Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Trump has borrowed many populist positions that the Democratic party has abandoned, true.

take the working class, for instance. Democrats now call them deplorable, mock them and want to bring in millions of undocumented aliens to take their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump has increased employment across the board, employees tariffs in the long held Democrat way to protect American workers and is against outsourcing.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
The party of Trump is closer to a cult than a political party. You cannot disagree with Trump and still be a member of the cult (some call the Republican party).
Cults work with very desperate people who want an easy solution to what they see as an impossible situation. How did our country to get to this point.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Trump has borrowed many populist positions that the Democratic party has abandoned, true.

take the working class, for instance. Democrats now call them deplorable, mock them and want to bring in millions of undocumented aliens to take their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump has increased employment across the board, employees tariffs in the long held Democrat way to protect American workers and is against outsourcing.

Populism has always been present in both parties and the Dems have certainly made mistakes.

Trump's economy - at least the economic growth trend is the same (maybe actually less) than what it was under Obama, it's just that now we can feel the effects of the trend more. I'm not sure how much is do to Trump's efforts or just the overall way economies work. I'm not sure any president has that much effect on an economy. In the Tariffs (something NO free trade Republican would have supported before) - Trump is taking a page from the Dems. Pretty surprising. I don't think they have been good for us - but it takes a while for the effects to play out.

But here's the other thing to think of - again, the working class. The Dems ignored them and are paying the price. But are Trumps actual policies helping them? How are his new proposed changes to medicaid going to affect them (those that don't have insurance)? How are farmers doing? One thing is pretty clear - Trump hates poor people, even the working poor.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

Now Shocked, I think this is totally wrong!


Because we are a big tent; and in every BIG TENT according to P.T. Barnum, you need at least one Bozo The Clown. Romney is our BOZO-)

QUESTION----------------> What would you rather have, Bozo, or our version of incompetent, irrelevant, downright stupid, AOC?

Well, at least AOC isn't bad on the eyes, but if you get close enough, you might need Raid to drive all the critters away hiding in the nooks and crannies, if you catch my drift-)
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.

Traditional Republicans like Mitt Romney are pathetic Losers. There is really little room for someone seeking defeat and wanting to stand aside to allow socialism and anarchism to rule.

So, unless a Loser like Romney wants to shed his traditional defeatism, there really isn't any room for him.
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Trump has borrowed many populist positions that the Democratic party has abandoned, true.

take the working class, for instance. Democrats now call them deplorable, mock them and want to bring in millions of undocumented aliens to take their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump has increased employment across the board, employees tariffs in the long held Democrat way to protect American workers and is against outsourcing.

Populism has always been present in both parties and the Dems have certainly made mistakes.

Trump's economy - at least the economic growth trend is the same (maybe actually less) than what it was under Obama, it's just that now we can feel the effects of the trend more. I'm not sure how much is do to Trump's efforts or just the overall way economies work. I'm not sure any president has that much effect on an economy. In the Tariffs (something NO free trade Republican would have supported before) - Trump is taking a page from the Dems. Pretty surprising. I don't think they have been good for us - but it takes a while for the effects to play out.

But here's the other thing to think of - again, the working class. The Dems ignored them and are paying the price. But are Trumps actual policies helping them? How are his new proposed changes to medicaid going to affect them (those that don't have insurance)? How are farmers doing? One thing is pretty clear - Trump hates poor people, even the working poor.

You are correct, Presidents don't create jobs, the private sector does. However what a Presidents policies are make that goal easier or harder for the private market to achieve. The economy didn't do better because of Obama, it did better in spite of him. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime.

Don't worry about the farmers, they're doing just fine. It was a gamble that Trump took, and so far, it seems like it's paying off. He signed the USMCA yesterday, and purchased commemorative pens, passed them around, to make fun of Piglosi. Even after impeachment, he finds a way to make light of it.

Trade deals position US farmers for ‘record year of exports’: US agriculture secretary
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.

Traditional Republicans like Mitt Romney are pathetic Losers. There is really little room for someone seeking defeat and wanting to stand aside to allow socialism and anarchism to rule.

So, unless a Loser like Romney wants to shed his traditional defeatism, there really isn't any room for him.

:lol: well at least your honest. The Republican party of Trump prefers thugs, bullies, liars and scoundrels over principled conservatives.
As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Trump has borrowed many populist positions that the Democratic party has abandoned, true.

take the working class, for instance. Democrats now call them deplorable, mock them and want to bring in millions of undocumented aliens to take their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump has increased employment across the board, employees tariffs in the long held Democrat way to protect American workers and is against outsourcing.

Populism has always been present in both parties and the Dems have certainly made mistakes.

Trump's economy - at least the economic growth trend is the same (maybe actually less) than what it was under Obama, it's just that now we can feel the effects of the trend more. I'm not sure how much is do to Trump's efforts or just the overall way economies work. I'm not sure any president has that much effect on an economy. In the Tariffs (something NO free trade Republican would have supported before) - Trump is taking a page from the Dems. Pretty surprising. I don't think they have been good for us - but it takes a while for the effects to play out.

But here's the other thing to think of - again, the working class. The Dems ignored them and are paying the price. But are Trumps actual policies helping them? How are his new proposed changes to medicaid going to affect them (those that don't have insurance)? How are farmers doing? One thing is pretty clear - Trump hates poor people, even the working poor.

You are correct, Presidents don't create jobs, the private sector does. However what a Presidents policies are make that goal easier or harder for the private market to achieve. The economy didn't do better because of Obama, it did better in spite of him. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime.

Don't worry about the farmers, they're doing just fine. It was a gamble that Trump took, and so far, it seems like it's paying off. He signed the USMCA yesterday, and purchased commemorative pens, passed them around, to make fun of Piglosi. Even after impeachment, he finds a way to make light of it.

Trade deals position US farmers for ‘record year of exports’: US agriculture secretary

I didn't say anything about creating jobs. I was talking more broadly about the economy .

We are paying welfare to farmers - we, the taxpayers, because of Trumps tariffs. Are the farmers doing well? What US farmers make of Trump's trade deal

The different is it then NAFTA?

I'm also curious. Are you mature enough to utilize people's names - like Trump, Obama, or Pelosi?
I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Trump has borrowed many populist positions that the Democratic party has abandoned, true.

take the working class, for instance. Democrats now call them deplorable, mock them and want to bring in millions of undocumented aliens to take their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump has increased employment across the board, employees tariffs in the long held Democrat way to protect American workers and is against outsourcing.

Populism has always been present in both parties and the Dems have certainly made mistakes.

Trump's economy - at least the economic growth trend is the same (maybe actually less) than what it was under Obama, it's just that now we can feel the effects of the trend more. I'm not sure how much is do to Trump's efforts or just the overall way economies work. I'm not sure any president has that much effect on an economy. In the Tariffs (something NO free trade Republican would have supported before) - Trump is taking a page from the Dems. Pretty surprising. I don't think they have been good for us - but it takes a while for the effects to play out.

But here's the other thing to think of - again, the working class. The Dems ignored them and are paying the price. But are Trumps actual policies helping them? How are his new proposed changes to medicaid going to affect them (those that don't have insurance)? How are farmers doing? One thing is pretty clear - Trump hates poor people, even the working poor.

You are correct, Presidents don't create jobs, the private sector does. However what a Presidents policies are make that goal easier or harder for the private market to achieve. The economy didn't do better because of Obama, it did better in spite of him. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime.

Don't worry about the farmers, they're doing just fine. It was a gamble that Trump took, and so far, it seems like it's paying off. He signed the USMCA yesterday, and purchased commemorative pens, passed them around, to make fun of Piglosi. Even after impeachment, he finds a way to make light of it.

Trade deals position US farmers for ‘record year of exports’: US agriculture secretary

I didn't say anything about creating jobs. I was talking more broadly about the economy .

We are paying welfare to farmers - we, the taxpayers, because of Trumps tariffs. Are the farmers doing well? What US farmers make of Trump's trade deal

The different is it then NAFTA?

I'm also curious. Are you mature enough to utilize people's names - like Trump, Obama, or Pelosi?

New to political discussions where we often make fun of peoples names?

Job creation is the economy, provided those jobs are paying enough for people to pay bills and have residual income to put into circulation. I've never heard of a good economy with not many jobs around, or a bad economy with a lot of jobs looking for people.

The article I posted was written less than two weeks ago. What is it with you people on the left that expect overnight results? If the agriculture predicts record breaking exports, they aren't going to grow the food in a week. Give it time, and they will be doing better than ever.
There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
Trump has borrowed many populist positions that the Democratic party has abandoned, true.

take the working class, for instance. Democrats now call them deplorable, mock them and want to bring in millions of undocumented aliens to take their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump has increased employment across the board, employees tariffs in the long held Democrat way to protect American workers and is against outsourcing.

Populism has always been present in both parties and the Dems have certainly made mistakes.

Trump's economy - at least the economic growth trend is the same (maybe actually less) than what it was under Obama, it's just that now we can feel the effects of the trend more. I'm not sure how much is do to Trump's efforts or just the overall way economies work. I'm not sure any president has that much effect on an economy. In the Tariffs (something NO free trade Republican would have supported before) - Trump is taking a page from the Dems. Pretty surprising. I don't think they have been good for us - but it takes a while for the effects to play out.

But here's the other thing to think of - again, the working class. The Dems ignored them and are paying the price. But are Trumps actual policies helping them? How are his new proposed changes to medicaid going to affect them (those that don't have insurance)? How are farmers doing? One thing is pretty clear - Trump hates poor people, even the working poor.

You are correct, Presidents don't create jobs, the private sector does. However what a Presidents policies are make that goal easier or harder for the private market to achieve. The economy didn't do better because of Obama, it did better in spite of him. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime.

Don't worry about the farmers, they're doing just fine. It was a gamble that Trump took, and so far, it seems like it's paying off. He signed the USMCA yesterday, and purchased commemorative pens, passed them around, to make fun of Piglosi. Even after impeachment, he finds a way to make light of it.

Trade deals position US farmers for ‘record year of exports’: US agriculture secretary

I didn't say anything about creating jobs. I was talking more broadly about the economy .

We are paying welfare to farmers - we, the taxpayers, because of Trumps tariffs. Are the farmers doing well? What US farmers make of Trump's trade deal

The different is it then NAFTA?

I'm also curious. Are you mature enough to utilize people's names - like Trump, Obama, or Pelosi?

New to political discussions where we often make fun of peoples names?

After a while it just seems juvenile. Plenty of people seem able to discuss issues without resorting to that.

Job creation is the economy, provided those jobs are paying enough for people to pay bills and have residual income to put into circulation. I've never heard of a good economy with not many jobs around, or a bad economy with a lot of jobs looking for people.

They are tied but not synonymous. For example - your caveat, providing those jobs pay enough.

The article I posted was written less than two weeks ago. What is it with you people on the left that expect overnight results? If the agriculture predicts record breaking exports, they aren't going to grow the food in a week. Give it time, and they will be doing better than ever.

And if they've lost the markets they've spent time developing?
Not sure if there was a thread on this yet or not, I didn't see one in Politics.

Judging by reactions online, there are a number of conservatives who are angry:

Mitt Romney 'formally not invited' to CPAC after impeachment vote on witnesses

The chairman of CPAC announced that Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is "formally not invited" to the conservative group's annual conference this year.

Matt Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union, said Romney is not allowed at the event after the Utah Republican voted in favor of summoning witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Romney was one of two Republicans who joined 47 Democrats in supporting the motion, which failed to pass on Friday.

"BREAKING: The 'extreme conservative' and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020," Schlapp wrote in a tweet, which featured a photo of a troubled-looking Romney.

As I said the other day Romney should make it official and switch parties to Democrat then moved his useless ass to California because the mormons won't have him anymore. San Fagcisco would better suit the asshole where there'll be more of his kind around like Pelosi, Harris etc. Or maybe LA where he can hob-nob with Baggy Lips Waters and Schiff for brains.

I'd say he's more of an Independent these days. He still believes in the traditional republican platform which the trump republicans no longer believe in.

There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.

Traditional Republicans like Mitt Romney are pathetic Losers. There is really little room for someone seeking defeat and wanting to stand aside to allow socialism and anarchism to rule.

So, unless a Loser like Romney wants to shed his traditional defeatism, there really isn't any room for him.

:lol: well at least your honest. The Republican party of Trump prefers thugs, bullies, liars and scoundrels over principled conservatives.

Yes....the right has so much to worry about in terms of people like Pelosi, Schitt, Nadless, and Waters.

All of principles...that focus on what thy want.
Remember when SC Roberts was doing the same thing during ocare. He wanted to be part of the dem in crowd.
After a while it just seems juvenile. Plenty of people seem able to discuss issues without resorting to that.

And yet I've never seen you once comment on the names people created for Trump and his supporters.

They are tied but not synonymous. For example - your caveat, providing those jobs pay enough.

Usually when the economy is doing very well like now, pay follows. But there were bad paying jobs 30 years ago, there are bad paying jobs now, and there will be bad paying jobs 30 years from today. However the ability for people to move out of those jobs and get better ones is what's key for a good economy.

Hussein (there, better?) had job creation, just not very well paying jobs, or part time jobs. His 50 employee rule before being subject to commie care fines prevented growing companies from expanding their full-time workforce. They either hired two part-time people instead of one full-time, insourced products, or hired foreigners who didn't count as American employees. That impacted the economy.

And if they've lost the markets they've spent time developing?

I don't know that they did. Why would the Agriculture department predict record exports if that was a problem?
Obviously Mitt does not understand that the left ins't looking for evidence. They are looking for excuses to continue the bullshit proceedings.

If someone is shooting at you and runs out of don't fucking give them more bullets.
There is no room for traditional Republicans in the new Republican Party, which is clearly the party of Trump.
If they don't bend over and kiss the ring, they are dead to us!
Romney ran in Utah because he knew the (LDS) next to his name would make him a shoo-in.

He's bitter as fuck that Trump ignored his begging to get the Secretary of State gig...He's only there to be a fly in the ointment, not to serve the people of Utah.


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