Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

  • Total voters
Notice the liar posts no "evidence"? That's because it's a lie.
Where is the lie? What specifically do you consider a lie in the post?
All of it.
None of it. You can not show a lie so you just say "all of it" so you don't have to be specific. I pointed out he voted for the Ryan budget in 2015 and it called for 140 billion dollars in cuts. All you have to do is Google or Bing "Ryan 2015 Budget" to confirm Heller already voted for slashing Medicare.
Prove it troll.
Prove what? Heller voting for the Ryan budget to slash Medicare is enough proof for my OP.
Did you read the bill? What is in it that supports your claim. Put up
It may be the top wet dream of the 1%ers, but not of the Trump populists. We want them protected/saved, not bankrupt.

Then why would you vote republican if you want them saved?

A conflict of interest if ever there was one.
That’s just a stupid statement. Why do you feel the need to lie?

Why do you people need to be so delusional about your leaders?
It may be the top wet dream of the 1%ers, but not of the Trump populists. We want them protected/saved, not bankrupt.

Then why would you vote republican if you want them saved?

A conflict of interest if ever there was one.
That’s just a stupid statement. Why do you feel the need to lie?

Why do you people need to be so delusional about your leaders?
Hahaha see you all are all talk, no walk!
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?

YES absolutely denying it because Medicare is clearly telling you IT will happen without any effort to reduce!

Because without ANY effort to change Medicare and Medicaid according to the Trustees of Medicare/SS...
here is what WILL happen if nothing is done!

Trustees Reports

Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees​

Page 1..
Social Security and Medicare together accounted for 42 percent of Federal program expenditures in fiscal year 2017.

Both Social Security and Medicare will experience cost growth substantially in excess of GDP growth through the mid-2030s
  • due to rapid population aging caused by the large baby-boom generation entering retirement and
  • lower-birth-rate generations entering employment
The Trustees project that the combined trust funds will be depleted in 2034, the same year projected in last year’s report.

The Trustees project that the HI Trust Fund (Part A hospital) will be depleted in 2026, three years earlier than projected in last year’s report
At that time dedicated revenues will be sufficient to pay 91 percent of HI costs.
Now I'm shouting: Do you idiots know that without doing anything... that in 2026...8 years from now
if you are under Medicare and again nothing happens...and you go to the hospital... Medicare will pay not only right now just 80% (because you idiots don't seem to know that the individual right now pays the other 20%!!)
but in 2026 that 80% will be 72% paid by Medicare AND YOU will pay 28% !
So without doing anything... YOU when under Medicare after age 65 will be paying 8% more... Or
something will happen!
It may be the top wet dream of the 1%ers, but not of the Trump populists. We want them protected/saved, not bankrupt.

Then why would you vote republican if you want them saved?

A conflict of interest if ever there was one.
That’s just a stupid statement. Why do you feel the need to lie?

Why do you people need to be so delusional about your leaders?
Why cant you liars prove what you claim?
It may be the top wet dream of the 1%ers, but not of the Trump populists. We want them protected/saved, not bankrupt.

Then why would you vote republican if you want them saved?

A conflict of interest if ever there was one.

Trump said he would not cut entitlements. So what you are saying is a lie, since dems want single-payer medicare for all, which guarantees bankruptcy.
White House: Trump hasn't shifted on not cutting entitlements

Also, there is a big difference between cutting entitlements and saving entitlements. How about cutting welfare and medicaid, and letting the states deal with the poor?
The OP is total bullshit. Ryan's plan tries to save SS and Medicare not end them. I hope Trump sees the light and acts responsibly. If the GOP wins again in November I hope they implement fixes to SS & Medicare.

Paul Ryan and the GOP Congress should scale back Medicare and Social Security this year
"For instance, as Bloomberg’s Ramesh Ponnuru has suggested, simply tying Social Security benefit increases to prices rather than wages would reduce the deficit in the program by 94% over the next 75 years. Even reducing benefits for the top 40% of wealthy Americans and increasing payouts for the lowest 30% of recipients could both make the program more solvent and pass political muster. (Similarly, in Ryan’s previous plans to save Medicare, he means-tested benefits: Those with higher incomes would be asked to pay more for coverage, while the poor would receive more aid.)

Even if a GOP-led Congress can’t stomach these reforms before the election, Republicans should be able to move forward in a lame-duck session after the November results are known. Such entitlement changes, which could slow America’s march toward $2 trillion annual deficits, could be added to the budget, which is unlikely to be passed before then."
OK, enough with the food fight.

The answer is to balance the Budget, which in 2019 has a $900b hole that adds to the Debt. A "politically acceptable" compromise seems to be cutting spending by $500b (medicaid + welfare + defense) and raise taxes by $500b (a 7% across the board increase above 2016 rates). That still leaves the $21T Debt and the $383b annual interest payments on the Debt. If we can sell assets to pay of the Debt, terrific. But we can't keep going on and on borrowing a $trillion a year.

Congratulations! You devised a plan for Democrats to kill the US economy and force us into a major economic depression. Great job, dumbass!

Ok so you are not a math major, you sound like an old establishment GOPPER always whining about his tax bill. The US economy is fine as long as we have fair trade deals and manage China properly. Unless we stop borrowing and adding to the $21T DEBT there will be no US economy, dumbass-hole.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?

Not at all. They are seeking ways to trim the waste - which there is a whole lot of - and reduce costs. Just plain common sense. Which you Leftist/Progressive don't understand.
If Nevada Sen. Dean Heller is re-elected he could be the deciding vote to reduce or even kill Medicare and other benefits that help senior citizens and veterans. Heller is in favor of more tax cuts for rhe wealthiest Americans and paying for them by taking away important benefits to veterans and seniors. He may very well be the deciding vote.

Prove it! Give us some links.
If Nevada Sen. Dean Heller is re-elected he could be the deciding vote to reduce or even kill Medicare and other benefits that help senior citizens and veterans. Heller is in favor of more tax cuts for rhe wealthiest Americans and paying for them by taking away important benefits to veterans and seniors. He may very well be the deciding vote.
Just like McConnell.
As I've always said, as Nevada goes, so goes the nation.
At least that's what I've been satirically thinking over the last minute or two.
What politician would consider alienating over 40 million voters? What party would even entertain such an idea. That is a reach even for the "The Sky is falling" crowd.
Mitch McConnell.
How about not allowing Social Security to people that haven't paid into it?
We already have that. Do you think we have people collecting that didn't contribute? Can you show some evidence or link?
What politician would consider alienating over 40 million voters? What party would even entertain such an idea. That is a reach even for the "The Sky is falling" crowd.
Mitch McConnell.
How about not allowing Social Security to people that haven't paid into it?
We already have that. Do you think we have people collecting that didn't contribute? Can you show some evidence or link?
Where does the money for refugees come from? Free medical, food, Housing, education, etc.
Goal post move.
Oh, c'mon. Gather up some courage and honesty, and tell us.
...You just WISH that were true...
Incorrect. Republicans are looking to trash Social Security and Medicare... your peeps have already said so.

Nice try (not)... explaining that away as 'expressions of concern'.. no sense in the rest of us betting that they won't do what they say.

Articulating such intentions right before the mid-terms is not exactly 'brightest-crayon-in-the-box' thinking, and you know it, don't you?

Fortunately... the Arrogance of Power makes its victims lay out their true intentions, out of a false sense of security.
OK, enough with the food fight.

The answer is to balance the Budget, which in 2019 has a $900b hole that adds to the Debt. A "politically acceptable" compromise seems to be cutting spending by $500b (medicaid + welfare + defense) and raise taxes by $500b (a 7% across the board increase above 2016 rates). That still leaves the $21T Debt and the $383b annual interest payments on the Debt. If we can sell assets to pay of the Debt, terrific. But we can't keep going on and on borrowing a $trillion a year.

Congratulations! You devised a plan for Democrats to kill the US economy and force us into a major economic depression. Great job, dumbass!

Ok so you are not a math major, you sound like an old establishment GOPPER always whining about his tax bill. The US economy is fine as long as we have fair trade deals and manage China properly. Unless we stop borrowing and adding to the $21T DEBT there will be no US economy, dumbass-hole.

I taught math for 21 years. You obviously know nothing about economics or you would not make stupid assertions like that!
Medicare was always a stupid program.

Soicial Security was always a terrible idea but since all these people paid money into the system they need to get their money back. I will forego my benefits if my children and grandchildren are not burdened with the Ponzi scheme.

Medicaid is absolutely wrong. Everybody should be responsible for their own medical care. All welfare is morally wrong and fiscally irresponsible.

If we want to have money to pay off Obama's ten trillion in debt then there are plenty of wasted government expenditures. Lets start by cutting all welfare and all these worthless government agencies.
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