MLK Ruined The Black Community


Feb 27, 2016
All outcomes begin with the family.

The institution of the welfare state, heavily touted and promoted by MLK, was responsible for the destruction of the black family (something even slavery and Jim Crow couldn't achieve):

Was the Moynihan Report right? Sobering findings after 1965 study is revisited

Key quote;

"About 20 percent of black children were born to unmarried mothers in the early 1960s, compared with 2 to 3 percent of white children. “By 2009, nearly three-quarters of black births and three-tenths of white births occurred outside marriage. Hispanics fell between whites and blacks and followed the same rising trend.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In guilty whites' desire to "help" via welfare, the black man was removed from economic importance allowing black women to become married to the state.

Why does nobody ever talk about the absolute destruction of the black family due to the welfare state implemented in the 60's and MLK's involvement in such an outcome?
All outcomes begin with the family.

The institution of the welfare state, heavily touted and promoted by MLK, was responsible for the destruction of the black family (something even slavery and Jim Crow couldn't achieve):

Was the Moynihan Report right? Sobering findings after 1965 study is revisited

Key quote;

"About 20 percent of black children were born to unmarried mothers in the early 1960s, compared with 2 to 3 percent of white children. “By 2009, nearly three-quarters of black births and three-tenths of white births occurred outside marriage. Hispanics fell between whites and blacks and followed the same rising trend.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In guilty whites' desire to "help" via welfare, the black man was removed from economic importance allowing black women to become married to the state.

Why does nobody ever talk about the absolute destruction of the black family due to the welfare state implemented in the 60's and MLK's involvement in such an outcome?
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
uh... what?

How the fuck was MLK involved in "such an outcome"?

He invented procreation........which held the nation in a death grip of gestation induced indolence.....until Elvis Clinton invented fellatio........
All outcomes begin with the family.

The institution of the welfare state, heavily touted and promoted by MLK, was responsible for the destruction of the black family (something even slavery and Jim Crow couldn't achieve):

Was the Moynihan Report right? Sobering findings after 1965 study is revisited

Key quote;

"About 20 percent of black children were born to unmarried mothers in the early 1960s, compared with 2 to 3 percent of white children. “By 2009, nearly three-quarters of black births and three-tenths of white births occurred outside marriage. Hispanics fell between whites and blacks and followed the same rising trend.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In guilty whites' desire to "help" via welfare, the black man was removed from economic importance allowing black women to become married to the state.

Why does nobody ever talk about the absolute destruction of the black family due to the welfare state implemented in the 60's and MLK's involvement in such an outcome?
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
Of course welfare negatively impacts whites as well as blacks.

Feel free to ignore the fact that pre welfare 20% of black children were born out of wedlock and now 75% are. All because of Gibsmedat!
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
A creative use of the numbers. Kudos. So it doesn't bother you 75% of black kids are born out of wedlock? Okay! Let's not worry about it then. They're on their own.
In the middle of a national conversation about race following the George Zimmerman acquittal, CNN anchor Don Lemon gave an on-air commentary that went viral on social media. The focus of the commentary was a five-point list of recommendations. "Black people," Lemon said, "if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things that you should think about doing."

The No. 1 item on that list -- "and probably the most important," he said -- had to do with out-of-wedlock births.

"Just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should," Lemon said. "Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues."

Lemon’s commentary inspired a firestorm of criticism on social media -- the website Mediaite published a sampling -- and bloggers took aim at his conclusions.

"If Lemon really wanted to help the black community, he could start by adopting a deeper understanding of the history, sociology and psychology of his own people," wrote Washington Post blogger Rahiel Tesfamariam. "Offering made-for-TV analysis about deeply complex social issues in the manner in which he did is irresponsible and lacks intellectual rigor."

We can’t check Lemon’s opinions, but we did want to take a look at the one verifiable fact he offered. Is it correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock"?

We turned to data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which publishes a report every year that includes a wealth of data about births in America. The most recent report, published in August 2012, is based on data from 2010.

The report broke down statistics by ethnic groups. Here’s a summary

Racial or ethnic group

Percent of births considered "non-marital"

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

17 percent

Non-Hispanic whites

29 percent


53 percent

American Indian and Native Alaskans

66 percent

Non-Hispanic blacks

73 percent

So Lemon is correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock." To make sure we weren’t missing something, we asked two population experts -- Tom W. Smith, a senior fellow at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, and Douglas Massey, professor at Princeton University's Office of Population Research -- and they agreed that the statistic is the best available.

Lemon did overreach somewhat when he went on to say that the 72 percent "out of wedlock" figure "means absent fathers." The 72 percent figure refers to children who are born to women who are not married; it would, however, include unmarried couples in which the father is present.

That said, the rate of African-American children living in single-parent homes is almost as high as the rate for non-marital births.

The chart below summarizes 2011 Census Bureau data compiled by Kids Count, a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The group defined "children in single-parent families" as kids under 18 who live with their own single parent; it includes children living with a parent and a cohabiting adult, but it does not include children living with married step-parents.......
All outcomes begin with the family.

The institution of the welfare state, heavily touted and promoted by MLK, was responsible for the destruction of the black family (something even slavery and Jim Crow couldn't achieve):

Was the Moynihan Report right? Sobering findings after 1965 study is revisited

Key quote;

"About 20 percent of black children were born to unmarried mothers in the early 1960s, compared with 2 to 3 percent of white children. “By 2009, nearly three-quarters of black births and three-tenths of white births occurred outside marriage. Hispanics fell between whites and blacks and followed the same rising trend.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In guilty whites' desire to "help" via welfare, the black man was removed from economic importance allowing black women to become married to the state.

Why does nobody ever talk about the absolute destruction of the black family due to the welfare state implemented in the 60's and MLK's involvement in such an outcome?
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
Of course welfare negatively impacts whites as well as blacks.

Feel free to ignore the fact that pre welfare 20% of black children were born out of wedlock and now 75% are. All because of Gibsmedat! you are have come to the right place for sure to catch up on The Legend of Bripat....
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
A creative use of the numbers. Kudos. So it doesn't bother you 75% of black kids are born out of wedlock? Okay! Let's not worry about it then. They're on their own.
In the middle of a national conversation about race following the George Zimmerman acquittal, CNN anchor Don Lemon gave an on-air commentary that went viral on social media. The focus of the commentary was a five-point list of recommendations. "Black people," Lemon said, "if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things that you should think about doing."

The No. 1 item on that list -- "and probably the most important," he said -- had to do with out-of-wedlock births.

"Just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should," Lemon said. "Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues."

Lemon’s commentary inspired a firestorm of criticism on social media -- the website Mediaite published a sampling -- and bloggers took aim at his conclusions.

"If Lemon really wanted to help the black community, he could start by adopting a deeper understanding of the history, sociology and psychology of his own people," wrote Washington Post blogger Rahiel Tesfamariam. "Offering made-for-TV analysis about deeply complex social issues in the manner in which he did is irresponsible and lacks intellectual rigor."

We can’t check Lemon’s opinions, but we did want to take a look at the one verifiable fact he offered. Is it correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock"?

We turned to data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which publishes a report every year that includes a wealth of data about births in America. The most recent report, published in August 2012, is based on data from 2010.

The report broke down statistics by ethnic groups. Here’s a summary

Racial or ethnic group

Percent of births considered "non-marital"

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

17 percent

Non-Hispanic whites

29 percent


53 percent

American Indian and Native Alaskans

66 percent

Non-Hispanic blacks

73 percent

So Lemon is correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock." To make sure we weren’t missing something, we asked two population experts -- Tom W. Smith, a senior fellow at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, and Douglas Massey, professor at Princeton University's Office of Population Research -- and they agreed that the statistic is the best available.

Lemon did overreach somewhat when he went on to say that the 72 percent "out of wedlock" figure "means absent fathers." The 72 percent figure refers to children who are born to women who are not married; it would, however, include unmarried couples in which the father is present.

That said, the rate of African-American children living in single-parent homes is almost as high as the rate for non-marital births.

The chart below summarizes 2011 Census Bureau data compiled by Kids Count, a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The group defined "children in single-parent families" as kids under 18 who live with their own single parent; it includes children living with a parent and a cohabiting adult, but it does not include children living with married step-parents.......
How is that "creative use of numbers"?

The proportion of out of wedlock births is no cause for comfort....that does not mean that every inbred cracker fuckstick aching to spread his cracker crap can't be challenged on its assertions...
All outcomes begin with the family.

The institution of the welfare state, heavily touted and promoted by MLK, was responsible for the destruction of the black family (something even slavery and Jim Crow couldn't achieve):

Was the Moynihan Report right? Sobering findings after 1965 study is revisited

Key quote;

"About 20 percent of black children were born to unmarried mothers in the early 1960s, compared with 2 to 3 percent of white children. “By 2009, nearly three-quarters of black births and three-tenths of white births occurred outside marriage. Hispanics fell between whites and blacks and followed the same rising trend.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In guilty whites' desire to "help" via welfare, the black man was removed from economic importance allowing black women to become married to the state.

Why does nobody ever talk about the absolute destruction of the black family due to the welfare state implemented in the 60's and MLK's involvement in such an outcome?
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
Of course welfare negatively impacts whites as well as blacks.

Feel free to ignore the fact that pre welfare 20% of black children were born out of wedlock and now 75% are. All because of Gibsmedat! you are have come to the right place for sure to catch up on The Legend of Bripat....
Are you daft? I was agreeing with your previous post in saying that whites have also been negatively impacted by the welfare state and accept that they have seen a greater rate increase. Overall however, blacks still have a greater percentage of illegitimacy.

The reason for the greater rate increase is that whites had a lower starting point of illegitimacy rates, having to do with a higher average IQ and better impulse control than blacks:
How is that "creative use of numbers"?

The proportion of out of wedlock births is no cause for comfort....that does not mean that every inbred cracker fuckstick aching to spread his cracker crap can't be challenged on its assertions...
It distorts the problem. No matter. You aren't worried about out-of-wedlock black kids and now, thanks to you, neither am I.
How is that "creative use of numbers"?

The proportion of out of wedlock births is no cause for comfort....that does not mean that every inbred cracker fuckstick aching to spread his cracker crap can't be challenged on its assertions...
It distorts the problem. No matter. You aren't worried about out-of-wedlock black kids and now, thanks to you, neither am I.

An ignorant squawk, followed by a re-bleat adorned with misrepresentations....

When did you become a "moderate"?
All outcomes begin with the family.

The institution of the welfare state, heavily touted and promoted by MLK, was responsible for the destruction of the black family (something even slavery and Jim Crow couldn't achieve):

Was the Moynihan Report right? Sobering findings after 1965 study is revisited

Key quote;

"About 20 percent of black children were born to unmarried mothers in the early 1960s, compared with 2 to 3 percent of white children. “By 2009, nearly three-quarters of black births and three-tenths of white births occurred outside marriage. Hispanics fell between whites and blacks and followed the same rising trend.”

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In guilty whites' desire to "help" via welfare, the black man was removed from economic importance allowing black women to become married to the state.

Why does nobody ever talk about the absolute destruction of the black family due to the welfare state implemented in the 60's and MLK's involvement in such an outcome?
So, the percentage of out of wedlock births for black women is up by a factor less than 4 and that of white women is up by a factor of 10?

Where were we going with this?
Of course welfare negatively impacts whites as well as blacks.

Feel free to ignore the fact that pre welfare 20% of black children were born out of wedlock and now 75% are. All because of Gibsmedat! you are have come to the right place for sure to catch up on The Legend of Bripat....
Are you daft? I was agreeing with your previous post in saying that whites have also been negatively impacted by the welfare state and accept that they have seen a greater rate increase. Overall however, blacks still have a greater percentage of illegitimacy.

The reason for the greater rate increase is that whites had a lower starting point of illegitimacy rates, having to do with a higher average IQ and better impulse control than blacks:
Mr. Rushton?

No thanks.....

I have narrow hips, a huge penis and an IQ of 240.....
When did you become a "moderate"?
In my 30s. When did you become a racist?

.....that does not mean that every inbred cracker fuckstick aching to spread his cracker crap can't be challenged on its assertions...
The surprising relationship between intelligence and racism
While people who score higher on intelligence tests are less likely to hold racist stereotypes (such as imagining that people of another race are lazy or unintelligent), they're no more likely to support government policies that aim to reduce racial inequality.

I have narrow hips, a huge penis and an IQ of 240.....
How long have you been a chronic liar?
One can only assume MLK would be ashamed of the current black community for everything he worked for was compromised by politicians in their vein attempt to secure a power base by isolating and restricting minorities from achieving the promise he dreamed for in America. Would MLK support the single parent family, black on black murder rate, gang violence, BLM, erosion of the family, and cycle of poverty so prevalent today? I think not. He would be hanging his head is disgust.
When did you become a "moderate"?
In my 30s. When did you become a racist?

.....that does not mean that every inbred cracker fuckstick aching to spread his cracker crap can't be challenged on its assertions...
The surprising relationship between intelligence and racism
While people who score higher on intelligence tests are less likely to hold racist stereotypes (such as imagining that people of another race are lazy or unintelligent), they're no more likely to support government policies that aim to reduce racial inequality.

I have narrow hips, a huge penis and an IQ of 240.....
How long have you been a chronic liar?
I was looking for a year......

When did you become a racist?
What evidence can you provide that I am a racist?

How long have you been a chronic liar?
I have no idea what you are doing in my pants.......but that thing in whose shade your currently resting?

It's NOT a sequoia.......
When did you become a "moderate"?
In my 30s. When did you become a racist?

.....that does not mean that every inbred cracker fuckstick aching to spread his cracker crap can't be challenged on its assertions...
The surprising relationship between intelligence and racism
While people who score higher on intelligence tests are less likely to hold racist stereotypes (such as imagining that people of another race are lazy or unintelligent), they're no more likely to support government policies that aim to reduce racial inequality.

I have narrow hips, a huge penis and an IQ of 240.....
How long have you been a chronic liar?
and, since it clearly shot way over your head, look up Mr. Rushton....
When did you become a racist?
What evidence can you provide that I am a racist?

How long have you been a chronic liar?
I have no idea what you are doing in my pants.......but that thing in whose shade your currently resting?.
The comment I quoted you saying is racist.

Interesting that you think with your pants. I was talking about your claim of a 240 IQ. Obviously that's a false statement. Your behavior indicates a much more modest IQ, about 100 or less.
One can only assume MLK would be ashamed of the current black community for everything he worked for was compromised by politicians in their vein attempt to secure a power base by isolating and restricting minorities from achieving the promise he dreamed for in America. Would MLK support the single parent family, black on black murder rate, gang violence, BLM, erosion of the family, and cycle of poverty so prevalent today? I think not. He would be hanging his head is disgust.
Agreed. Not just Dr. King, but all great Americans leaders are probably disgusted at what we've become.

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