Miyuha! Welcome to the Original Southern Californians


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
This is honestly NOT a chance to hype my novels.

I posted this to my Father Serra's Legacy blog as it deals with PC misconceptions foisted off in the school system about the poor Indians, who they were enslaved, and how they lost their beautiful culture.

Check it out and I'd appreciate your feedback - there or here.

Don't forget the three choice boxes at the bottom.
Mutilation was in fact practiced out of timeless tradition and racial habit. It was not uncommon for a Cheyenne warrior to cut off the arms of an enemy and preserve the severed limbs as trophies. Strangers captured by the Cheyenne faced a gruesome fate. Captives were stripped and spread-eagled over anthills, their hands and feet lashed to pegs driven deep into the ground. There they were abandoned, to go blind from staring at the sun, insane from hunger and thirst, and eaten by ants and wild animals. It was then considered “mercy” to burn them alive.

One Cheyenne brave recalled the killing of an old man. “We cut off his hands, his feet...We ripped open his breast, breaking the ribs away, and opened his belly. I stood there and looked at his beating heart and quivering liver...We stayed there until there was nothing left but ashes, having crushed his burnt bones.”

Soldiers found after the quite typical Indian massacre “had strips of skin cut out of the body, noses and other members cut off...iron nails thrust through the testicles into the ground, pinning them...here a penis cut off and stuffed in the mouth...there cookfires built over stomachs, or a body ripped open, with a coffee pot and cup filled with blood, and obviously drunk from...heads with the eyes pulled out by fists would be ‘arranged’ to ‘stare’ at one another or would-be rescuers. Many had arms, legs and noses twisted until actually wrenched off. Many had their flesh cut off in strips the entire length of their bodies.”

As for the legend that Custer was “untouched” as “a suicide”, he was in fact untouched to the extent of an arrow rammed up the penis, and arrow shafts hammered into each of his ears.

A favored Indian yuck was to cut a body in gashes, fill them with powder, then set fire to the end of each. Indians would often dance with the naked headless body or lower half of a white woman, sawn through. Sexual violation would then follow, cheered on from the sidelines. Pubic area scalps ripped off the bodies of shrieking white women and teenagers shaking with pain would be worn after “drying” either as merkins over their own pubes...or as eye-patches. Sometimes they would hack away all of the upper torso from around the backbone without removing either it or the head atop, tie the detached upper torso to the nearest horizontal branch by the fingers in either a “pull-up” or “chin(less) up” position, and rig the lower torso, protruding backbone, and head “sitting up” for relatives to find thus. White babies, when not killed immediately, were often taken along on the trail, and then hung from broken tree branches rammed deeply into their lower jaws, so that anyone following them would be able to join in on the joke.

When the Red ****** was “exhausted” by his “sport”, he might choke the victim to death by cramming sand or ramming stones down his throat. (Again, it is fascinating to noted that this was again exactly how “Sergeant Sammy Doe” of the Liberian Presidential Bodyguard Unit treated his own leader before immediately thereafter promoting himself to General of the Army.)

When settlers turned to Arizona after the Civil War, they confronted the Apache, who were a ferocious tribe. The Apache captured white women, then literally tore their bodies apart. Prisoners were hung head down over small fires, their uncontrolled jack-knifing giving amusement to the Apache for hours while the prisoner’s brain slowly roasted into a mush until death. Eyes torn out would be laid on nearby rocks; chins hewn off; teeth chopped out; brains taken out and placed on rocks with other members of the body; entrails taken out and wound around branches; feet smashed by cobbles; arms twisted out of sockets and then... off; private parts severed and placed in the eye sockets, ears, and mouth; and muscles of calves, thighs, stomach, breast, back, arms, and cheeks sawn out.

After gang-raping and murdering one woman they found hanging the wash to dry, they found one white infant in a cradle in the cabin and put the baby in the oven with the day’s bread...Women and children not killed immediately were often tortured to death later that same day, for blood sport. The Red ******* would bet one another on screams, fainting, crying, begging, madness, and death. The scalps of women and girls with long red or blond hair were especially prized, being worn on the belt, and were highly valued when offered as collateral on the gambling floor.

Families were burned alive in their cabins, children crucified, girls nailed to doors — first backwards and then forward, raped by dozens of “braves”, then hacked to pieces while “standing”, while babies were dismembered by ripping and their limbs flung in the mother’s face.

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