Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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In 2015 Heller voted for rhe Ryan budget to slice $140 Billion from future Medicare budgets. He has already shown his cards on the issue. He has already voted to reduce rhe budget.
Let me show you folks how easy this is. Do you believe free medical care should be provided by the government for every citizen?
Straw man.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
Yep, not for those already on Medicare. No one is going to go without healthcare. There are plenty of clinics for the poor in this nation.
People go without healthcare now. There are not plenty of clinics for rhe poor. Free clinics are rare.
No, they don't. If anyone needs care, they get it. There isn't anyone dying in the streets like you want us to believe.
New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage
Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

Congress stole our money and spent it, they gave us worthless IOU's they can't pay. Here's what's going to happen, they will raise the retirement age so most people die before they can collect a dime, 70 year olds will be struggling to work a job on factory floors as their bodies break down. Means testing will be next, even though we were forced to pay into these government programs for decades they will cut or eliminate our benefits.

I'm fine raising the retirement ages from 62 & 67 to 65 & 68 for the 30 or 40 year olds if that saves SS. They will live longer and be healthier than we are.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
Yep, not for those already on Medicare. No one is going to go without healthcare. There are plenty of clinics for the poor in this nation.
People go without healthcare now. There are not plenty of clinics for rhe poor. Free clinics are rare.
No, they don't. If anyone needs care, they get it. There isn't anyone dying in the streets like you want us to believe.
New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Then get a job that has health coverage. Oh, those are taken by illegals, sorry.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
We didn't say it, Mitch did.

Mitch McConnell says it out loud: Republicans are gunning for Social Security, Medicare and Obamacare next

Who's the idiot here?

Pretty sure it's not us, dumbass.
No cuts to those currently receiving benefits. Better start socking some money away.
Medicare will become bankrupt in 2026 unless its fixed. The "no action" option is not an option.

Social Security will cut benefits in 2034 unless its fixed. The "no action" option is viable if paying 79% of benefits is acceptable.
Social Security must reduce benefits in 2034 if reforms aren't made - CNNPolitics

Medicaid and welfare need to be eliminated, let the states fund those "charity" programs.
Social Security and Medicare can be easily fixed but Heller represents the "greedy" rich.

Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

Fix #1 would be for Republicans to quit lying about tax cuts paying for themselves, while passing them anyway.

#2 would be to raise the ceiling on which SS and Medicare taxes are paid.

These are the recommended fixes to SS per the AARP, you have any issues with these if Mitch sends them up?
Updating Social Security for the 21st Century: 12 Proposals You Should...

These are the recommended fixes to Medicare per the AARP, you have any issues with these if Mitch sends them up?

There are some good points, but I think you sailed right past my first suggestion - stop passing tax cuts, based on the lie that cuts will pay for themselves, thereby deliberately creating the crisis one proposes to fix with SS and Medicare cuts.
Medicare will become bankrupt in 2026 unless its fixed. The "no action" option is not an option.

Social Security will cut benefits in 2034 unless its fixed. The "no action" option is viable if paying 79% of benefits is acceptable.
Social Security must reduce benefits in 2034 if reforms aren't made - CNNPolitics

Medicaid and welfare need to be eliminated, let the states fund those "charity" programs.
Social Security and Medicare can be easily fixed but Heller represents the "greedy" rich.

Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

Fix #1 would be for Republicans to quit lying about tax cuts paying for themselves, while passing them anyway.

#2 would be to raise the ceiling on which SS and Medicare taxes are paid.

These are the recommended fixes to SS per the AARP, you have any issues with these if Mitch sends them up?
Updating Social Security for the 21st Century: 12 Proposals You Should...

These are the recommended fixes to Medicare per the AARP, you have any issues with these if Mitch sends them up?

There are some good points, but I think you sailed right past my first suggestion - stop passing tax cuts, based on the lie that cuts will pay for themselves, thereby deliberately creating the crisis one proposes to fix with SS and Medicare cuts.
Tax cuts didn't create a crisis in Social Security and Medicare. Tax revenues are up.
you feckin 'seniors' are old anyway Camp . What good is there in keeping you old , unhealthy , frail senior guys going over the good of the USA even if the 'pap' you post was true Camp ?? [just my attitude Camp]
Remember when trumpanzees made up lies about "death camps", folks?
Medicare will become bankrupt in 2026 unless its fixed. The "no action" option is not an option.

Social Security will cut benefits in 2034 unless its fixed. The "no action" option is viable if paying 79% of benefits is acceptable.
Social Security must reduce benefits in 2034 if reforms aren't made - CNNPolitics

Medicaid and welfare need to be eliminated, let the states fund those "charity" programs.
Social Security and Medicare can be easily fixed but Heller represents the "greedy" rich.

Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

Fix #1 would be for Republicans to quit lying about tax cuts paying for themselves, while passing them anyway.

#2 would be to raise the ceiling on which SS and Medicare taxes are paid.

These are the recommended fixes to SS per the AARP, you have any issues with these if Mitch sends them up?
Updating Social Security for the 21st Century: 12 Proposals You Should...

These are the recommended fixes to Medicare per the AARP, you have any issues with these if Mitch sends them up?

There are some good points, but I think you sailed right past my first suggestion - stop passing tax cuts, based on the lie that cuts will pay for themselves, thereby deliberately creating the crisis one proposes to fix with SS and Medicare cuts.

Agree that the personal tax cuts are a bad idea and need to be reversed, corporate cuts are ok to keep them here. That said, the SS & Medicare crisis existed well before the tax cuts. We need to fix SS & Medicare, and then fix the $900b hole in the Budget.
What politician would consider alienating over 40 million voters? What party would even entertain such an idea. That is a reach even for the "The Sky is falling" crowd.
Mitch McConnell.
How about not allowing Social Security to people that haven't paid into it?
We already have that. Do you think we have people collecting that didn't contribute? Can you show some evidence or link?
Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

I'm not a member of the left, but a quick search shows:

1. Increase the current earned income cap from $127,000 to $400,000. (SS taxes are not paid on income over $127,000.)

2. Increase the payroll tax on all workers from 12.4% to 14.8% incrementally between 2019-2042. Since taxes are split between employee and employer (each paying 1/2 the tax) the individual would see only a 1.2% increase in the taxes on their individual income over the 13 year period.

Democrats Just Reintroduced a Social Security Reform Bill With a Lot of Support -- but There's a Catch -- The Motley Fool

I'm fine with the democrats fix for SS. It penalizes the top earners, and gives more benefits to the bottom end, but it doesn't seem too harsh.

I'd add, SS tax is a payroll tax. Income other than via a payroll is not part of social security (Interest, Dividends, and Capital Gains) - maybe those should be included to some degree (not necessarily at 12.4%).

I think it's an option to be explored.

From your previously linked article (which is a few years old) it notes that many State and Local government individuals are not included in FICA and should be brought in. I'm against that, if a State/Local entity does not want to participate in SS/Medicare because they have their own system - that should continue to be allowed.

What politician would consider alienating over 40 million voters? What party would even entertain such an idea. That is a reach even for the "The Sky is falling" crowd.
Mitch McConnell.
How about not allowing Social Security to people that haven't paid into it?
We already have that. Do you think we have people collecting that didn't contribute? Can you show some evidence or link?
What politician would consider alienating over 40 million voters? What party would even entertain such an idea. That is a reach even for the "The Sky is falling" crowd.
Mitch McConnell.
How about not allowing Social Security to people that haven't paid into it?
We already have that. Do you think we have people collecting that didn't contribute? Can you show some evidence or link?
Where does the money for refugees come from? Free medical, food, Housing, education, etc.
Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

I'm not a member of the left, but a quick search shows:

1. Increase the current earned income cap from $127,000 to $400,000. (SS taxes are not paid on income over $127,000.)

2. Increase the payroll tax on all workers from 12.4% to 14.8% incrementally between 2019-2042. Since taxes are split between employee and employer (each paying 1/2 the tax) the individual would see only a 1.2% increase in the taxes on their individual income over the 13 year period.

Democrats Just Reintroduced a Social Security Reform Bill With a Lot of Support -- but There's a Catch -- The Motley Fool

I'm fine with the democrats fix for SS. It penalizes the top earners, and gives more benefits to the bottom end, but it doesn't seem too harsh.

I'd add, SS tax is a payroll tax. Income other than via a payroll is not part of social security (Interest, Dividends, and Capital Gains) - maybe those should be included to some degree (not necessarily at 12.4%).

I think it's an option to be explored.

There are many options.
What politician would consider alienating over 40 million voters? What party would even entertain such an idea. That is a reach even for the "The Sky is falling" crowd.
Mitch McConnell.
I read the article. There are no specifics about cuts in the article. The entire budget will have to be cut and that will include I hope returning social security and medicare to their original purpose and sequestering payroll taxes from the general fund. You may thank that leftist icon LBJ for placing social security taxes in the general fund. Before social security and medicare are cut any polictian desiring reelection must make across the board cuts in every federal expenditure. When you get something specific I would like to hear it. You leftists are like the boy who cried wolf. No one believes you anymore.
Point being that any proposed "fix" will start the Left screaming about "cuts" to entitlements. They need to be fixed, what fixes does the Left support?

I'm not a member of the left, but a quick search shows:

1. Increase the current earned income cap from $127,000 to $400,000. (SS taxes are not paid on income over $127,000.)

2. Increase the payroll tax on all workers from 12.4% to 14.8% incrementally between 2019-2042. Since taxes are split between employee and employer (each paying 1/2 the tax) the individual would see only a 1.2% increase in the taxes on their individual income over the 13 year period.

Democrats Just Reintroduced a Social Security Reform Bill With a Lot of Support -- but There's a Catch -- The Motley Fool

I'm fine with the democrats fix for SS. It penalizes the top earners, and gives more benefits to the bottom end, but it doesn't seem too harsh.

I'd add, SS tax is a payroll tax. Income other than via a payroll is not part of social security (Interest, Dividends, and Capital Gains) - maybe those should be included to some degree (not necessarily at 12.4%).

I think it's an option to be explored.

Good idea, same for Medicare.

Another tax idea I like is to add a small tax on money transferred out of the US to foreign countries like Mexico and India and China.
1. Increase the current earned income cap from $127,000 to $400,000. (SS taxes are not paid on income over $127,000.)

Right, triple my goddamn social security taxes then means test me so I get nothing for the benefit plan I'm forced to pay into, HELL NO! How about the mooching masses get off their ass and pay more into the system. I'm not your goddamn piggy bank, I don't work my ass off so moochers can just take my money.
If Nevada Sen. Dean Heller is re-elected he could be the deciding vote to reduce or even kill Medicare and other benefits that help senior citizens and veterans. Heller is in favor of more tax cuts for rhe wealthiest Americans and paying for them by taking away important benefits to veterans and seniors. He may very well be the deciding vote.

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