Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Someone should explain to Mangy Mitch Daniels that he'd have to amend the Constitution if he wants to start abolishing unions.

Put that in your platform GOP'ers.

really? How is that? I dont remember any Constitutional amendments passed to allow unions, and I believe public sector unions came from an executive order from Kennedy.

Call me crazy but you dont need an Amendment to overturn an executive order.
Someone should explain to Mangy Mitch Daniels that he'd have to amend the Constitution if he wants to start abolishing unions.

Put that in your platform GOP'ers.

We don't want to abolish all unions. We are only going to abolish "government sector" unions. Sorry, the scam is over.

Stop pretending that the Right isn't against all unions.

Why does the Left consistently know what the Right thinks?? I lean right, I have no problem with private sector unions. My dad was a union steward. :)
The problem with public employee unions is that both sides of the negotiation are performed by the employees of the government.

No one is representing the people who actually pay the salaries of public employees.

Public unions give money to the very politicians with whom they negotiate contracts. Doesn't anyone else see this obvious conflict of interest?

It's these negotiations that give Mass. State employees 120 hours of sick time a year. That's 3 weeks for those of you who can't understand the math.

Think about it 3 weeks sick time and if you've been a Mass state employee for 10 years you get 4 weeks vacation time, plus 3 personal days plus 13 holidays a year.

That's 9+ weeks off with pay every year.

You don't get deals like that in fair negotiations.
You rightwingers don't have a problem with billionaires, but you have a problem with the idea that the guy picking up your garbage, or cleaning your schools, or running your waste water treatment plants, or teaching your children,

might actually be able to make a decent living at it.

Your garbage man has too much money, but Romney doesn't have enough. That's the essence of modern day conservatism.

Nothing wrong with a decent living. Its all the extras and the fact that the Unions want the taxpayers to foot the fill for 100% of the benefits and retirement. Ask the taxpayers in NY, NJ and Cali how they like footing all the bills for the folks who are supposed to be working for them.

Sweet deal for the public sector workers not so good for the taxpayers who are footing the bills.

Thats the essence of modern day progressives and the Dem party.
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We don't want to abolish all unions. We are only going to abolish "government sector" unions. Sorry, the scam is over.

Stop pretending that the Right isn't against all unions.

Why does the Left consistently know what the Right thinks?? I lean right, I have no problem with private sector unions. My dad was a union steward. :)

Because they left thinks they are educated elite. I mean they have great arguments like homosexuality is genetic, but when you ask about pedophillia or necrophillia they dont answer.
Or if you ask them why when they bash rich people, it's in the contexts of republicans, they say they dont bash rich people.
In other words they think you're too stupid to keep up with their position changes depending on who they are talking about (ie Soros good, koch brothers bad)
Someone should explain to Mangy Mitch Daniels that he'd have to amend the Constitution if he wants to start abolishing unions.

Put that in your platform GOP'ers.

We don't want to abolish all unions. We are only going to abolish "government sector" unions. Sorry, the scam is over.

Stop pretending that the Right isn't against all unions.

I don't pretend to speak for "the right". I can only speak for myself and I have no issue with private sector unions. Apparently they are not too popular in the real world since less than 7% of workers are part of one.
Joining a union is a right.

I have to ask, how much poorer will the American working class have to get for a consensus of conservatives will say,

"okay, that's enough, we're happy now...."

you're suffering the usual critical thinking fail, they are only a right now in your mind becasue they now exist. public unions- using our funds? right my booty.

the civil service (which had laws before public sector unions showed up btw) survived fine without them for a century and a half, in less than half a century they have shit themselves and wrecked many municipalities ( Detroit, hello) budgets with ,many many more to come...... game over.

The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass
you're suffering the usual critical thinking fail, they are only a right now in your mind becasue they now exist. public unions- using our funds? right my booty.

the civil service (which had laws before public sector unions showed up btw) survived fine without them for a century and a half, in less than half a century they have shit themselves and wrecked many municipalities ( Detroit, hello) budgets with ,many many more to come...... game over.

The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Depends on the state, but anyhow, Daniels is crazy if he thinks he can abolish unions without a constitutional amendment.
The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Depends on the state, but anyhow, Daniels is crazy if he thinks he can abolish unions without a constitutional amendment.

Constitutional Amendment, thats a good one, how about federal law as it regards conflict of interest? Regardless, it's about time, can't agree more.
The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Depends on the state, but anyhow, Daniels is crazy if he thinks he can abolish unions without a constitutional amendment.

You really enjoy being obtuse, eh? Daniels is not proposing or even attempting to "abolish unions". He is recommending severely curtailing or eliminating unions in the government sector. He won't need a "constitutional amendment" to do that either, just Google "Wisconsin reforms". Taxpayers win, union thugs lose.
The problem with public employee unions is that both sides of the negotiation are performed by the employees of the government.

No one is representing the people who actually pay the salaries of public employees.

Public unions give money to the very politicians with whom they negotiate contracts. Doesn't anyone else see this obvious conflict of interest?

It's these negotiations that give Mass. State employees 120 hours of sick time a year. That's 3 weeks for those of you who can't understand the math.

Think about it 3 weeks sick time and if you've been a Mass state employee for 10 years you get 4 weeks vacation time, plus 3 personal days plus 13 holidays a year.

That's 9+ weeks off with pay every year.

You don't get deals like that in fair negotiations.

Then vote out the idiots that give away the house. We have a right to expect that our elected representatives represent us in a fair manner, and in the end, we hold their fate in our hands. Instead of faulting those whom we elected, we want to take away the rights of workers so they no longer have any opportunity to negotiate a fair contract. It's like liberals wanting to ban soda sales because people choose to drink too much soda. Instead of blaming the people who make the bad choices, we decide it is easier to just ban the soda. And yes, there is a correlation in that example.
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News

There are days I like MItch Daniels. I honestly wish he was the GOP nominee right now instead of the Weird Mormon Robot.

But that said, he's just plain wrong on this one.

The real problem is that Public Sector Unions had more of an ability in this global environment to stand up for the Middle Class lifestyle they had won, while those of us in the private sector lost it.

And instead of being angry at those who burned down our house, we want to burn down the house of the guy who didn't fall for it.
you're suffering the usual critical thinking fail, they are only a right now in your mind becasue they now exist. public unions- using our funds? right my booty.

the civil service (which had laws before public sector unions showed up btw) survived fine without them for a century and a half, in less than half a century they have shit themselves and wrecked many municipalities ( Detroit, hello) budgets with ,many many more to come...... game over.

The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Therein lies the problem.

People freely have the right to associate in unions, but the laws that force employers to recognize them need to go away.
The problem with public employee unions is that both sides of the negotiation are performed by the employees of the government.

No one is representing the people who actually pay the salaries of public employees.

Public unions give money to the very politicians with whom they negotiate contracts. Doesn't anyone else see this obvious conflict of interest?

It's these negotiations that give Mass. State employees 120 hours of sick time a year. That's 3 weeks for those of you who can't understand the math.

Think about it 3 weeks sick time and if you've been a Mass state employee for 10 years you get 4 weeks vacation time, plus 3 personal days plus 13 holidays a year.

That's 9+ weeks off with pay every year.

You don't get deals like that in fair negotiations.

Then vote out the idiots that give away the house. We have a right to expect that our elected representatives represent us in a fair manner, and in the end, we hold their fate in our hands. Instead of faulting those whom we elected, we want to take away the rights of workers so they no longer have any opportunity to negotiate a fair contract. It's like liberals wanting to ban soda sales because people choose to drink too much soda. Instead of blaming the people who make the bad choices, we decide it is easier to just ban the soda. And yes, there is a correlation in that example.

This has been going on for years with many different politicians. It's not a matter of voting out a few incumbents.
The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Depends on the state, but anyhow, Daniels is crazy if he thinks he can abolish unions without a constitutional amendment.

LERA: Perspectives Online Companion
An employer's right to hire permanent replacement workers to continue operations during a strike has been recognized by the Supreme Court since its Mackay decision in 1938.

There are of course some caveats but the Supreme Court has recognized an employer's right to hire permanent strike replacements
The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Depends on the state, but anyhow, Daniels is crazy if he thinks he can abolish unions without a constitutional amendment.

It looks like the problem here is yours; he didn't say anything about "abolishing unions;" not a word like that. Anybody who'se read Mitch's words knows what he's said on the subject. So where are you coming from?
Public worker unions existed before FDR came along and while he did not support them he recognized their right to exist under the constitution, that's more than we can say about some of these jerks who wave the constitution around all the time without bothering to understand it.

The right to unionize is constitutionally protected under the principle of freedom of association, and has been tested and upheld in the Courts.
You Can unionize if you want to but I as an employer don't have to accept your terms and if you walk off the job I have the right to fire your ass

Therein lies the problem.

People freely have the right to associate in unions, but the laws that force employers to recognize them need to go away.'s an affront to liberty...and the Unions feel endangered because their money laundering days are coming to an end.
gov't unions have transformed public service into self-service, we can't keep raising taxes in the 21st century to pay for benefit plans from the 20th century

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