Mitt Romney first publicly floated Brett Kavanaugh's name for the Supreme Court back in 2012.


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Which, coincidentally, is when Mrs Ford first told her therapist about this alleged incident.

It's amazing how she told a few random people in 2012-13 about this when his name was first floated for the Court, made no mention of it when he was nominated and appointed to the second highest court in the land in 2014, and only brought it up again when he was nominated for SCOTUS in 2018.

Just another fun fact you won't see in the lugenpresse...
And that's the final nail in the coffin
should be, but it won't be for the lunatic fringe, which includes most of the media

blue wave is dead though

Not if republicans back down
they won't

Trump was a genius to nominate Kavanaugh

he is a dyed in the wool establishment guy that the establishment republicans love, they are willing to go to the mat for him

he is squeaky clean and has an impeccable record - need proof? all the left has is decades old unsubstantiated allegations

the left seriously miscalculated on this
Amazing how much he has been in the news over the years - he is a pretty famous guy - but only now are these women coming forward...
Which, coincidentally, is when Mrs Ford first told her therapist about this alleged incident.

It's amazing how she told a few random people in 2012-13 about this when his name was first floated for the Court, made no mention of it when he was nominated and appointed to the second highest court in the land in 2014, and only brought it up again when he was nominated for SCOTUS in 2018.

Just another fun fact you won't see in the lugenpresse...
Yet you learned that from the “lugenpresse.” Fucking idiot.

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