Mitt Romney to Trump: Stop your undemocratic attempts to overturn the election:

Bullshit. You people go with “reportedly” as fact all the time when it fits your agenda. This was not 2 Clinton supporters that allegedly started it. They were senior advisers that dispatched a team to Kenya to get more supporting information to back their leak. That was the basis for Republicans to pick it up.

First, your article didn't say anything like that at all.

Second, the two people mentioned, one was a low-level staffer in Iowa who was fired. The other is Sid Blumenthal, and frankly, that guy has a long history of saying stupid shit. (HE was the one who called Monica Lewinsky a "Stalker" before we found out there really was a stained dress). There's no evidence he went to Kenya or anything like that.

So, um, yeah. You fucking lied. Or you are so fucking stupid you don't understand simple semantics.

Keep downplaying Blumenthal. He’s at or near the root (Hillary) of most of Hillary Clinton. scandals.
Keep downplaying Blumenthal. He’s at or near the root (Hillary) of most of Hillary Clinton. scandals.

Personally, I think Blumenthal is a sleazy guy...

He didn't do what you accuse him of. I'm all for hanging sleazy guys for what they actually did.

Blumenthal swiftly denied pushing any birther rumors. And Asher, when pressed for more detail, was less definitive in an email to POLITICO.

“To the best of my recollection, these are the facts about my interaction with Sidney Blumenthal in late winter of 2008,” Asher said. “Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”

“On the birther issue, I recall my conversation with Blumenthal clearly,” Asher said, but acknowledged having “nothing in writing memorializing that conversation.”

“This story is false,” Blumenthal reiterated in an email. “I never spoke to Mr. Asher about this. Period. Donald Trump cannot distract from the inescapable fact that he is the one who embraced and promoted the birther lie and is responsible for it.”

So let's get this clear. This Asher guy said in 2016

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