Mobile Alabama Removes Statue of Confederate Without Notice

I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.
Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

Clever how you Communist Chinese agents throw in "slave owners."

Because we KNOW that you WILL be coming after George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, et al.

Your goal is to erase America's past, to destroy our culture, to end America.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.
It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

Fawn, you're not American, and you are a Communist. Between those two facts you lack the ability to grasp what history means in America. Robert E. Lee isn't the two dimensional caricature you Communist Chinese would have us believe.

One of the first things you did when you invaded Tibet was to destroy the statues and cultural icons. You Communist try to control the future by destroying the past.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.
It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

Fawn, you're not American, and you are a Communist. Between those two facts you lack the ability to grasp what history means in America. Robert E. Lee isn't the two dimensional caricature you Communist Chinese would have us believe.

One of the first things you did when you invaded Tibet was to destroy the statues and cultural icons. You Communist try to control the future by destroying the past.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?
Yet you fricken clowns want to hang on to this one...go figure.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

As an American, I have every right to think that. Not even a piece of shit like you can change that.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

As an American, I have every right to think that. Not even a piece of shit like you can change that.

You can think all you want, but it doesn't mean your useless opinions have any validity or impact.

You are a fucking puffed up self absorbed hack, and should please FOAD.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

As an American, I have every right to think that. Not even a piece of shit like you can change that.

You can think all you want, but it doesn't mean your useless opinions have any validity or impact.

You are a fucking puffed up self absorbed hack, and should please FOAD.


Seems they do because one by one, those statues are coming down.

I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

As an American, I have every right to think that. Not even a piece of shit like you can change that.

You can think all you want, but it doesn't mean your useless opinions have any validity or impact.

You are a fucking puffed up self absorbed hack, and should please FOAD.


Seems they do because one by one, those statues are coming down.


Figures a useless weasel like you is in favor of lawlessness and government officials working under the cover of night.

A pox on your house.
I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

As an American, I have every right to think that. Not even a piece of shit like you can change that.

You can think all you want, but it doesn't mean your useless opinions have any validity or impact.

You are a fucking puffed up self absorbed hack, and should please FOAD.


Seems they do because one by one, those statues are coming down.


Figures a useless weasel like you is in favor of lawlessness and government officials working under the cover of night.

A pox on your house.


I applaud the mayor of Mobile for removing this statue.

He is right, removing it doesn't change history.

Personally I don't see how anyone can think people who waged war against the United States of America causing the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans are good people.

I don't think that any statues of those people should be erected anywhere in our nation.

Of course things like this are done in the dark, and applauded by gutless hacks such as yourself.

Yeah, much better to do it during the day so you can piss off a bunch of inbred, toothless mouth breathers.

Better yet, let the people do it...

A bunch of immature assholes, nothing more.

i agree. The people that want to keep these statues in place are immature assholes. Well said.

Yeah, go with that you dried up old twat.

I will, thank you...not that I needed your permission to agree with you that people who want to keep these monuments to slave owners in place are immature assholes.

The "i know you are but what am I" tactic, the primordial ooze of debate tactics.

Says the guy with nothing but lame ad hominems :lol:

Why do you have a problem with removing statues of traitors and slave owners?

Because it won't stop there. Because it focuses on only one part of a person's impact on history, and the placement of many of the statues was part of the compact between North and South as part of the healing process to be able to honor those who fought for their side.

What is "it" that won't stop? First off, as pointed out, there was no compact. Secondly, this particular statue was put up in the 1900s, decades after reconstruction.

You do realize that's around the time these guys started dying of old (or old for that time) age?

and about things not stopping....

Richmond protesters topple Columbus statue, throw it in lake

A statue of Christopher Columbus in Richmond was torn down by protesters, set on fire and then thrown into a lake.The figure was toppled less than two hours after protesters gathered in the city’s Byrd Park were chanting for the statue to be taken down, news outlets reported.After the figure was removed from its pedestal around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday by protesters using several ropes, a sign that reads, “Columbus represents genocide” was placed on the spray-painted foundation that once held the statue. It was then set on fire and rolled into a lake in the park, NBC 12 reported.

Nope, guess again. The Lee statue was put up decades after his death.

Columbus was a horrible man too, but I think, in that case, the protesters just got caught up in the heat of the moment.

We made the WWII memorial decades after the war ended, and most of the leaders were in the ground.

Your point?

Che was a horrible man, should we ban his T-shirt?

Look at you getting all hyperbolic. Adorable. Nobody is banning T shirts. You can buy all the racist confederate shit you want to.

And I do believe, speaking of WWII, that you won't find a lot of statues of Hitler in public squares now will you? We don't want to erase the history, we just don't want to see monuments honoring the worst of it.

It will be next. And nice dodge on the Che thing, you miserable dried up old twat.

Can't compare a civil war where the goal was to bring the losers back into the country to a foreign war, stop doing it.

Stating a fact isn't a "dodge". T shirts aren't banned so your analogy was a fail.

The Virginia Lee statue wasn't put up during reconstruction. Most of these monuments to traitors and slave owners were put up between 1890 and 1950...matching up exactly with the Jim Crow era of segregation.

Long past time for them to be taken down.

The national WWII memorial was put up in 2004.

Your assumption that the timing was about Jim Crow, is just that, an assumption.

THat is not a reason to insult the people of the South like this.

It doesn't actually matter when they were put up .... they're still traitors who fought against the United States.

There are no statues of Hitler in France or England.

You can't compare a foreign war with a civil war, particularly a civil war where at the end the idea was to bring back the losing side into the winning side.

A better comparison would be Oliver Cromwell in England, and Maximilien Robespierre in France.

Of course you can when it comes to honoring traitors in foreign nations fighting against you. Those traitors were fighting for a foreign nation they formed. Only anti U.S. traitors would honor them.

They were never recognized as a foreign nation, but a belligerent part of the country in open rebellion. If they were all to be considered traitors after they lost, they should have all been executed, every single one of them.

They were not. All were forgiven at least partially, most were forgiven entirely.

Most were given their citizenship back, which was the goal of the North all along, to bring them back into the Union.

Not exactly true. They considered themselves a new nation. Fighting against the U.S.. They were traitors.

And they lost, and they were taken back into the country, and they were either totally or partially forgiven. You keep leaving that part out.

Was any of them executed for Treason?

Forgiven, not forgotten. They were traitors.

Who the fuck are you to judge? The people back then who won decided to forgive and bring them back into the country as countrymen. It takes a truly brave man to have your position long after the people who made these choices are long dead.

The people fighting them could have executed the leadership, they didn't. They decided to try to heal the division and move on, and they decided to let the losers mourn the loss the way they saw fit.

It is an incredible act of hubris on your part to think you have any right or moral standing to try to reverse the choices of those who actually won the conflict.

I'm an American, That's who. Those fucking traitors fought against my country. And they fought so they keep people as slaves.


Again, the people they fought forgave them, that was the whole point, bring the Union back together.

And you think you have more say then they do?

What fucking nerve.

Also, a felon is someone convicted of a felony.

As an American, I have every right to think that. Not even a piece of shit like you can change that.

You can think all you want, but it doesn't mean your useless opinions have any validity or impact.

You are a fucking puffed up self absorbed hack, and should please FOAD.


Seems they do because one by one, those statues are coming down.


Figures a useless weasel like you is in favor of lawlessness and government officials working under the cover of night.

A pox on your house.



What else do you call mobs tearing down statues?

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