Mitt Romney Wins NH, Takes It To Obama In Fiery Speech...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Wow. Romney showing some fire? Surprising and refreshing.

In a fiery victory speech Mitt Romney took aim at the President: "Obama has run out of ideas and excuses."

[ame=]Watch Mitt Romney's New Hampshire Primary Victory Speech - YouTube[/ame]
"It could be worse? That is not what it means to be an American. It could be worse? Of course not."
That part about his valet having more brains than Obama was pretty good.
"Bitter Politics of envy?" Man,Romney sure did nail that one.
Unfortunately I don't think you can run a country and save a country from economic disaster with "fiery speech"... if you could Romney would have my vote.
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"Where we're lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success."

Whoa. I might be starting to like this Romney guy.
"We are one nation under God."

Uh oh. That must drive the Left and especially that Maddcow nutter over at NBC absolutely crazy. How dare he mention God? :)
So you just like anyone who dislikes the President?
If you really did support Ron Paul, you wouldn't be a Romney fan. Just sayin!
So you just like anyone who dislikes the President?
If you really did support Ron Paul, you wouldn't be a Romney fan. Just sayin!

I am a Ron Paul supporter and fan. But that doesn't mean i have to dislike Romney. I liked his speech. He made a lot of sense. Obviously,he's not nearly Conservative enough for me but it looks like he will be the Nominee. I have to live in the real world. It is what it is.
Yup. They fell for his Hope and Change bs big time.

They also fell for the most transparant administraion in history.

No more lobbyists.

No more earmarks and my all time fav, drum roll please. The end of bipartisanship.

Yup. Great speeches sure can't save the country.
So his entire campaign is going to be about Obama and he won't present any ideas of his own.

How refreshing.
Unfortunately I don't think you can run a country and save a country from economic disaster with "fiery speech"... if you could Romney would have my vote.

We should have learned that lesson from the current incumbent.

I usually skip the pretty words until I've seen the record of the speaker. However, I've already studied Romney - and, while I'm keeping my feet firmly on the ground - he probably has my vote... assuming the Idiot Republicans put him through as their nominee.
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Yes. Patience is a virtue.

Wait to see if Romney gets the nom then see what he has to say when Barry is the target.
Unfortunately I don't think you can run a country and save a country from economic disaster with "fiery speech"... if you could Romney would have my vote.

We should have learned that lesson from the current incumbent.

I usually skip the pretty words until I've seen the record of the speaker. However, I've already studied Romney - and, while I'm keeping my feet firmly on the ground - he probably has my vote... assuming the Idiot Republicans put him through as their nominee.

I thought you don't vote for liars? Hmmmm

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