Mitch "I Got The Votes" McConnell Blinks, Changes Rules. Again


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), in the face of strong criticism from Democrats, is backing off his proposed requirement that House impeachment managers and President Trump’s lawyers each fit their opening arguments into two-day windows.

McConnell amended his organizing resolution for Trump's impeachment trial at the last minute to give each side three days to make their opening arguments, which can last for up to 24 hours, the same amount of time given to the prosecution and defense during the 1999 impeachment trial of President Clinton.

The GOP leader made another significant amendment to his resolution by allowing the House impeachment inquiry to be entered into the Senate’s official trial record — subject to hearsay objections — something McConnell declined to greenlight in his initial proposal.

The resolution also allows each side to choose how many people may make those arguments.

McConnell drops two-day limit on opening arguments

That phone was blowing up the switchboard huh Mitch, you worthless POS.
Sounds like the Democrats will have a long 3 days to explain how they have no eyewitnesses to their nonexistent "crimes"...
Sounds like the Democrats will have a long 3 days to explain how they have no eyewitnesses to their nonexistent "crimes"...

After getting your ass handed to you on this one, you're going stick to that? :21: Is that the story you're sticking with?
Kudos to Senator Schumer for creating the attention-getting Senate Trial device. Something dramatic happened already. Senator McConnell dropped the Two-day restriction, sending it to three days per bi-partisan demands. Find a sense of the Senate, the minority becomes empowered!

McConnell abruptly eases impeachment limits

All eyes remain on the impact of the elections, determined by perceptions of what so far has happened in the trial. The White House lost a procedural strategy already: In the use of procedure as their defense of White House favors, gratuities, donations, concessions to enemy troops and on and on.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Of Making America Slump Again: Reagan sent the federal deficit money to the already prosperous, and Bush again, and Bush again: Seemed to think that worked(?)! Obama created $1.0 tril per year to bail out of the Economy-that-Couldn't. Federal Reserve Offered Quantitative Easing to float the banks. Socialism(?) for the rich--at the clubs!)
Sounds like the Democrats will have a long 3 days to explain how they have no eyewitnesses to their nonexistent "crimes"...

After getting your ass handed to you on this one, you're going stick to that? :21: Is that the story you're sticking with?
What are you talking about???

The Democrats are crying and wanting the SENATE to question a bunch of so-called witnesses because the House Democrats' half-assed "investigation" didn't produce anything useful...

Or do you want to maintain that the Democrats already have PROOF (meaning that further questioning of witnesses isn't needed unless the Senate needs clarification on something)???
Schifty is gonna have a breakdown, I can see it coming. Little weasel.
Should take the Dems about six hours to prove that they have no case. The rest they might as well show cartoons for every bit of evidence they have.
Mitch gave the filth an extra day to make utter fools of themselves infront of the entire world.

Talk about handing you the rope to hang yourself with :auiqs.jpg:
Ooooh, what a “victory” for the get to make a long winded opening statement.
I can understand Democrats not wanting to have three days to explain their point. That's because they have no point. It's going to be hard enough for them to find meaningful things to say for one day in spite of the fact that they're professional liars.
How many times can we hear the entire Stalinist democrat case consists of heresay witnesses to a non crime?
Watch, Stalinist democrats will start reading from the Mueller report, just to kill time. Maybe say "BOMBSHELL!!" Or "Tipping Point"
Watch, Stalinist democrats will start reading from the Mueller report, just to kill time. Maybe say "BOMBSHELL!!" Or "Tipping Point"

Actually, they are submitting amendments, that have to be debated, just to watch McConnell table them on national television.

America gets to watch Republicans vote to deny witnesses, and documents. After 71% of them want them allowed.

I'm sure that's going to work out well for you.
How nice. We get to listen to Schifferbrains and the rest of the House Clowns whine and cry that they have no case and need the Senate to save them for a full 3 days.
I can understand Democrats not wanting to have three days to explain their point. That's because they have no point. It's going to be hard enough for them to find meaningful things to say for one day in spite of the fact that they're professional liars.

republicans had 4 days when clinton was being impeached - sooooooooooooooo

3 hours in and bitch backs up a day -

The Senate Repub defense strategy in one picture.

In the end....

Trump stays......

The democrats look like bigger fools than they already do.

Watch, Stalinist democrats will start reading from the Mueller report, just to kill time. Maybe say "BOMBSHELL!!" Or "Tipping Point"

Actually, they are submitting amendments, that have to be debated, just to watch McConnell table them on national television.

America gets to watch Republicans vote to deny witnesses, and documents. After 71% of them want them allowed.

I'm sure that's going to work out well for you.
You keep telling us you have an airtight case, why would you need "witnesses" to a non-crime.

It's beyond bizarre

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