Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours after blocking coronavirus aid for months


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Just a man doing his job. It's the recalcitrant Democrats holding up the aid.

The Republican-led Senate confirmed six of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees to lifetime appointments over two days this week, even though it has delayed crucial coronavirus relief since May.

The Senate filled four federal vacancies in California and two in Illinois, Bloomberg Law reported. It is also expected to confirm two additional Illinois judges in short order.

Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours
Just a man doing his job. It's the recalcitrant Democrats holding up the aid.

The Republican-led Senate confirmed six of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees to lifetime appointments over two days this week, even though it has delayed crucial coronavirus relief since May.

The Senate filled four federal vacancies in California and two in Illinois, Bloomberg Law reported. It is also expected to confirm two additional Illinois judges in short order.

Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours

I would be that does your heart well, darn the ACA and pre-existing conditions, no more abortions, law and order, police can shoot and kill anyone they want, all Christians schools, etc.

Are judges suppose to be non partisan, well only Democrat judges.
This is an example of "if you don't have anything good to do, don't do anything at all". Nobody can really expect Mitch to heed the opinions of the party of burning, looting, rioting, chaos, cop killing and money confiscation. MAGA, for the children.
Republican Court-packing with unqualified justices will be neutralized if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.
Republican Court-packing will be neutralized with unqualified justices, if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Yes they are unqualified and Barr never tried a case and he is our AG.
Republican Court-packing with unqualified justices will be naturalized if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Yes they are unqualified and Barr never tried a case and he is our AG.
We need more judges so cases can be heard quicker.
Just a man doing his job. It's the recalcitrant Democrats holding up the aid.

The Republican-led Senate confirmed six of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees to lifetime appointments over two days this week, even though it has delayed crucial coronavirus relief since May.

The Senate filled four federal vacancies in California and two in Illinois, Bloomberg Law reported. It is also expected to confirm two additional Illinois judges in short order.

Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours

I would be that does your heart well, darn the ACA and pre-existing conditions, no more abortions, law and order, police can shoot and kill anyone they want, all Christians schools, etc.

Are judges suppose to be non partisan, well only Democrat judges.
All Christian schools? Why how would teens become pregnant, how would children join gangs in school and shoot up the schools, how would it be for schools to actually teach morals on any substantive level instead of teaching them how to put rubbers on bananas and confuse the hell out of them about their gender so by the time they are in the 4rth grade they want hormone therapy for that surgery a year later?

The country would be lost!
Republican Court-packing with unqualified justices will be naturalized if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Yes they are unqualified and Barr never tried a case and he is our AG.
We need more judges so cases can be heard quicker.

Not unqualified ones.
Just a man doing his job. It's the recalcitrant Democrats holding up the aid.

The Republican-led Senate confirmed six of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees to lifetime appointments over two days this week, even though it has delayed crucial coronavirus relief since May.

The Senate filled four federal vacancies in California and two in Illinois, Bloomberg Law reported. It is also expected to confirm two additional Illinois judges in short order.

Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours

I would be that does your heart well, darn the ACA and pre-existing conditions, no more abortions, law and order, police can shoot and kill anyone they want, all Christians schools, etc.

Are judges suppose to be non partisan, well only Democrat judges.
All Christian schools? Why how would teens become pregnant, how would children join gangs in school and shoot up the schools, how would it be for schools to actually teach morals on any substantive level instead of teaching them how to put rubbers on bananas and confuse the hell out of them about their gender so by the time they are in the 4rth grade they want hormone therapy for that surgery a year later?

The country would be lost!

You are confused if you think Christians turn out better.
It's all he's got at this point. He sees the real possibility of losing the Senate this year. And it gets no better for Republicans in 2022. They have just about the same amount of seats up for re-election. This is his last desperate gasp to make sure that his baby boomer/conservative generation holds on to and makes sure some kind of of power lives on after he and the majority of his Republican colleagues are forced from office or retire due to age. Because right now, his ideology is slowly but surely being phased out of existence by changing demographics.
I think that the Majority Leader is simply doing his job.

He probably realizes that the Dems will take control of the Senate next year.
Republican Court-packing with unqualified justices will be neutralized if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Disagreeing with you doesn't make them unqualified.
Republican Court-packing will be neutralized with unqualified justices, if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Yes they are unqualified and Barr never tried a case and he is our AG.

When was the last time a sitting AG tried a case?
Republican Court-packing with unqualified justices will be neutralized if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Disagreeing with you doesn't make them unqualified.
I was referring to law and bar associations.
Huge huge mistake nixing the filibuster on lifetime appointments.....

It's one thing on cabinet positions not needing the filibuster, the most they can serve, is as long as the President is in office...

But federal Judges are for a lifetime, and the filibuster allows for the best of the best, to be picked.
Republican Court-packing with unqualified justices will be neutralized if Dem's win the election and grab control of the WH and Senate. Federal court cases take to long. More Justices are needed. In addition, many judges appointed under Trump are unqualified and should be impeached or nudged into early retirement.

Disagreeing with you doesn't make them unqualified.
I was referring to law and bar associations.

Those associations have been overtaken by the left, and also now base their views on if they like the views of the person or not.
Yes they are unqualified and Barr never tried a case and he is our AG.

Is there some requirement that a person needs to have tried a case in order to be the Attorney General?

Chew on this: There is no requirement that someone on the Supreme Court be a lawyer..
Yes they are unqualified and Barr never tried a case and he is our AG.

Is there some requirement that a person needs to have tried a case in order to be the Attorney General?

Chew on this: There is no requirement that someone on the Supreme Court be a lawyer..

I don't believe Barr ever tried a case.

and this I am fully aware of:

Are there qualifications to be a Justice? Do you have to be a lawyer or attend law school to be a Supreme Court Justice?

The Constitution does not specify qualifications for Justices such as age, education, profession, or native-born citizenship. A Justice does not have to be a lawyer or a law school graduate, but all Justices have been trained in the law. Many of the 18th and 19th century Justices studied law under a mentor because there were few law schools in the country.

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