Mitt Romney met Todd Akin doctor John Willke during 2012 campaign

It isn't an issue dumb ass. But do keep deflecting from your Dear Leader's failed record as much as you can. If I received as little respect for my opinions and had as little of a dick as you, I'd be ashamed and hide it too. Fucking coward troll.

Sounds like you're circle jerking for reps there. They seem very important to your self-esteem. I just don't find them a replacement for self-respect.

"User Reputation in its simplest form is a ranking of your user's benefit to your forum. Its basis comes from the opinions of all of your forum users that choose take part in it.

Users gain and lose reputation based on how their posts are scored by other forum participants. Users with the ability to affect reputation, will either give or take aways points by approving or disapproving with a post's content."

The cowardly trolls with little to no benefit are ashamed and ask to have it removed. Come on, have them turn it back on. Wear your troll badge proudly.

If that cowardly little game is important for you, play it. I found it to be a joke, and an excuse for people who couldn't argue their way out of a Halloween shit bag, to crawl out from under their rocks and use rep points as if they mean something. I also found rep points to be meaningless representations of a posters ability to argue logically and coherently. It's more like which crew you belong to, and how many circle jerks you participate in.

To me, it's a waste of time, dishonest, and a child's game. If you want to take that as cowardice, have at. But, you'd be a fucking moron if you do. Personally, I think you're just pissed off that your little wet noodle stick is now as limp as your sagging breasts.
Hey coward, have the mods turn your rep back on so people can get a good view of your standing and level of respect here on USMB. Fucking troll.

Hey coward, I requested that my reps be turned off because it's a punk game, that detracts from discussion. It's the only way that the pissants who hide under rocks can debate. I don't need nor want that inanity to influence me in any way.

Why did you choose to bring up my choice, instead of dealing with the issue under discussion? You're quite a little punk ass.

That's why you turned your rep off? Didn't you say previously it was because you thought it would annoy the conservatives? You're such a fucking liar. You're scared getting negs... simple. Only people who are scared turn their rep off - clearly you take rep very seriously. Sad critter.

I presented that as a secondary added benefit. Obviously, it's important enough to some of you lame brains to show it worked.
Your stupidity and partisan hackery are out in full force today, huh, Dickless.

Ryan didn't remove the wording, the committee did. Ryan still supports a constitutional amendment banning all abortions, without exclusions for rape, incest, fetal viability, or life and health of the mother.

For once in your life, be a man, and admit that Ryan supports the constitutional amendment that's in the GOP plank. You won't, because you're such a pussy party hack, and a scumbag liar.

HuffPo says you're a liar...

Paul Ryan Responds To Todd Akin, Clarifies Abortion Position: 'Rape Is Rape'
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee currently opposes abortion with an exception for cases of rape, incest and risk to the mother's life. His running mate has stated that abortion should only be legal when a mother's life is at risk.
Ryan is in favor of an exception when the mothers life is at risk, so HuffPo says you're a lying little fucktard.

Romney: Akin's rape comments are 'inexcusable'
"Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," said campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg.
There's the exception for rape.

Dumb ass.

You piece of shit fool. Of course Ryan is going to support Romney's current rendition of his flip flopping positions on women's reproductive choice. He's running for vice-president, which only has two constitutional requirements, preside over the senate and be able to step in if Romney died or became otherwise unable to fulfill his duty. Ryan has his own record on reproductive rights. He owns them.

What Ryan's position is shows, you're a scumbag liar. He co-sponsored The Sanctity of Life Act, which states: “..the life of each human being begins with fertilization…. at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.” No exceptions for rape, incest, fetal viability, or life or health of the mother.

Save your bullshit spin for someone stupid enough to buy it.
If that cowardly little game is important for you, play it. I found it to be a joke, and an excuse for people who couldn't argue their way out of a Halloween shit bag, to crawl out from under their rocks and use rep points as if they mean something. I also found rep points to be meaningless representations of a posters ability to argue logically and coherently. It's more like which crew you belong to, and how many circle jerks you participate in.

To me, it's a waste of time, dishonest, and a child's game. If you want to take that as cowardice, have at. But, you'd be a fucking moron if you do. Personally, I think you're just pissed off that your little wet noodle stick is now as limp as your sagging breasts.

Cowardly game? What's at all cowardly about it? If it's a waste of time, why did you disable it? Why did you pay attention to it at all?
once again, when confronted with facts he doesn't like, Dickless Fuck runs away.

10 minutes, and you claim I run away? Are you a whining little girl in real life too? Are you shallow enough to think I sit here waiting for your inane posts? I'll show you what a lying little turd you are, on my own schedule. Not yours. Get it?
If that cowardly little game is important for you, play it. I found it to be a joke, and an excuse for people who couldn't argue their way out of a Halloween shit bag, to crawl out from under their rocks and use rep points as if they mean something. I also found rep points to be meaningless representations of a posters ability to argue logically and coherently. It's more like which crew you belong to, and how many circle jerks you participate in.

To me, it's a waste of time, dishonest, and a child's game. If you want to take that as cowardice, have at. But, you'd be a fucking moron if you do. Personally, I think you're just pissed off that your little wet noodle stick is now as limp as your sagging breasts.

Cowardly game? What's at all cowardly about it? If it's a waste of time, why did you disable it? Why did you pay attention to it at all?

What's cowardly is the constant neggers, can't argue their way out of paper bags. Add to that how they whore for reps by giving reach arounds, and contribute nothing. Yes, it's a cowardly little game. I chose to ask it be disabled because I have no use for simpleton distractions. If you don't like it, tough shit. I'm happy I did it, because it seems to drives pissants, like yourself, nuts.
What's cowardly is the constant neggers, can't argue their way out of paper bags. Add to that how they whore for reps by giving reach arounds, and contribute nothing. Yes, it's a cowardly little game. I chose to ask it be disabled because I have no use for simpleton distractions. If you don't like it, tough shit. I'm happy I did it, because it seems to drives pissants, like yourself, nuts.

So instead, you just choose to contribute nothing by posting?
What's cowardly is the constant neggers, can't argue their way out of paper bags. Add to that how they whore for reps by giving reach arounds, and contribute nothing. Yes, it's a cowardly little game. I chose to ask it be disabled because I have no use for simpleton distractions. If you don't like it, tough shit. I'm happy I did it, because it seems to drives pissants, like yourself, nuts.

So instead, you just choose to contribute nothing by posting?

What ever you say, rep whore. You seem to be responding to quite a few of my posts now, that you can't punk out and just neg rep me.

So did Paul Ryan cosponsor the Sanctity of Life Act, or not?
The chickens are coming home to roost.

US election: Mitt Romney met Todd Akin doctor John Willke during 2012 campaign - Telegraph

Mitt Romney met John Willke, the doctor credited with popularising Todd Akin’s controversial views on rape and abortion, during the current election campaign and told him they agreed on “almost everything,” Dr Willke said.

Nothing like taking the word of an 87 year old quack who studied medicine in ancient Greece!


Florida Obama 49 Romney 46
Ohio 50 44
Virginia 50 45
Colorado 49 46
Nevada 49 45
Wisconsin 50 45
MI 44 47
PA 48 42​
Not even Obama wants to talk about his record, he wants to talk about Clinton's record.

He talks plenty about his record. He also compares his approach to Romney's. It looks like Romney who wants to hide like a punk these days. He's even telling reporters what questions they can and can't ask.

I'm looking forward to hearing Obama bitch slap this loon on the differences in their Medicare plans.
Let's all make rape jokes like "funnyman" Al Franken

Franken: “And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.’ Or, ‘That’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”
Save your bullshit spin for someone stupid enough to buy it.

Spin my left nut. You said...
Ryan still supports a constitutional amendment banning all abortions, without exclusions for rape, incest, fetal viability, or life and health of the mother.
Huffington Post proved you wrong on the 'mothers life at risk' part...
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee currently opposes abortion with an exception for cases of rape, incest and risk to the mother's life. His running mate has stated that abortion should only be legal when a mother's life is at risk.
...and their campaign spokesperson, you know, the person who speaks for them, get it... proved you wrong on the rape part of your comment...
"Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," said campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg.

Two different sources, each disproving a dumb ass position you took because your libtard masters have their lies drilled into your tiny little pea brain... and you're too big a coward or pussy to admit it. The whole board can see you were wrong. It's a shame you're too big a douche-nozzle to admit it.
Save your bullshit spin for someone stupid enough to buy it.

Spin my left nut. You said...
Ryan still supports a constitutional amendment banning all abortions, without exclusions for rape, incest, fetal viability, or life and health of the mother.
Huffington Post proved you wrong on the 'mothers life at risk' part...
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee currently opposes abortion with an exception for cases of rape, incest and risk to the mother's life. His running mate has stated that abortion should only be legal when a mother's life is at risk.
...and their campaign spokesperson, you know, the person who speaks for them, get it... proved you wrong on the rape part of your comment...
"Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," said campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg.

Two different sources, each disproving a dumb ass position you took because your libtard masters have their lies drilled into your tiny little pea brain... and you're too big a coward or pussy to admit it. The whole board can see you were wrong. It's a shame you're too big a douche-nozzle to admit it.

The fact remains that Ryan cosponsored the Sanctity of Life Act, which claims a zygot is entitled to all protections of humans. That would make it a crime to abort even in cases of rape, incest, fetal in-viability, or the life or health of the mother. That's the bill he tried to legislate. Ryan is a fringe nut.
What I find amazing is you think protecting a child is a bad thing
What I find amazing is you think protecting a child is a bad thing

What I find amazing is you support a zygot as if it were a child. I bet you want to see programs like WIC ended. You're the type of right winger who loves zygots and fetuses more than you are willing to help them live after they're born. But what you're actually claiming is that a woman should be forced to bring a zygot to term, even if it resulted in rape or incest, and bring the fetus to term even if the fetus is in-viable or threatens the life or health of the woman.

That's your position, own it.
Because it is a child. You can't see the ultrasound and deny that he/she is a living child.

Why are you so eager to kill your own children? Or is it just the children of minorities you want killed?
Because it is a child. You can't see the ultrasound and deny that he/she is a living child.

Why are you so eager to kill your own children? Or is it just the children of minorities you want killed?

So you believe then that all fertility clinics are mass murderers worse than Hitler. Your sick concept of what constitutes being human would also outlaw many types of birth control. You really should join the Taliban. They want to control all aspects of women's reproduction as well.
Save your bullshit spin for someone stupid enough to buy it.

Spin my left nut. You said...

Huffington Post proved you wrong on the 'mothers life at risk' part...

...and their campaign spokesperson, you know, the person who speaks for them, get it... proved you wrong on the rape part of your comment...
"Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," said campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg.

Two different sources, each disproving a dumb ass position you took because your libtard masters have their lies drilled into your tiny little pea brain... and you're too big a coward or pussy to admit it. The whole board can see you were wrong. It's a shame you're too big a douche-nozzle to admit it.

The fact remains that Ryan cosponsored the Sanctity of Life Act, which claims a zygot is entitled to all protections of humans. That would make it a crime to abort even in cases of rape, incest, fetal in-viability, or the life or health of the mother. That's the bill he tried to legislate. Ryan is a fringe nut.

the fact remains that I have used two sources to disprove your dumb ass comments, and you're too much of a pussy to man up and admit it.

The FAIL is strong in you, Dickless Fuck.

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