MN voters back voter-ID amendment 76/18 HUH guess the state must be full of Tea party

Providing ID to vote is plain common sense. The overwhelming support for it is not surprising. South Carolina's just got signed into law two weeks ago as well.
Document how much of this type of fraud exsists in the US?

If this stops just one person from voting who shouldn't it's well worth it.Why would the left
have ANY sort of objection to it....:clap2:

Oh and I'm sorry there isn't a link for my comment.:eusa_whistle:

even if it stops thousands of legal voters from voting to stop that one vote?

would you kill ten thousand children to save one childs life?

If these so called thousands of "legal" voters are in fact legal why would you have a problem
with them getting a photo ID?...:eusa_eh:
If you support ID voter laws you support stripping legal American voters of the right to vote.

You support spending tax dollars on un needed laws which study after study shows will keep legal American voters from voting.

There has been NO study that shows any fraud such as claimed by the propoenents of this law claim it will fix.
If this stops just one person from voting who shouldn't it's well worth it.Why would the left
have ANY sort of objection to it....:clap2:

Oh and I'm sorry there isn't a link for my comment.:eusa_whistle:

even if it stops thousands of legal voters from voting to stop that one vote?

would you kill ten thousand children to save one childs life?

If these so called thousands of "legal" voters are in fact legal why would you have a problem
with them getting a photo ID?...:eusa_eh:

Why dont you read the links I gave you.

Im not allowed to post them all of the study yet you could easily go read the whole study and quit asking me to reproduce EVERYTHING it says.

Ill tell you why.

Because you dont care about the facts.

You just want to keep believing what ever you already believe no matter what the facts say.
People.....or maybe the left needs to rethink its stand on this issue.

Nah. Let lefties keep thinking the losing side of the argument, the thinking against judicial opinion and common sense. I'm fine with that. The people need to see who these people are.
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Gee, every Latino and Latina in my family, both Pruerto Rican and Mexican have valid photo ID's. We would be happy to assist any legal Latino or Latina to get an ID.
If you support ID voter laws you support stripping legal American voters of the right to vote.

You saying that doesn't make it true.

There has been NO study that shows any fraud such as claimed by the propoenents of this law claim it will fix.

GOP says 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado a 'wake-up call' for states -

Rep. Charles Gonzalez (D-Texas) raised doubts about the reporting, noting that the study itself said it was based on inconclusive data and that it was “impossible to provide precise numbers” on how many people who were registered to vote in the state were not citizens.

that is from your own link.

This is an allegation and NOT a proven fact.

tell us about it when and IF they convict someone.
I will rethink the Issue only if the facts change.

You people refuse to even think.

You just repete whatever your right wing media hacks tell you to repete.
People.....or maybe the left needs to rethink its stand on this issue.

Nah. Let lefties keep thinking the losing side of the argument, the thinking against judicial opinion and common sense. I'm fine with that. The people need to see who these people are.

I find it simply amazing that anyone would or could argue against the merit of this.

Of course we all know the reason why the left is fighting so vigorously against it and it has nothing at all to do with protecting the legal right of legal citizens to vote.
Document how much of this type of fraud exsists in the US?

It speaks for itself when Democrats oppose efforts to make sure those who vote actually have a right to vote in this country. We all know why Democrats oppose it and ALWAYS do in spite of laws that would allow someone to use any one of many kinds of ID. So their squeals that requiring individuals to legitimately identify themselves in order to cast a vote in this country somehow disenfranchises legitimate voters rings...HOLLOW. Very.

They aren't fooling anyone and even you know why Democrats oppose it. No one believes any attempt to pretend they oppose it for any other reason but the real one.

I believe the strength of Democrat opposition is undoubtedly correlated to the expanse of the voter fraud taking place as the result of this gaping hole in the law. Not only does only ONE political party believe THEY are the beneficiaries of that voter fraud -but the real stomach turner is that it is crystal clear there is only one party that WANTS to be as well.
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Gee, every Latino and Latina in my family, both Pruerto Rican and Mexican have valid photo ID's. We would be happy to assist any legal Latino or Latina to get an ID.

Of course this completely leaves aside the fact that as "legal" immigrants should already have a valid ID as part of the process of becoming a legal immigrant.
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I support voter ID. I support a right thumb live scan at the time of the vote and an inked print anytime someone uses a credit care, writes a check or travels by commerical airlines.
I support voter ID. I support a right thumb live scan at the time of the vote and an inked print anytime someone uses a credit care, writes a check or travels by commerical airlines.

I have never been fingerprinted and never will be without brute force.
People.....or maybe the left needs to rethink its stand on this issue.

How can anyone be against voter ID? you have to have ID when you drive a car you have to have ID when you have purchase alcohol or get your drivers license so why not when you vote?

MN voters back voter-ID amendment 76/18
posted at 8:43 am on May 27, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

Mark Dayton vetoed a new voter-ID bill in Minnesota because he said it lacked “broad bipartisan legislative support.” Perhaps he should have considered what the people of Minnesota thought rather than his coterie of DFL party hacks in St. Paul. A new poll conducted by Survey USA puts Dayton squarely in the 18% fringe of Minnesota politics:

Governor Mark Dayton vetoed the voter ID bill saying it lacked “broad legislative bipartisan” support. …

According to our exclusive new SurveyUSA poll, 76% of Minnesotans say they’d vote in favor of voter ID. Only 18% oppose the idea.

Well, a 76% support level is hardly bipartisan, is it? Why, it’s only the crazed Tea Party wingnuts that really support voter ID requirements, right? Not exactly. Let’s take a look at the internals, shall we?

Age demographics – The lowest level of support in age groups comes from seniors, who back voter ID 69/23. The best support comes, surprisingly, from the youngest voters (18-34YOs) at 82/12.
Party affiliation – Yes, 92% of Republicans support voter ID. So do 76% of independents … and 59% of those wingnutty Democrats in Minnesota, too. Among Tea Party “members,” voter ID enjoys 93% support. And for those who don’t identify with the Tea Party, support plummets all the way to … 74%. Along ideological lines, liberals were least likely to support it — at 67%, the second-lowest level of support among all demographics.
Education – Surely, support must be coming from the mouthbreathers, right? High-school graduates give a 79% level of support, almost the same as the 78% among those with some college education. Those with degrees are a little more discerning … at 75%.
Income level – It won’t be much of a surprise to know that those making six figures support voter ID 73/25. It will be a surprise to Dayton to find that those making less than $50K per year support it even more, 78/14.
Region – Like all of the other demographics, there isn’t much difference between the Twin Cities demo (76/19) and the rural area of western Minnesota (81/15). In each region, support is at 75% or higher.

Dayton may think that voter ID doesn’t have broad bipartisan support, but that’s because Dayton doesn’t get out of the mansion much. All he knows is what he hears from the entrenched DFL party machine, which fears voter ID as an end to their opportunities to manipulate elections. After years of Election Day shenanigans, even two-thirds of self-described liberals have had enough.

And if that’s true in Minnesota, just imagine how voters feel in areas outside of the “progressive” Midwest.

Addendum: Survey USA’s big takeaway from the poll is that Tim Pawlenty trails Barack Obama by five points in a hypothetical head-to-head match. Pawlenty just started running, so that’s hardly unexpected. It will only be a big problem for Pawlenty if he doesn’t eventually close that gap. It’s worth remembering, though, that Obama won Minnesota by twice that gap in 2008 over John McCain, who was supposed to be pretty popular in this state.

Because liberals need the fraudulent vote of illegals and those who register their pets to vote democrat.

In an honest election the democrats would never win..

Voter fraud is a staple of the democratic party..

We have a problem here in Illinois (especially Chicago) with dead people voting democrat...

We have another problem with precinct captains allowing dishonest people vote several times under registered pseudonyms... Again - liberal.

At least in my district they ask to see an ID before you vote.

I hate to get carded but thats one time I enjoy being carded.

You should have to present an ID to vote...
Fraud Map :: Rotten Acorn ::

Prosecutor says voter fraud cases languished - JSOnline

'They Tried to Steal an Election,' N.Y. Voter Fraud Case Heats Up -
The SOS on March 15 told the House Voters & Elections Committee that in cross-checking voter registrations with a state Motor Vehicle Division database, her office had found 117 foreign nationals who had registered to vote. She said that all had listed Social Security numbers on their voter registrations that didn't match up with their names. Duran told the committee that at least 37 of those actually voted in state elections.
State police unit investigates voter fraud cases - The Santa Fe New Mexican

Voter Fraud? Nope, not in TDM's world. Only in the real world.

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