Mitt Romney Is A Bald Faced Liar!


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
And so are you that repeat his lies...

Anything can be intentially spun or misrepresented. If you choose to believe those that lie and take others words and present them out of context to make him "sound" stupid or misinformed then that is on you. That is what Mittens does constantly. He knowingly takes others words and misrepresents them. He is a blatently dishonest man.

I saw the speach you all are so a-buzz about(The now famous "private sector is doing fine speach") and had no trouble understanding what Obama was saying. What you and liars like you intentionally deleted from the context of that speach was that cutbacks in local, city, state and federal government that has been a major problem in our nations economic recovery. COMPARED to the public jobs sector private sector job creation IS DOING JUST FINE. Anyone with half a brain understands that and understood Obama's point.

I can have sympathy for retarded people that were not given high functioning brains to handle life with. I cannot forgive the liars like you NewRepublicans that know the truth and choose to lie and pass on others lies knowingly.

Fuck you. I hope THAT was clear enough for you lying assholes.
And so are you that repeat his lies...

Anything can be intentially spun or misrepresented. If you choose to believe those that lie and take others words and present them out of context to make him "sound" stupid or misinformed then that is on you. That is what Mittens does constantly. He knowingly takes others words and misrepresents them. He is a blatently dishonest man.

I saw the speach you all are so a-buzz about(The now famous "private sector is doing fine speach") and had no trouble understanding what Obama was saying. What you and liars like you intentionally deleted from the context of that speach was that cutbacks in local, city, state and federal government that has been a major problem in our nations economic recovery. COMPARED to the public jobs sector private sector job creation IS DOING JUST FINE. Anyone with half a brain understands that and understood Obama's point.

I can have sympathy for retarded people that were not given high functioning brains to handle life with. I cannot forgive the liars like you NewRepublicans that know the truth and choose to lie and pass on others lies knowingly.

Fuck you. I hope THAT was clear enough for you lying assholes.

Gee, I guess in your own defective and warped mind O'Bananas is the patron saint of truthfulness huh?

I guess the saying is true, you learn more from watching an idiot than listening to a genius....You Huggies are the idiot..
And so are you that repeat his lies...

Anything can be intentially spun or misrepresented. If you choose to believe those that lie and take others words and present them out of context to make him "sound" stupid or misinformed then that is on you. That is what Mittens does constantly. He knowingly takes others words and misrepresents them. He is a blatently dishonest man.

I saw the speach you all are so a-buzz about(The now famous "private sector is doing fine speach") and had no trouble understanding what Obama was saying. What you and liars like you intentionally deleted from the context of that speach was that cutbacks in local, city, state and federal government that has been a major problem in our nations economic recovery. COMPARED to the public jobs sector private sector job creation IS DOING JUST FINE. Anyone with half a brain understands that and understood Obama's point.

I can have sympathy for retarded people that were not given high functioning brains to handle life with. I cannot forgive the liars like you NewRepublicans that know the truth and choose to lie and pass on others lies knowingly.

Fuck you. I hope THAT was clear enough for you lying assholes.

Gee, I guess in your own defective and warped mind O'Bananas is the patron saint of truthfulness huh?

I guess the saying is true, you learn more from watching an idiot than listening to a genius....You Huggies are the idiot..

This thread is about Romney you fucking lying moron. Try to keep up.
If it was fine, why did Obama backtrack from his 'the private sector is doing fine' comment?

Dumb ass.
I love to see shit loaded diapers falling down in da morning. it's just so damn titilating.

Is that true of all liars and believers of lies? That they love the smell of shit in the morning?

Apparently Mittens loves the smell of dog shit on the top of his automobile. Liars and shit seem to go hand in hand.

Is that what liars want for America ?

This makes HUGGY sad. :(
If it was fine, why did Obama backtrack from his 'the private sector is doing fine' comment?

Dumb ass.

He did not "backtrack" Dumb Ass. He clarified for the retarded portion of the population..which would be the liars and those that believe the lies of the liars.

I do agree that trying to be "nice" to lying liars and thier minions was stupid. He should have just stood up and called Mittens a fucking liar. Which he is. Which is what you are.
If it was fine, why did Obama backtrack from his 'the private sector is doing fine' comment?

Dumb ass.

He did not "backtrack" Dumb Ass. He clarified for the retarded portion of the population..which would be the liars and those that believe the lies of the liars.

I do agree that trying to be "nice" to lying liars and thier minions was stupid. He should have just stood up and called Mittens a fucking liar. Which he is. Which is what you are.

oh, right... he 'evolved', didn't he? :rofl:

You're almost as big a LAIR as TM. Congrats.
How does he reconcile his lying with his religion?

Maybe Mormons don't consider lying a sin.
you got beat up a lot in school, didn't you Huggy :rofl:

I know this will be hard to swallow..a bitter pill for you... but I've never been "beat up" in my entire 63 years. Lived in the boonies on a cattle farm as a kid..grew up strong..a real good hunter...well armed. Shot my first deer at eleven years old, an eight point buck from three fucking feet...Did I say I was a REAL GOOD HUNTER? We didn't fight much on Orcas Island...everyone was too well armed.

Moved on to Seattle for high school.... brought my country ways along. City boys were not up to the task of dealing with a seasoned hunter that rode horses and wrangled cattle. I had LOTS of fights in high school. Well a few dozen anyway. Fucked up a lot of wanna be bullies. I was lucky none of them died.

I have aquired an unhealthy taste for fighting and violence over the years.. there has been no reason not to. Winning will do that for you.

Not saying that I will never get "beat up".. could happen.. someone could sneak up..whatever hasn't happened yet.. That's why I was hired for the job I do right now.. I'm kinda proud that even at 63 I can kick a gang bangers ass into the dirt. Don't heal as fast as I did as a youth so truth be told I pick my fights more carefully that I used to these days. door is always open... I'm easy to find..

So the short answer to your question is No.

But that isn't what this thread is about is it?

I don't suffer liars any better than bullies..

Let's stick to liars you and Mittens..
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you got beat up a lot in school, didn't you Huggy :rofl:

I know this will be hard to swallow..a bitter pill for you... but I've never been "beat up" in my entire 63 years. Lived in the boonies on a cattle farm as a kid..grew up strong..a real good hunter...well armed. Shot my first deer at eleven years old, an eight point buck from three fucking feet...Did I say I was a REAL GOOD HUNTER? We didn't fight much on Orcas Island...everyone was too well armed.

Moved on to Seattle for high school.... brought my country ways along. City boys were not up to the task of dealing with a seasoned hunter that rode horses and wrangled cattle. I had LOTS of fights in high school. Well a few dozen anyway. Fucked up a lot of wanna be bullies. I was lucky none of them died.

I have aquired an unhealthy taste for fighting and violence over the years.. there has been no reason not to. Winning will do that for you.

Not saying that I will never get "beat up".. could happen.. someone could sneak up..whatever hasn't happened yet.. That's why I was hired for the job I do right now.. I'm kinda proud that even at 63 I can kick a gang bangers ass into the dirt. Don't heal as fast as I did as a youth so truth be told I pick my fights more carefully that I used to these days. door is always open... I'm easy to find..

So the short answer to your question is No.

But that isn't what this thread is about is it?

I don't suffer liars any better than bullies..

Let's stick to liars you and Mittens..

with a pile of shit that deep, you'll need these...


I even made them camo, since you're such a big tuff Internet guy :rofl:
you got beat up a lot in school, didn't you Huggy :rofl:

I know this will be hard to swallow..a bitter pill for you... but I've never been "beat up" in my entire 63 years. Lived in the boonies on a cattle farm as a kid..grew up strong..a real good hunter...well armed. Shot my first deer at eleven years old, an eight point buck from three fucking feet...Did I say I was a REAL GOOD HUNTER? We didn't fight much on Orcas Island...everyone was too well armed.

Moved on to Seattle for high school.... brought my country ways along. City boys were not up to the task of dealing with a seasoned hunter that rode horses and wrangled cattle. I had LOTS of fights in high school. Well a few dozen anyway. Fucked up a lot of wanna be bullies. I was lucky none of them died.

I have aquired an unhealthy taste for fighting and violence over the years.. there has been no reason not to. Winning will do that for you.

Not saying that I will never get "beat up".. could happen.. someone could sneak up..whatever hasn't happened yet.. That's why I was hired for the job I do right now.. I'm kinda proud that even at 63 I can kick a gang bangers ass into the dirt. Don't heal as fast as I did as a youth so truth be told I pick my fights more carefully that I used to these days. door is always open... I'm easy to find..

So the short answer to your question is No.

But that isn't what this thread is about is it?

I don't suffer liars any better than bullies..

Let's stick to liars you and Mittens..

with a pile of shit that deep, you'll need these...


I even made them camo, since you're such a big tuff Internet guy :rofl:

Got waders. Maybe it's cuz I'm 6' 224lb that I don't get picked on much. Maybe it's the 120lb and the 70 lb pit bulls ever vigilant.. But don't deflect..let's talk about how you and Willard are fucking liars.
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I know this will be hard to swallow..a bitter pill for you... but I've never been "beat up" in my entire 63 years. Lived in the boonies on a cattle farm as a kid..grew up strong..a real good hunter...well armed. Shot my first deer at eleven years old, an eight point buck from three fucking feet...Did I say I was a REAL GOOD HUNTER? We didn't fight much on Orcas Island...everyone was too well armed.

Moved on to Seattle for high school.... brought my country ways along. City boys were not up to the task of dealing with a seasoned hunter that rode horses and wrangled cattle. I had LOTS of fights in high school. Well a few dozen anyway. Fucked up a lot of wanna be bullies. I was lucky none of them died.

I have aquired an unhealthy taste for fighting and violence over the years.. there has been no reason not to. Winning will do that for you.

Not saying that I will never get "beat up".. could happen.. someone could sneak up..whatever hasn't happened yet.. That's why I was hired for the job I do right now.. I'm kinda proud that even at 63 I can kick a gang bangers ass into the dirt. Don't heal as fast as I did as a youth so truth be told I pick my fights more carefully that I used to these days. door is always open... I'm easy to find..

So the short answer to your question is No.

But that isn't what this thread is about is it?

I don't suffer liars any better than bullies..

Let's stick to liars you and Mittens..

with a pile of shit that deep, you'll need these...


I even made them camo, since you're such a big tuff Internet guy :rofl:

Got waders. Maybe it's cuz I'm 6' 224lb that I don't get picked on much. But don't deflect..let's talk about how you and Willard are fucking liars.

I'd rather talk about how the special needs kids used to beat you up and steal your lunch money :rofl:
with a pile of shit that deep, you'll need these...


I even made them camo, since you're such a big tuff Internet guy :rofl:

Got waders. Maybe it's cuz I'm 6' 224lb that I don't get picked on much. But don't deflect..let's talk about how you and Willard are fucking liars.

I'd rather talk about how the special needs kids used to beat you up and steal your lunch money :rofl:

Sounds like you have special needs. What would it take?...a few quarters left out in the parking lot to peak your interest?
Got waders. Maybe it's cuz I'm 6' 224lb that I don't get picked on much. But don't deflect..let's talk about how you and Willard are fucking liars.

I'd rather talk about how the special needs kids used to beat you up and steal your lunch money :rofl:

Sounds like you have special needs. What would it take?...a few quarters left out in the parking lot to peak your interest?

You work so heard to make yourself appear more important, stronger, etc. than you really are. Why is that? What 'short' comings are you compensating for?
I'd rather talk about how the special needs kids used to beat you up and steal your lunch money :rofl:

Sounds like you have special needs. What would it take?...a few quarters left out in the parking lot to peak your interest?

You work so heard to make yourself appear more important, stronger, etc. than you really are. Why is that? What 'short' comings are you compensating for?

No..I'm painfully honest. Do I have shortcomings? Sure ..who doesn't? I'm fucking 63 and lived a hard battled life. Lot's of parts of me don't work as good as they did when I was 21. Nobody does the shit I did and got away with living to tell about it without scars.

Saw my doctor last week. She thinks I'm in great shape. I'll just defer to her word over yours if you don't mind. She did mention that I have to keep up the good diet and watch the blood sugar. But enough about me... like I said..I'm easy to find.. Don't take my MD's word for it.. Or that big mandango lookin drug dealer out on Aurora right this second that won't look me in the eye. They keep thier distance..

But what about you lying liars? What is it about you lame fucks that makes you hate the truth?
Sounds like you have special needs. What would it take?...a few quarters left out in the parking lot to peak your interest?

You work so heard to make yourself appear more important, stronger, etc. than you really are. Why is that? What 'short' comings are you compensating for?

No..I'm painfully honest. Do I have shortcomings? Sure ..who doesn't? I'm fucking 63 and lived a hard battled life. Lot's of parts of me don't work as good as they did when I was 21. Nobody does the shit I did and got away with living to tell about it without scars.

Saw my doctor last week. She thinks I'm in great shape. I'll just defer to her word over yours if you don't mind. She did mention that I have to keep up the good diet and watch the blood sugar. But enough about me... like I said..I'm easy to find.. Don't take my MD's word for it.. Or that big mandango lookin drug dealer out on Aurora right this second that won't look me in the eye. They keep thier distance..

But what about you lying liars? What is it about you lame fucks that makes you hate the truth?

the word liar, out of your mouth, is so totally ironic it defies imagination. I bet guys like Stephen Erkel used to steal your girlfriend at school dances :rofl:

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