MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

"Here are times when consensus was wrong"

Neato. Now post the times it was right.

Anyhoo, I am not arguing from the consensus. So this means nothing anyway. The consensus is a symptom.

And some are stronger than others, and often there isn't any consensus.

So what? The consensus follows the evidence. Not vice versa.

IPCC is that collection of evidence. Unless you know of a secret one.

The IPPC is run by Governments of the world who has a vested interest in easily compliant people like YOU to screw over.

Your total reliance on consensus is stupid since they are wrong many times resulting in the death of people and slowing down contrary research from being published.

Science research and Debate needs to flow freely for best results which is WHY people like you oppose it.
The IPPC is run by Governments of the world who has a vested interest in easily compliant people like YOU to screw over.
So now your claim is that the IPCC is collectively committing academic, intellectual and actual, criminal fraud.

Does it get any more desperate? Calling it an argument from ignorance is an insult to argument from ignorance.
What a retarded non sequitur, unrelated to a word of what I actually said. Pathetic.

All doubters are free to mount a challenge. Fouth time, ya weasel.

Like I say you continuously show that you know not dam thing about how good science research is done hell being skeptical about their own work is healthy as it invites others to examine the work more fully.

The Scientific Method tells us:

Khan Academy

The scientific method​

At the core of biology and other sciences lies a problem-solving approach called the scientific method. The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:
  1. Make an observation.
  2. Ask a question.
  3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
  4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
  5. Test the prediction.
  6. Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.


No consensus step in it just sees if it can be made reproducible by others when it is published.

It is at least a twostep process.
Like I say you continuously show that you know not dam thing about how good science research is done hell being skeptical about their own work is healthy as it invites others to examine the work more fully.

The Scientific Method tells us:

Khan Academy

The scientific method​

At the core of biology and other sciences lies a problem-solving approach called the scientific method. The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:
  1. Make an observation.
  2. Ask a question.
  3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
  4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
  5. Test the prediction.
  6. Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.


No consensus step in it just sees if it can be made reproducible by others when it is published.

It is at least a twostep process.
Fifth time:

Doubt away. Go do research. Find lots of evidence to challenge the accepted theory. Who is stopping you?

You are whining like a little baby over something nobody is saying.
Charlton Heston filmed a mockumentary about climate change back in 1973 called Soylent Green ... you're 50 years behind the rest of us ...

I just watch CBS claim that the Desert Southwest was becoming a desert due to global warming ... ha ha ... it's already a desert ... it's major disaster for Phoenix if their climate stays the same ... and I agree ... burn them tires ... help Phoenix ...
Soylent GREEN was about OVERPOPULATION...................
So now your claim is that the IPCC is collectively committing academic, intellectual and actual, criminal fraud.

Does it get any more desperate? Calling it an argument from ignorance is an insult to argument from ignorance.

You have no idea how often governments throughout history forces their control over their citizens over the time of its existence it is one of the reasons why it collapses again and again America is slowly dying because of the expanding federal power

This is all I posted:

"The IPPC is run by Governments of the world who has a vested interest in easily compliant people like YOU to screw over."

This has been shown many times over the years which you ignore constantly because you are one of their lambs, they corral into the consensus halls.

You are easily brainwashed which is why you prate consensus over debate and reproducible research ignores contrary research completely.

They will never stop producing every 5 years because it has worked on sheep like you who seems willing to led to be easily brainwashed and reprogrammed in time.

32 years and still ZERO Climate Emergency is happening.

This chart from POST ONE ARTICLE has been avoided because it destroys the warmist/alarmist climate emergency narrative stupidity:



Droughts in the US have been decreasing, not increasing.



Global Wildfires are decreasing according to NASA:



Decline in major tornadoes:



Dam no increase in storminess here oh my we are NOT doomed I am inconsolable!



Cooling since 2016:


I can post a lot more evidence of NO climate emergency stuff.

With the absence of doubt, science becomes religion.
It becomes no longer science, first and foremost. That's what science is. You put your hypothesis to the test. You look for failures in your own methods, scrutinize your own data. Because that's exactly what everyone else is going to do, before and after you publish.

You don't bleat and wail like a stuck boar on a message board and call the IPPC incompetent frauds. That isn't doubt. That is the death knell of defeat.

See above.
It becomes no longer science, first and foremost. That's what science is. You put your hypothesis to the test. You look for failures in your own methods, scrutinize your own data. Because that's exactly what everyone else is going to do, before and after you publish.

You don't bleat and wail like a stuck boar on a message board and call the IPPC incompetent frauds. That isn't doubt. That is the death knell of defeat.

See above.
From what I've seen, the MMGW crowd can't seem to grasp the scientific fact that correlation is not necessarily causation. No one can be absolutely certain that mankind's activities are the primary driver of climate change. Considering this fact, I suggest that those who abhor greenhouse gasses discontinue doing things that contribute to them, like using power and driving cars. Those who are skeptical of mankind's effects can just keep living their lives. If there is one thing man has done to be the alpha species on Earth, it's our ability to adapt to our environment or adapt our environment to our needs. We'll be just fine.
From what I've seen, the MMGW crowd can't seem to grasp the scientific fact that correlation is not necessarily causation. No one can be absolutely certain that mankind's activities are the primary driver of climate change. Considering this fact, I suggest that those who abhor greenhouse gasses discontinue doing things that contribute to them, like using power and driving cars. Those who are skeptical of mankind's effects can just keep living their lives. If there is one thing man has done to be the alpha species on Earth, it's our ability to adapt to our environment or adapt our environment to our needs. We'll be just fine.

He is too far gone as he refuses to debate anything and prates consensus continually a sign that he is part of this crowd baaaing all day long.

The argument made from ignorance may be honestly ignorant, but that kind of patience is for children. A scientist would refer him to the published literature, instantly knowing the argument from ignorance. They aren't going to clear their schedule and sit down and teach for free. Sorry.

And yes, they would likely think a bit less of a scientist who makes claims against the preponderance of evidence. Again, sorry. It is what it is.
Trying to squelch the progress of science by arguing the science is settled is the antithesis of science.
Absolutely! Go do some research! That's what experiments are and what most research is.

That is also what a challenge to accepted theory is. Not a blog, or a paid speaking event, or a blathering rant on USMB by an uneducated slob.

Judith has had a successful challenge, as I recall. She is invied to challenge. But she's one- or two-fer eleventy zillion and has not really touched the body of science.

The publishers of the study she found a flawed method in retracted, thanked her, and re-published.

What did Lindzen do when his mountain of bad science was exposed? Hissy fit. After hissy fit. Went on a world crybaby tour. Claimed oppression and conspiracy to explain it. Still does.
There have been no laboratory experiments quantifying the associated temperature of CO2.
From what I've seen, the MMGW crowd can't seem to grasp the scientific fact that correlation is not necessarily causation.

First, there is a great deal more than simple correlation behind AGW. And while correlation does not prove causation, causation will always exhibit correlation.

No one can be absolutely certain that mankind's activities are the primary driver of climate change.

And while we're talking about proof, please remember that there is none of it in the natural sciences. The natural sciences rely on evidence. Science is never absolutely certain of anything but it can have a very high degree of certainty and that is currently the case with AGW. An enormous amount of evidence supports the contention that the world is getting warmer and that the primary cause of that warming is the greenhouse effect acting on gases humans are adding to the atmosphere. Other processes that could be the cause of the observed warming are found wanting of evidentiary support.

Considering this fact, I suggest that those who abhor greenhouse gasses discontinue doing things that contribute to them, like using power and driving cars. Those who are skeptical of mankind's effects can just keep living their lives.

Sorry, but that just doesn't work. Look at what happened with COVID 19 in the US. Science told us that we should use masks, socially distance, stay away from crowded spaces and get vaccinated as soon as possible. Many folks came to a conclusion similar to what you're pushing here. "Okay, but not me". Of course, that left a large segement of the population available for the growth and development of COVID-19 infections and the development of new strains with increased transmissibility, virility and resistance. The choices of those who decided not to wear masks, distance or get vaccinated led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American men, women and children. Human culture - all of it - is at real risk of harm from global warming. Those who ignore the call to reduce emissions do not put only themselves at risk but everyone. It is the same selfish lack of consideration and social responsibility that gave the most medically advanced nation on the planet one of the highest infection and fatality rates on the planet. Every nation on this planet except Trump's America was a signatory to the Paris Climate Accords.

If there is one thing man has done to be the alpha species on Earth, it's our ability to adapt to our environment or adapt our environment to our needs. We'll be just fine.

As you pointed out earlier, this is just one of those things we can't KNOW. The evidence, however, suggests we most certainly will NOT.
Watch it again ... overpopulation and climate change ... the oceans were too hot to support the phytoplankton, as well as humans eating it all ... what sort of MORON believes one or the other could cause catastrophe? ... it takes BOTH to kill us all off ...
Soylent Green didn't kill off all the humans. It was just suggesting the extraordinary measures that might be necessary to take care of everyone in such a situation. And I'm kind of wondering what this has to do with Lindzen and AGW theory?
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That isn't proof. But you aren't sharp enough to know that.

I'm here. Why don't YOU tell us some geology. I've done far more than you have on this forum.

You are just a troll. You are nothing.

Prove me wrong.

Tell us why the planet transitioned from a greenhouse gas to an icehouse planet ~3 million years ago (hint: it involves geology)?

Tell us why orbital cycles produced extensive northern hemisphere glaciation only within the last million years (hint: it involves geology)?

Tell us why the planet transitioned from a greenhouse gas to an icehouse planet ~3 million years ago (hint: it involves geology)?

Yes we understand this is literally the ONLY thing you know about geology. I have already discussed this with you NUMEROUS TIMES. If you cannot pay attention I'm not going to continue.

Tell us why orbital cycles produced extensive northern hemisphere glaciation only within the last million years (hint: it involves geology)?

-sigh- Like you know any geology. LOL.

I will assume (not that you will know) that you are referring to the Mid Pleistocene Transition. As you don't know the Milankovich Cycles have been drivers for warm-cold cycles on earth for millions of years, but the MPT marked a change. POssibly due to changes in ocean currents moving heat around the globe. Specifically the slowdown of the AMOC (something that could easily happen today due to climate change and rapid melting of freshwater ice sheets in Greenland dumping lower density water into the upper arch of the AMOC).

To my knowledge this is not yet a proven event, the article by Yehudai et al is from 2021. Not like you know anything about this. But it is interesting because with global warming from humans causing accelerating ice loss from places like Greenland (remember, even by your simplistic understanding of geology we SHOULD be going back into another massive glaciation...but we AREN'T) is a great example of an economic disaster in the making due to climate change.

You think you have some insight about AGW because you latched onto something related to ocean currents which you don't understand, not realizing that it is very much a related topic that shows the DANGERS of AGW.

I don't want to bore you with how ocean currents work, you wouldn't understand it. I had the pleasure of being on a research cruise in the NOrth Atlantic decades ago. We were actually tracking the NADW (North Atlantic Deep Water) overturning by tracing water to find out how long ago it interacted with the surface. I am not an oceanographer so I was not at ease on the ship but it was a great learning experience about how complex the ocean currents and heat budgets as well as thermo-haline circulation.

Obviously I don't expect you to have any technical response here because you are just trolling and a know-nothing in terms of earth science. But you might surprise me. I won't hold my breath.

So go away, Troll. You have nothing. You just have "questions" which you use to hide you astounding ignorance of these topics.
Yes we understand this is literally the ONLY thing you know about geology. I have already discussed this with you NUMEROUS TIMES. If you cannot pay attention I'm not going to continue.

-sigh- Like you know any geology. LOL.

I will assume (not that you will know) that you are referring to the Mid Pleistocene Transition. As you don't know the Milankovich Cycles have been drivers for warm-cold cycles on earth for millions of years, but the MPT marked a change. POssibly due to changes in ocean currents moving heat around the globe. Specifically the slowdown of the AMOC (something that could easily happen today due to climate change and rapid melting of freshwater ice sheets in Greenland dumping lower density water into the upper arch of the AMOC).

To my knowledge this is not yet a proven event, the article by Yehudai et al is from 2021. Not like you know anything about this. But it is interesting because with global warming from humans causing accelerating ice loss from places like Greenland (remember, even by your simplistic understanding of geology we SHOULD be going back into another massive glaciation...but we AREN'T) is a great example of an economic disaster in the making due to climate change.

You think you have some insight about AGW because you latched onto something related to ocean currents which you don't understand, not realizing that it is very much a related topic that shows the DANGERS of AGW.

I don't want to bore you with how ocean currents work, you wouldn't understand it. I had the pleasure of being on a research cruise in the NOrth Atlantic decades ago. We were actually tracking the NADW (North Atlantic Deep Water) overturning by tracing water to find out how long ago it interacted with the surface. I am not an oceanographer so I was not at ease on the ship but it was a great learning experience about how complex the ocean currents and heat budgets as well as thermo-haline circulation.

Obviously I don't expect you to have any technical response here because you are just trolling and a know-nothing in terms of earth science. But you might surprise me. I won't hold my breath.

So go away, Troll. You have nothing. You just have "questions" which you use to hide you astounding ignorance of these topics.
Holy cow, you still don't get it, do you? Polar regions being isolated from warmer marine currents and cooling temperatures.

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