MOB JUSTICE: Judge, jurors threatened in Rittenhouse, Daunte Wright trials


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Typical methodology of Marxists and Maoists.

Where's Merrick Garland? Where's the DOJ and the FBI?

In recent days, BLM and antifa activists have issued threats to the Judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial as well as the jurors. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of homicide as well as unlawful possession of a firearm in the wake of Black Lives matter riots in Kenosha. Since the beginning of the trial, activists have attempted to doxx jurors as well as the judge.


George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, has issued veiled threats to the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, with the support of Unicorn Riot, an antifa affiliated organization. “I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.


Roger Stone did the intimidation game also yet he walks free.


“I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.

“I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.
She be all up in dat muhfucka!

“I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.
Sounds sooo intimidating.
Typical methodology of Marxists and Maoists.

Where's Merrick Garland? Where's the DOJ and the FBI?

In recent days, BLM and antifa activists have issued threats to the Judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial as well as the jurors. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of homicide as well as unlawful possession of a firearm in the wake of Black Lives matter riots in Kenosha. Since the beginning of the trial, activists have attempted to doxx jurors as well as the judge.
George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, has issued veiled threats to the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, with the support of Unicorn Riot, an antifa affiliated organization. “I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.

Both DOJ Atty Gen. Garland and FBI Dir, Wray will do nothing in response to these threats. They've been warned off by Bai Dung. However, both Antifa and BLM terrorists will continue to make their threats while patriots mistreated, tortured and rot in the infested jails in D.C.
Threatening a judge is a Federal Offense, but Federal authorities will do nothing in this case.
Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.

That is. . . . ah. . . step three into closing down an open society.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

10 steps.jpg
Typical methodology of Marxists and Maoists.

Where's Merrick Garland? Where's the DOJ and the FBI?

In recent days, BLM and antifa activists have issued threats to the Judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial as well as the jurors. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of homicide as well as unlawful possession of a firearm in the wake of Black Lives matter riots in Kenosha. Since the beginning of the trial, activists have attempted to doxx jurors as well as the judge.


George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, has issued veiled threats to the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, with the support of Unicorn Riot, an antifa affiliated organization. “I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.




Why would any idiot believe a far rightwingnut conspiracy fake news site like that which doesn't even name the authors of the article? A website run by 2 brain-dead conservative moms who are fed up with Liberals.

This is exactly the reason the right in America has become sooo dumbed down -- because you fall for these bullshit stories over and over and over.

Case in point... I've been watching the trial... no juror has appeared on camera. Not even juror number seven who was dismissed for telling a Jacob Blake joke.
Garland and Wray are too busy trying to make the case that parents who protest school board meetings are dangerous terrorists. They have no time to investigate actual jury intimidation and tampering, especially when it would go against the way they want the case to turn out. This is not justice.


Why would any idiot believe a far rightwingnut conspiracy fake news site like that which doesn't even name the authors of the article? A website run by 2 brain-dead conservative moms who are fed up with Liberals.

This is exactly the reason the right in America has become sooo dumbed down -- because you fall for these bullshit stories over and over and over.

Case in point... I've been watching the trial... no juror has appeared on camera. Not even juror number seven who was dismissed for telling a Jacob Blake joke.
Questions of how dirty Bill and Hillary Clinton are have been following them all their political lives. And all of it hushed and smoothed over by a compliant press. Progs do no wrong and are angelic. That is what is spouted day after day and endless broadcasts of promoting their agendas. SNL was in pure propaganda mode just the last weekend as one small iota of an example.
Typical methodology of Marxists and Maoists.

Where's Merrick Garland? Where's the DOJ and the FBI?

In recent days, BLM and antifa activists have issued threats to the Judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial as well as the jurors. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of homicide as well as unlawful possession of a firearm in the wake of Black Lives matter riots in Kenosha. Since the beginning of the trial, activists have attempted to doxx jurors as well as the judge.


George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, has issued veiled threats to the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, with the support of Unicorn Riot, an antifa affiliated organization. “I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.


100% Fed Up is a conservative news site dedicated to the memory of Andrew Breitbart, a fearless warrior in the battle to expose the truth behind the lies of the mainstream media.

We are Leisa Audette and Patty McMurray, two conservative moms and best friends, who will do everything in our power to expose the lies and propaganda of the left and their allies in the mainstream media.

Our lives took an unexpected turn on the day that conservative activist Andrew Breitbart died. Together, we came to the realization that we could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch the country we loved being destroyed by an apathetic citizenry. Our children don’t deserve to grow up in a world where they will be slaves to the debt we have recklessly saddled them with. Our goal is to expose the lies and hypocrisy of the progressives in academia, the entertainment industry, and MSM through the use of social media.

Here is a sampling of our hero Andrew Breitbart, a fearless warrior who worked tirelessly to expose the lies of the left:
..they did the same thing in the Stockley -Smith case--threatened violence if they did not get the verdict they wanted!!!!!!! = violence= that's their go to = why their culture is a failure
Its illegal to threaten judges let alone juries,

please supply us the names, IF YOU CAN?

WATCH: George Floyd’s Nephew Makes Video Threatening Jurors if They Do Not Convict Kyle Rittenhouse​

gateway pundit, that rag!!

Don't you think the judge would indict someone who threatened him.
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