Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Yes, it's called their pre-agreed compensation package for pre-agreed services rendered . After they earn it, it's no longer taxpayer money - it's theirs! Holy shit, public workers aren't slaves.

Of course they are not slaves. Slavery doesn't exist in the USA. Why would you even mention that word?

Because you sound like everything a public worker has "belongs" to taxpayers even after they've earned it.

They do belong to the taxpayers, we pay them.
Have you ever worked in customer service at a private company?
Usually manager cave in to customers, because customers ultimately pay their salary.
This is not rocket science
Of course they are not slaves. Slavery doesn't exist in the USA. Why would you even mention that word?

Because you sound like everything a public worker has "belongs" to taxpayers even after they've earned it.

They do belong to the taxpayers, we pay them.
Have you ever worked in customer service at a private company?
Usually manager cave in to customers, because customers ultimately pay their salary.
This is not rocket science

So, are you saying taxpayers OWN public workers?
We need to get rid of all the unions. This way, average pay for union workers will start to decrease just like the rest of the private sector. Our goal must be to ensure a very elite upper class and a very poor lower class. Those who have been in the middle over the years must be pushed into the lower class. If we drastically reduce government, then we will likely be able to reach this goal in the very near future.
Because you sound like everything a public worker has "belongs" to taxpayers even after they've earned it.

They do belong to the taxpayers, we pay them.
Have you ever worked in customer service at a private company?
Usually manager cave in to customers, because customers ultimately pay their salary.
This is not rocket science

So, are you saying taxpayers OWN public workers?

im saying they should be accountable to us. WE pay them and right now they have very little care about taxpayers and no accoutability at all. I think the GSA scandal showed that
GSA Scandal: So What Does $823,000 Buy You in Las Vegas? | NewsFeed |

So yeah we own their asses
They do belong to the taxpayers, we pay them.
Have you ever worked in customer service at a private company?
Usually manager cave in to customers, because customers ultimately pay their salary.
This is not rocket science

So, are you saying taxpayers OWN public workers?

im saying they should be accountable to us. WE pay them and right now they have very little care about taxpayers and no accoutability at all. I think the GSA scandal showed that
GSA Scandal: So What Does $823,000 Buy You in Las Vegas? | NewsFeed |

So yeah we own their asses

Taxpayers don't own shit regarding public employees - except maybe military.

As far as the GSA scandal involving senior level government executives - that's a far cry from the average rank and file public employee - and taxpayers don't own them, either.
Conservatives want to take away the right of working people merely to form an organization and choose representatives to be delegated to negotiate a contract with their employers,

and they dare call us Liberals the ones who want to destroy 'liberty'.

And the employer should be forced to recognize the delegate as authoritative because? And then only be able to negotiate with that delegate rather than the individual why? In that case you assume the employer should have fewer rights than the employed or that the rights of the employed should trump that of the employer.

The employer has the right to say no to union contractual 'demands'.
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News



Seems over the top.

curtailed, limited, or used just to protect it's members from abuse. fine

but abolished, no, that's to far.
Joining a union is a right.

I have to ask, how much poorer will the American working class have to get for a consensus of conservatives will say,

"okay, that's enough, we're happy now...."

you're suffering the usual critical thinking fail, they are only a right now in your mind becasue they now exist. public unions- using our funds? right my booty.

the civil service (which had laws before public sector unions showed up btw) survived fine without them for a century and a half, in less than half a century they have shit themselves and wrecked many municipalities ( Detroit, hello) budgets with ,many many more to come...... game over.

Yup. Just ask the taxpayers in NY, NJ and Cali. They are paying up the ass for their public sector workers.

Shit. I remember watching a show on 60 Minutes back in the 80's. They show was about the Janitors, er Maintenance Engineers, in NYC schools. The principle of the school couldn't tell them what needed to be done. He had to call the Union rep to make arrangements for the Maintenance Engineers/Janitors to do their job.

They also knocked off work 11:30 AM. They then followed one of them to his boat in the harbor.

Yup. Tough being a maintenance engineer/janitor in NYC.
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News

No need to "abolish" them.....all you have to do is make participation VOLUNTARY!

It was this provision in the Scott Walker passed legislation the unions were most opposed to.....why?

Because they knew if participation was no mandatory people would do exactly what they have done......dump their union!

The end is near for public-sector unions -

The most important of Walker’s reforms, the change Big Labor had fought most bitterly, was ending the automatic withholding of union dues. That made union membership a matter of choice, not compulsion — and tens of thousands of government workers chose to toss their union cards. More than one-third of the Wisconsin members of the American Federation of Teachers quit, reported The Wall Street Journal. At the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, one of the state’s largest unions, the hemorrhaging was worse: AFSCME’s Wisconsin rolls shrank by more than 34,000 over the past year, a 55 percent nose-dive.

Funny how when given the choice, the "workers" Unions so claim to represent tell the unions, NO THANKS!
Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch The Bitch needs to have an accident...maybe some concrete poisoning.. I hear it's going around..

^^ the essence of an open mind

BTW, he has served my state well. He accomplished what we set out to do in 1976 when we elected Richard Lugar for the first time

He has not served the country well. He is a traitor to democracy. He is one of the whiniest mealy mouthed bitches in government. He has been in a position to help lead this country away from the brink of economic disaster and he turned away from his country every time. Piss on Mitch Daniels and piss on anyone that voted for him.

I hope I'm being clear.

Would I commit violence against your little bitchy Mitchy? If he was standing before me right now I would take a baseball bat and break every bone in his worthless body. Is that also clear? Going to prison for fucking him up would be a fair and patriotic trade. That would be doing more good for the country in less than a minute what he has failed to do in all his time in government.

I sure hope I'm being clear. You people are pretty stupid. I wouldn't want you to misunderstand me.

PS.. Many of the citizens in this nation feel likewise about your smarmy little weasle.

I'm sure most voters in Indiana don't share your opinion.

Daniels dug that State out of big assed hole left by the previous Dem administration. He wasn't popular at first but once his policies bore fruit, he won re-election handily.

That "smarmy little weasle" is a hell of a lot smarter than you are.

I'm sure the voters/taxpayers in Indiana agree.
Conservatives want to take away the right of working people merely to form an organization and choose representatives to be delegated to negotiate a contract with their employers,

and they dare call us Liberals the ones who want to destroy 'liberty'.

And the employer should be forced to recognize the delegate as authoritative because? And then only be able to negotiate with that delegate rather than the individual why? In that case you assume the employer should have fewer rights than the employed or that the rights of the employed should trump that of the employer.

The employer has the right to say no to union contractual 'demands'.

This is the exact problem with public sector unions. Why would a guy that the union put in office even consider telling them "no"?? The unions have been buying government for years.

Go ahead and have your public sector unions but don't expect the government agency to deduct those union dues, the contributions should be voluntary and mailed to the union office by the individual. No public sector unions can "strike", teachers unions included. No more bargaining with elected officials, there must be a separate board of local residents that bargains with the union officials, it must pass the board with unanimous agreement. Let's see how long public sector unions last when they don't automatically get their dues from the government.
And the employer should be forced to recognize the delegate as authoritative because? And then only be able to negotiate with that delegate rather than the individual why? In that case you assume the employer should have fewer rights than the employed or that the rights of the employed should trump that of the employer.

The employer has the right to say no to union contractual 'demands'.

This is the exact problem with public sector unions. Why would a guy that the union put in office even consider telling them "no"?? The unions have been buying government for years.

Go ahead and have your public sector unions but don't expect the government agency to deduct those union dues, the contributions should be voluntary and mailed to the union office by the individual. No public sector unions can "strike", teachers unions included. No more bargaining with elected officials, there must be a separate board of local residents that bargains with the union officials, it must pass the board with unanimous agreement. Let's see how long public sector unions last when they don't automatically get their dues from the government.

There are more non-union voters than union voters in every state in the country.

Why do you want more people poorer? How does your life get better if the teachers of your children are poorer, or if the police who protect you are poorer, or if the guys who pick up your trash are poorer?

How? Exactly.
Joining a union is a right.

I have to ask, how much poorer will the American working class have to get for a consensus of conservatives will say,

"okay, that's enough, we're happy now...."

you're suffering the usual critical thinking fail, they are only a right now in your mind becasue they now exist. public unions- using our funds? right my booty.

the civil service (which had laws before public sector unions showed up btw) survived fine without them for a century and a half, in less than half a century they have shit themselves and wrecked many municipalities ( Detroit, hello) budgets with ,many many more to come...... game over.

The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
The employer has the right to say no to union contractual 'demands'.

This is the exact problem with public sector unions. Why would a guy that the union put in office even consider telling them "no"?? The unions have been buying government for years.

Go ahead and have your public sector unions but don't expect the government agency to deduct those union dues, the contributions should be voluntary and mailed to the union office by the individual. No public sector unions can "strike", teachers unions included. No more bargaining with elected officials, there must be a separate board of local residents that bargains with the union officials, it must pass the board with unanimous agreement. Let's see how long public sector unions last when they don't automatically get their dues from the government.

There are more non-union voters than union voters in every state in the country.

Why do you want more people poorer? How does your life get better if the teachers of your children are poorer, or if the police who protect you are poorer, or if the guys who pick up your trash are poorer?

How? Exactly.

so in your view if you don't belong to a union you must be poor? how did you arrive at that?
The employer has the right to say no to union contractual 'demands'.

This is the exact problem with public sector unions. Why would a guy that the union put in office even consider telling them "no"?? The unions have been buying government for years.

Go ahead and have your public sector unions but don't expect the government agency to deduct those union dues, the contributions should be voluntary and mailed to the union office by the individual. No public sector unions can "strike", teachers unions included. No more bargaining with elected officials, there must be a separate board of local residents that bargains with the union officials, it must pass the board with unanimous agreement. Let's see how long public sector unions last when they don't automatically get their dues from the government.

There are more non-union voters than union voters in every state in the country.

Why do you want more people poorer? How does your life get better if the teachers of your children are poorer, or if the police who protect you are poorer, or if the guys who pick up your trash are poorer?

How? Exactly.

People don't get poorer because they don't belong to a union......come on, you're smarter than that.

I have worked my entire life, in the private sector. I have financed a pretty good retirement and benefit program for teachers, fire fighters and policemen. Much better than I did for myself. Why is it my responsibility to finance your retirement??

Our children today aren't smarter than they were 30 years ago, heck they keep lowering the graduation requirements to allow them to get out of HS. Not to mention it takes an act of congress to rid our system of less than desirable teachers. I'm sick of the system telling me they know what's best for our children and it's going to cost me more and more each year. Teachers should never, ever be allowed to strike and I'm very familiar with the blue flu. When you "strike" you take away from my child's education and put the entire community at risk with the blue flu.

We're throwing millions of dollars away every year for the "kids" when in reality it's for the teachers, not the kids.

BTW, I pay for my trash pick up, our trash man is an independent contractor. I pay county taxes and live on a gravel road and have a well. My biggest tax payment goes to the "school system" for the kids. I'm very glad I don't have to depend on a trash man supplied by the government to take my trash away. It's liberating to do some of those things for myself without government interference. At least I can recycle and reuse what I choose to, not what some bureaucracy dictates I must.

Quit the "Oh poor me" BS, I've seen too much waste and abuse at the hands of Public Sector Unions to fall for that crap any longer.
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This is the exact problem with public sector unions. Why would a guy that the union put in office even consider telling them "no"?? The unions have been buying government for years.

Go ahead and have your public sector unions but don't expect the government agency to deduct those union dues, the contributions should be voluntary and mailed to the union office by the individual. No public sector unions can "strike", teachers unions included. No more bargaining with elected officials, there must be a separate board of local residents that bargains with the union officials, it must pass the board with unanimous agreement. Let's see how long public sector unions last when they don't automatically get their dues from the government.

There are more non-union voters than union voters in every state in the country.

Why do you want more people poorer? How does your life get better if the teachers of your children are poorer, or if the police who protect you are poorer, or if the guys who pick up your trash are poorer?

How? Exactly.

so in your view if you don't belong to a union you must be poor? how did you arrive at that?

You are, as my dear departed dad used to like to say,

too dumb to come.
You rightwingers don't have a problem with billionaires, but you have a problem with the idea that the guy picking up your garbage, or cleaning your schools, or running your waste water treatment plants, or teaching your children,

might actually be able to make a decent living at it.

Your garbage man has too much money, but Romney doesn't have enough. That's the essence of modern day conservatism.
Someone should explain to Mangy Mitch Daniels that he'd have to amend the Constitution if he wants to start abolishing unions.

Put that in your platform GOP'ers.
Someone should explain to Mangy Mitch Daniels that he'd have to amend the Constitution if he wants to start abolishing unions.

Put that in your platform GOP'ers.

We don't want to abolish all unions. We are only going to abolish "government sector" unions. Sorry, the scam is over.

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