Mitt Romney to Trump: Stop your undemocratic attempts to overturn the election:

This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:

You're eating the corn out of mitten's shit but it wasn't long ago he was ass-raping you like Hunted Xi'den on a 10-year old when he installed Amy Coney Barrett in SCOTUS.

You like that shit don't you.....
Great thread so far.
You voted for Obama because he was Black. You voted for Hillary because she was a woman and known. Both were and are not that good. What they do have is the behind the scenes snake abilities that destroy nations. You voted based on color and gender and not abilities. Repubs deserve to have the people they want to choose not thrusted to our face by the power brokers. You don't mind that.
Wow, look at all those empty straw man arguments, based on pure ignorance.

You're a good Trumpster.

Tick, tick, tick.
It was only 8 short years ago that Democrats were trashing Mitt Romney as the privileged racist standing the way of entitled Obama while the party was also cashing donation checks from Donald Trump.
Great thread so far.
You voted for Obama because he was Black. You voted for Hillary because she was a woman and known. Both were and are not that good. What they do have is the behind the scenes snake abilities that destroy nations. You voted based on color and gender and not abilities. Repubs deserve to have the people they want to choose not thrusted to our face by the power brokers. You don't mind that.
Wow, look at all those empty straw man arguments, based on pure ignorance.

You're a good Trumpster.

Tick, tick, tick.
I told you the truth. There were other candidates available who were younger and white and male. Wanting someone strong I get. But if the strength is evil that is no good. Smooth talker Obama was just that. Hillary being around for decades had a following. Psychopaths and Sociopaths...Kamala is in there with Biden.
Great thread so far.
You voted for Obama because he was Black. You voted for Hillary because she was a woman and known. Both were and are not that good. What they do have is the behind the scenes snake abilities that destroy nations. You voted based on color and gender and not abilities. Repubs deserve to have the people they want to choose not thrusted to our face by the power brokers. You don't mind that.
Wow, look at all those empty straw man arguments, based on pure ignorance.

You're a good Trumpster.

Tick, tick, tick.
I told you the truth. There were other candidates available who were younger and white and male. Wanting someone strong I get. But if the strength is evil that is no good. Smooth talker Obama was just that. Hillary being around for decades had a following. Psychopaths and Sociopaths...Kamala is in there with Biden.
Trump is too busy destroying the GOP to listen to radical Hitler commies like Romney.
Actually Romney is more likely to be one of the victims of a nazi prison ot soviet gulag who meekly surrendered his guns and his freedom because he did not have the balls to fight back

he had his chance to be president and he blew it

now he cant stand the fact that trump with just 4 years experience in politics has done more than romney ever will
This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:

You're eating the corn out of mitten's shit but it wasn't long ago he was ass-raping you like Hunted Xi'den on a 10-year old when he installed Amy Coney Barrett in SCOTUS.

You like that shit don't you.....

Someone's triggered LoL.
Mitt got to you.
It was only 8 short years ago that Democrats were trashing Mitt Romney as the privileged racist standing the way of entitled Obama while the party was also cashing donation checks from Donald Trump.
Republicans are too dumb to understand that you can trash someone when he does a bad thing, and praise him when he does a good thing.
Mitt Romney is right in calling out Trump for pretending there was fraud.
This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:

Trump is too busy destroying the GOP to listen to radical Hitler commies like Romney.

This intervention will require family. Lots of family.

Hitler hated communists. He blamed them for arson to take control.

I hate communists, because anything a communist touches, gets destroyed, why do you want this country destroyed, other than you are a slave, and must get your monthly welfare check.
But in 2012, you liberals said Romney was the devil incarnate, a liar, a fraud, an ogre, an oppressor of workers, a phony, etc., etc.

And he was. Of course, the main reason I opposed him in 2012 was he was a Mormon, and I really, really hate Mormons.

I guess it's a problem of degree. Romney is an objectively awful person, but he's a "latter day saint" compared to Trump.

Trying to get states to follow their own election laws and to not count illegal ballots is not "trying to steal the election." Trump is trying to undo the theft of the election.

Letting people vote is theft? Do you miss the good old days of Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests?

Yes, Biden won the Georgia "recount," but that recount failed to verify hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots because the rules about signature matching were changed. So unless a judge orders a genuine audit of the mail-in ballots, we will never know how many of them were falsified. Even so, the recount reduced Biden's lead by 1,872 votes, a reduction of 13%. Humm, what would have happened if the hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots had actually been checked for signature matching?

again, most of the things you whine about wouldn't have even registered under normal circumstances.

"Signature Matching"? You know what, that's really pretty much a "Literacy Test". Whose signature looks alike every time they sign it?

Obviously, thanks to Trump Plague (AKA Covid, AKA, that thing you guys think is a Hoax and a Devious Chinese bioweapon) we've had to take some extraordinary measures to make sure people can vote. It's fine.

Georgia has been trending blue for years... why are you really surprised.
It was only 8 short years ago that Democrats were trashing Mitt Romney as the privileged racist standing the way of entitled Obama while the party was also cashing donation checks from Donald Trump.

Actually, you were a little confused. Eight years ago, Trump started road-testing his hateful birther crap, and instead of snapping him back for being a racist shit, Romney kissed his ring.

I guess he's making up for it now.
It was only 8 short years ago that Democrats were trashing Mitt Romney as the privileged racist standing the way of entitled Obama while the party was also cashing donation checks from Donald Trump.
Republicans are too dumb to understand that you can trash someone when he does a bad thing, and praise him when he does a good thing.
Mitt Romney is right in calling out Trump for pretending there was fraud.

Republicans are wise enough to
It was only 8 short years ago that Democrats were trashing Mitt Romney as the privileged racist standing the way of entitled Obama while the party was also cashing donation checks from Donald Trump.

Actually, you were a little confused. Eight years ago, Trump started road-testing his hateful birther crap, and instead of snapping him back for being a racist shit, Romney kissed his ring.

I guess he's making up for it now.

Hillary started the birther movement, Democrats gladly cashed checks from Trump like whores..... and they had no problem with Trump bashing GW Bush. You people will do anything for a finger fuck. Just ask Romney.
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Hillary started the birther movement,

No, she didn't. If you are going to keep repeating THAT lie, I'm not sure what to do with you.

Democrats gladly cashed checks from Trump like whores.....

The real question is, why did Trump write checks to people he disagreed with... it sounds like a BRIBE to me.

You answered your own question. A whore doesn’t ask any questions..... just goes for the cash.
Hillary started the birther movement,

No, she didn't. If you are going to keep repeating THAT lie, I'm not sure what to do with you.

Democrats gladly cashed checks from Trump like whores.....

The real question is, why did Trump write checks to people he disagreed with... it sounds like a BRIBE to me.

No, she didn't. If you are going to keep repeating THAT lie, I'm not sure what to do with you.

Keep your fantasies about what you and your people would like to do with me to yourself. Otherwise, provide some backup beyond what lies between your ears to your claim that Hillary and her people being the root cause of ObamaBirther is a lie.

Keep your fantasies about what you and your people would like to do with me to yourself. Otherwise, provide some backup beyond what lies between your ears to your claim that Hillary and her people being the root cause of ObamaBirther is a lie.

Okay, let's look at the headline.

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

Not Clinton. Clinton Supporters... REPORTEDLY, which means not even proven to be true.

" There were the two Clinton supporters, but there is no evidence that Clinton herself or her campaign spread the story. "

So, um, yeah. You fucking lied. Or you are so fucking stupid you don't understand simple semantics.
Keep your fantasies about what you and your people would like to do with me to yourself. Otherwise, provide some backup beyond what lies between your ears to your claim that Hillary and her people being the root cause of ObamaBirther is a lie.

Okay, let's look at the headline.

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

Not Clinton. Clinton Supporters... REPORTEDLY, which means not even proven to be true.

" There were the two Clinton supporters, but there is no evidence that Clinton herself or her campaign spread the story. "

So, um, yeah. You fucking lied. Or you are so fucking stupid you don't understand simple semantics.

Bullshit. You people go with “reportedly” as fact all the time when it fits your agenda. This was not 2 Clinton supporters that allegedly started it. They were senior advisers that dispatched a team to Kenya to get more supporting information to back their leak. That was the basis for Republicans to pick it up.
Bullshit. You people go with “reportedly” as fact all the time when it fits your agenda. This was not 2 Clinton supporters that allegedly started it. They were senior advisers that dispatched a team to Kenya to get more supporting information to back their leak. That was the basis for Republicans to pick it up.

First, your article didn't say anything like that at all.

Second, the two people mentioned, one was a low-level staffer in Iowa who was fired. The other is Sid Blumenthal, and frankly, that guy has a long history of saying stupid shit. (HE was the one who called Monica Lewinsky a "Stalker" before we found out there really was a stained dress). There's no evidence he went to Kenya or anything like that.

So, um, yeah. You fucking lied. Or you are so fucking stupid you don't understand simple semantics.
Seems we're soon to witness a civil war within the Republican party with Lincoln Project Republicans and Trumpsters fighting for control.

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