Mitt Romney: Okay, businesses do need government, after all

every single person out there has that same chance for success

I'm just trying to see if I understand your comment: Are you saying that Mitt Romney, who inherited millions and was granted a thousand important connections in life, has the same chance for success than a child growing up impoverished in Detroit?

I'm going to take a stab at this, and I'm hoping you'll respond to the actual argument and not whether or not someone else managed to articulate it properly earlier in the thread.

Realistically, no. Someone born in the projects is going to have a much rougher time achieving the same success as someone who's rich family handed him a major leg up to begin with and then a host of useful connections at the point of insertion into the private sector. Some people are simply lucky enough to be born into families with more opportunity.

However, this doesn't really relate to the greater argument at hand. Romney had those extra opportunities because they were his father's to give. . . rather than asking what right Mittens has to get that extra leg up when so many others don't receive one, you may perhaps ask what right anyone else has to tell Mitten's pops whether he can or can't take that wealth that he acquired or those connections and opportunities and pass them on to his child. Maybe you're not wired like most of us, but personally I'd sooner pass the fruit of my labor onto family and loved ones than allow the government to decide how best to distribute MY shit. Maybe you won't agree with me here, but I, along with a lot of others, don't feel that it's the proper function of government to ensure that everyone is born into the same quality of family, nor to ensure that dead beat do nothing's who happen to shit out a couple man cubs and then do absolutely dick to raise them should be allowed the luxury of passing on "just add water" careers to their kids. Here's a little cheat sheet for you: Life's not fair and no amount of government funding will make it so. Period.

What should be fair, however, is the access that we have to success -via society-. Generally speaking, it usually is (though I do agree that everywhere the government imposes unfair standards is somewhere shit needs to be fixed. What the government provides should provide equal opportunity to everyone). These roads that democrats love to tout when trying to reassign libertarian arguments as anarchist ones are a good example. We all pay taxes that build and maintain roads which, in my view, is one of the proper functions of government. We all have the same access to the roads. Despite being considerably more wealthy than I am, Bill Gates still has to yield right of way to me if we pull up to a 4 way stop at the same time and I'm to his right.

Now, what's so offensive to so many about Obama's commentary isn't just the face value of that singular statement about not having done it on one's own. No shit nobody did it without the protection of the law. The offensive part was the implication via the context: Since society helped you put that stuff together through basic government services, you are now financially beholden to society. Though many seem to be having trouble articulating this point, it is at EXACTLY this point that libertarians like myself and more than a few conservative republican types call out a resounding, "BULLSHIT!" Why? By pitching your taxes in on government services, you recieved access to those services. Period. No more, no less. I don't owe you for those services because, through my taxes, I -also- paid for those same services.

Think of it this way: You've got 10 bucks and I've got 10 bucks, and we decide we want some pizza, but the smallest meat lovers we can get ahold of costs 20 bucks. So we go halves on it, that way both of us can have pizza where neither of us would've had it otherwise. So we get our pizza and I take half and you take half. I, being a stoner glutton, proceed to devour the entire half pizza on the spot. You eat two pieces and then set the rest aside for later, only later some dude (we'll call him Charles) comes along and can smell that pepperoni. He gets all hungry, and he's stoned and impulsive, so he offers to buy you out of your remaining slices of pizza. Being a skilled negotiator, you manage to talk him out of 20 bucks for the rest of your half. How much do you now owe me?

If your answer was anything other than, "Not one red fucking cent", then you did some mental gymnastics to come up with a figure that was based in dogmatic morality and not logic. Logically I already got what was coming to me (according to what we agreed upon at the outset of the purchase): half a pizza. The fact that I was less industrious with my half than you were does not entitle me to what is yours.

This last bit's redundant, but the access to educated workers point is probably my favorite. If I start a successful business, I owe society big time for giving me access to educated and skilled labor by paying into a publicly funded education system. Once again, BULLSHIT! I paid for my access to public schooling. The rest of you monkeys paid for the same. What you recieve for paying into public education is NOT a claim on the fruit of anyone's labor who had access to that schooling. What you recieve is YOUR OWN ACCESS to that same education. I get to use skilled labor, you get to BE skilled labor in stead of an illiterate cave man who can do little more than swing a hammer. Everyone benefits already, why does there need to be extra pay for the people who don't capitalize on that benefit effectively?

Summary: Yes, this whole economic system would be impossible if people hadn't come together to form a society of laws and a government to enforce those laws and protect our individual rights from the intrusions of others. Some level of government is an absolute necessity for getting most businesses off the ground and keeping them sustainable. However, the fact that government supplies these things for our society DOES NOT indebt individuals to the government/society. Why? Because those individuals pay for those services via their taxes. I don't owe you for my access to the education system BECAUSE I PAY FOR MY ACCESS.

Funny thing is, none of us (outside of the standard hardcore absolutists, have fun with them) who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


So what exactly was it they found insulting? That Obama was talking?

His words. Which I have already quoted.

And why would I be insulted that Obama was....

Oh, because I'm a racist.

Sorry, I forgot.


Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

Government is like medicine, a little bit can help, but too much can kill you.

Over 300 million Americans enjoy the roads, bridges, and other government infrastructure, but only a small minority of those Americans create businesses, or make them work. Are the rest too damn dumb to realize what government can do for them?

No, starting a business isn't everyone's bag. And..that by the good for business.
Also, before you start firing off that I'm a racist, you apologists out there keep in mind that I voted for the guy back in '08 before realizing just how vast the gap was between my philosophical premises and his.

Didn't read too deep into who I was voting the republicans out for after the Bush fiasco, and on top of that Obama's from where I'm from, and in the islands we love to see a local boy do well.
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Eh, apparently you didn't read his next few posts. He's been hard at work defending the proposition that a person born impoverished in Detroit has the exact same chance of success as a person born a scion to a family fortune. He's offered no equivocation about it being a constitutional issue.

Go ahead, read his posts. Then tell the class who the moron is.

You can try your best to drag this thread off topic as to the effects of poverty on future prosperity if you like. Will it be more difficult for a child born into poverty to succeed in this nation? Perhaps.

No, not perhaps. With certainty, everything else being equal.

Does that child have a chance in this nation to become fabulously wealthy? Absolutely. Does the child of the rich man have a chance to become fabulously wealthy? Absolutely. Does the child of wealth have an opportunity to squander the advantage his family gave him? Absolutely. See Sage Stallone for a very recent example. The point I was making that you're desperately trying to divert from, is that that government is not who is owed for success. If Steve Jobs children have an advantage, it was given to them, not by government, not by society, but by Steve Jobs. They have no more obligation to the infrastructure then anyone else.
No, the point you made is exactly what you stated. I can't be held responsible for what you meant to say, only what you said - and subsequently defended:

you said:
every single person out there has that same chance for success

Now, of course, you are equivocating and admitting it's not true. You could have saved us all a lot of time by admitting that in the first place.

Let's try this one more time. I do believe that everyone in this county, regardless of station at birth, have the same innate chance or opportunity to succeed. The wealth of a family is not the only factor that will determine who succeeds and who fails. A child born into an impoverished family but has great parents may do well, while a child born into wealth with uninterested parents may well fail. If you feel that Steve Jobs children have an advantage over someone else, then they were given that advantage by Steve and Mrs. Jobs not the government or society.That being said, an individual's success does not obligate them to pay for a larger share of the nation's infrastructure, than they who are not as successful. They do not owe those who did not succeed a share of their success. Obama is wrong to think that they do. Government did not author their success.
Also, before you start firing off that I'm a racist, you apologists out there keep in mind that I voted for the guy back in '08 before realizing just how vast the gap was between my philosophical premises and his.

Didn't read too deep into who I was voting the republicans out for after the Bush fiasco, and on top of that Obama's from where I'm from, and in the islands we love to see a local boy do well.

Calling you a "racist" doesn't mean they actually think you're one, regardless of their claims. Remember:

Political Correctness = Strategic hypersensitivity designed and deployed to put your target on the defensive and control the narrative of any given topic.

Pretty cool tactic, ay?

Let's try this one more time. I do believe that everyone in this county, regardless of station at birth, have the same innate chance or opportunity to succeed.
The facts and the evidence do not correlate well with your beliefs.

That being said, an individual's success does not obligate them to pay for a larger share of the nation's infrastructure, than they who are not as successful.
Wow. So you oppose even a flat tax and support regressive taxation. Brilliant.
If business and government have nothing to do with each other, why is a businessman like Romney trying to be president?

So someone is saying that business and government have nothing to do with each other?


Well, either there are examples of people saying that government and business have nothing to do with each other or there are not.

So saying that people are claiming that is either a straw man argument or it is not.


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