You and your socks are experts.

Not a sock.

But, you wouldn't know. You are consistently wrong about most things!


If you think I'm a me and see if you got it right?

But you won't. You're all talk. Just a troll. Gettin' your jollies pissing people off with your lies. (And your lies are pretty transparent and befitting a junior high special-needs student).

Sorry. If that's what you are, my sincerest apologies.

Go take it up with your "VP" friend who built your computer!
No, you didn't. You didn't answer a single one accurately. I asked basic questions, not about that formation which you couldn't even figure out was a formation even though I used the standard geological terminology for it.

You're an idiot.

lies. Perhaps you can prove your lie?

Nah, you couldn't if you tried. Big talker.
The US geological society wholeheartedly endorses the scientific consensus on climate change found in the IPCC report.

westwall would not be welcome, there.

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